Auto Populate Lookup Field in CRM 365 when only 1 value exists in Lookup - dynamics-crm

I have an EntityA with 2 Required lookup fields on it. First lookup field is the Contact, which auto populates when I add a new EntityA from the Contact.
The Contact is also associated with one to many of Another EntityB. EntityB is the Second lookup field on the EntityA. I would like to auto populate the EntityB field when the Contact has only one EntityB associated with it.
The end result should be when I selected to add an EntityA, it auto populates the Contact and Another EntityB (when there is only 1) and I fill in the rest of the fields.
I thought this might be OOTB or easily configurable because it makes sense to do when there is only one possible value and the Lookup field is required.

Relationships won't work like that. There is no 1:1 relationship in fact.
If you see, EntityA is N:N between EntityB and Contact literally. When you are creating EntityA from either end, from EntityB or Contact, that particular parent lookup will auto populate.
But the N:1 child record from selected parent cannot be populated (what logic you want system to apply to take the TOP 1 ??)
Either you should create a EntityB lookup field in Contact to capture the TOP 1 record (EntityB-1) & OOTB mapping can be used to populate this record while creating EntityA from Contact (this mapping will pull the field value like any other field from Parent)
Think this scenario like Account - Contact, though you may have N contacts for Account, you have to pick the Primary Contact. Same way Contact can work for N Account, but you have to tell the system whats the Primary Account he's looking into.

why not use Javascript on the selection for the first lookup to get data for the second using first lookup value joind with all the values related to it using fetchXML or Odata call and it's just a matter of setting fields and saving the form.


Fetch value of a field from one entity to second entity based on the lookup field selected in second entity using Fetch XML

I am new to CRM. I have a requirement where I have an "account" entity and a "contact" entity. In contact form I have a lookup field for searching account name which is stored in account entity. When I select an organization through lookup, the contact number of that organization should be fetched and saved in another field in contact form. I need to do it with fetch XML.
Option 1: You can do a no-code solution by mapping fields between account & contact.
Option 2: If you don't want a physical copy of field value in both entity, use Quick view form of Account lookup to just display the fields in contact without storing redundant data.
Option 3: If you still want to store the value onchange of account, retrieve it & set it in contact field. This step by step guide will help you to build fetchxml & use it in JS. Your question doesn't say if you are stuck in query or any error.

How to auto-populate the look-up depends on the look up selected in Dynamic CRM?

I try using the workflow but it need to save the transaction before it populate, I try mapping it but doesn't work.
So I have a 3 Entities Expense,Vendor,Transaction.
In Vendor Entity I have a field of Vendor Name and a lookup field for Expense Category(Expense Entity).
In Transaction Entity I have a lookup for Vendor name and Expense Category, so when I select a vendor name in the lookup it will populate the lookup of expense category.
I already used the filter, yes it show the expense category depends on the vendor name selected, but the problem in there is I need to click the lookup field of expense tracker to show the value. I want is it will auto fill the lookup field without clicking it. Thank you
One of the way to achieve this is by using client side APIs. You may code something like that:
Upon vendor change:
Place a REST or Web API call to extract expense category ID and name
Populate the expense category lookup with category ID and name using client side XRM API
Another and much easier way is to create relationship mapping for expense category over vendor-transaction relationship. Then if user will create a transaction record using related entities area from within the vendor entity, the vendor and expense category both will get copied over the new record.
For a relationship mapping example please have a look over these links:
Save Time Entering Data into CRM by Mapping Fields between Records
TUTORIAL: Relationship Mappings
You could either setup mappings for Vendor and Expense, and create Transaction records only starting from Vendor records, or create a synchronous workflow to be run after Expense is created to copy over the field (in this second scenario, it doesn't matter how Transaction records are created, they'll always be populated, as long as you pick a Vendor).
You could also make your Expense in Transaction a Calculated field and make it always be the same as Vendor's value but it might not work for you (you aren't able to pick the value manually if you want it to be something else)

Link Lookup Table to Account Name Field

In CRM Online I need to link the Account Name field in the Account entity to a lookup table of imported and approved company names. The goal is to require users to pick from an approved list instead of letting them make up a company account name. I know there is an Account Name lookup in Contacts which uses existing Account Name records, but I need the lookup in the Account entity. Thanks for any tips.
If you are referring to a different entity as LookupTable, then create a relationship between Account ans the Lookup Table entity. After that you can use that entity as Lookup attribute in Account entity
CRM renders a Lookup control for a 1:N relationship. What you are trying achieve would fall more into a data validation scenario where users can enter account names from a pre-set list of names.
You can leverage a new event introduced in CRM 2016 - addOnKeyPress which can be easily used to build an autocomplete feature which would be more inline with what you are trying to achieve. If a user doesn't "pick" a value instead types anything in disregarding the autocomplete use attribute control's setNotification to set an error message which would invalidate the save preventing the user from saving the record.

Show Order ID in Dynamics CRM Order Look up instead of Order Name

In Dynamics CRM 2016 (on-prem), I've custom child entity Partiesthat have a look of type order. Currently it is working properly and it is showing order name but I want it to show Order ID.
I tried to resolve by creating my own view, adding order id field only and making it default view for the look up but it don't meet my requirements.
This is controlled by the lookup view for Orders. The first three fields in the lookup view are shown when selecting records from the lookup field.
You cannot change the position of (or remove) the Name field from the lookup view. That still leaves you with two additional fields to be shown, one of which could be the Order ID.
I know no supported ways around this (except creating a workflow to copy the Order ID to the Name field and adding a custom name field instead, if you really insist).
Changing what appears on the form after you make a selection in a lookup field is not possible, unfortunately. The primary attribute is always what gets displayed after a user specifies a lookup value (which, for the Order entity, is the Name attribute). As Henrik's answer mentions, people commonly get around this by copying the value they want to see into the primary attribute using a workflow or a plugin.

CRM 2011 lookup attribute mapping

Is it possible to set null/blank lookup values on relationships in CRM 2011 when they open from the parental/referrential entity?
Example, if you create a new 1:N relationship between the entities opportunity and account holding an agency value. When creating a new opportunity from an account, this account is prefilled in both the potential customer lookup field and the agency lookup field.
This can easily be remedied with a javscript, clearing the field onload, but can this be done earlier, in the attribute mapping, or is it always a post-fix to correct the default action?
I had the same issue in Crm 4. So I suppose it still exists in 2011.
You cannot remove the relationship mapping of the primary attribute, though I've never understood why this automatically maps to fields of different relationships.
In this case you are just best off using JavaScript to perform the following logic:
If the form is in create mode and both fields contain the same value then clear the duplicated field.
This logic should ensure that it only clears the fields in this circumstance.
This is not possible without Javascript.
MS CRM doesn't give you an option to counter the autofill of the mapped field. It will always be automatically filled in by the system.
