How can I downgrade Bash? [closed] - bash

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Im trying to implement Shellshock and I need downgrade Bash to a vuln. version. I don't know how get it and there isn't much information in the Internet about it.
I'm working with Ubuntu Server 14.04.
How I can get it?

Don't downgrade the system bash. That's a terrible idea. Get the source for a vulnerable version and compile it yourself.
(Don't install it to the system though if you can avoid it, just run it from the source directory.)


What is the simplest way to install vim on OS X with Arabic enabled? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there a way I can easily install vim with --with-features=huge or something along those lines?
It's not clear to me how I can do this using HomeBrew. Is there a way I can do this that doesn't involve downloading and compiling from source, or is that pretty much the only route?
MacVim has +arabic. It is the only reasonable way to get a proper Vim on MacOS.

How to download BASH on Windows 8.1 [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Currently, I am learning to use "BASH" and I don't know how to download it on my pc.
So it would be appreciated if someone lets me know how to download it on WINDOWS 8.1.
You have basically two choices.
Install Git for Windows. Git comes with its own bash.
Install the Windows Ubuntu sub system.
I prefer the Git bash approach because this also knows other Windows installed applications. The Ubuntu sub system acts more separated.
Have fun.

How do I uninstall a powershell module from my computer? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I installed a Powershell module (posh-git) using PS-Get but I am finding that it is quite slow. I want to uninstall it but using Remove-Module posh-git only uninstalls it from my current session but I would like to make this permanent.
This is an open issue for PS-GET:
This should be a feature.
Nowadays, you have to delete it manually from C:\Users\[yourUser]\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\modules directory.

Running Xcode on Chrome OS [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there any way that I can run Xcode or even OS X on my computer
see my specs of my PC About My Chrome OS
Thanks alot,
(I'll appreciate any answer)!
Not legally... But you could install Linux on your Chromebook, and code in a different language, or use CodeAnywhere (or anouther online IDE like it) to write in many other languages.

How to install puppet-enterprise on fedora 19? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can some one help me with it, i found in docs of puppet-EE that fedora is supported OS but I cant install any kind of tarballs. Thanks for any help!
Fedora is not on the supported list of Puppet Enterprise operating systems. If you want a Red Hat based OS, and don't want to use RHEL you can use CentOS.
