Docker run/star/exec? - bash

Hi i have build and install ziftrCoin wallet on a ubuntu image.
8084e9de3c23 ubuntu:latest "/bin/bash" 25 hours ago Up About a minute>10332/tcp ziftrCoin
The problem is that ziftrcoind closing after i exit the container.
Try to run docker exec -it ziftrCoin /root/64/./ziftrcoind the program start but i get connected to the container. Same problem if i exit.
So how to update / edit the COMMAND when i start the container with "ziftrCoin /root/64/./ziftrcoind" and not "/bin/bash"?
IF i build it run it i dont get it to stay open..
docker run -d ziftr
docker run -it ziftr
ZiftrCOIN server starting
FROM ubuntu
MAINTAINER Krister Johansson <>
WORKDIR /var/ziftrCoin
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y wget
RUN wget ""
RUN tar -xvzf ziftrcoin-0.9.3-linux64.tar.gz
RUN rm ziftrcoin-0.9.3-linux64.tar.gz
ADD ./src/ziftrcoin.conf /root/.ziftrcoin/ziftrcoin.conf
EXPOSE 10332 11332
CMD ["64/./ziftrcoind"]

For Docker, when the process with pid 1 (inside the container) quits, it will quit too (and kill all other processed that were running in that container). This is what happens to you as /bin/bash is the process with pid 1. What you need to do is set ziftrcoind process as pid 1.
You did not provide a Dockerfile or a docker run command but I assume you run something like docker run ziftrcoin (where ziftrcoin would be the name of the image you build) and you don't have a CMD in your Dockerfile.
The idea would be either to give docker a default command, using CMD in your Dockerfile or give it the command to run when issuing the docker run.
Let's see the how the Dockerfile would look like :
FROM Ubuntu
RUN # … Install ziftrcoind
CMD ["/root/64/./ziftrcoind"]
If you build this image, when running it, the default command would be /root/64/./ziftrcoind instead of /bin/bash. You could also do docker run ziftrcoint /root/64/./ziftrcoind to achieve the same effect.
As Kevan Ahlquist commented, if you want to run it in background, you can use the flag -d : docker run -d ziftrcoin (with or without the command, depending if you have the CMD in your Dockerfile or not).

Problem found!
I had deamon=1 in ziftrcoin.conf after removing it it workt!
Uploaded it to git.


Docker run fail with ruby

I have a little problem, when i run my container this:
docker run -it emails_request cucumber -t #teste_inserindo_email
It's ok.
But, when i run this:
docker run it emails_request
Where my #teste_inserindo_emails, is on my dockerfile
COPY Gemfile .
RUN bundle install && bundle clean
COPY . /app
RUN cucumber -t #teste_inserindo_email
#CMD ["cucumber", "-t", " #teste_inserindo_email"]
Not found, return:
$ docker run -t emails_request
$ docker run emails_request
Switch to inspect mode.
what's your question exactly? you can just run it manually by firing up a container with an interactive terminal from your image, and then run the commands you want, or have a script in the image (or mounted as a volume) and then pass the script as the entry command instead.
docker run -it IMAGE_ID bash (for running manual commands)
if you want to use a script instead, put an ENTRYPOINT script in your Dockerfile instead

Dockerfile CMD for taking bash commands from host

I've created a dockerfile with various compile and build tools. The goal of the dockerimage is to standardize our development tools, and make it easy and consistent for developing.
Everything is installed.
What I am stuck on, is how to make the docker container keep running, and be able to have a bash shell to that container so that I can run, for example, make etc. ?
If I use ENTRYPOINT /bin/bash my container exits immediately. How to keep the container running?
You should use the command at run time. You run your Docker container in interatice mode (-i) and set the command to "/bin/bash":
docker run -it myDockerImage myCommandToExecuteInteractively
For instance:
docker run -it myDocker /bin/bash
Here is a real life example:
a) Pulling the most basic image
docker pull debian:jessie-slim
b) Let's have a bash there:
docker run -it debian:jessie-slim /bin/bash
c) Enjoy:
A docker container will run as long as the CMD/Entrypoint from your Dockerfile takes.
You can run your Docker container in interactive mode using switch i
sudo docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash <imagename>
Example : docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash ubuntu:14.04
This will start an interactive shell in your container. Your container will exit as soon as you exit that shell.

How do you start a Docker-ubuntu container into bash?

The answers from this question do not work.
The docker container always exits before I can attach or won't accept the -t flag. I could list all of the commands I've tried, but it's a combination of start exec attach with various -it flags and /bin/bash.
How do I start an existing container into bash? Why is this so difficult? Is this an "improper" use of Docker?
I created the container with docker run ubuntu. The information about the container: 60b93bda690f ubuntu "/bin/bash" About an hour ago Exited (0) 50 minutes ago ecstatic_euclid
First of all, a container is not a virtual machine. A container is an isolation environment for running a process. The life-cycle of the container is bound to the process running inside it. When the process exits, the container also exits, and the isolation environment is gone. The meaning of "attach to container" or "enter an container" actually means you go inside the isolation environment of the running process, so if your process has been exited, your container has also been exited, thus there's no container for you to attach or enter. So the command of docker attach, docker exec are target at running container.
Which process will be started when you docker run is configured in a Dockerfile and built into a docker image. Take image ubuntu as an example, if you run docker inspect ubuntu, you'll find the following configs in the output:
"Cmd": ["/bin/bash"]
which means the process got started when you run docker run ubuntu is /bin/bash, but you're not in an interactive mode and does not allocate a tty to it, so the process exited immediately and the container exited. That's why you have no way to enter the container again.
To start a container and enter bash, just try:
docker run -it ubuntu
Then you'll be brought into the container shell. If you open another terminal and docker ps, you'll find the container is running and you can docker attach to it or docker exec -it <container_id> bash to enter it again.
You can also refer to this link for more info.
Here is a very simple Dockerfile with instructions as comments ... launch it to spin up a running container you can exec login to
FROM ubuntu:20.04
ENV TERM linux
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y
CMD ["/bin/bash"]
# ... save this file as Dockerfile then in same dir issue following
# docker build --tag stens_ubuntu . # creates image stens_ubuntu
# docker run -d stens_ubuntu sleep infinity # launches container
# docker ps # show running containers
# ... find CONTAINER ID from above and put into something like this
# docker exec -ti $( docker ps | grep stens_ubuntu | cut -d' ' -f1 ) bash # login to running container
# docker exec -ti 3cea1993ed28 bash # login to running container using sample containerId
A container will exit normally when it has no work to do ... if you give it no work it will exit immediately upon launch for this reason ... typically the last command of your Dockerfile is the execution of some flavor of a server which stays alive due to an internal event loop and in so doing keeps alive its enclosing container ... short of that you can mention a server executable which has been installed into the container as the final parameter of your call to
docker run -d my-image-name my-server-executable

How can I run a docker container and commit the changes once a script completes?

I want to set up a cron job to run a set of commands inside a docker container and then commit the changes to the docker image. I'm able to run the container as a daemon and get the container ID using this command:
CONTAINER_ID=$(sudo docker run -d my-image /bin/sh -c "sleep 10")
but I'm having trouble with the second part--committing the changes to the image once the sleep 10 command completes. Is there a way for me to tell when the docker container is about to be killed and run another command before it is?
EDIT: As an alternative, is there a way to trigger ctrl-p-q via a shell script in the container to leave the container running but return to the host?
There are following ways to persist container data:
Docker volumes
Docker commit
a) create container from ubuntu image and run a bash terminal.
$ docker run -i -t ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
b) Inside the terminal install curl
# apt-get update
# apt-get install curl
c) Exit the container terminal
# exit
d) Take a note of your container id by executing following command :
$ docker ps -a
e) save container as new image
$ docker commit <container_id> new_image_name:tag_name(optional)
f) verify that you can see your new image with curl installed.
$ docker images
$ docker run -it new_image_name:tag_name bash
# which curl
Run it in the foreground, not as daemon. When it ends the script that launched it takes control and commits/push it
I didn't find any of these answers satisfying, as my goal was to 1) launch a container, 2) run a setup script, and 3) capture/store the state after setup, so I can instantly run various scripts against that state later. And all in a local, automated, continuous integration environment (e.g. scripted and non-interactive).
Here's what I came up with (and I run this in Travis-CI install section) for setting up my test environment:
# Run a docker with the env boot script
docker run ubuntu:14.04 /path/to/
# Get the container ID of the last run docker (above)
export CONTAINER_ID=`docker ps -lq`
# Commit the container state (returns an image_id with sha256: prefix cut off)
# and write the IMAGE_ID to disk at ~/.docker_image_id
(docker commit $CONTAINER_ID | cut -c8-) > ~/.docker_image_id
Note that my base image was ubuntu:14.04 but yours could be any image you want.
With that setup, now I can run any number of scripts (e.g. unit tests) against this snapshot (for Travis, these are in my script section). e.g.:
docker run `cat ~/.docker_image_id` /path/to/
docker run `cat ~/.docker_image_id` /path/to/
Try this if you want an auto commit for all which are running. Put this in a cron or something, if this helps
for i in `docker ps|tail -n +2|awk '{print $1}'`; do docker commit -m "commit new change" $i; done

Docker. How to get bash\ssh inside runned container (run -d)?

I want to ssh or bash into runned docker container. Please, see example:
$ sudo docker run -d webserver
webserver is clean image from ubuntu:14.04
$ sudo docker ps
665b4a1e17b6 webserver:latest /bin/bash ... ... 22/tcp, 80/tcp loving_heisenberg
now I want to get something like this (go into runned container):
$ sudo docker run -t -i webserver (or maybe 665b4a1e17b6 instead)
$ root#665b4a1e17b6:/#
Previously I used Vagrant so I want to get behavior similar to vagrant ssh. Please, could anyone help me?
After the release of Docker version 1.3, the correct way to get a shell or other process on a running container is using the docker exec command. For example, you would run the following to get a shell on a running container:
docker exec -it myContainer /bin/bash
You can find more information in the documentation.
The answer is docker attach command.
For information see:
