What is the simplest way to install vim on OS X with Arabic enabled? [closed] - macos

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there a way I can easily install vim with --with-features=huge or something along those lines?
It's not clear to me how I can do this using HomeBrew. Is there a way I can do this that doesn't involve downloading and compiling from source, or is that pretty much the only route?

MacVim has +arabic. It is the only reasonable way to get a proper Vim on MacOS.


How do I uninstall a powershell module from my computer? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I installed a Powershell module (posh-git) using PS-Get but I am finding that it is quite slow. I want to uninstall it but using Remove-Module posh-git only uninstalls it from my current session but I would like to make this permanent.
This is an open issue for PS-GET: https://github.com/psget/psget/issues/164:
This should be a feature.
Nowadays, you have to delete it manually from C:\Users\[yourUser]\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\modules directory.

How can I downgrade Bash? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Im trying to implement Shellshock and I need downgrade Bash to a vuln. version. I don't know how get it and there isn't much information in the Internet about it.
I'm working with Ubuntu Server 14.04.
How I can get it?
Don't downgrade the system bash. That's a terrible idea. Get the source for a vulnerable version and compile it yourself.
(Don't install it to the system though if you can avoid it, just run it from the source directory.)

Running Xcode on Chrome OS [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Is there any way that I can run Xcode or even OS X on my computer
see my specs of my PC About My Chrome OS
Thanks alot,
(I'll appreciate any answer)!
Not legally... But you could install Linux on your Chromebook, and code in a different language, or use CodeAnywhere (or anouther online IDE like it) to write in many other languages.

SublimeText cursor moves so slow in mac and linux, why? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have used sublime text in windows 7, mac mini and ubuntu. And I find that cursor moves so slow in mac and ubuntu. Did someone have found that? What can I do to slove this? Thx.
It may not be a problem of SublimeText but the setting of the keyboard repeat delay. It is changeable on both Ubuntu and Mac Os X.

ctrl+U doesn't work to clear my Terminal Screen [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Sorry for the silly question...
How do I clear my terminal screen? Cause ctrl+U just doesn't seem to work. Or do I need to assign this command somewhere?
Try CTRL+L. In alternative, you can run clear command.
