Display record count in listbox using multiple tables and fields - drop-down-menu

i need help with a query, can't get it to work correctly. What i'm trying to achieve is to have a select box displaying the number of records associated with a particular theme, for some theme it works well for some it displays (0) when infact there are 2 records, I'm wondering if someone could help me on this, your help would be greatly appreciated, please see below my actual query + table structure :
SELECT theme.id_theme, theme.theme, calender.start_date,
calender.id_theme1,calender.id_theme2, calender.id_theme3, COUNT(*) AS total
FROM theme, calender
WHERE (YEAR(calender.start_date) = YEAR(CURDATE())
AND MONTH(calender.start_date) > MONTH(CURDATE()) )
AND (theme.id_theme=calender.id_theme1)
OR (theme.id_theme=calender.id_theme2)
OR (theme.id_theme=calender.id_theme3)
GROUP BY theme.id_theme
ORDER BY theme.theme ASC
THEME table
| id_theme | theme |
| 1 | Yoga |
| 2 | Music |
| 3 | Taichi |
| 4 | Dance |
| 5 | Coaching |
| id_calender | id_theme1 | id_theme2 | id_theme3 | start_date | end_date |
| 1 | 2 | 4 | | 2015-07-24 | 2015-08-02 |
| 2 | 4 | 1 | 5 | 2015-08-06 | 2015-08-22 |
| 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 2014-10-11 | 2015-10-28 |
| |
| Yoga (1) |
| Music (1) |
| Taichi (0) |
| Dance (2) |
| Coaching (1) |
Thanking you in advance

I think that themes conditions should be into brackets
OR (theme.id_theme=calender.id_theme2)
OR (theme.id_theme=calender.id_theme3))
Hope this help


Calculating Rolling Weekly Spend in Hive using Window Functions

I need to develop a distribution of customer week long spend. Every time a customer makes a purchase, I want to know how much they've spent with us in the past week. I would like to do this with my Hive code.
My data set is somewhat similar to this:
Cust_ID | Purch_Date | Purch_Amount
1 | 1/1/19 | $10
1 | 1/2/19 | $21
1 | 1/3/19 | $30
1 | 1/4/19 | $11
1 | 1/5/19 | $21
1 | 1/6/19 | $31
1 | 1/7/19 | $41
2 | 1/1/19 | $12
2 | 1/2/19 | $22
2 | 1/3/19 | $32
2 | 1/5/19 | $42
2 | 1/7/19 | $52
2 | 1/9/19 | $62
2 | 1/11/19 | $72
So far, I've tried code that looks similar to this:
Select Cust_ID,
sum(Purch_Amount) over (partition by Cust_ID order by unix_timestamp(Purch_Date) range between 604800 and current row) as Rolling_Spend
from Spend_Table
Cust_ID | Purch_Date | Purch_Amount | Rolling_Spend
1 | 1/1/19 | $10 | $10
1 | 1/2/19 | $21 | $31
1 | 1/3/19 | $30 | $61
1 | 1/4/19 | $11 | $72
1 | 1/5/19 | $21 | $93
1 | 1/6/19 | $31 | $124
1 | 1/7/19 | $41 | $165
2 | 1/1/19 | $12 | $12
2 | 1/2/19 | $22 | $34
2 | 1/3/19 | $32 | $66
2 | 1/5/19 | $42 | $108
2 | 1/7/19 | $52 | $160
2 | 1/9/19 | $62 | $188
2 | 1/11/19 | $72 | $228
I believe the issue is with my range between, because it appears to be grabbing the preceding number of rows. I was expecting it to grab data within the preceding amount of seconds (604800 being 6 days in seconds).
Is what I'm trying to do feasible? I can't do the previous 6 rows, since not every customer makes a purchase every single day, like customer 2. Any help is greatly appreciated!
SELECT *, sum(some_value) OVER (
ORDER BY CAST(Purch_Date AS timestamp)
) AS cummulativeSum FROM Spend_Table
Moving answer here from the question,
I was able to get the original code to work by changing it to:
Select Cust_ID,
sum(Purch_Amount) over (partition by Cust_ID order by unix_timestamp(Purch_Date, 'MM-dd-yyyy') range between 604800 and
current row) as Rolling_Spend
from Spend_Table
The key was specifying the date format in the unix_timestamp formula

Split a single row into multiple rows with grouping data check - Hive

Now I'm using the query below in hive to split a row into multiple rows, but I also want to group a "Product" column based on "Category" column each group will match by the order of the group and have ";" to sperate each group and have "," separate item in the group.
SELECT id, customer, prodcut_split
FROM orders lateral view explode(split(product,';')) products AS prodcut_split
Here is my data look like now
| id | Customer| Category | Product |
| 1 | John | Furniture; Technology | Bookcases, Chairs; Phones, Laptop |
| 2 | Bob | Office supplies; Furniture| Paper, Blinders; Tables |
| 3 | Dylan | Furniture | Tables, Chairs, Bookcases |
my desired result will look like:
| id | Customer| Category | Product |
| 1 | John | Furniture | Bookcases |
| 1 | John | Furniture | Chairs |
| 1 | John | Technology | Phones |
| 1 | John | Technology | Laptop |
| 2 | Bob | Office supplies| Paper |
| 2 | Bob | Office supplies| Blinders |
| 2 | Bob | Furniture | Tables |
| 3 | Dylan | Furniture | Tables |
| 3 | Dylan | Furniture | Chairs |
| 3 | Dylan | Furniture | Bookcases |
I have tried this one and it's work well, all credit goes to this question: Hive - Split delimited columns over multiple rows, select based on position
select id,customer ,category, products
SELECT id, category, product
FROM tale_name
lateral VIEW posexplode(split(category,';')) category AS pos_category, category_split
lateral VIEW posexplode(split(product,';')) product AS pos_product, product_split
WHERE pos_category = pos_product) a
lateral view explode(split(product_split,',')) product_split AS products

Laravel many-to-many relationship with varying options

I am new to Laravel and am attempting to set up a many to many relationship (at least I think that's what I need)
Essentially each user have preferences there are 7 types of preferences some preferences can have multiple values and some have only one value
Here are the user_pref_options
project_type | ( will be checkboxes on view and have multiple options)
favorite | (a user can have multiple this is a foreign key to another table)
tagline | ( will be checkboxes on view and have multiple options)
bedroom_min | (a single value per user)
bedroom_max | (a single value per user)
sf_min | (a single value per user)
sf_max | (a single value per user)
and here is what the user_pref table has
| id | user_id | pref_option_id | value |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 5 |
| 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 |
| 3 | 1 | 2 | 364 |
| 4 | 1 | 2 | 201 |
| 5 | 1 | 2 | 9 |
| 6 | 1 | 2 | 244 |
| 7 | 1 | 2 | 192 |
| 8 | 1 | 2 | 292 |
| 9 | 1 | 4 | 1 |
| 10 | 1 | 11 | 1 |
| 11 | 1 | 12 | 6 |
| 12 | 1 | 13 | 1628 |
| 13 | 1 | 14 | 9134 |
so that would be 1 users notice how some option types have multiples
sorry I had to lay a lot of background before I ask my question.
I would like to be able to connect the user prefs to the user using Eloquent and am having trouble figuring out which way it should be done..
here is what I have tried
//User model
public function prefs(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Pref', 'pref_user', 'user_id', 'pref_id');
//Pref Model
public function user()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Pref', 'pref_user', 'user_id', 'pref_id');
I have taken a look here
I would like to be able to get all the preferences and display them on a view
(I won't bore you by pasting that in here now)
my struggle is that some of the preferences have multiple options and some have single options. How do I retrieve the values
maybe I need to separate each preference type to its own model but that seems like overkill I am open to suggestions
user_pref table makes it difficult to distinguish between your prefs and also sets a lot of overhead data.
So, you can set the single value prefs (bedroom_min, bedroom_max, sf_min and sf_max) in user model or in separated model and retrieve them with user. And for other prefs, many-to-many relation is better and more flexible.
Finally, When you fetch User model, you will get the model and its relations.

How to Move a whole partition to another tabel on another database?

Database: Oracle 12c
I want to take single partition, or a set of partitions, disconnect it from a Table, or set of tables on DB1 and move it to another table on another database. I would like to avoid doing DML to do this for performance reasons (It needs to be fast).
Each Partition will contain between three and four hundred million records.
Each Partition will be broken up into approximately 300 Sub-Partitions.
The task will need to be automated.
Some thoughts I had:
Somehow put each partition in it's own datafile upon creation, then detaching from the source and attaching it to the destination?
Extract the whole partition (not record-by-record)
Any other non-DML Solutions are also welcom
Example (Move Part#33 from both to DB#2, preferably with a single, operation):
__________________ __________________
| DB#1 | | DB#2 |
|------------------| |------------------|
|Table1 | |Table1 |
| Part#1 | | Part#1 |
| ... | | ... |
| Part#33 | ----> | Part#32 |
| Subpart#1 | | |
| ... | | |
| Subpart#300 | | |
|------------------| |------------------|
|Table2 | |Table2 |
| Part#1 | | Part#1 |
| ... | | ... |
| Part#33 | ----> | Part#32 |
| Subpart#1 | | |
| ... | | |
| Subpart#300 | | |
|__________________| |__________________|
Please read the document below with all the examples of exchanging partitions of table.

Laravel - Pivot table - No join throws an error

I've a question regarding how Laravel handles pivot tables:
Summarizing: 2 models, Project and Stage.
| id | name |
| 1 | Project1 |
| 2 | Project2 |
| id | name |
| 1 | Stage1 |
| 2 | Stage2 |
| 3 | Stage3 |
And a pivot table
| id | project_id | stage_id | date | info |
| 1 | 1 | 1 | 2014-12-20 | Moreinfo1 |
| 2 | 1 | 2 | 2014-12-21 | Moreinfo2 |
| 3 | 2 | 1 | 2014-12-22 | Moreinfo3 |
| 4 | 1 | 3 | 2014-12-23 | Moreinfo4 |
I'm showing the info:
| project | last_stage | date | info |
| Project1 | 3 | 2014-12-23 | Moreinfo4 |
| Project2 | 1 | 2014-12-22 | Moreinfo3 |
And everything works fine; however, if I add a new Project (as there's no info on the pivot table), I get the annoying:
Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
Is there any way to indicate that, in case of null, the row should be left empty (without an error)? I'd like to get:
| project | last_stage | date | info |
| Project1 | 3 | 2014-12-23 | Moreinfo4 |
| Project2 | 1 | 2014-12-22 | Moreinfo3 |
| Project3 | | | |
The problem is the call in your view:
{{ $project->stages_accomp()->orderBy('date', 'desc')->first()->pivot->date }}
When you have a project that has no stage assigned ->first() will return null.
And PHP doesn't like it if you want to access a property of a non-object (in this case null)
You need to add a little check like this:
#if($stage = $project->stages_accomp()->orderBy('date', 'desc')->first())
{{ $stage->pivot->date }}
It will make sure the first() returns a truthy value (not null) and will also assign the value to the variable $stage.
