Docker run fail with ruby - ruby

I have a little problem, when i run my container this:
docker run -it emails_request cucumber -t #teste_inserindo_email
It's ok.
But, when i run this:
docker run it emails_request
Where my #teste_inserindo_emails, is on my dockerfile
COPY Gemfile .
RUN bundle install && bundle clean
COPY . /app
RUN cucumber -t #teste_inserindo_email
#CMD ["cucumber", "-t", " #teste_inserindo_email"]
Not found, return:
$ docker run -t emails_request
$ docker run emails_request
Switch to inspect mode.

what's your question exactly? you can just run it manually by firing up a container with an interactive terminal from your image, and then run the commands you want, or have a script in the image (or mounted as a volume) and then pass the script as the entry command instead.
docker run -it IMAGE_ID bash (for running manual commands)
if you want to use a script instead, put an ENTRYPOINT script in your Dockerfile instead


Change ENTRYPOINT to container after building

I have a Dockerfile, which ends with:
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "/usr/local/cdt-tests/"]
After building this container, I want to run it, but instead of executing this bash script (, I want to open up a terminal window inside the container to inspect the filesystem.
If there were no ENTRYPOINT line, I could do this:
docker build -t x .
docker run -it x /bin/bash
and I could examine the container's files.
However, since there is an ENTRYPOINT, then that script will run and I cannot examine the container's files.
Is there anything I can do to get into the container to snoop around?
docker run has an --entrypoint option

Run bash command before running container

I want to run a pre-existing Docker image like so:
docker run -d --name cdt-selenium selenium/standalone-firefox:3.4.0-chromium
So there is no Dockerfile that I control for this image. However, I would like to copy some files into this container.
If I did control the Dockerfile, I would like to run these commands:
RUN mkdir -p /root/cdt-tests/csv-data
COPY ./csv-data/* /root/cdt-tests/csv-data
Is there a way to run those commands in the same line as the Docker run command above?
I tried this:
docker run -d --name cdt-selenium selenium/standalone-firefox:3.4.0-chromium
docker exec cdt-selenium mkdir -p /root/cdt-tests/csv-data
docker cp cdt-selenium:/root/cdt-tests/csv-data ./csv-data
but I get a permissions error on the docker exec line
All images have a FROM line, and that can be any other image. So you can make a Dockerfile with:
FROM selenium/standalone-firefox:3.4.0-chromium
USER root
RUN mkdir -p /root/cdt-tests/csv-data
COPY ./csv-data/* /root/cdt-tests/csv-data
USER seluser
that will build your own image with your commands run.
You'd build it and create your own tag:
docker build -t alexander/selenium:3.4.0-chromium .
And then run it:
docker run -d --name cdt-selenium alexander/selenium:3.4.0-chromium
Edit: the exec command you ran failed because docker runs this container as a different user. You can see that in their Dockerfile. To solve that, run the exec with the root user option (-u root):
docker exec -u root cdt-selenium mkdir -p /root/cdt-tests/csv-data

Difference between "docker build" and "docker run" if we running dockerfile having .sh files

This is my Dockerfile
# This Dockerfile describes the standard way to build
FROM centos:latest
# Run a root to allow "rpm"
USER root
WORKDIR /root/
# Get the ACE-TAO rpm from seachange repo
COPY TAO-1.7.7-0.x86_64.rpm /root/TAO-1.7.7-0.x86_64.rpm
# Insatall the rpm
RUN rpm -ivh /root/TAO-1.7.7-0.x86_64.rpm
#Start the TAO service
#CMD /etc/init.d/tao start
EXPOSE 13021
EXPOSE 13022
EXPOSE 13023
ENV NS_PORTS=13021,13022,13023
#ENTRYPOINT /etc/init.d/tao start && bash
While doing the docker build
Whether it'll execute the shell script and reflect the changes as part images or while running the images using docker run its will reflect the changes to container level
In my case ,I'm suspecting that, it is executing while docker build and docker run both time
I'm using below commands as part of building and running via vagrant file
d.build_image "/vagrant/tao", args: " -t tao/basic" "tao/basic:latest",
args: " -t -d"\
" --name tao-basic"\
" -p 13021:13021"\
" -e NS_PORT=13025,13026,13027"
let me know, need any more information
The Dockerfile instructions (such as RUN etc...) are actioned at build time (docker build -t something . etc...). Only the CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions happen at run time (when the container is started).
In your example the shell script will get run as part of the build and whatever changes occur will be committed as a new layer in the image.

how to pass a --login into docker build

I have some script that I need to run inside the container, and somehow it only run if I run it inside a bash --login.
I normally run my docker: docker build -t sometags . and I noticed it only run bash without --login.
I know I can just use bash -l -c "some-command-here" but I'd say it's my final fallback if nothing can helps.
so, tl;dr: how can I achieve something like this in my Dockerfile
RUN bash --login
RUN some-script
and then, I'll just run it with: docker build -t x/y:z .
the scripts I want to run is things like: gem install bundler, and bundle install.

Docker run/star/exec?

Hi i have build and install ziftrCoin wallet on a ubuntu image.
8084e9de3c23 ubuntu:latest "/bin/bash" 25 hours ago Up About a minute>10332/tcp ziftrCoin
The problem is that ziftrcoind closing after i exit the container.
Try to run docker exec -it ziftrCoin /root/64/./ziftrcoind the program start but i get connected to the container. Same problem if i exit.
So how to update / edit the COMMAND when i start the container with "ziftrCoin /root/64/./ziftrcoind" and not "/bin/bash"?
IF i build it run it i dont get it to stay open..
docker run -d ziftr
docker run -it ziftr
ZiftrCOIN server starting
FROM ubuntu
MAINTAINER Krister Johansson <>
WORKDIR /var/ziftrCoin
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y wget
RUN wget ""
RUN tar -xvzf ziftrcoin-0.9.3-linux64.tar.gz
RUN rm ziftrcoin-0.9.3-linux64.tar.gz
ADD ./src/ziftrcoin.conf /root/.ziftrcoin/ziftrcoin.conf
EXPOSE 10332 11332
CMD ["64/./ziftrcoind"]
For Docker, when the process with pid 1 (inside the container) quits, it will quit too (and kill all other processed that were running in that container). This is what happens to you as /bin/bash is the process with pid 1. What you need to do is set ziftrcoind process as pid 1.
You did not provide a Dockerfile or a docker run command but I assume you run something like docker run ziftrcoin (where ziftrcoin would be the name of the image you build) and you don't have a CMD in your Dockerfile.
The idea would be either to give docker a default command, using CMD in your Dockerfile or give it the command to run when issuing the docker run.
Let's see the how the Dockerfile would look like :
FROM Ubuntu
RUN # … Install ziftrcoind
CMD ["/root/64/./ziftrcoind"]
If you build this image, when running it, the default command would be /root/64/./ziftrcoind instead of /bin/bash. You could also do docker run ziftrcoint /root/64/./ziftrcoind to achieve the same effect.
As Kevan Ahlquist commented, if you want to run it in background, you can use the flag -d : docker run -d ziftrcoin (with or without the command, depending if you have the CMD in your Dockerfile or not).
Problem found!
I had deamon=1 in ziftrcoin.conf after removing it it workt!
Uploaded it to git.
