How to call product url in email generated by Magento - magento

I have an email that is being generated from within magento that shows what a customer has bought. (Based on New Order Template).
Is it possible to make the item listed a link so it can be clicked and directly go to the item on my website. It sounds so simple, but can't find any info how to do this within magento.
Hope someone can help.

In design, you have an email folder. Just override email/order/items/order/default.phtml and email/order/items.phtml if you want a new column. Good luck ! :) If you want more details, ask me and I`ll help you .


Magento : Allow the customer to add a comment when adding a product to cart

I'm working on a Magento shop and I want to give the customers the possibility to add a comment when they put a product in cart.
The comment can contain specifications about the ordrered product. It must be visible in the checkout, in the confirmation email and in the admin sales interface.
Is there a way to do that with the standard Magento configuration? Or does a module exist?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Have a look at this extension, See the screenshots.
This may helpful for you, I have used this in a project, it works well.
But as you saying customer should add comment while adding product, you need to customize this extenion a bit.
Cheers :-)

Display product name on sendfriend page

I need to pull in the product name and display it at the top of the send to a friend page template.
So, when a user clicks on send to a friend from a product page it (the product name) is at the top of the send to a friend page, above the form itself. Not in the email template (although that is useful - I have seen answers on this elsewhere).
I am very new to Magento and have been asked to do a few modifications and tidy up a few things, but am really a front end dev and have no Magento experience. Any pointers in the right direction would be great help to me.
Also, could anyone recommend a decent Magento Developer book that a Front End Developer with good HTML, CSS & JavaScript (but not so great PHP) would find useful?
Copy the sendfriend template in app/design/frontend/base/default/template/sendfriend/send.phtml
to your theme. Then you can modify it. You shouldn't modify magento core files.
You can print the product name wih echo Mage::registry('product')->getName(); The product is added to the registry in Mage_Sendfriend_ProductController.

Is it possible to replace the 'Add to cart' with 'ask for an estimate' button in Magento?

I'm trying to build an ecommerce website based on Magento but having a regular shop behaviour, instead of showing product prices, i want visitors to ask for an estimate for a single or several products (by adding them to a cart and then asking for a global estimate).
As a store manager, I should get these estimate requests by email along with customer information (name, email, phone, company, address .. )
Is this achievable with Magento?
If not, which cms/platform would be best suitable for such a project?
Not without some customization. You could put all your products in with a price of $0 and then change your theme so all the buttons say "request a quote" and the price isn't displayed anywhere. Then the checkout page might not ask for credit card info, but I'm not certain about that. If it did you would have to remove that part of the checkout module. Once a user finished checking out you would get an email with all their information. I don't think this is the best way to go about getting what you want though.
I don't know if other ecommerce platforms have what you are looking for. I'm not very familiar with them beyond Magento. But you could certainly use something like drupal or wordpress to build a site and have a request a quote form on it. This would only be managable with a small number of products though.
there is many extension available for this type 1
link 2
Thank you guys,
This extension : link does precisely what i was looking for.

Magento create landing page with registration fields

I'm having e-commerce store built in magento. As by marketing point of view we planned to create a landing page which contains all registration fields and we'll run a separate adcampaign only for that to collect user's info.
I don't have any idea to do this.
Please give me a suggestion to make it possible.
Thanks in advance.
Not exactly what you asked for but If you need to get users to login/register on your site right away when they visit, you could use this lovely extension.

How to find which admin user posted the product?

Currently Im working on a magento project and it have a plugin developed by another team. This project have merchant logins also. But the issue I am facing now is. When I add a product from merchant panel, it is not getting displayed in his product list. It is shown in admin product list. I want to track down what userid is entering corresponding to that record inserting from merchant login.
In which table I have look? After searching a lot I believe they are not storing any userid corresponding to each product. But I am not sure about that. How can I confirm that?
Please help me
Thanks in advance
There is no such functionality in magento admin, as far as I know. But you can write your own module to controller_action_predispatch or to core_abstract_model_save_after(or something like this) events. And you will be able to see who did what.
If I am right, meaning this is not implemented, then you should your own custom logging module.
Module should use Observer functionality. If you want particullarly catch the product save, then you should catch the events of product saving.
To compare product data you can see an example here.
Well to get current user you can read this example.
Moreover in case it is not enough, you may watch here, something might be interestring for you.
