Display products of some sub-categories when browsing magento catalog - magento

I have several layers of categories such as:
Laundry Accessories
And I would like users to browse Laundry and see all Washers and Dryers, but not any accessories. But still allow users to browse through the accessories category by itself, and to use the Layered Navigation while doing so.
Does anyone know a way I could accomplish this?

If you set the Washers and Dryers categories to be anchors their products will show up in the parent category. This is on the second tab when editing the category.
However, I have found in the 1.4 family (haven't tested 1.5) that changing from not anchored to anchored wouldn't have any affect. This is probably related to a cache I wasn't clearing but the simple solution for me was to delete 'Washers' and create it again, this time making sure Anchor was "yes"


Translate Magento Shop Categories

I want to translate categories in magento but I didn't found any way but only to add products multiple times and set different store view but that is really very time consuming if I have lots of categories and lots of site views.
Any short way to translate categories?
Yeah, that one is one of these things that can be done without extensions but are not intuitive. I had to check a video from youtube to get to the solution, which is:
Go to Catalog->Manage categories.
Select the category you want to translate. I am assuming that this category applies to the whole store, all store views included.
Then at the top left box select the store view that you want to display the category in a different language, i.e. "English".
Now the general information tab of the category shows checkboxes with the option "Use default value". Uncheck the checkbox for the field "Name" and change the name for the translated text.
Save category.
In case you find difficult to follow my instructions check this video:

Adding multiple items to special page

I have a quick how to question with Magento.
On my main site I need to have 7 links to special "categories" of items, but these don;t reflect categories of items. It is for a clothes shop so link may be to a summer wear page to only display items tagged as summer wear but from all types of item and categories.
What would the best way to go about creating this functionality?
I am assuming that when you say 'taged' you mean the product has a attribute set to 'summer'. In that case:
If you have products that you want to group together by attribute and list similar to a category page without being in a category, you could try using the Fishpig Splash Page extension:
This extensions allows product attributes to group products instead of categories.
I hope I understood your question correctly.
You can create categories for each of the 7 pages you mention, but hide them from the navigation in the category settings page.
you can then add your products to these categories as you see fit.
They will still be in their original categories too, but you can now link to the new pages and see them there too.
It seems like to me, you would just create the categories like normal. Because products can belong to many categories, you would just assign on a per-product basis which ones need to be in your categories.

Brands in sub categories in Magento

I'm trying to solve a problem with the top navigation in Magento.
The top navigation I have, currently shows a top level category and it's sub categories. What I want to do is add another level underneath each sub category containing brands in that sub category as shown here (http://cl.ly/image/3A3D1i1D3j3x)
I want the brand items to be retrieved from the "brands" attribute of products in the parent sub category (Jackets etc.) rather than creating a bunch of brand sub categories in each product type sub category as that is a nightmare for administrating the system.
If anyone knows of a good extension free or paid that does this, I'm willing to go down that route too.
Thanks for the help.
I'm working on something similar right now. It's not an exact fit as it wouldn't integrate with your menu but I would recommend using Amasty's Improved Layered Navigation for this.
It allows you to add a horizontal layered navigation block and set it up so that you can filter by brand based on an attribute. You could use the default manufacturer attribute but I've found it less problematic to add a new one called Brands. The module allows you to assign images to attribute values, so you can have all the logos for your brands listed and the user can filter the products by clicking on the logo.
You can also then use the same brand images in the product list page and the product view page.
This is very easy for your client to manage, they just assign the product it's brand attribute when they create it.
Here's a screenshot of the site I'm working on so far (still not finished so some rough edges) so you can see what I mean. Just a few test products in there and I have used the vertical block rather than the horizontal one but you get the idea. The user just clicks on a logo to filter the list.
And apart from that there's lots of other handy aspects to the module, including sliders for filtering other attributes (weight, price and anything numeric).

Virtuemart Joomla menu highlights wrong item

I have a Virtuemart 1.1.7a install on Joomla 1.5. We're using a Joomla menu as the shop side menu. Not every category is listed in this menu (only the 'parent' categories, no subcategories). When users navigate to a sub category (i.e one not in the list) it highlights the wrong category from the side menu. You can see this on:
and selecting 'Local Authors'. Then menu item 'Postcards' is highlighted on the left.
It would be preferable to either a) highlight no category or b) highlight 'Books' (which is the parent category of 'Local Authors').
I've had a look on the VM forums and web at large for issues with Joomla menus in VM, but the vast majority of results relate to an earlier problem regarding Itemids loading the wrong products ,but this is not the case here. Simply fixing the highlight would suffice!
Yes, virtuemart has issues with this. Unless you want to dive into the Virtuemart code (which can take you a long time to find the code dealing with the Itemid), I would recomment to add extra menu-items under the category that is it's parent. If you don't want these to be visible, you can go to the menu module and set the depth of the menu. The right parent would now be highlighted, because it has a child in it's roots.
Here is something that might help: http://forum.virtuemart.net/index.php?topic=70482.0
I didn't see "Local Authors", but I saw the problem with Gifts (when I click on Gift, and then on Mugs, for example, I have postcards highlighted). I believe the problem is either in your template or in your data itself.
Try to remake all the menu buttons as in delete and create new ones.
Turns out using Joomla menus for VM categories just doesn't really work that well. Replaced Joomla menu with VM menu (i.e. mod_virtuemart), and styled to suit.

Magento - Link attributes with sub-categories or include attribute value in navigation

I'm creating a video game ecommerce store and I need to have the navigation structured so that the navigation bar contains all the major consoles. When someone hovers over one of the console navigation links, a drop down menu appears with each genre option. For example, once you hover over Xbox 360, a drop down menu with Action, Adventure, etc. will show up.
My first thought is to create sub-categories in each major category that represent each genre. There would also be a custom attribute field for genre. I would then have to manually export the product database and fill it in for each product.
Is there an easier way to do this that I don't know about? Is it possible to have attributes as the drop-down menu links in the navigation bar?
One thing I've noticed in the Manage Attributes section is the option to Use in Layered Navigation. As far as I can tell, this links the attribute in the sidebar and not the main navigation bar.
For reference, my website is at http://allyourga.me
There is no default functionality to do what you are describing. The default Magento way to accomplish this is via subcategories. You are correct about Layered Navigation, that is a sidebar feature inside the catalog.
You could do some custom coding around showing the attributes in the dropdown menu, but the dropdown links lead to categories anyway, so you'd need to create those regardless. Another approach would be a cronjob that created the necessary categories for the products and placed them into those categories on command. You'll need to add a "console" attribute to make this work as well.
Hope that helps!
