How to successfully install ColdFusion on windows 8.1 Enterprise? - coldfusion-11

I am experiencing problems with the installations of Adobe ColdFusion 11 on windows 8.1 enterprise, no error appearing and the software does not even run to the next window just flip off

So, it doesn't launches at all. Please try the following Steps:-
Launch Command prompt as Administrator.
Navigate to the location for ColdFusion 11 installer.
Type the command as shown below in the command prompt and press
The installer will launch. Follow the onscreen steps further.


Unable to install VNC Server to Windows CE 6.0

Two computers being connected to a network. I need to run VNC Server on Windows CE 6.0, and Connect from VNC Viewer on Windows 7.
I used TightVNC for Windows 7 but I am unable to install TightVNC to Windows CE 6.0.
Please guide me from here. I tried different TightVNC installers from but failed. As soon as I try to run installer, it says
"There is no application associated with tightvnc-2.8.5-gpl-setup-32bit. Run the application first, then open this file from within the application."
It was a .msi file, but I found a .exe installer also but when I ran it on WinCE, it says
"Application tightvnc-1.3.10-setup.exe encountered a serious error and must shut down"
Please help me here. Should I try any other VNC Server-client for WinCE and Win7?
Thank you!
You could try using EfonVNC. I see from the website that the version says v4.3 but when you download the EXE you will find it is v4.1.1.1. Deploy to your device and then start it automatically on device power-up or by code. Here is some example C# code to do just that:
ProcessStartInfo pinfoVNC = new ProcessStartInfo();

SQL Developer Will Not Launch (Windows 10)

I downloaded Oracle Database 11g Express Edition, followed by downloading SQL Developer 4.1.3 with JDK 8 included to my Windows 10 machine. I even downloaded the latest version of Java separately just to cover myself. I'll double click on "start database" and absolutely nothing opens.
Any advice to get it to work?
If you click "start database" that will NOT launch SQLDeveloper, it will start the database services. That would not normally lead to any window popping up, it runs silently in the background (as you can verify from the task manager and services windows).
Find the proper icon to launch SQLDeveloper and use that instead.
I had the same issue while trying to install it.
It worked after doing the steps below.
search sqldeveloper.exe
right click on this executable file
run as administrator
installation starts and the developer opens
Hope will help.

Visual Studio Express 2013 for Desktop troubleshooting

Visual Studio 2013 for Desktop is displaying incorrectly. When I open the program, it displays correctly but upon moving my cursor over links or images inside of the interface, they either expand to fill the whole window or the line itself blurs.
I'm running Windows 8.1. I've run it in compatibility mode for XP, Vista, and 7. I've run as administrator. I've reinstalled and repaired. This error is easily reproducible and has occurred over the course of 3 days.
Any help would be appreciated.
Can only guess that your video card vendor happens to maintain a bad driver (or Windows Update pushed a bad version to your machine).
The workaround is to disable hardware graphics acceleration and test again.

C# WinForms: FUSLOGVW.exe

I have a problem with an application. I am testing it in a virtual machine, windows 7, and I have installed FUSLOGVW.exe via Windows SDK package. Virtual machine does not have any other software installed. When I execute FUSLOGVW.exe and click on settings button, the dialog window that appears, show all the options disabled and I cannot set the log directory when I want to put the logs. Is something missed?
Make sure to run this with admin rights.

Error launching emulator of the windows phone 7 Mango RC

I've been working with the Windows Phone SDK 7.0 for a long time on my computer. Now I installed the SDK 7.1 (RC) and for some reason I can't start the emulator. I'm getting this error:
Error: The saved-state file C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\XDE{4321-43-432-432-432343234}.dess is corrupt. Please delete the corrupted saved state file and then retry.
I tried suggestions from this article. But they didn't help. Also I tried reinstalling Windows Phone SDK.
Any thoughts how to fix it?
What I'd try:
Open a Windows Explorer window with the file shown.
Delete the file.
Launch the emulator.
Wait for the error message. If there is no error message and the emulator is working, congratulations!
Refresh the Windows Explorer window.
Is the appropriate .dess file restored into the folder? If so, then the file that is restoring the .dess file is corrupt. Reinstall the SDK until it works.
If this doesn't work, do this:
Figure out how your computer is different from the average developer's computer. Did you install some funky customization software? Did you mess up your registry?
Eliminate the differences that you can eliminate - e.g. undo any changes to the WP7 related area of your registry, find and eliminate any viruses {duh!}, kill any nonnecessary background apps like volume managers or printer software, and redownload the installer for the SDK {sometimes the installers are corrupt.}
Install it as a different user. This is the simple equivalent of some of the above steps.
The SDK is still RC, so there may be some bugs.
After installing the SDK for the 500th time, it may be time to try something different.
Always install the x64 version on an x64 PC and the x86 version on an x86 PC.
