Catch popup when opening URI with NSWorkspace.openURL - macos

I'm trying to use NSWorkspace.openURL to open a url with a custom scheme.
If that application exists on the Mac, that method returns true and it opens the app just fine.
If that application does not exist on the machine, it returns false, but it also pops up what looks to be a Mac window saying "There is no application set to open the URL {my url}" and then gives the option to search in the Mac app store.
Is there any way to prevent this popup from happening? Since my application can handle the return false value from the method, and that popup is sending the user down the wrong path.
Something similar to UIApplication.canOpenUrl (UIApplication is only available in ios, not osx)
Any help greatly appreciated.

Should be able to use LaunchService. Documentation here:


Electron app crashes when I ask permission to use camera. Error message asks for string in Shouldn't it be boolean?

I have an Electron app that needs access to the camera. On Windows it works fine but on MacOS it doesn't and even crashes when I try to ask permisson.
When I call the routine to check the permission status (shown bellow) it gives me a not-determined answer.
Then, to ask for permission (and hopefully show the allow/deny pop-up) I use the following:
const { systemPreferences } = require('electron')
But when I do, it instantaneously crashes the app and gives me a long detailed crash report that, among other things, says this:
This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description.
The app's Info.plist must contain an key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
Additionally, the Info.plist generated in the root of the app instalation has all of the entries needed. I even included the hardenedRuntime as true.
<string>This app needs access to the Camera</string>
Some final notes...
I was struggling with app signing and finally made it to use a valid certificate to sign during the build. Before that the app did not crash when I asked for the permission. It simply did nothing at all. The crashing started as soon as I managed to sign the App.
I'm using electron-builder to build the .dmg and installing from that. npm run electron:build. When I run the app in dev mode through npm run electron:serve it works perfectly and doesn't even pop the permission pop-up. The access status returns as granted.
Shouldn't be a boolean? Everywhere I read about it it is a Boolean. Although the error message asks me to define a string with a description. (which I already tried and did not change anything)
Any ideas on how to solve that?
I already tried to change the Info.plist mannualy. Didn't work. How can I make sure I'm working on the right Info.plist file. There are a few. The one I was using is the largest and seems to be the main one. The others are helpers.
I also tried to manage the permission in the MacOS System Preferences. Did not work either.
Try to add "": true
mac: {
extendInfo: {
"NSCameraUsageDescription": "some description",
"": true,
"": true

Prevent or clear app state persistence for MacOS SwiftUI Document Based App

I am developing a MacOS Document based app using SwitfUI on MacOS 12.0.1 using Xcode 13.1 on a MacbookPro M1 Pro. I am encountering an issue that the app is always re-opening the document browser at the last used directory. Which is OK when it is on the Machine but a pain if the last used was on a network drive. I am trying to find a way of suppressing this "always restore using the last directory" mode of operation.
I have tried using the #NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor approach and implementing;
func applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState(_ app: NSApplication) -> Bool {
print(#function + " returning false")
return false
within my NSApplicationDelegate class, which does get called (although it seems sometimes after the dialog is presented), however this does not stop the app secretly remembering the last directory.
Does any know where this information might be being hidden or if it can be suppressed ?
I have looked for, but cannot find, a way of injecting a starting directory into a DocumentGroup as a possible solution.
TIA Alan.
Ok, for anyone who ends up here looking for a similar issue.
After a chunk of digging I found the answer, for me, was to add
UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: "NSNavLastRootDirectory")
into the app startup. It was also suggested to do
UserDefaults.standard.removeObject(forKey: "NSNavLastCurrentDirectory")
However, just doing the first appears to suppress the file open dialog, doing both causes the file open dialog to open with the user Documents directory.

QLPreviewView can not show the quicklook preview in sandbox

I use QLPreviewView to show the quicklook preview in the app. Without sandbox, this works well, but once change the app to sandbox, the preview can not show up.
I found the error in Console: QuickLookUIHelpe(20786) deny file-read-data XXX.
I have used the security-scoped bookmarks & to grant access the user home dir, then:
[allowedURL startAccessingSecurityScopedResource];
self.myPreiviewItem.myURL = fileURL;
self.myQLPreviewView.previewItem = self.myPreiviewItem;
[self.myQLPreviewView refreshPreviewItem];
[allowedURL stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource];
with these, I can delete files of user home dir, but the QLPreviewView can not work.
I do not know what is the difference between these 2 scenes, does QLPreviewView need more for sandbox?
If I add into the entitlement, the files in "Downloads" can be previewed, but other files of user home dir can not be previewed.
Finally I have found the solution!
refreshPreviewItem is an async call, so before Mac finishes loading the preview, the following api stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource immediately shutdown the access, as a result, Mac failed to load the preview successfully.
so the solution is: do NOT call stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource here, keep the allowedURL's access right until you do not need the QL preview function, and then call stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource there, such as when closing the window.
I encountered this, or at least a similar, issue a while back (in Mavericks).
This is why I started asking users for access to parent folders of files they wish to Quick Look. Feel free to look at how I do it in this app of mine, version 1.1 at the time of this writing. Just go into Chikoo → Preferences… → Folder Access. Here are two screenshots:
I confess that this is not a great solution. It’s a compromise that I came up with to work around the problem.

iOS App development with Facebook API bundle ID error message

I'm developing an iOS App with Facebook API. The app was working fine but I started to get the below error;
"There was an error:fbplatse:{"message": "No Bundle ID has been set on the server" }. Please tap Cancel to return to APPNAME and try again."
Actually I don't think I made any changes to the server. Can you please help me to fix this?
Ok, I solved this problem.
add your app's bundle ID into the 'Native iOS App' tab under ''
Your app's bundle ID should be the same with the one above (Facebook developer page)
After I added up my bundle ID, I started to receive 'com.facebook.sdk error code=2' messages. It is good to check this link which explains everything step by step about the error code and how to get rid of it.
So, in my specific situation following worked; Device's Settings => Facebook and then log in with the credentials.
I spent too much time on that but now it works!
Facebook has updated it's documentation since this post in 2013. They have provided a screenshot showing where to get the bundle identifier. It's not the code with the variable in it from the Info.plist in Supporting Files directory. Rather, tap on the project file in Xcode (the topmost file in the directory) and see General tab (which is open by default).
I've attached a screen grab. Hopefully this helps someone.

Where my log statement is printing on Mac?

I have an firefox extension with the name myjavascriptfile.js,As I am new to this addon concepts,just I want to debug this script.So I am using the following statements in this file like
function LOG(text)
var consoleService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService);
observe: function(subject, topic, data)
LOG("observe called ");
I know this observe is getting called but I dont know where to see my log message.can some one tell me Where it is printing?
Please help.
That text goes to the Error Console. You might need to go to about:config and change devtools.errorconsole.enabled preference to true - the Error Console was removed from the menus by default while ago (strangely enough, I could still see it even without this pref). I think that on OS X you can still open the Error Console via Tools / Web Developer menu, on Windows you have to click the Firefox button and choose Web Developer menu there. Alternatively, Command-Shift-J should do as well.
