Clean AWS EMR to allow reuse - hadoop

I have several task I'm preforming on AWS EMRs which don't share data and I would like to use the same EMR to perform them one after another. Is there a way to clean a running EMR back to its initial state (remove hive tables, clean all HDFS files etc.) do avoid collision of data?
I want to reuse EMR for several reasons:
Creation of a new EMR can take 5-10 minutes.
My task are relative shorts, 20-25 minutes.
Once EMR was created you already paying for the full hour.

We didn't find a "quick and clean" API to achieve this behaviour. Instead we consolidate a simple work methodology to promise we can clean all the data.
We work on a specific DB instead of the default one.
We put all our internal data files under a specific location in the HDFS.
So every time a task started, it first delete this specific DB if exists and recreate it and recursively delete all the data under the specific location in the HDFS.


How to archive data stored in HDFS files on another (non-distributed) server?

I have a project folder containing approx. 50 GB of parquet files on a hadoop cluster (CDH 5.14), which I need to archive and move to another host (non-distributed with Windows or Linux). This is only a one time job - I do not plan to bring the data back to HDFS any time soon, however there should be a way to deploy it back to a distributed file system. What would be the optimal way to do it? Unfortunately, I don't have another hadoop cluster or a cloud environment where I could place this data.
I would appreciate any hints.
The optimal solution can depend on the actual data (e.g. Tables, many/few flat files). If you know how they got in there, looking at the inverse could be a logical first step.
For example, if you just use put to place the files, consider using get.
If you use Nifi to get it in, try Nifi to get it out.
After the data is on your Linux box, you can use SCP or something like FTP or a mounted drive to move it to the desired computer.

ETL process in AWS using EC2-s and EFS

I am a data engineer with experience in designing n creating data integration and ELT processes. Below is my use case, and I need to move my process to aws and would like your opinion?
My files to be processed are in s3. I need to process those files using Hadoop. I have existing logic written in hive, just need to migrate the same to aws. Is the below approach correct/ feasible?
Spin up a fleet of ec2 instances, initially say 5, enable autoscaling.
Create an EFS, and mount it on the ec2 instances.
Copy file from s3 to EFS as Hadoop tables.
Run hive queries on top of the data in EFS and create new tables.
Once the process is completed, move/ export the final reports table from EFS to s3 (somehow). Not sure that whether this is possible or not, if this is not possible then this entire solution is not feasible.
6.Terminate EFS and EC2 instances.
If the above method is correct, How does the Hadoop orchestration happen using EFS?
Spin up a fleet of ec2 instances, initially say 5, enable autoscaling.
I'm not sure you need the autoscaling.
let's say you start a "big" query which takes lot's of time & cpu.
auto-scale will start more instances , but how will it start run "fraction" of the query on the new machine?
all machines need to be ready before you run the query . just keep it in mind.
Or in other words: only the machines that available now will handle the query.
Copy file from s3 to EFS as Hadoop tables.
There isn't any problem with this idea.
just keep in mind , you can keep the data in EFS .
if EFS is too pricy for you ,
Please check options for provision EBS-magnetic with Raid 0 .
You will gain great speeds at minimal costs.
The rest is okay, and this is one of the ways to do "on demand" interactive analytics.
Please take a look into AWS Athena.
It's a service which allows you to run queries on s3 objects .
You can use Json and even Parquet (which is much more efficient !)
This service may be enough for your need .
Good luck !

Newbie: Hadoop IIS Logs - Reasonable approach?

I am a totaly beginner at the topic hadoop - so sorry if this is a stupid question.
My fictional scenario is, that I have several webserver (IIS) with several log locations. I want to centralize this log files and based on the data I want to analyze the health of the applications and the webservers.
Since the eco system of hadoop overs a variety of tools I am not sure if my solution is a valid one.
So I thought that I move the log files to hdfs, create an external table on the directory and an internal table and copy the data via hive (insert into from) from the external table to internal table (with some filtering because of the comment lines beginning with #)
When the data is stored within the internal table I delete the previous moved files from hdfs.
Technical it works, I tried it already - but is this is reasonable aproach?
And if yes - how would I automatize this steps since now I did all the stuff manually via Ambari.
THanks for your input
Yes, this is perfectly fine approach.
Outside of setting up the Hive table ahead of time, what's the left to automate?
You want to run things on a schedule? Use Oozie, Luigi, Airflow, or Azkaban.
Ingesting logs from other Windows servers because you have a highly available web service? Use Puppet, for example, to configure your log collections agents (not Hadoop related)
Note, if it's only log file collection that you care about, I would probably have used Elasticsearch instead of Hadoop to store data, Filebeat to continuously watch log files, Logstash to apply per-message level filtering, and Kibana to do visualizations. If combining Elasticsearch for fast indexing/searching and Hadoop for archival, you can insert Kafka between the log message ingestion and message writers/consumers

Apache NIFI Jon is not terminating automatically

I am new to Apache NIFI tool. I am trying to import data from mongo db and put that data into the HDFS. I have created 2 processors one for MongoDB and second for HDFS and I configured them correctly. The job is running successfully and storing the data into HDFS but the job should terminate automatically on success. But it is not, and creating too many files in HDFS. I want to know how to make On Demand Job in NIFI and how to determine that a job is successfull.
GetMongo will continue to pull data from MongoDB based on the provided properties such as Query, Projection, Limit. It has no way of tracking the execution process, at least for now. What you can do, however, is changing the Run Schedule and/or Scheduling Strategy. You can find them by right clicking on the processor and clicking Configure. By default, Run Schedule will be 0 sec which means running continuously. Changing it to, say, 60 min will make the processor run every one hour. This will still read the same documents from MongoDB again every one hour but since you have mentioned that you just want to run it only once, I'm suggesting this approach.

Life of distributed cache in Hadoop

When files are transferred to nodes using the distributed cache mechanism in a Hadoop streaming job, does the system delete these files after a job is completed? If they are deleted, which i presume they are, is there a way to make the cache remain for multiple jobs? Does this work the same way on Amazon's Elastic Mapreduce?
I was digging around in the source code, and it looks like files are deleted by TrackerDistributedCacheManager about once a minute when their reference count drops to zero. The TaskRunner explicitly releases all its files at the end of a task. Maybe you should edit TaskRunner to not do this, and control the cache through more explicit means yourself?
I cross posted this question at the AWS forum and got a good recommendation to use hadoop fs -get to transfer files in a way that persists across jobs.
