Magento share wishlist, how to get recipients emails? - magento

I am working on a plugin for magento and I have created observer for share wishlist action, but I need to know email addresses that customer wrote in a box. Do you have any idea, how to achieve that?

I found the solution for my question, if someone would have the same issue, just read the $_POST variable "emails"


Add BCC to Magento sendNewAccountEmail()

I've usually been able to find the Magento answers I need either here or at the Magento forums, but I've tried all the solutions I've found thus far, to no avail.
We have a preliminary screening form for company customers. Only when they've been approved by Sales will we create a Magento storefront account for them. I've rewritten the account creation pages and have that working fine, including sending the new customer their New Account Email. I simply can't get the system to send us a BCC for our records to confirm that registration.
The information in the following post seems outdated, at least I can't find the quoted lines of code in /app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Model/Customer.php or in a search of the app folder:
I've also tested solutions in /app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Email but no luck. Can anybody direct me towards a current solution for Magento Community 1.7 to add a BCC to a New Account email?
Thank you.
In Mage_Customer_Model_Customer::_sendEmailTemplate() check this lines:
$emailInfo = Mage::getModel('core/email_info');
$emailInfo->addTo($this->getEmail(), $this->getName());
Mage_Core_Model_Email_Info has a method addBcc, too.

Customer IP address on Magento Order Email

The customer's IP address is stored against the order record in the back end of Magento (ver but it is not available as a variable to add to the New Order Confirmation Email.
Can anyone help me change the email template so that I can get this field added to the email?
Many thanks
6 months late maybe, but is this what you're looking for?
I've not tried it in the context of an email template but I'd guess this:
{{var remote_ip}}
or failing that, try:
{{var order.getRemoteIp()}}
FWIW I found the getRemoteIp() function used in app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/order/view/info.phtml.

How to call product url in email generated by Magento

I have an email that is being generated from within magento that shows what a customer has bought. (Based on New Order Template).
Is it possible to make the item listed a link so it can be clicked and directly go to the item on my website. It sounds so simple, but can't find any info how to do this within magento.
Hope someone can help.
In design, you have an email folder. Just override email/order/items/order/default.phtml and email/order/items.phtml if you want a new column. Good luck ! :) If you want more details, ask me and I`ll help you .

How to find which admin user posted the product?

Currently Im working on a magento project and it have a plugin developed by another team. This project have merchant logins also. But the issue I am facing now is. When I add a product from merchant panel, it is not getting displayed in his product list. It is shown in admin product list. I want to track down what userid is entering corresponding to that record inserting from merchant login.
In which table I have look? After searching a lot I believe they are not storing any userid corresponding to each product. But I am not sure about that. How can I confirm that?
Please help me
Thanks in advance
There is no such functionality in magento admin, as far as I know. But you can write your own module to controller_action_predispatch or to core_abstract_model_save_after(or something like this) events. And you will be able to see who did what.
If I am right, meaning this is not implemented, then you should your own custom logging module.
Module should use Observer functionality. If you want particullarly catch the product save, then you should catch the events of product saving.
To compare product data you can see an example here.
Well to get current user you can read this example.
Moreover in case it is not enough, you may watch here, something might be interestring for you.

what is the observer name of savepayment in magento

i want the name of savepayment observer can any body please answer me i have searched on the
google but not lucky yet.. please reply.
the savepayment means the button we click before the place order i mean to say when
we choose the payment method in onepage checkout.
Afaik, there simply is no such observer event* in Magento. That's why you cannot find it.
But you can override
to get in control of saving payment methods.
*At least not in Magento CE 1.3 - 1.5. Don't know if this is also true for Magento PE/EE
perhaps controller_action_postdispatch_checkout_onepage_savePayment might help you ?
