How to download BASH on Windows 8.1 [closed] - windows

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Currently, I am learning to use "BASH" and I don't know how to download it on my pc.
So it would be appreciated if someone lets me know how to download it on WINDOWS 8.1.

You have basically two choices.
Install Git for Windows. Git comes with its own bash.
Install the Windows Ubuntu sub system.
I prefer the Git bash approach because this also knows other Windows installed applications. The Ubuntu sub system acts more separated.
Have fun.


transferring files from vmware ubuntu to windows ubuntu [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I just downloaded Ubuntu for Windows and want to start programming in this environment. Unfortunately, all the files and packages needed are on my VMWare Ubuntu. I found instructions to save all my configs and packages to move to another machine, but how do I move that folder to my Ubuntu on Windows?
You could enable folder sharing. The guide is old (sorry I clicked on the first google hit) so search for a newer one. Also if your "Ubuntus" are running in GUI folder you could just send them to the cloud and pull it back down from the other machine.

Can I use Bash on Ubuntu on Windows to practice Linux? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a newbie to Linux. May I ask if I can practice Linux in Bash on Ubuntu on Windows? Sorry for asking such a stupid question. But please help!
If you are using windows 10, there is now a bash shell built in that can be easily set up. Check out this tutorial to do so.
If you are not on windows 10, I would recommend Cygwin (download) as an alternate program to run bash scripts
I think you will manage to get some familiarity with working with a linux console and some of the commands, however there is certain functionality which doesn't quite work.
What I would suggest though is dual booting Linux next to Windows, to immerse yourself properly and get a clear picture of things from the start.

How can I downgrade Bash? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Im trying to implement Shellshock and I need downgrade Bash to a vuln. version. I don't know how get it and there isn't much information in the Internet about it.
I'm working with Ubuntu Server 14.04.
How I can get it?
Don't downgrade the system bash. That's a terrible idea. Get the source for a vulnerable version and compile it yourself.
(Don't install it to the system though if you can avoid it, just run it from the source directory.)

accessing svn on ubuntu from windows 7 PCS [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a svn installation and its repository on ubuntu system/server but our client PCS have windows 7. Can anyone provide me the good way to access svn on ubuntu from windows 7 PCS.
The OS or architecture of the client and server are irrelevant. There are a few options for you, the best and most common would be serve the repositories through apache on your ubuntu box.
The ubuntu docs on the subject are good
You can set up SVN with Apache2:
But, when using different operating systems, take care about the codification of text files when commit. Ubuntu uses UTF-8.

Remote access to windows 7 command prompt [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to gain access to a remote windows machine's command prompt from my mac, and in specific from the mac's terminal, the windows machine does not have remote desktop connection at as it is a Windows 7 Home Premium edition. Is there anything that allow me to do this? I am looking for something that is reasonably command-line driven.
I can install software onto the remote machine, to act as an interface, and I have done so with applications like Logmein, but this is quite graphical and I was looking for something that is command-line focused.
Thanks in advance
Install OpenSSHD for Windows - this will allow remote "console" sessions.
If you looking for something very "unix-like" then you can install cygwin.
