simulate ctrl+alt+del in windows 7 remote computer - windows

I have a requirement of simulating Ctrl+Alt+Del in remote system.I loaded sas.dll and called sendsas function but it is not working.How to display winlogon screen on remote system.

As discussed here, you can try using Ctrl+Alt+End instead. This will bring up the Task Manager.
If this doesn't work for what you need, you can open the on-screen keyboard in the remote desktop, and click the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys with the mouse.


Freeze keyboard and mouse on Windows

I want to create a program for a computer lab. The computers in lab are running Windows 7 and are connected via LAN. The program should freeze keyboard and mouse when PC gets disconnected from LAN and also show a fullscreen message.
Currently I have created the first version of this program that works almost fine. It runs with startup. But the problem is that the users can kill it from Task Manager. I've tried running it as a windows service and it runs but cannot interact with desktop, so it cannot freeze the keyboard and mouse.
Any suggestions is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
So I finally solved it.
The reason my program could not interact with desktop is that it runs in Session 0.
This is because the Windows services run in session 0 and cannot directly interact with desktop. Here by interaction I mean receiving keyboard, mouse events and creating or accessing windows in user's desktop.
So I created a service that runs with SYSTEM account. It will create the "freezer process" in user's session. Also this process will run with SYSTEM account, so the normal user will not have privileges to kill.

Detect all connected monitors using Windows API

I am using Windows 7. When I plug a new monitor when the PC is running, the monitor is not automatically detected. I must go to the Display->Screen Resolution and click on the Detect button in order to detect the monitor with the registry configuration.
I am searching for a way to do the same programmatically using the Windows API. So I would like to write a program that detects all connected monitors reproducing the Detect button. I tried using ChangeDisplaySettingEx but with bad results. Any suggestions?
Not really a WinApi but try this utility:
DisplaySwitch.exe /internal - Switch to Primary only
DisplaySwitch.exe /external - Switch to Secondary only
DisplaySwitch.exe /clone - Clone desktop on both screens (Not HDCP compliant!)
DisplaySwitch.exe /extend - Extend desktop to both screens
In particular, try /extend switch, it should perform detection internally.
Not an API solution, but you can use MS's DevCon utility on the command line to scan for new hardware.
Download it from that page, then just execute this from a cmd window:
devcon.exe rescan
You can easily create a .bat or .cmd file to run this from a link.
You should read this if you want to learn about display-aware apps.

Is a mouse click on a remote desktop possible using AutoIt or alternatives?

I want to write a script that involves mouse click and stuff. I am little confused though. Is there a way mouse clicks (in the form of x and y co-ordinates) would work on a VPS which is logged on, but disconnected from the client?
MouseClick("left",588, 268)
To my knowledge, these VPSes don't have their own native screen resolution. I have already written the script for my local pc and it's working fine on my resolution. But when tried with the VPS, it doesn't work.
PS: I am running the script from the remote desktop itself and not from my local pc. Please correct me if there's anything I am doing wrong :)
Update: For anyone still looking for an answer, consider installing a vnc server, that way the screen resolution you specify is preserved even when not connected to the server.
It's relevant to almost any automation tool, not only AutoIt.
Remote Desktop has its own GUI context only if it's connected to the remote PC. But you can lose focus for a Remote Desktop window (without disconnection & without minimizing) and continue other local work.
The same effect takes place for VNC server software.
One team in our organization uses it for massive test runs automation: a master server creates a remote session for each test machine and keeps them all connected until tests passes.
Use ControlClick to have the mouse click over RDP connections, even when you're not connected. For some reason it can still be iffy for me, but at least it worked more so that Click which was none at all.

Keep windows GUI while switching windows user or closing remote connection

I need to run a GUI script (AutoHotKey, which makes mouse clicks and press keys) on:
A different windows user (i.e. I run the script, then switch user
while keeping the session active)
A remote Amazon windows server (using remote desktop) where I also
run the script then close the Remote Desktop while keeping the
instance running
Unfortunately, in both cases, the script doesn't run as it seems that Windows enters a "GUI-less" mode where all GUI components are not active anymore.
Is there any solution to this?
Any hint would be greatly appreciated as I've now lost days trying to solve this!
Many thanks, Thomas
I do not believe this is possible due to the way Remote Desktop is implemented. When you close the RD connection, the GUI is no longer drawn. Therefore, AutoHotkey is unable to perform mouse clicks and key presses.
A possible workaround would be to make some registry tweaks (if possible on your server) which allow GUI interaction while minimized.
Locate HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
Create RemoteDesktop SuppressWhenMinimized as DWORD with a value of 2
Registry Tweak Source

How to unlock Windows lockscreen?

How can I unlock the windows lockscreen with Delphi? I didn't found anything on Google or Stackoverflow. I already tried to enter my password using keybd_event but it seems like the events dont work on the lockscreen.
You cannot unlock the lock screen programmatically from user space. That is by design.
OK, let's clarify that. Using documented APIs, you cannot do this. You need to reverse engineer undocumented APIs as #Remko has done for his SasLibEx product.
Remko Weijnen has very interesting projects in this direction. He has released a command-line tool (Winstation Locker) which is capable to unlock local/remote Windows XP station, without knowing the password of the user who has locked the computer.
For Windows Vista and later he has developed SasLibEx** library which can unlock even specific terminal services sessions, again without username/password.
Both methods require you to have Administrative privileges/account at the destination computer.
PLEASE NOTE, all these tools use nasty hacks that may be considered illegal, inappropriate, intolerant or criminal(?). It should be discussed with your Clients/Employer and should be used with caution!
** SasLibEx is a commercial product
Steamlink (a piece of hardware that allows you to stream your steam games to a big screen) currently has an issue, that if your screen is in a different part of the house, in order to play you need to walk to your PC unlock it and then walk back to your big screen.
In order to make it less painful, people in the community came up with this script:
#powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "$sessionid=((quser $env:USERNAME | select -Skip 1) -split '\s+')[2]; tscon $sessionid /dest:console" 2> UnlockErrors.log
It can unlock your PC remotely. You can call tscon.exe from Delphi to emulate the same.
This actually can be done using powershell, psexec and windows onscreen keyboard. While a program cannot send input to winlogon, the windows osk can, and sure enough a program can send input to osk.
NOTE: The following is a remote solution.
As far as i know, Keyboard events wont work on lock screen unless you switch from Default Desktop to Winlogon desktop(Desktop referring to a container of all activities)
Default desktop is the one you use when reading this post.
Winlogon would be the one that is set as active when you press Ctrl+Alt+Del
You would need to Switch from Default to WinLogon Desktop[Check reference] and then you would be able to unlock machine by getting Window handle for Unlock Computer
IntPtr windowHandle = (IntPtr)FindWindow(null, "Unlock Computer");//Getting Window handle
Send username and password to respective edit boxes.
Run tsdiscon.exe from remote. Not sure how this works; but for me, it unlocks the Locked Screen.
