Open Silverlight web resource from a button in Navigation - dynamics-crm-2015

I need to a add a button to the navigation or ribbon area of the CRM 2015 on-premise. This button should open an existing Silverlight web resource. Is that possible ?
This MSDN article mentions that the URL holds a value of a URL or an HTML web resource, does that mean that Silverlight webresource is not possible ?
Specifies a URL or HTML Web Resource for a page to display in the main frame of the application when this subarea is selected.

You need to create a page to host the Silverlight control, as specified here:
To display a Silverlight web resource outside an entity form or chart,
create an HTML web resource to be the host page for the Silverlight
web resource. Then use the $webresource: directive to open the HTML
web resource.
Once it is created, make sure you reference the page web resource in your site map/ribbon.
There is a good tutorial here on how to set that up.


Render personal tabs dynamically in Ms-Teams using custom application

I have created custom application with static tabs defined in manifest file and it is working fine.
Now, our requirement is that we need to render static (personal) tabs dynamically according to provided Site URL by customer.
For ex. When application installed in teams user will get screen where he will asked for Site URL (API) in textbox and submit it. This will internally check data and give response with tab name, tab URLs and other details then I need to render this tabs dynamically in teams.
enter image description here
Please provide solution for this how I can achieve this ?
It is not possible to add static tabs dynamically. Static or personal tabs are always added through the app manifest and are common to all the users using the app. If you want to configure what tabs to show you can try using a channel tab.
As Gousia said, you can't set the contents of the tab dynamically, and you can't add/remove personal tabs programmatically, but what you could try is having your "tab" be just an iframe host, with width/height basically set to 100%, and then dymically loading the content of the iframe

MS CRM Dashboard - Single Full Screen IFRAME

I want to create a Microsoft CRM dashboard that contains only a single IFRAME.
The IFRAME should fill the area and only display the inner IFRAME scroll bar.
However, I am seeing double scroll bars. One for the dashboard tab area and one for the IFRAME.
Is there a way to create a CRM dashboard that would contain only one element that fills the available space (without overflow or scrolling)?
// if I were able to modify the following CSS to remove the overflow css value in CRM it might work
.ms-crm-FormBodyContainer { /* overflow: auto; */ }
I am using CRM 2013 On-Premise with a browser.
You can edit the SiteMap and add a subarea but instead of connecting it to a entity you can specify a URL. In this case the URL is a Web Resource or the URL you use for the iFrame. The XRMToolKit has a GUI sitemap editor. You can download it here
The picture I attached shows an example using this technique.

Appinventor app behavior

I have made an app that calls my mobile website. The mobile website has a click-to-call button, and when touching this button in my app, I get an error message saying "Webpage not available". This is not a problem if I visit my site through the browser. Anyone having an idea what to do?
are you using the webviewer component? The webviewer is no full browser...You could add a button in App Inventor and use the phone call component alternatively.
or you could use the activity starter to start a full browser to display your page, more info see here
Open the browser to a Web page
Use these activity starter properties to open a specific web page:
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW

Blue Dot Menu MVC - Use Server Control in MVC

I am using an MVC app to integrate Intuit Anywhere and an MVC app. I see there is a server control for the blue dot menu:
<!-- Blue Dot Menu -->
<div runat="server" id="blueDotDiv">
How do I integrate this server control inside of an MVC site?
There is an Azure MVC Web Role template that you can use as a reference:
The div that wraps the Blue Dot menu in the ASP.NET WebForms sample project is used to control its visibility on the server side (hidden when user is connected), but you can implement hiding the control any way you want.
When the button is clicked, it calls the server side resource you have specified in the intuit.ipp.anywhere.setup javascript function, which in turn calls the AppMenu API to retrieve the content of the menu:

Common silverlight object for all web pages

In my web project I want to have global silverlight control (music player) common for all web pages in my project. When user click in hyperlink(want change view in web app) I dont want refresh all view with silverlight control but only part of view. Some think like in I think that for all views in my project I use PartialViews and load them using ajax(its good idea? Maybe anyone have better idea?) but I have problem. If we call action not from ajax but we write adress in web browser I get only partial view without shared layout. Also after load partial view with ajax and after them click back in browser I have updated adress in browser but not updated view(view not render).
Most important for me it's to have global silverlight object for all pages in my project and during the change view don't reload silverlight control.
Any ideas how do this?

