Can SDL2 support multiple file dropping in its SDL_DROPFILE event? - sdl-2

I am about to implement an SDL application that should support multiple file dropping in its Window. But judging at this SDL_DROPEVENT event, it seems like it only support single file dropping.
Pardon, my googling result not able to find any related references about this multiple file dropping support. Any suggestion?

SDL has been updated to support multiple files drop in OSX. Pull the new changes and test it yourself. Works for me!


Is it possible to create a standalone Quick Look extension/plug-in?

According to Apple we should new build Thumbnail or Preview Extensions instead of the old Quick Look generators which will be deprecated (probably in Big Sur).
There is also no Option to create a Quick Look plug-in project in Xcode anymore. Instead you need to create an application that contains a quicklook extension target.
My question is: Can I not create a standalone Quick Look extension (or plug-in) anymore to preview files without a useless wrapper app that fulfils no purpose? Has anyone tried or found out if this is still an option?
Thank you.

What is name for the effect of Mac OS's file panels expanded view?

Been trying to find similar component, have not yet find one. I want a component that basically able to expand an object to a panel next to it just like MacOS's file system. I wonder if anyone already know such exist and found it? Since I have no idea what this effect's name to start search from .
I am trying specifically, looking for a reactjs / pure js based visual component does it.
This type of view is known as Miller columns.
You're looking for NSBrowser.
It's kind of deprecated (Apple has never updated it to use views, so you still have to use cells). It's also idiosyncratic and has lots of undocumented behavior.
Enjoy ;)

Warnings in Flex Builder

in my current project i use three swc-Files (mate.swc, SQLExtensions and Thunderbolt).
Unfortunately, in the problems view, i receive for each file the following warning: Design mode could not load Mate_08_9.swc. It may be incompatible with this SDK, or invalid.
I don't want supress all warnings in general. But it will very helpful to supress these warnings, specialy i receive it for all files in my project three times.
Do you have a idea, if its possible?
Thank you
I remember seeing this somewhere, it's either a Flash Builder or a SDK issue. I think you need to update to the 4.1 version of both products

Debugging Tools/Method for Mac OS X Interface Builder (3.2.3)

I am new to Mac OS X programming and so I am going through an introductory text that includes building interfaces using Interface Builder (3.2.3) for both Cocoa and Carbon. Unfortunately I am having problems getting some of the examples I type in to run error free in the Cocoa and Carbon simulators. So I tried downloading the source code files from the publisher's website and found that they ran with no problems.
I'm trying to find the differences between the publisher's working and my non-working versions of the code. I started by just trying to compare the attribute settings as listed in Inspector but I could not find any differences. I then came across File Merge which I used to compare the .nib files for the two different versions. File Merge does show the differences but since I am unfamiliar with the markup language used in the .nib file and it lists too many differences to track down without being knowledgeable enough to know what is relevant or not, it really hasn't been very helpful.
My question is whether or not there is a tool or method available that will better show me the differences in the two versions of the code than what I can see in the Inspector window but also shows it in a more condensed and user friendly form than what is provided by File Merge. What is the recommended tool/methodology to debugging code in Interface Builder?
Also, can anyone recommend documentation where I can become familiar with reading and debugging the code in the .nib file in case that is the only way to find the differences?
Check out nib2objc
Convert both yours and the example nibs to code.
It will convert nib files to what looks more like Obj-C code. Then just diff sections of them and see what's different. Should be pretty easy to read code vs NIB files.
The command line program ibtool can convert a nib into a text format, but I don't know if that will be sufficiently readable.

How do I use AFAssistantPane?

I have searched my entire Mac for ibplugin to find the QTKit IBPlugin, but I also came accros a plugin which adds AFAssistantPane to IB. I did a Google-search but Google has no results for it. So, does anyone know how I can use this AFAssistantPane?
alt text
Update: I noted that this is in a private framework (that's why it is not documented).
Update: The framework doesn't include header files. Must I hack it and recreate the header files?
There is a command line utility for exploration of private frameworks called class-dump. You can google for it. Here's the first result that came up for me: Dumping the iPhone 2.2 Frameworks.
