what is the observer name of savepayment in magento - magento

i want the name of savepayment observer can any body please answer me i have searched on the
google but not lucky yet.. please reply.
the savepayment means the button we click before the place order i mean to say when
we choose the payment method in onepage checkout.

Afaik, there simply is no such observer event* in Magento. That's why you cannot find it.
But you can override
to get in control of saving payment methods.
*At least not in Magento CE 1.3 - 1.5. Don't know if this is also true for Magento PE/EE

perhaps controller_action_postdispatch_checkout_onepage_savePayment might help you ?


Change position of Billing address in Magento 2

I have to changed default billing address position which is coming under the payment information i need it after shipping method select , no after click on payment method.
I have tried lot of google and magneto docs but no luck with that.
Can any one please help me ?
Please note that it might not be technically possible (or at least not very easy) to have a customer enter it's address after the payment / shipping methods. This is because Magento loads it's payment- and shipping methods according to the address the customer has chosen.
Also, manipulating the (default) checkout page in Magento 2 is a very comprehensive task on itself and requires deep knowledge on how the theming and layout of Magento 2 works.

magento skip payment method from checkout

I have magento EE 1.14.2 setup my client don't want any payment method now.
How can I skip payment method from checkout process. I just want to place order without selection payment method.
Any suggestion welcome in advanced.
You can follow below link to hide payment method.
Please let me know if you need any help from my side.

Magento removing cash/credit card base payment

Is it possible to removed CreditCard/Cash base payment
and use points base to purchase product to my magento store???
Ex: if i have 10points on my magento user account
i can buy product which is below 10price :)
im a newbie in this and don't have someone to talk to....
hehehe thanks for understanding my newbie like question hahaha
right now im trying
is it what im looking for?
thanks if someone direct me to the right path hehehehe
As far as i know magento is not created for that, if you really need to do something like that in magento , you probably need to dig up its code and change function of things nabout payment

Magento : Allow the customer to add a comment when adding a product to cart

I'm working on a Magento shop and I want to give the customers the possibility to add a comment when they put a product in cart.
The comment can contain specifications about the ordrered product. It must be visible in the checkout, in the confirmation email and in the admin sales interface.
Is there a way to do that with the standard Magento configuration? Or does a module exist?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Have a look at this extension, See the screenshots.
This may helpful for you, I have used this in a project, it works well.
But as you saying customer should add comment while adding product, you need to customize this extenion a bit.
Cheers :-)

Different checkout pages based on product category in Magento

I am new to Magento .So please forgive me if I am asking something silly.
I am working on a Magento shop where I have a requirement that when I select some product in certain category say X, then I am redirected to one page checkout where I have default shipping method and do not want any payment method. i.e. Skip shipping and payment method step in chekout.
Whereas if I click some other categories then I get redirected to onepage checkout with shipping and payment option.
So basically what I need in form of code is -
then Checkout without Shipping and payment method
Checkout with Shipping and Payment options.
As far as I have explored the magento structure , it is far too complex then other CMS. I am not able to even find files where i have to make changes in code. Anybody out there who can guide me for right approach toward the solution? Or is there any extension which fulfills such requirement?
Thanks in advance.
First, create the new payment method for the category (and shipping method if you need that too).
Then I would probably extend the controller, though you probably could also use an observer.
Extend magento core controller (Checkout/OnepageController)
Keep in mind that the customer may have products from another category in their cart, and what to do in that case.
