SQL Developer Will Not Launch (Windows 10) - oracle

I downloaded Oracle Database 11g Express Edition, followed by downloading SQL Developer 4.1.3 with JDK 8 included to my Windows 10 machine. I even downloaded the latest version of Java separately just to cover myself. I'll double click on "start database" and absolutely nothing opens.
Any advice to get it to work?

If you click "start database" that will NOT launch SQLDeveloper, it will start the database services. That would not normally lead to any window popping up, it runs silently in the background (as you can verify from the task manager and services windows).
Find the proper icon to launch SQLDeveloper and use that instead.

I had the same issue while trying to install it.
It worked after doing the steps below.
search sqldeveloper.exe
right click on this executable file
run as administrator
installation starts and the developer opens
Hope will help.


SQL Server Management Studio set-up exe does not launch

Attempting to launch the SQL Server Management Studio set-up exe leads to an icon briefly appearing in the taskbar, before disappearing without any further screen showing up. The task manager does not show any running instance for the installer either.
I have tried various versions of the SSMS installer executables posted on Microsoft's official documentation for SSMS, including version 18.8, 18.7.1, and 17.9.1.
Also tried updating the .NET framework, as suggested here (Why the SSMS-setup-ENU for version 17.8.1 isn't running?), but the latest version is already showed as having been installed.
I did a soft and hard reboot both, without success.
Confused as to how to proceed and install the software now. Any help would be appreciated.

Oracle 12c client on Windows 10 64bit

I am trying to install the Oracle 12c 64bit client on a Windows 10 64bit PC. Whenever I run the setup it just quickly pops up a DOS window then immediately closes it. No error messages, nothing.
I know there are a few command line switches to ignore the prereq checking, but they don't appear to do anything.
Any tips are greatly appreciated...
The big question is 'what do you want the client for'? Most users can just unzip the Oracle Instant Client package(s) and not need to run an installer. If the tools (not the OS) you use are 64-bit then install the 64-bit Instant Client from here, otherwise if the tools are 32-bit then install the 32-bit Instant Client from here. Generic instructions are at the foot of each page, but check whether your tool etc has its own specific instructions.
The next question is do you really need the old 12c client? Since 19c Oracle Client libraries (including those in Oracle Instant Client) can connect to Oracle Database 11.2 or later, you can probably install the latest-and-greatest Instant Client (or "full" Oracle Client if you really need it).
Try opening up a command prompt in the same directory as the Setup.exe file you are attempting to run, then just run the executable from the command line. This should hopefully show what is popping up in the command prompt.
Another option to try is right clicking on the Setup.exe file and selecting Run as Administrator.
Check following folders and delete them, if existing:
Then open a Command Line window as Administrator and start setup.exe from there - perhaps you get more information.
After installation have a look at %TEMP%\OraInstall* there you should find a detailed log file.
Make sure you are running the executable from a local drive, not a removeable drive or mapped drive.
Make sure you have the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable installed.
Switches for Oracle Client Install procedure
setup.exe -ignoreSysPrereqs
That is to ignore higher version of Windows when install old Oracle Client.
On my experience - Oracle 10g client installation on Windows 10
as shown

unable to run oracle through command line in oracle 11g XE

I have successfully installed Oracle 11g Express Edition but when I click on "Run SQL Command Line" popup appears that says "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). Click OK to close the application".
Can anyone please guide me with this issue.
seems to be like you need to reinstall the oracle 11g express edition again. might have not installed properly because the exe is not starting correctly. another thing is you might have a 64 bit machine and you might be using a 32 bit installer.
to be answer:
you should reinstall it.
most probably it is not installed properly.

Cannot install Oracle Mobile Framework in JDeveloper 12c

I tried to install Oracle Mobile Framework in JDeveloper 12c through Help -> Check updates.
It successfully downloaded and asked me to restart the IDE to install the downloaded updates.
I continued with restart procedure, but Oracle JDeveloper Studio doesn't get started.
After long time, I started IDE manually and tried Creating New Application -> mobile framework application, It doesn't shows.
Again gone through Checking for updates.. then it's shows below screen
Continued with NO. It asks me to restart the IDE again.
Any other way install Mobile framework?? Or any solution for this??
I had the same problem.
What you need to do is choose 'No' when JDeveloper asks you to restart now. Close JDeveloper yourself and start it up yourself. (Note: It may take some time for JDeveloper to start up so be patient!)
By the time you posted this issue, I don't know if this page was available in this exact format, but now, for the further issues similar with yours, that others may have, check out and download the Jdeveloper 12c with ADF, SOA, Mobile Application Framework and WebLogic Server from here:

Installer Oracle 11g windows 64 bit doesn't work

This one drives me crazy, I am installing Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Windows 64 bit version. Because Express edition doesn't work on win7.
Link to download is: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/downloads/112010-win64soft-094461.html
In total there are 2 files, using 7zip I have unzipped them in one folder. Folder is called 'database' containing:
I double clicked on setup, passed installation option where they ask me to provide email address to be informed of security issues. I selected 'Create and configure a database'. And in the next step where they ask for type of installation I chose 'Desktop Class'. After I clicked on 'Next' the installer just closes and installation is stopped..
Any idea what might be the cause? I have the rights, I am using a clean new laptop, WIN7 64 bit, installed JDK.
Oracle 11G Express Edition is officially available on 64-bit versions of Windows (Finally!).
Oracle 11G Express Edition Download Page
If you purpose is some developing/testing/learning why not use pre-built Oracle VM images? You just need to install Virualbox and download the image file.
I quote:
Because Express edition doesn't work on win7.
It actually works.
Just right click on setup and click "run as administrator". Ignore any error message.
It worked on win7 64bit and Windows Server 2008 R2 (of course 64bit).
