Common silverlight object for all web pages - ajax

In my web project I want to have global silverlight control (music player) common for all web pages in my project. When user click in hyperlink(want change view in web app) I dont want refresh all view with silverlight control but only part of view. Some think like in I think that for all views in my project I use PartialViews and load them using ajax(its good idea? Maybe anyone have better idea?) but I have problem. If we call action not from ajax but we write adress in web browser I get only partial view without shared layout. Also after load partial view with ajax and after them click back in browser I have updated adress in browser but not updated view(view not render).
Most important for me it's to have global silverlight object for all pages in my project and during the change view don't reload silverlight control.
Any ideas how do this?


Create back button to previous state for SPA based with AJAX in MVC

already I begun Switch Web to SPA for use in PWA and all Partial Views call with AJAX only. but now I have a problem, I wanna set a back button like IOS for back to previous Partial View. I want to know if I have the ability to identify the history of my previous AJAX calls and link to them ?

NodeJS MVC framework with partial ajax-loaded views

I'm looking for a NodeJS MVC framework that allows rendering partial views on client side using Ajax (without whole page refreshing).
As far as I know, you can declare partial views on server with almost any Framework (Express, Sails...), but this will lead to refresh the whole page even if there's only a small portion of your page that really changes. This problem doesn't exist with a SPA Framework (this one would just load the partial html file in a container via ajax).
I believe Microsoft ASP.NET MVC was able to handle this case, by comparing the previous version of the page with the new requested page, and just returning the portion of the page that really changed. This may be time and CPU-consuming but it just works.
Is any Node MVC Framework managing a similar thing today ? Or is it mandatory to use an SPA Framework when a reactive user interface is required (without any whole page refresh) ?
Thanks in advance !
sails.js! It supports partials as you requested. You don't need to refresh the page, if you send ajax-request or handle the stuff via websockets dynamically. mvc3 formauthentication,custom role provider-Jquery auto load tabs not working..

I am creating dynamically loading tabs using jquery Ui tabs in my ASP.NET mvc3 project.
Here i have a product page. The product page contains left menus like Customer,Address,Contact,etc..
Here my process is when i click one my left menus, the tab created dynamically with Grid records.
I'm creating a custom role provider and I set a Authorize attribute specifying a role in my controller and it's working just fine, like this:
public class SuperAdminController : Controller
If one user doens't have access to this controller, And click one of my left menu means,
he's redirected to login page. Its also working fine.
The problem is after the user logged in it didn't redirect the proper page in tab content area.
If my problem not understandable means please let me know..
Thanks Advance...
If you carefully check the URL in the browser, you will see that the URL does not change when you load something by Ajax. That is the point of Ajax actually, you do not load the whole page, right?
Now as the state is not saved when you try to load the content using Ajax, your redirect URL is only the page you loaded initially. That is why you cannot go back to the tab you wanted to load.

Two forms (one in layout and one in Page) how to handle in mvc3

I am working on a mobile website in ASP.NET MVC3. I have a page where i have search bar in my header. this header is coming from my Layout page which is common to all other Views. And inside my specific page, I have page specific content(forms).
For my Customer/Add action, I return the Add View of Customer which is strongly typed to my CustomerViewModel. I will have form tag in my Add View which will be posted to HttpPost Add Action method when form gets submitted. That is fine. My question is how will i handle the search box content ? I believe only one form is allowed in the page.So if i have a SearchViewModel which is binded to my Search View(Partial), It is going to be 2 forms in my page. So i can not do that.
I can handle the search part by reading the content in java script and calling another action to get Search results.Is that the only way to do that ? I am worried about those devices where java script is disabled. What should i do ? Please advice
No. You can have more than 1 form on the page. In fact, here you should. Your Add Customer page should submit to 1 action method, but your search form should submit to a different action method.
If you are familiar with webforms, that framework only allows you to have 1 form on the page, but not because HTML requires it. Webforms requires it because it is the only way the framework can carry all of the data from various server controls across POST requests (using ViewState). Webforms has historically not been very HTML or HTTP friendly.
You just can't have forms nested within other forms in HTML, but it is completely legal (and recommended in MVC) to have more than 1 form on a page.
As for AJAX, I would not worry about devices that do not have javascript enabled. There are only like 6 or 7 people on the planet that don't have javascript on their web devices, and if someone disables javascript, they won't be able to experience 99% of the rest of the web anyhow.

MVC - How to develop a wizard like control functionality in ajax

I thought I would ask here about how to develop a wiazrd like control
in ajax for MVC before I started it.
The control will have pages that have data entry controls and
on each page submission insert data into a database.
Any ideas how to go about this?
Are you using a JavaScript library? I know dojo has a wizard in dojox namespace, and I'm pretty sure there are wizards for jquery. If not, I'd do a wizard just like I would tabs, without the tab bar, and each view contains a form and next, previous, cancel and or restart buttons, all of which would handle the ajax calls/state management and change the view.
If it's a wizard you probably actually should use separate web pages rather than having a single page that's updated through ajax calls, that way the forward and back buttons can work as nature intended in the browser for moving forward and back through the wizard.
Of course you can use fragment tricks to get forward / back working in a single page but in my experience this is tricky.
