How to archive data stored in HDFS files on another (non-distributed) server? - hadoop

I have a project folder containing approx. 50 GB of parquet files on a hadoop cluster (CDH 5.14), which I need to archive and move to another host (non-distributed with Windows or Linux). This is only a one time job - I do not plan to bring the data back to HDFS any time soon, however there should be a way to deploy it back to a distributed file system. What would be the optimal way to do it? Unfortunately, I don't have another hadoop cluster or a cloud environment where I could place this data.
I would appreciate any hints.

The optimal solution can depend on the actual data (e.g. Tables, many/few flat files). If you know how they got in there, looking at the inverse could be a logical first step.
For example, if you just use put to place the files, consider using get.
If you use Nifi to get it in, try Nifi to get it out.
After the data is on your Linux box, you can use SCP or something like FTP or a mounted drive to move it to the desired computer.


Sync config files between nodes on hadoop cluster

I have a hadoop cluster consisting of 4 nodes on which I am running a pyspark script. I have a config.ini file which contains details like locations of certificates, passwords, server names etc which are needed by the script. Each time this file is updated I need to sync the changes across all 4 nodes. Is there a way to avoid that?
I have needed to sync or update changes to my script. Making them on just one node and running it from there is enough. Is the same possible for the config file?
The most secure answer is likely to learn how to use a keystore with spark.
A little less secure but still good. Have you considered you could just put the file in HDFS and then just reference it? (lower security but easier to use)
Unsecure methods that are easy to use:
You can also pass it as a file to spark-submit to transfer the file for you.
Or you could add the values to your spark submit.

Is it possible join a lot of files in Apache Flume?

Our server receive a lot of files every moment. Size of files is pretty small. Around 10 MB. Our management want to make Hadoop cluster for analysis and storage of these files. But it is not effective to storage small files in hadoop. Is it any options in hadoop or in Flume to join (make one big file) this files?
Thanks a lot for help.
Here's what comes to my mind:
1) Use Flume's "Spooling Directory Source". This source lets you ingest data by placing files to be ingested into a “spooling” directory on disk.
Write your files to that directory.
2) Use whichever channel you want for Flume: "memory" or "File". Both have advantages and disadvantages.
3) Use HDFS Sink to write to HDFS.
The "spooling directory source" will rename the file once ingested (or optionally delete). The data also survives crash or restart.
Here's the documentation:

Hbase export not going to copy to local file system

I have some data in hbase table. I have to take its backup. I am using 0.94.18 version. Now I have used following command for export.
hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Driver export hbasetable /home/user/backup/
Now what happened actually is that data is copied to hdfs with exactly same path as I given. I am expecting this should copy to my local file system, but its not.
Where is the problem ?
Second how to backup table schema also in hbase?
For the first part of your answer, take a look at How to copy Hbase data to local file system (external drive)
Since the data is in hadoop, you just need to copy from hadoop to local system.
As for the second par, the good old docs do the tricks:
Basically they are telling two solutions: either do the backup with the system offline, or use another cluster to hold a backup of your live system.

HDFS configuration & what is the user directory for?

I am currently "playing around" with Hadoop in a VM (CDH4.1.3 image from cloudera). What I am wondering about is the following (and the documentation did not really help me in that regard).
Following the tutorial, I would format a NameNode first - OK, that is already done if one uses the cloudera image. Likewise the HDFS file structure is already present. In the hdfs-site.xml the datanode data dir is set to:
which is obviously where the blocks are supposed to be copied to in a real distributed setting. In the cloudera tutorial, one is told to create hdfs "home directories" for each user (/users/<username>), which I do not understand what they are for. Are they just for local test-runs in a single-node setup?
Say I really had petabytes of data on type not fitting into my local storage. This data would have to be distributed straight away, rendering a local "home directory" entirely useless.
Could someone tell me, just to give me an intuition, how a real Hadoop workflow with massive data would look like? What kind of distinct nodes would I have running for a start?
There's the master (JobTracker) with its slave file (where would I put that) allowing the master to resolve all the DataNodes. Then there is my NameNode that keeps track of where the block IDs are stored. The DataNodes are also carry TaskTracker responsibility. In the config files, the NameNode's URI is included -- am I correct so far? Then there is still the ${} variable in the configuration which apparently, if I understood it right, has something to do with WebHDFS, which would also be great if someone could explain to me. In the running examples, the directions tend to be hardcoded to
/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/cache/1/dfs/data, /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/cache/2/dfs/data and so on.
So, back to the example: Say, I have my tape and want to import data into my HDFS (and I am required to stream data into the filesystem because I lack the local storage to save it locally on a single machine). Where would I start with the migration process? On an arbitrary DataNode? On the NameNode that distributes the chunks? After all, I cannot assume the data just to "be there", because the name node has to be aware of the block IDs.
It would be great if someone could shortly elaborate on these topics:
What is the home directory really for?
Do I migrate data to the home directory first and to the real distributed system afterwards?
How does WebHDFS work and what role does it play with regards to the variable
How would I migrate "big data" into my HDFS on the fly - or even if it's not big data, how do I populate my file system in a proper way (meaning, that the chunks get randomly distributed across the cluster?
What is the home directory really for?
You have a small confusion here. Just like /home exists for local filesystems on Linux, where users are given their own storage space, /users is a home mount ON the HDFS (Distributed FS). The tutorial needs you to administratively create a home directory for the user you wish to later be running data loads and queries as, such that they get adequate permissions and storage access onto the HDFS. The tutorial is not asking you to create these directories locally.
Do I migrate data to the home directory first and to the real distributed system afterwards?
I believe my above answer should clarify this for you. You should create your home directory on the HDFS, and then load all your data inside of that directory.
How does WebHDFS work and what role does it play with regards to the variable
WebHDFS is one of the various ways to access HDFS. Regular clients to talk to HDFS require use of Java APIs. WebHDFS (and also HttpFs) techniques were added to HDFS to let other languages have their own set of APIs by providing a REST front-end to HDFS. WebHDFS allows user-authentication, to help persist the permission and security models.
How would I migrate "big data" into my HDFS on the fly - or even if it's not big data, how do I populate my file system in a proper way (meaning, that the chunks get randomly distributed across the cluster?
The large part of problem HDFS solves for you is that of managing distribution of data. When loading files or data streams to HDFS (via CLI tools, sinks from Apache Flume, etc.), the blocks are spread in an ideal distribution by HDFS itself, and the chunking is managed by it as well. All you need to do is use the user-side regular FileSystem style APIs and forget about what goes where underneath - its all managed for you.

getting data in and out of hadoop

I need a system to analyze large log files. A friend directed me to hadoop the other day and it seems perfect for my needs. My question revolves around getting data into hadoop-
Is it possible to have the nodes on my cluster stream data as they get it into HDFS? Or would each node need to write to a local temp file and submit the temp file after it reaches a certain size? and is it possible to append to a file in HDFS while also running queries/jobs on that same file at the same time?
Fluentd log collector just released its WebHDFS plugin, which allows the users to instantly stream data into HDFS. It's really easy to install with ease of management.
Fluentd + Hadoop: Instant Big Data Collection
Of course you can import data directly from your applications. Here's a Java example to post logs against Fluentd.
Fluentd: Data Import from Java Applications
A hadoop job can run over multiple input files, so there's really no need to keep all your data as one file. You won't be able to process a file until its file handle is properly closed, however.
HDFS does not support appends (yet?)
What I do is run the map-reduce job periodically and output results to an 'processed_logs_#{timestamp}" folder.
Another job can later take these processed logs and push them to a database etc. so it can be queried on-line
I'd recommend using Flume to collect the log files from your servers into HDFS.
