Where my log statement is printing on Mac? - xcode

I have an firefox extension with the name myjavascriptfile.js,As I am new to this addon concepts,just I want to debug this script.So I am using the following statements in this file like
function LOG(text)
var consoleService = Components.classes["#mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService);
observe: function(subject, topic, data)
LOG("observe called ");
I know this observe is getting called but I dont know where to see my log message.can some one tell me Where it is printing?
Please help.

That text goes to the Error Console. You might need to go to about:config and change devtools.errorconsole.enabled preference to true - the Error Console was removed from the menus by default while ago (strangely enough, I could still see it even without this pref). I think that on OS X you can still open the Error Console via Tools / Web Developer menu, on Windows you have to click the Firefox button and choose Web Developer menu there. Alternatively, Command-Shift-J should do as well.


How do I debug a firefox extension, it seemingly crashes silently

I cannot figure out how to debug my simple extension. Script (a content script) loads (because the first console.log call shows in the tab's console) but then nothing. There's no error what so ever and no second console.log call.
My question is not about solving my code issue (there surely is one, if only firefox would tell me where), it's about finding the place where warnings/errors about the add-on are in firefox (like 'sdfsdf has no object property ...')
about:debugging is no help, the console it can open shows some errors (example: 'Error: Service "domainInfo" is not available. Make sure it appears in the "requiresServices" property of the module's background where is it used.') that have nothing to do with what I'm trying to do (I can tell from the source and nature of errors)
// start of file
console.log('I AM LOADING');
// simple DOM manipulation code here...
console.log('I AM LOADED');
// end of file
The content scripts are supposed to be debugged with the DevTools instance attached to the web page.
However, as you noticed, the errors in the content script are not reported in the tab's Web Console due to a bug. (As of Firefox 70.)
As a workaround you can:
use try..catch with logging,
check the Browser Console (which does show error in the content script)
use the Debugger's "pause on exceptions" option.

Catch popup when opening URI with NSWorkspace.openURL

I'm trying to use NSWorkspace.openURL to open a url with a custom scheme.
If that application exists on the Mac, that method returns true and it opens the app just fine.
If that application does not exist on the machine, it returns false, but it also pops up what looks to be a Mac window saying "There is no application set to open the URL {my url}" and then gives the option to search in the Mac app store.
Is there any way to prevent this popup from happening? Since my application can handle the return false value from the method, and that popup is sending the user down the wrong path.
Something similar to UIApplication.canOpenUrl (UIApplication is only available in ios, not osx)
Any help greatly appreciated.
Should be able to use LaunchService. Documentation here: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Carbon/Reference/LaunchServicesReference/index.html

What can I do with Firefox's Browser Console which I can't with Web Console?

I have recently known that Firefox has a Browser Console (different than Web Console) which can be enabled setting devtools.chrome.enabled to true.
I have searched information about what can I do with it, but I have only found
The Browser Console lets you see all JavaScript errors and logging in
the browser, including from Firefox code. To enable it, go to
about:config in the url bar and set devtools.chrome.enabled to true.
Activate it through with the menu Web Developer > Browser Console.
I have discovered that Browser console is useful because I can see the errors in sandboxed GreaseMonkey scripts. But I guess it can do lots of interesting things, where can I find some info?
This MDN page says it all (when I asked this question that page didn't exist, it was created the Aug 7, 2013 5:04:27 PM)
Browser Console
The Browser Console is like the Web Console, but applied to the whole
browser rather than a single content tab.
So it logs the same sorts of information as the Web Console - network
requests, JavaScript, CSS, and security errors and warnings, and
messages explicitly logged by JavaScript code. However, rather than
logging this information for a single content tab, it logs information
for all content tabs, for add-ons, and for the browser's own code.
Similarly, you can execute JavaScript expressions using the Browser
Console. But while the Web Console executes code in the page window
scope, the Browser Console executes them in the scope of the browser's
chrome window. This means you can interact with all the browser's tabs
using the gBrowser global, and even with the XUL used to specify the
browser's user interface.
To open the Browser Console, select "Browser Console" from the Web
Developer submenu in the Firefox Menu (or Tools menu if you display
the menu bar or are on Mac OS X):
You can see that the Browser Console looks and behaves very much like
the Web Console:
most of the window is occupied by a pane that display messages
at the top, a toolbar enables you to filter the messages that appear
at the bottom, a command line interpreter enables you to evaluate JavaScript expressions.
Browser Console logging
The Browser console logs the same sorts of messages as the Web
HTTP requests
Warnings and errors (including JavaScript, CSS, security warnings and errors, and messages explicitly logged by JavaScript code using
the console API)
Input/output messages: commands send to the browser via the command line, and the result of executing them.
However, it displays such messages from:
web content hosted by all browser tabs
the browser's own code
Messages from add-ons
The Browser Console displays messages
logged by all Firefox add-ons.
For example, here's a very simple Add-on SDK add-on that just
logs an error when the user clicks an icon:
// base-64 encoded icon, from http://edmerritt.com/'s "Vaga" icon set
var icon = "" +
"R3JjWGAquSjeW8p6g3UQeCPKeJvCgRYP4QxK0TaPPGJPMZMzM3J4bM9ED35x7z/nOud+9c0yKooBh" +
"h6FQV1lRZmRZ9l8riksplQjhedVssWQQm4SQwOMXL3YNviAIwBmb/WDwVT6X+1snZMz18GFLe3s7e" +
"dLdDR2dncTl9bZQjhvD/D//zc+/gTtGjGJJkv5wtrTYHLIMaioFFL2sqgA8D3VWK9gcDjhvbLRlUq" +
"mX38LhB93Pn08BGnewuNhVyOennW63zX5xAdfJJKiXl6Di1ewTExWvZrNQwriYz4PT4yH/Hx9PHm5" +
"s3DRQ8M5CQ0OzXZKgnMmAjqfqmBBHRqC+pwcco6OgUQoaxhXMO3QdiMVCsvH462Qy2UxKkuTHO4N2" +
"clIh6UimABVA1bOYztaYB1TpvH8fThMJj1vTholcLLqsHAeqJN0Wo9dwz0wtFkFjC6MRxus9Hrj68" +
"QM0TRsgiiQRARtI2J0yQpVYzuVuGqA3VFCGchnqzGaQrq5A13Uf4fE/lzSNUJ4HDZMGObu1xXArv6" +
"rOhDy5VALzvXtMQSvHC0Imz4YJA4ysVQvE3l7oCAaZZ/EaTPhLc4UC1DU1sQZJTsAJO0+ngXM6Qef" +
"5mgKusRGY8aJYK2YqCfLSiQSIbW3sClGOx/EsZLP5M10Hs8sFOsdVyL/W1yERCkF6ba1WLGD+Fz6q" +
"xObh6VOmIML5ZmZ26x2Odz+PjtRzfBzB6wXebgeTIEBubw/AYgEz7q2PHsE5HnK6vw/uvj7gRPEvV" +
"LAKOEgVbL59u/zl2bPy2vQ03Z6bo7vBID0Ih+n3hQW6NTtLMUc/jo/TjaUlGovFtqPRaD97WFZcQ2" +
"xlZSoSCJx8RvLy0BB97/fTD4OD9NPkJP0aCNB/IxGKhX/u7Oz0Mz5rYGKfuxaPx5tR2jBiAHM+9K2" +
widget = require("sdk/widget").Widget({
id: "an-error-happened",
label: "Error!",
contentURL: icon,
onClick: logError
function logError() {
console.error("something went wrong!");
If you build this as an XPI file, then open the Browser Console,
then open the XPI file in Firefox and install it, you'll see an icon
in the Add-on bar:
Click the icon. You'll see output like this in the Browser Console:
For Add-on SDK-based add-ons only, the message is prefixed with the
name of the add-on ("log-error"), making it easy to find all messages
from this add-on using the "Filter output" search box. By
default, only error messages are logged to the console, although you
can change this in the browser's preferences.
Browser Console command line
Like the Web Console, the command line interpreter enables you to
evaluate JavaScript expressions in real time:
Also like the Web Console's command line interpreter, this command
line supports autocomplete, history, and various keyboard shortcuts
and helper commands. If the result of a command is an object, you can click on the object to see its details.
But while the Web Console executes code in the scope of the content
window it's attached to, the browser console executes code in the
scope of the chrome window of the browser. You can confirm this by
evaluating window:
This means you can control the browser: opening, closing tabs and
windows and changing the content that they host, and modify the
browser's UI by creating, changing and removing XUL elements.
Controlling the browser
The command line interpreter gets access to the tabbrowser object,
through the gBrowser global, and that enables you to control the
browser through the command line. Try running this code in the Browser
Console's command line (remember that to send multiple lines to the
Browser Console, use Shift+Enter):
var newTabBrowser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
newTabBrowser.addEventListener("load", function() {
newTabBrowser.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = "<h1>this page has been eaten</h1>";
}, true);
newTabBrowser.contentDocument.location.href = "https://mozilla.org/";
It adds a listener to the currently selected tab's load event that
will eat the new page, then loads a new page.
Modifying the browser UI
Since the global window object is the browser's chrome window, you can
also modify the browser's user interface. On Windows, the following
code will add a new item to the browser's main menu:
var parent = window.document.getElementById("appmenuPrimaryPane");
var makeTheTea = gBrowser.ownerDocument.defaultView.document.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul", "menuitem");
makeTheTea.setAttribute("label", "A nice cup of tea?");
On OS X, this similar code will add a new item to the "Tools" menu:
var parent = window.document.getElementById("menu_ToolsPopup");
var makeTheTea = gBrowser.ownerDocument.defaultView.document.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul", "menuitem");
makeTheTea.setAttribute("label", "A nice cup of tea?");

How would one display a prompt after installation of an extension?

When my add-on installs it needs to prompt the user to get a username or something like that. After that it stores it and shouldn't ask again. Where would I place this prompt? install.rdf? browser.xul?
There is no explicit mechanism to run code when the extension installs - you should simply do it when your extension runs for the first time. The easiest approach would be checking whether the user name is already set up. If it is not - show the prompt.
It is not recommended to show a modal dialog, those are extremely annoying to users, especially when they suddenly appear during Firefox start-up. You should instead open your page in a tab. A slight complication: Firefox might be restoring a previous session when it starts up. If you open your page too early the session restore mechanism might replace it. So you should wait for the sessionstore-windows-restored notification, something like this should work:
var observer = {
observe: function(subject, topic, data)
Services.obs.removeObserver("sessionstore-windows-restored", this);
var browser = window.getBrowser();
browser.loadOneTab("chrome://...", {inBackground: false});
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
Services.obs.addObserver("sessionstore-windows-restored", observer, true);
A final complication is that your code is probably running from a browser window overlay - meaning that there will be multiple instances of your code if the session restored contains more than one window. You probably want the code above to run only once however rather than opening your first-run page in every browser window. So you will have to coordinate somehow, maybe via preferences. A slightly more complicated but better solution would be having a JavaScript code module in your extension - code modules are only loaded once so you wouldn't have a coordination issue there.
Try using an addonlistener https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Addons/Add-on_Manager/AddonListener#onInstalling%28%29
Or by using the preferences: https://stackoverflow.com/a/958944/1360985

Internet Explorer 8 64bit and Selenium Not working

I am trying to get selenium tests to run. Yet every time I try to run a tests that should run IE I get a error on line 863 of htmlutils.js It says that I should disable my popup blocker. The thing is I went to IE tools-> turn of popup block.
So it is disabled and I get this error.
Is there something else I need to disable. I actually don't even know what version of Internet explorer it is running since I am using Windows 7 Pro 64bit version. So when I do use IE I use 64bit version but I am under the understanding if the site or something like that does not support 64bit it goes to 32bit.
So not sure what I need to do it to make it work.
This is the lines where it does
function openSeparateApplicationWindow(url, suppressMozillaWarning) {
// resize the Selenium window itself
window.resizeTo(1200, 500);
window.moveTo(window.screenX, 0);
var appWindow = window.open(url + '?start=true', 'selenium_main_app_window');
if (appWindow == null) {
var errorMessage = "Couldn't open app window; is the pop-up blocker enabled?"
throw new Error("Couldn't open app window; is the pop-up blocker enabled?");
Where is this log.error message stored? Maybe I can post that too.
I had a similar problem on Vista and IE8
I would get the same error message
Couldn't open app window; is the pop-up blocker enabled?"
Running my remote control as Admin wasn't an option for me, and also a poor idea from a security perspective.
So in the end I manage to solved this by changeing browser from "*ietha" to "*iexploreproxy"
port: 4444
- name: "Internet Explorer 8 on Vista"
browser: "*iexploreproxy"
Alternatively, you can change browser string from the code:
ISelenium selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexploreproxy", "http://www.google.com/");
Works like a charm.
The only question remaing is if this somehow affects the outcome of the test cases. So far no, but I'll update this answer in case that would happen.
I ran into this on Windows 7 64bit.
My solution was:
Disable popup block. - Select "Tools/Popup Blocker/Turn off pop-up blocker"
Disable IE protected mode. - Untick "Tools/Internet Options/Security/Enable protected mode"
It'd be better just to disable protected modes for known trusted hosts/addresses. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.
I was experiencing the same problem. I ran the Selenium RC server as an administrator and everything worked fine.
I, too, am experiencing this very problem on a Windows 7 64bit box, trying to run Selenium on it to test and ASP .Net MVC application, written in C#.
I am still trying to work out the answer for myself, but I thought I'd post here to tell you of a little progress I have made in getting something to work, albeit in Firefox instead of IE.
Here's the line I changed:
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*chrome C:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe", "http://www.bbc.co.uk/");
I would ideally like for this to work in Internet Explorer 8, but if for the moment, I can begin getting tests working and later change over to use IE again, then great.
Hope this helps for your problem with it all.
I had the same problem on Windows 7 64bit IE8. The first step was to disable the IE popup blocker. Then, I got a message in the status bar saying that "Pop-ups were blocked on this page. Press the 'Ctrl' key to allow the pop-ups".
It turns out that the Google Toolbar was providing this feature. Disabling it solved the problem. View > Toolbars > Google to toggle.
If you happen to be doing this from JavaScriptMVC, there is a reference you need to change in \jmvc\plugins\test\drivers\selenium.js:
1) Change iexplore to iexploreproxy and you should get better results:
msie : (/iexploreproxy/i).test(browserStartCommand),
2) At this point, you'll find that you still get the popup error, but a separate instance of IE has started. Leave that IE window open and restart the tests, but not Selenium.
3) Next, the windows should show up in the right place, but IE gives the annoying block active content warning. Allow the content to run and restart the tests, but not Selenium itself.
This is super clunky, but it at least gets you past that part. If I find more methodical ways to do these things I'll update as needed.
I have had the same problem and have found another solution which works for me. Just use the *iexploreproxy setting in the browserString.
I used:
selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexploreproxy C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplorer.exe", "http://www.bbc.co.uk/");
I hope that works for others too :)
You can start the test when you disable the Security mode of Internet. Don´t know the correct name for it, but in dutch it is beveiligde modus.
I tried modifiing the security settings to dublicate this security mode, but couldn´t find the correct setting for it. It must therefor block more then you can set manually.
