Bind Sub-Grid before creating the record CRM - dynamics-crm

i want to bind the sub grid of entity before creating the entity record i tried to fetchXml when on entity form load but it didn't work

Subgrids are disabled before you create the record.
This because without the Id of the main record it's not possible to associate other records (with 1:N or N:N relationships)


How to create a rollup field on a related entity?

Perhaps I'm overcomplicating how this is represented in Dynamics 365 because on paper it seems simple to me. I have the image representation of the setup below:
I want to create a rollup field on Entity C that counts all records of Entity A that have the same Shared ID as a record in Entity C. I would then like to filter that result down based on field values on Entity A. I have tried creating a 1:N relationship from Entity C to Entity A, but I'm not sure how I can specify that Shared ID is the common field between the two entities. How can I go about creating such a relationship and then filtering the data down further?

Auto Populate Lookup Field in CRM 365 when only 1 value exists in Lookup

I have an EntityA with 2 Required lookup fields on it. First lookup field is the Contact, which auto populates when I add a new EntityA from the Contact.
The Contact is also associated with one to many of Another EntityB. EntityB is the Second lookup field on the EntityA. I would like to auto populate the EntityB field when the Contact has only one EntityB associated with it.
The end result should be when I selected to add an EntityA, it auto populates the Contact and Another EntityB (when there is only 1) and I fill in the rest of the fields.
I thought this might be OOTB or easily configurable because it makes sense to do when there is only one possible value and the Lookup field is required.
Relationships won't work like that. There is no 1:1 relationship in fact.
If you see, EntityA is N:N between EntityB and Contact literally. When you are creating EntityA from either end, from EntityB or Contact, that particular parent lookup will auto populate.
But the N:1 child record from selected parent cannot be populated (what logic you want system to apply to take the TOP 1 ??)
Either you should create a EntityB lookup field in Contact to capture the TOP 1 record (EntityB-1) & OOTB mapping can be used to populate this record while creating EntityA from Contact (this mapping will pull the field value like any other field from Parent)
Think this scenario like Account - Contact, though you may have N contacts for Account, you have to pick the Primary Contact. Same way Contact can work for N Account, but you have to tell the system whats the Primary Account he's looking into.
why not use Javascript on the selection for the first lookup to get data for the second using first lookup value joind with all the values related to it using fetchXML or Odata call and it's just a matter of setting fields and saving the form.

Fetch value of a field from one entity to second entity based on the lookup field selected in second entity using Fetch XML

I am new to CRM. I have a requirement where I have an "account" entity and a "contact" entity. In contact form I have a lookup field for searching account name which is stored in account entity. When I select an organization through lookup, the contact number of that organization should be fetched and saved in another field in contact form. I need to do it with fetch XML.
Option 1: You can do a no-code solution by mapping fields between account & contact.
Option 2: If you don't want a physical copy of field value in both entity, use Quick view form of Account lookup to just display the fields in contact without storing redundant data.
Option 3: If you still want to store the value onchange of account, retrieve it & set it in contact field. This step by step guide will help you to build fetchxml & use it in JS. Your question doesn't say if you are stuck in query or any error.

Bind data to MS Dynamics CRM sub grid from external database

I am not able to set lookup fields on MSCRM sub grid from external database.
I tried with the retrieve multiple plugin as:
get the data from external database in datatable
EntityCollection entityCollection= (EntityCollection)context.OutputParameters["BusinessEntityCollection"];
Entity anyEntity= new Entity("entity");
anyEntity.Attributes["new_customerid"] = new EntityReference("contact", new Guid("B26EF3E7-BD68-E411-9447-00155D010B06"));
anyEntity.Attributes["new_address1"] ="value from datatable";
Except lookup type field I am able to bind all the fields to the sub grid from external database.
This is expected since you cannot "look up" to a record in a different database. CRM enforces foreign key constraints on lookup fields so that you can only set a lookup value to point to an entity that actually exists in that CRM system. You could however set the lookup to a value in CRM based on some value in the other database.

Add picklist custom field to Entity in Dynamics CRM

In the Dynamics CRM environment, I have created the custom entity as Countries. there is another by default entity under the Sales is: Opportunity. I create the N to N relationship between both (Opportunity and countries).
Then when I go to opportunity editing page that is opportunity entity under the edit mode.I added the new field name as Select Country (following map : Settings-> Customizations-> Opportunity -> Forms and Views -> Form-> double click->Add Field). Got the field list. I found my custom field in the list. I select it. But I found it is of type lookup. where as I want to that should be picklist.
How to get picklist field of my custom entity field?
1:N relationships will always show up in CRM as lookups. N:N relationships will show as a separate grid on the left navigation of an entity. Without custom code, you can't get your lookup to appear as a picklist.
