How to create a rollup field on a related entity? - dynamics-crm

Perhaps I'm overcomplicating how this is represented in Dynamics 365 because on paper it seems simple to me. I have the image representation of the setup below:
I want to create a rollup field on Entity C that counts all records of Entity A that have the same Shared ID as a record in Entity C. I would then like to filter that result down based on field values on Entity A. I have tried creating a 1:N relationship from Entity C to Entity A, but I'm not sure how I can specify that Shared ID is the common field between the two entities. How can I go about creating such a relationship and then filtering the data down further?


CRM 2016 - How to create a parent-child relationship with multiple parent types?

I have an entity - EntityZ, which has a ParentId where ParentId could be EntityA.Id, EntityB.Id or EntityC.Id. Is it possible to create this in MS Dynamics CRM 2016? If yes, how? I've looked but couldn't find a similar question or any help on the web.
An entity can be the child party in only one full parental relationship. When you are looking for a way to cascade record ownership, deletion a.o. between mutiple parent - child entities you can create configurable cascading relationships.
As Arun Vinoth pointed out you can design your entity as an activity type. However, this may conflict with the semantics of activity records in CRM. Also, doing this would make it possible to associate the child entity to any entity that is enabled for activities.
There’s a trade off to achieve this. Custom entity as Custom Activity
Creating custom entity EntityZ as custom activity and EntityA, B, C can act as parent.
EntityA or B or C can be chosen as RegardingObjectId of EntityZ.
This has security limitation like EntityZ will be visible to everyone as this will be listed like other activities (Email, Phonecall, Task, etc)
I think it is worth nothing that Dynamics 365 does contain and out-of-box "polymorphic" customer field.
This field can link to either an Account or Contact:
And while it can be kludgy, another option would be to create 3 lookups and only populate one. Once one is populated you could hide the other two. Or, you could have a "Parent Type" option set to determine which lookup to show.
It would be a bit messy to show three lookups in a view, with only one populated, so you might also want a Parent Name text field in to which you could concatenate the type and name. You could use a workflow to populate it, and then use it in views and reports.

Doctrine : how to handle family lists

I have searched on the net but was not able to get an answer for my case. I am migrating a project on doctrine.
What is the correct way to link an entity to another entity that contains all the "families" of a project.
The families can be for instance :
"project_status" : status1, status2, status3
"countries" : en, us, cn ...
"tags" : tag1, tag2, ...
So all these values are stored in the same table in database and my entity handle this.
So now i have an entity that can have for example several countries or tags.
In the database i have one text field for the countries and one text field for the tags. And i store the ids of each tag or family inside these fields.
So let's say that I have one entity called "family" and one entity called "myEntity".
What is the best way to do ?
Ok maybe I have found one way in fact.
Instead of using my usual text field in my entity table to store the ids of the families I will use a join table.
So let's say that I have one table with my different lists in my project (country, file_status, and other possible lists). I will then have one entity for this table "familyEntity".
I will create a table that will be used for the cases in which one entityA can have several values of the same family (country for instance). In that case, I wil have a many to many association between familyEntity and entityA for that family.
If I have another entityB that uses the family "status" with several values possible, I will also have a many to many association using the same table for the association.
In the other cases in which only one value is possible for one family I will have many to one association.
Don't know if it is the right way but it occured to me that way. This solution seems ok for primary keys that are not compound).

Entity Framework 2 different tables retrieve data as single entity

We have 2 exactly same tables in our database. One is an archive of the other.
How can I retrieve the data from the archive table without changing the entity type using Entity Framework and Linq?
When you map your tables to EF entities you can automatically create classes for the entities. Why do you want to avoid creating separate classes for different tables? If you want a common contract for the two so that you can pass them to other functions that perform the same operations on both, I would add an interface to the generated entities instead. That way you can use the auto generated entities but still be able to treat them as "one"
You can always do a .Select(x=>new SomeTypeOfObject{Prop1 = x.Prop1, Prop2 = x.Prop2})

Entity Framework, odata syntax

As indicated in the Entity Framework image below, I have 3 tables, tblModel, tblModelFetish and tblFetish. A record in tblModel can have multiple records in the tblModelFetish table linked by the modelid column. The tblModelFetish table links to the tblFetish table via the fetishID column to get the fetish description stored in the fetish column. This Entity Model was generated with VS 2010 from an existing database including foreign keys.
a Entity Data Model
Using the odata syntax, I'm able to access all models (http://localhost:51157/WcfDataService.svc/tblModels) or a specific model (http://localhost:51157/WcfDataService.svc/tblModels(11)) successfully. I'm having trouble accessing the related tables data via odata, I've tried many permutations including expand etc.
What I want is a result set of all the columns in the tblModel and the related tblFetish records including the fetish column from the tblFetish table. In other words, Mary (a modelname in tableModel) has 3 fetishes (3 records in tblModelFetish) named beach, travel and coffee (stored in tblFetish, fetish column).
What is the odata syntax to acquire this?
thanks for reading! Bob
Try either:
http://localhost:51157/WcfDataService.svc/tblModels?$filter=id eq 11&$expand=tblModelFetishes/tblFetish
Just to make it clear you will not get one huge result set with all columns but the entity graph consisted of your entities.

Very simple dillema that has been killing me scaffolding in mvc 3

Summary of the question: How do i scaffold two or more tables with linq to entities.
I cant find an example; they always scaffold only one table.
If I have two tables and I use LINQ to entities with a t4 template for dbcontext capability like such:
Name LastName PositionId
Jose j 1
PositionPrimaryKey PositionId PositionDescription
1 1 MainProgrammer
If I had these table mapped with linq to entities how would I scaffold them?
Then i put Table1 as my Model class.
I have my employeesentities as dbcontext
But that only creates the values for table 1 and not 2.
If I create a new model that contains both entities, it says is not part of Employeeentities and the class could not be modfied to add my new entity.
So, you have a 1:1 relationship between these tables? If yes, I suggest you creating an entity by hand, set its defining query to the necessary join, and map Insert/Update/Delete to stored procedures in the Mapping Details screen. It involves some (quite simple) sql, but it is the cleanest way for your code above.
If it's not a 1:1 relationship, you need to modify the t4 template to conditionally create the fields of the linked property (it has to navigate the property, and based on some condition, like you say "if property is called Table2", create the extra fields). If you have already done so and it doesn't work, maybe there's something going on with the selection of properties used by MVC scaffolding. It might use reflection and choose only primitive types.
