What is name for the effect of Mac OS's file panels expanded view? - macos

Been trying to find similar component, have not yet find one. I want a component that basically able to expand an object to a panel next to it just like MacOS's file system. I wonder if anyone already know such exist and found it? Since I have no idea what this effect's name to start search from .
I am trying specifically, looking for a reactjs / pure js based visual component does it.

This type of view is known as Miller columns.

You're looking for NSBrowser.
It's kind of deprecated (Apple has never updated it to use views, so you still have to use cells). It's also idiosyncratic and has lots of undocumented behavior.
Enjoy ;)


How to customize FullCalendar year view

I am using Full Calendar for event management utility in one of my project. However, my requirement is to show a year view similar to one shown here (as I want to display event in a similar fashion. Ignore the red dot).
I tried forking the original code to make some changes, but could make much out of it. Seems like every view gets a lot from common code, not much distinction among different views.
Is there a way to achieve this using FullCalendar. Or is there any other known library to achieve this. Our project is looking for a supported library only

Xcode autocomplete showing results that don't exist on object

When using App Code, autocomplete will only show results directly related to my struct. This is a great feature as it keeps everything very clean and I know that accessing these properties isn't going to give me an error.
Except I don't like App Code and it's non native looking UI.
In Xcode it's quite different. Why am I getting flatMap, map, description, debugDescription?
Obviously if its my own code, I know which properties/functions are okay to use, because I wrote them. I can just ignore the noise. But if I'm using someone else's library this can slow things down. Especially when I'm just guessing or trying to remember a function.
Is there a way to fix this — to have Xcode not show me functions/properties that I can't use?
It always shows default system objects properties if the object/class is not found.
It's the behavior of Xcode

Organizing methods in a file using drag&drop in the structure view

Coming from eclipse, I am used to be able to move methods around in a file by simply dragging them around in the structure view (called overvew in eclipse).
I have noticed that it is not possible in RubyMine by default. Is there a way to enable it?
If not, is there a feature request for this?
All I have found yet is this: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RUBY-2987, http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RUBY-9672 which considers only moving methods between classes,
Thank you
disclaimer: This started a copy of my attempt to get an answer on the JetBrains forum.
As #LazyOne said in his comment, there is an open feature request for drag&drop inside the structure view : http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEABKL-71.
It has been created in Feb 2005 and is not scheduled for any upcoming version, with only 11 votes so far, so no need to get your hopes up.

Joomla: alternative content for an article

I've just started work on an existing Joomla! site, and have a requirement to add an alternative language version of an article. Note that this isn't a full-internationalization effort - we don't need every part of the interface translated - just the need to have another 'version' of an article. Ideally, though, this would include more than just the core content - for example, title. I don't really want to create a second article because, in essence, this really is just a single article, and I don't want things like comments to be split between two separate articles.
Does anyone know if this can be done using joomla core?
If not, can anyone recommend an existing component that will do this?
A good component for manage translations in Joomla 1.5 is Joom!fish. It allows you to do a whole internationalization that, as you said, isn't exactly what you want to do. However I like to think in the long run so, if there's more change, I have not to restructure again and again just because of I haven't thought it before. Hence, if I were you, I would like to use Joom!fish anyway.
Well, as a short fix - Google Translator works and can be installed into your template you're using.
Then you can set it to be hidden unless the users browser is set to use a different language as default - then a small pop-up box drops down and it asks to translate it using google translate.
If that's not the option you're looking for - joom!fish is a good component others rave about but I don't have much experience with personally. Outside of that I'm not really sure.
Hanny had a good idea that would be really easy to implement in an article with the right extension. You can use this extension -
This would allow you to easily create tabs with the translations available anywhere you have them. The page above uses the extension to display the tabs, it would be trivial to implement.

What do I need to know to create Xcode project templates?

I know some of the tutorials for creating Xcode project templates, for example this one here: http://robnapier.net/blog/project-templates-364
This is the best one I could find. All others basically repeat the same info, or are no longer up to date, or worse tell me that even they don't know what they're doing. Possibly useful tools that are linked to here and in other places are no longer available.
I keep running into roadblocks, and would like to gather as much information as possible on the process of creating Xcode project templates. Info that is most importantly up to date (at least it must be relevant for Xcode 3 or higher).
For example, what I'd like to see is:
a description of the
TemplateChooser.plist and similar
plist files and what these options do
(in my case, once I add a
TemplateChooser.plist, my project
disappears from the Xcode project
template list)
how to create a project template that references another .xcodeproj (when I do that, the other .xcodeproj appears in the project template list even though it doesn't use the special naming convention)
processes that can be applied, for example is it possible to run a script during the creating of a project from a template? This would be useful to unzip certain files into the newly created project.
If you have the answer or suggestions to any of the issues above, I'd appreciate that. Otherwise any link to good Xcode project template resources would be highly recommended. Especially if there is an official documentation from Apple - I haven't found one yet which seems to imply that project templates are undocumented.
Have you seen these:
If you say you have searched, I'm pretty sure you've already seen the links but these are the best resources I could find with my 'googlabilities'
You might try contact this guy - http://linkedin.com/in/mottishneor he has some related messages around the web
The links suggested by FX are also not bad at all!
There is indeed little XCode template info out there. What I have found of interest are the following links (I documented myself on the topic, but haven't yet gone any further):
a Google Code search reveals a few examples, but not much
in particular, I found interesting to look at the code provided by Three20; they have some basic examples, like here
referencing another project worked for me, so maybe you could open a specific question about that giving more details?
there is information scattered on the Apple mailing-lists
there is no official documentation from Apple, as is evidenced by the lack of results to this query
I'm sorry if this is not a Enlighting, concise answer. As you said, it's not well documented, and sources are all over the place. I just hope I could highlight some places to find information that your own searches might not have reached :)
I don't have a Mac anymore, so this is as much as I can give you without testing this myself. As far as I can tell, Xcode templates are undocumented by Apple.
This guy has some guides for messing with Xcode templates but the info is pretty sparse. My suggestion for working with templateChooser.plist is to try to only edit that file in the interface builder.
This guide is a good example of how to add a reference to another .xcodeproj. For the reason you were having trouble adding a reference to your project we probably need more information.
If you scroll way down in this doc you can that each template already includes a script called myscript.sh. This script will show up in the scripts menu for projects built with that template. That isn't quite as convenient as running scripts automatically, but it's better than nothing.
In conclusion, Xcode template documentation is a nightmare. It looks like there are a lot of powerful features there, but they are obscured because of lack of user friendlyness and because documentation lags far behind Apples updates of Xcode. It just doesn't seem to be a priority for them. I hope this helps.
And yet another video link http://howtomakeiphoneapps.com/2010/10/how-to-make-custom-xcode-templates-with-video/
