Why are my related products not displaying on my product page? - magento

I have gone to admin -> manage product -> product information page -> related products
Then I added a product that is related, and saved.
I went to that product and refreshed the page, but nothing changed. Why not?

Also, be sure to check that the product you're trying to see in 'Related Products' is not already in your cart. Magento has a default filter applied that removes items in the cart from the related products collection.

Login to Admin
Go to System -> Index Management
Select All checkboxes
Select 'Reindex Data' from Actions selection list
Click Submit button
Reference: Magento Up-sells Cross-sells and Related products are not showing up

Related Products appear in product info page, in the right column.
Cross Sell items appear in the shopping cart.
Upsells for this product are items that your customers would ideally buy instead of the product they’re viewing.These appear on the product info page underneath the product description.
As a result, I understand that you would show products bottom of the product info page, you should choose upsells instead of related products.
If you want related products ( which I can misunderstanding you ) do following things :
Check related product status is enabled.
Check visibility status set "Catalog" or "Catalog Search"
If everything is fine, check the inventory of related products.Stock should be greater than 0.
Last thing, related products must be include a category. Click "categories" link to check and see if the product added in a category.

Click on the "Reset Filter" button on top of the related product listing. It will list all products in table. Or you can clear cache + reindex data.

I had the same issue. After some time ago, I found that the products are not made to be visible in the visibility section, and that the products are not set to be in any website.
Hope this is the answer, and should be, because if you set up everything right there is nothing that can make problems.

Make sure the product and related product are under the same website. This isn't apparent when adding the relating products.

One possible pitfall you can run into is that you use a template without a right column. In that case you have to use unsetChild and insert to move the related product block.


magento configurable product have no “Add to cart” button

I have created a configurable product and also added two products in it with proper size and color option but in the frontend in product details page, there is no add to cart button or select size/color option.I also added quantity and selected in stock option for both of the products.Here is my screenshot.
Please help.
Also set In Stock for configurable product also and do reindexing.
Configurable product needs to be set to in stock, Enabled, and have Associated Products
Simple Products need to have QTY, in stock, Enabled, and associated with a Parent (can only do that on the parent).
After those are set, you will need to clear cache and reindex.

Magento category page displays no products

When I view a category page (ie. url.com/category.html) the page shows the category title, description but no products. Doesn't seem to be loading them since I get this message "There are no products matching the selection."
The products are enabled, visible in catalog & search, have quantity and are in stock and product categories are listed under a root category called "Default Category". I have a featured products listed on the home page by category ID which display fine and individual product detail pages display as they should as well.
I have tried refreshing cache/indexes and searching Google all to no avail. I thought it may be an issue caused by a customization I made to the theme but switching to the default theme made no change so it would seem I must be missing something in the product or category configurations.
Possibly related? – searching always returns no results even if by product name
I am using magento ver 1.5.1
Please check following settings are done for your product
The products must be Visible in Catalog.
The products must be Enabled.
Product must have a stock Quantity.
The product must be set to In Stock.
If the product is set not to track stock, it still need to have a stock Quantity and be set to In Stock.
The product must be assigned to the target Category.
If using multi-website mode (or if you imported the products through Data Flow), the products must be assigned to the target Website.
You must refresh your “var/Cache” & rebuild all indexes from admin > system > index management
Hope this helps you.
Next time if you have same problem you can try two things:
1 - Reindex catalog and products
2 - Check user permissions
If you move your database from one server to another or you restore the database you might want to check the customer_group table. More specifically you should check the "NOT LOGGED IN" records and its ID, it should be "0" if it is not the products won't be visible for that group of users which is pretty much all users on most Magento shops.
How many attributes do you have? Too many attributes marked as "Visible on product listing page" can break the indexes. Are there records in the catalog_product_flat_* table(s)?
OK after I looked up the records and replaced my theme's list.phtml file with the default one (for about the 100th time) products started displaying. Not sure what changed but as long as they continue to display I'm happy.

Magento: Different products in the different store views under the same store?

I have multi website, multi stored Magento shop, and I have a need to make some products available in one store_view, but not available in the other, where both store_views are part of the same store and website.
All my products are configurable with simple products attached to them. Only way I could think of solving this is registering a new product attribute through which I control where each product goes. That works great for the catalog and lists of products, but I have huge problems with single product view and choosing the configurable product options.
I can't seem to find where in Magento core those option are generated, so I could override that and strict some options for each store view. Basically, I need to know where is this
generated. My last resort would be managing this through AJAX, but there is already a lot of AJAX code and calls in that page that it would be confusing.
Any help or tip would be very appreciated.
I am pretty sure that the way above is not working because the attribute enable/disable product has impact at website level and not store or store view!
So if you do like tomakun says the product will be disabled at the whole website and not just for the store view you choose first!
I have the same problem that I want to assign different products all to one website but to different stores.
So far I just found the solution above to change the visibility at store view level.
But I think this not the optimal solution. It should be possible to disable a product on store level!
This feature is already available by default in Magento.
For bulk enabling/disabling products for a particular store view, do the following:
Go to your Catalog > Products
Select a store view above the product list.
You are now viewing all products included in THIS store view.
Once you have the correct store view selected, select the products you want to Enable or Disable using the checkbox on the left.
Now, using the Actions dropdown menu on top right of the product list, choose 'Change Status', select 'Disabled' or 'Enabled' and hit the Submit button.
Doing this will Enable or Disable the selected products from the selected store view (step 2). This is good for bulk actions but you can also do the same for all products one by one:
Open your product, select the relevant store view on top left of the page. Then in the General Tab, you have status: Enabled or Disabled. Choose the option that you want to apply for the current store view and hit Save.
That's it!

Magento order products by SKU

I would like my store products to be displayed in SKU (ascending) order by default when looking at the category product listing pages. Can someone please tell me how to:
Make this the default sort option.
Add SKU as a user selectable option on the product listing pages.
Can anyone help please?
I hope this works the same for as it does for because it is really easy and you don't have to touch any code:
In the admin panel, go to Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes
Find the attribute labeled SKU
In it, under Frontend Properties, change the "Use for Sorting in Product Listing" to "Yes" and save
Go to System > Configuration and click on the Catalog section
Under Frontend, change the "Product Listing Sort by" to "SKU" and save
You can also change the default product listing for each category in Catalog > Manage Categories under the Display Settings tab of your selected category.
Having been around this issue a little, I found out that you can add SKU as an option in the Manage Attributes menu in Admin. Having done that, and then set it to be the default in System > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Product Listing Sort By.
It turns out that the company I hired to produce my website template had overridden the toolbar.php file, and there was a hardcoded list of order by options in there.
Commenting that list out (basically reverting that function back to the default template version) now shows up the SKU option in the list.
I next need to figure out how to make that be the default - something else I guess is over-riding that as it should be the default based on the settings I have in place now.
Thanks for all the help here.
See this question and answer Magento Category Product List Sort By Bestseller Options. Because sku is table column, you don't need extend setCollection() method.

Product options and Add To Cart button don't appear on some pages in Magento

I have this issue where on some products the Add To Cart button and product options do not show up on the page. I have traced the code and have determined the problem is with the isSaleable attribute.
Tracing the code it seems like it should be returning true and if I hard code true in the isSaleable function everything shows up correctly. It seems to only be doing this for configurable products. Looking at the code and it looks like to me that the Config product bases the isSaleable on whether the product is enabled or disabled.
My question is, am I missing something else here and what would the repercussions would be if I were to just make that function return true all the time? We do not really use stock tracking.
It's been a while since I've worked with Magento CE, but I think isSaleable is tied to the stock management system. I think you need to check the stock options and mark it in stock (with, of course, the product set to enabled). I would avoid hardcoding any of the functions if possible.
Edit: Did you try Inventory -> Manage Stock to "No" ? This is kind of a no-brainer, but products are set to be disabled by default, so General -> Status to "Enabled" is also required.
Products not displaying and/or displaying "out of stock" is a common Magento "gotcha".
To help myself and others troubleshoot this frustrating issue, I've compiled this checklist from this excellent SE answer:
Magento products will not show in category
and have added #7, to address a possible Magento Enterprise Edition cause of the hidden / out of stock products problem.
The products must be Visible in Catalog.
The products must be Enabled.
Product must have a stock Quantity.
The product must be set to In Stock. If the product is set not to track stock, it still has to have a stock Quantity and be set to In Stock.
The product must be assigned to the target Category.
If using multi-website mode (or if you imported the products through Data Flow), the products must be assigned to the target Website.
Check Admin > Catalog > Categories > Catalog Events - make sure there is not a "closed" Catalog Event applying to your Categor(y/ies) or Product(s)
Refresh your Cache / Indices.
