Shortkeys with win key is not working when use remote desktop - windows

I have a question about windows remote desktop, that's it.
When I use remote desktop, I cannot use any shotkeys with Win key in the remote window, for example : win+D win+E. When I press win key, it should open the start menu, but nothing happened.
My client is windows 8.1, the remote machine is windows server 2008 r2.
Have you met this problem? What should I do? Thanks.

Is your remote desktop in full screen mode?
When you launch mstsc.exe, click on 'Show Options', and go to 'Launch Resources' tab. This should have an option under 'Keyboard' section -> 'Apply Windows key combinations:'. It should be 'Only when using the full screen'. if you want to use Win+ combination of keys only on your remote computer, then you can select the option 'Only the remote computer'.
Hope this helps!
Silvia Doomra

This works for me:
Close all RDP Clients on remote machine
Close all RDP Clients on local machine
Try again


How to open Clipboard History in RDP session in Windows 10

I can't open Windows Clipboard History with Windows + V in Windows 10. I'm using Microsoft Remote Desktop on my macbook air to connect to remote machine via RDP and not able to open it. It's just paste last copied record and not showing the whole history. That's window I'm trying to open:
clipboard history
I had the same problem using Clipboard History in Windows over RDP from a MacBook Air. I solved it by taking the following steps in Windows:
Open the Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc).
Navigate to the location below in the left pane of Local Group Policy Editor to:
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\OS Policies​
In the right pane of OS Policies in Local Group Policy Editor, double click/tap on the Allow Clipboard History policy to edit (Enable) it.
Reboot computer.
Enable Clipboard History from the normal Windows settings.

Microsoft RDP for mac has no resume and reconnects with new session each time after minimized

I have been using the Microsoft Remote Desktop 8.0.18 to work on Azure vms. Every time the rdp on the mac changes to minimized there is no way to get your current window back again. I click on the Windows RDP icon down on the task bar and only get prompted with the initialize connection screen. The causes the server to run out of rdp sessions and am forced to reset the vm. I am not a pro mac user so it is probably something simple I am missing.
Have you tried forcing an install of the new mac rdp client?

simulate ctrl+alt+del in windows 7 remote computer

I have a requirement of simulating Ctrl+Alt+Del in remote system.I loaded sas.dll and called sendsas function but it is not working.How to display winlogon screen on remote system.
As discussed here, you can try using Ctrl+Alt+End instead. This will bring up the Task Manager.
If this doesn't work for what you need, you can open the on-screen keyboard in the remote desktop, and click the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys with the mouse.

Terminal session when minimized\disconnected returns a blank screen upon capturing desktop snapshot

I am using the below JAVA code to capture the desktop of a remote machine
Robot robot = new Robot();
BufferedImage screenShot = robot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()));
ByteArrayOutputStream imageBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(screenShot, "PNG", imageBytes);
return imageBytes.toByteArray();
However the captured image is blank, when the terminal session to the remote machine is either minimized or disconnected. I appreciate your help in resolving the issue, at the very least the minimized scenario.
I have the same issues with a physical machine running windows 7 and a virtual machine running windows server 2008 R2.
More insights from MSDN:
Why you get black screen when you disconnect from RDP ?
Here is my attempt to make things work, but none of the following did the trick:
How to get data when RDP window minimized ?
You can force the RDP display driver to send data when minized, try these steps and let me know how it goes:
1) Add the following key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\ Created a new DWORD value and named it RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimized. Specified 2 as the value data.
Note: Also tried adding the registry key to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\
2) Disable bitmap caching (
In the Remote Desktop Connection window, click Options.
On the Experience tab, verify that the Bitmap caching check box is selected. Or, to disable bitmap caching, clear theBitmap caching check box
If you minimize the Remote Desktop window, Windows switches the remote session to the GUI-less mode and does not display windows and controls. As a result, TestComplete (or TestExecute) will be unable to interact with the tested application’s GUI, as it does not exist and your automated GUI test will fail.
To work around the issue, you can change the Remote Desktop’s registry settings on your local computer (where you launch the Remote Desktop):
On your local computer, close all open Remote Desktop sessions.
Launch the Registry editor (regedit.exe).
Navigate to one of the following Registry keys, depending on whether you wish to modify the Remote Desktop settings only for the current user or for all users on the computer:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
Create a DWORD value named RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimized and set it to 2.
Or you can do it programmatically by following steps:
Transparent the window
Restore the Window
Minimize it again
Remove transparency
We had similar problem in our project last year...we could find any stable and permanent solution....however here is how a work around worked for us...
We had to run on 5 remote desktops (which will take screens capture as well during failure) ..however as you have figured already if we disconnect session or minimise the RDC Window blank screenshot is captured. Therefore we had added one more VM to connect those other five test boxes. The task for that VM is to keep session active and resized to other 5 boxes...this worked for us.
If you connect a remote desktop to the test machine, make sure to reboot the machine when you are done, otherwise the desktop will remain locked and screen captures will not work.
I don't believe there is any other way around the issue.
I just configured the clients to auto logon, disabled the screen saver and installed a VNC server on each client.
Basically, make sure the screen is always on, and don't RDP into them.
This worked on both physical PCs and on virtual machines hosted on a Hyper-V server.
I even wrote a small .NET desktop client that ran multiple VNC clients inside a single window, so we could see what was happening on all the clients. We had an old PC running this with it's monitor on top of a cupboard to (a) let the developers see if any client had hung, had hundreds of browser windows open, etc. and (b) to look impressive for any non-developers walking past.
A simpler alternative to the above answers to to transmute the terminal session (RDP) into the console session. The session will then display to the physical screen (Switching the user of anyone currently logged into the physical machine). The following command does this:
for /f "skip=1 tokens=3" %%s in ('query user %USERNAME%') do (tscon.exe %%s /dest:console)

Windows SBS 2003 Remote Desktop Problem

I used to remote access the SBS 2003 server through RDC and it has been working all the time but now I am unable to connect to the server.
Whenever I pressed the "Connect" button on the Remote Desktop Connection dialog, a dialog with messages like "Connecting to: xx.xx.xx.xx" and "Configuring remote session..." appeared and then disappeared quickly, leaving the Remote Desktop Connection dialog there.
How to fix the problem? Is the any way to reinstall the Remote Desktop on the server.
Thank you.
No, there is no way to reinstall RDP on the server or client site.
It seems that there is a configuration change in the open ports or if you use a certificate based authentication check your certificate if it's valid.
