Joomla content not displaying on other computers - joomla

I've build a Joomla website and it has been online for like 2 years now, always worked fine.
Recently I added a Google maps plugin and changed some header images.
Strange thing is, those changes are only displaying on my own laptop. The problem is not that I'm by accident viewing a local website, I'm 100% visiting the website online. I just opened the website on chrome with and it displays all changes made in the backend. When I log out and back in again to the backend trough /administrator I can see the changes.
Now when I open the website on another computer (tried like three different ones), the changes are not displaying. Even when I log in to the backend through /administrator, still online on the same network, I am not seeing the changes made on my laptop and vice versa.
Frontend sometimes can have problems with caching, but the cache is disabled so this can't be the problem. And even if so, why would the backend display other data on 2 different computers..?
Also I've already tried removing the browser cache on those other computers.
Has anyone experienced this problem? I'm guessing it might be a problem on the side of my hosting company..

It had to do with a rule in the hosts-file on my laptop which directed to an old location/ip-adress of the website which has been moved to another server.


Connection timeout issue in Visual Studio Code

I have been facing some weird connection timeout issues in Visual Studio Code.
I am writing a simple web crawler to read a website using the requests and beautifulsoup4 packages in Python. I don't have any problem opening the URL in my web browsers (opens fine in Edge and Chrome), but when I say request.get(url), then the request always times out. Also, when I try to install some additional packages using pip, it always times out. But the corresponding PyPI page opens fine on my web browser.
The funny thing is - I am facing this issue only when I work out of my company's office. I don't have this issue at all when I am working from my home. There shouldn't be a system-wide firewall or a network firewall, because if there is, then the sites shouldn't be opening on my browsers too, right?
I went to VS Code Preferences and checked the settings there. There's no proxy set up. There is nothing specifically that would block network requests from inside VS Code. Here are some screenshots showing what VS Code Settings looks like.
I looked online and couldn't find much, since every question out there is regarding timeouts in SSH connections, which isn't relevant to me here. This official site here gives a bunch of URLs that need to be allowed by the firewall for VS Code to be able to connect to the network, but I don't know where to add them.
Is there something that I am missing? Any leads on how I can debug this issue? Or is it something that I'll have to take up with my company's network administrator?

Some links refers to localhost but hosts file is fine

I am not sure what tags to add on this question. I will describe my situation as well as I can.
I open the virtual hosts at the chrome, run the phpstorm, read php code. After I searching the question of the code, then I refresh the page, and I am in trouble.
It is so sudden which is never happened before. I tried to figure out what is going on, but I got nothing.
All I know is some links refers to localhost automaticly and I have no idea about it.
The problem website is as far as I know.
I press f12, switch to Network panel and get these.
It seems not works well, so I visit directly then it shows me Access forbidden! . Ok, I visit, and it really confuses me that it shows the same result of localhost.
However I am not put the website into hosts file.
I have doubted that it might be caused by the proxy plugin. I open another brower firefox, still get the same result.
Also doubted that it might be caused by the virus, but it doesn't make sense. Actually I did use the safemgr software and still got nothing.
Tried stoping apache of xampp and get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED which means it really refers to localhost.
Before I ask this question, bootstrap website has the same problem.I was editing this question meanwhile I visited bootstrap website again and problem disappeared. I still don't know why and iView website still has the problem.
Tried restarting the computer and problem is still there.

Form not loading controls for some users

I created a split database w/ a networked distributable front-end application that users can download to their PC's for improved performance. I tested this set-up myself and w/ another user and everything works as expected: forms open fine w/ or w/out data in corresponding tables. However, I have some other users who can download the file and log in w/out issue, but when they go to open the data entry form the form controls don't display (e.g., no text/option boxes). I'm inclined to think there is a system compatibility issue of some sort that is causing this to only occur for some users, but I have no idea where to start. Any thoughts?
Using Access 2013

Website files not updating

I have a seemingly simple issue, but it's been driving me insane for the past few hours. My website does not update any made changes on any of my files, until about 30 minutes later.
I've tried both Safari and Chrome, cleared their history and caches, refreshed the page, and yet it loads the old files. In my ftp client (I'm using Filezilla) everything appears to be in order too: Directory listing gets logged as successful, and correctly shows the new file and date of modification. When I checked back about half an hour later, everything seemed to have updated everything perfectly... File permissions are ok, Firewall is ok, Connection speed is reasonable...
I have no idea what the problem is. The only thing that I can think of is that I'm currently in another country, so far away from my server, yet I've updated my sites before without any problems. Does anyone know of this issue?
Thanks in advance!

SSL Slow in IE 8.0.7600.16385IC

I'm having a performance problem on my company's web site using a specific version of IE 8 to load a page using https. Here's what I know.
Virtual machine running on VMWare ESX
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP 2
Tomcat 6.0.16
Windows XP and Window 7
Internet Explorer 8.0.7600.16385IC
Page loads/refreshes in under 1 second using HTTP.
Page loads/refreshes in 15-16 seconds in HTTPS using this version of IE.
Problem reproduced on multiple client machines with same IE version.
Problem reproduced on multiple client machines with different Windows versions (XP and 7).
No performance problem using Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Safari from same machine.
No performance problem using other versions of IE 8 on other machines.
Slow load causes virtually no CPU, memory, or I/O spike on server or client machine.
No performance problem on other sites using HTTPS on same client machine.
The pages in question use JavaScript and innerHTML to replace the contents of div elements to create a collapsible menu, and an iframe to display some content. A couple of the div elements contain images. If I remove the iframe and the JavaScript, the performance issues go away. However, rewriting the entire site to make these changes would be very time consuming. We're in the process of replacing the whole site, but it may be 2-3 months before we do so and we really cannot live with this slowdown that long. I've already looked at several IE tuning options, such as disabling add ons, running IE-rereg, and resetting IE, with no luck.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
The version you mention is the version that shows in Windows 7, is it not (i.e., in Windows XP, it should show like 8.0.6001.18904)? Have you applied all recent patches? More particularly, have you applied the KB980182 security patch?
That particular patch was an "out of band" patch, which means it has been brought to the public in haste and outside of the normal upgrade cycle. It came out April 22, 2010, or about. If you have installed the patch (either automatically, or by hand), try uninstalling or rollback using the Backup and Restore Center and select the restore point that mentions that fix.
While KB980182 caused quite some trouble and weird behaviors, you may try the same approach with other patches if rolling back to before KB980182 didn't help: rollback using Backup and Restore Center to an earlier moment in time, and check if the problem goes away.
This type of testing is a nuisance, I know, but I'm afraid there's little else you can do.
