Apache NIFI Jon is not terminating automatically - apache-nifi

I am new to Apache NIFI tool. I am trying to import data from mongo db and put that data into the HDFS. I have created 2 processors one for MongoDB and second for HDFS and I configured them correctly. The job is running successfully and storing the data into HDFS but the job should terminate automatically on success. But it is not, and creating too many files in HDFS. I want to know how to make On Demand Job in NIFI and how to determine that a job is successfull.

GetMongo will continue to pull data from MongoDB based on the provided properties such as Query, Projection, Limit. It has no way of tracking the execution process, at least for now. What you can do, however, is changing the Run Schedule and/or Scheduling Strategy. You can find them by right clicking on the processor and clicking Configure. By default, Run Schedule will be 0 sec which means running continuously. Changing it to, say, 60 min will make the processor run every one hour. This will still read the same documents from MongoDB again every one hour but since you have mentioned that you just want to run it only once, I'm suggesting this approach.


Change single to cluster hadoop installation keeping persisted data

I'm going to do a Hadoop POC in a production environment. The POC consists of:
1. Receive lots of (real life) events
2. Accumulate them to have a set of events with enough size
3. Persist the set of events in a single file HDFS
In case the POC is successful, I want to install a cluster environment but I need to keep the data persisted in the single cluster installation (POC).
Then, the question: How difficult is to migrate the data already persisted in HDFS single cluster to a real cluster HDFS environment?
Thanks in advance (and sorry for my bad english)
You don't need to migrate anything.
If you're running Hadoop in Pseudo distributed mode, all you need to do is add datanodes that are pointing at your existing namenode and that's it!
I would like to point out
Persist the set of events in a single file HDFS
I'm not sure about making "a single file", but I suggest you do periodic checkpointing. What if the stream fails? How do you catch dropped events? Spark, Flume, Kafka Connect, NiFi, etc can allow you to do this.
And if all you're doing is streaming events, and want to store them for a variable time period, then Kafka is more built for that use case. You don't necessarily need Hadoop. Push events to Kafka, consume them where it makes sense, for example, a search engine or a database (Hadoop is not a database)

Spark Launcher Jobs not starting because of token cant be found in cache after 24 hours

I have a Java Application, which runs continuously and checks a table in database for new records. When a New record is added in the table, the Java application do a unzip file and puts into HDFS location and then a Spark Job gets triggered(I am pro-grammatically triggering the Spark Job using 'SparkLauncher" class inside the Java Application), which does the processing for newly added file in HDFS location.
I have scheduled the Java Application in cluster using Oozie Java Action.
The cluster is HDP kerberized cluster.
The Job is working perfectly fine for 24 hours. All the unzip happens and spark job is running.
But after 24 hours the unzip happens in Java Application but the Spark Job is not get triggered in Resource Manager.
Exception : Exception encountered while connecting to the server :INFO: org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(org.apache.hadoop.security.token.SecretManager$InvalidToken): token (owner=****, renewer=oozie mr token, realUser=oozie, issueDate=1498798762481, maxDate=1499403562481, sequenceNumber=36550, masterKeyId=619) can't be found in cache
As per my understanding, after 24 hours oozie is renewing the token, and that token is not getting updated for the Spark launcher Job. The spark Launcher is still looking for the older Token which is not available in cache.
Please help me, how I can make Spark Launcher to look for the new-token.
As per my understanding, after 24 hours oozie is renewing the token
Why? Can you point to any documentation, source code, blog?
Remember that Oozie is a scheduler for batch jobs, and its canonical use case (at Yahoo!) is for triggering hourly jobs.
Only a pathological batch job would run for more than 24h, therefore renewal of the Hadoop delegation token is not really useful in Oozie.
But your Java thing acts as a service, running continuously, and needing automatic restart if it ever crashes. So you should consider...
either Slider, if you really want to run it inside YARN (although there
are many, many drawbacks -- how do you inspect the
logs of a running YARN job? how can you make sure that the app starts on time and is not delayed by a lack of resources? how can you make sure that your app will not be killed because YARN needs resources for a high-priority job?) but it is probably overkill for simply running your toy app
or a plain Linux service running on some Edge Node -- it's a Do-It-Yourself task, but not extremely complicated, and there are tutorials on the web
If you insist on using Oozie, in spite of all the limitations of both YARN and Oozie, then you have to change the way your app runs -- for instance, schedule the Coordinator to launch a job every 12h and pass the "nominal time" as Workflow property, edit the Workflow to pass that time to the Java app, edit the Java code so that the app exits at (arg + 11:58) and clears the way for the next exec.

How to expose Hadoop job and workflow metadata using Hive

What I would like to do is make workflow and job metadata such as start date, end date and status available in a hive table to be consumed by a BI tool for visualization purposes. I would like to be able to monitor for example if a certain workflow fails on certain hours, success rate, ...
For this purpose I need access to the same data Hue is able to show in the job browser and Oozie dashboard. What I am looking for specifically for workflows for example is the name, submitter, status, start and end time. The reason that I want this is that in my opinion this tool lacks a general overview and good search.
The idea is that once I locate this data I will directly -or trough some processing steps- load it into Hive.
Questions that I would like to see answered:
Is this data stored in HDFS or is it scattered in local data nodes?
If it is stored in HDFS. Where can I find it? If it is stored in local data nodes, how does Hue find and show this?
Assuming I can access the data. In what format would I expect this data. Is this stored in general log files or can I expect somewhat structured data?
I am using CDH 5.8
If jobs are submitted through other ways than Oozie , my approach won't be helpful.
We have collected all the logs from the oozie server through the Oozie Java API and iterated over the coordinator information to get the required info.
You need to think, what kind of information you need to retrieve.
If you have all jobs submitted through Bundle then come from bundle to coordinator then to workflow to find out the info.
If you want to get all the coordinator info then simply call the api with the number of coordinator to bring and fetch required info.
And then we have loaded the fetched result into a hive table and there one can filter results for failed or time out coordinators & various other parameters.
You can start looking into the example given from Oozie site:-
If you want to track the status of your jobs scheduled in oozie, you should use oozie RESTful API or JavaAPI. I didn't work with Hue version for operation Oozie, but I guess it still uses rest api behind the scene. It provides you with all necessary information and you can create some service which would consume this data and push it into Hive table.
Another option is to access Oozie database. As you probably know Oozie keeps all the data about the scheduled jobs within some RDBMS like MqSql or Postgres. You can consume this information through some JDBC connector. An interesting way would actually be to try to link this information directly into Hive as a set of external tables though JDBCStorageHandler. Not sure if it work, but it worth to try.

Clean AWS EMR to allow reuse

I have several task I'm preforming on AWS EMRs which don't share data and I would like to use the same EMR to perform them one after another. Is there a way to clean a running EMR back to its initial state (remove hive tables, clean all HDFS files etc.) do avoid collision of data?
I want to reuse EMR for several reasons:
Creation of a new EMR can take 5-10 minutes.
My task are relative shorts, 20-25 minutes.
Once EMR was created you already paying for the full hour.
We didn't find a "quick and clean" API to achieve this behaviour. Instead we consolidate a simple work methodology to promise we can clean all the data.
We work on a specific DB instead of the default one.
We put all our internal data files under a specific location in the HDFS.
So every time a task started, it first delete this specific DB if exists and recreate it and recursively delete all the data under the specific location in the HDFS.

Event based triggering of a Pig job

I have a system which ingests application log data into Hadoop using Flume. I am indexing this data using Elasticsearch by running a Pig script to load data from Hadoop into ES. Now, I need to automate this task such that every time a new line gets appended, the script should be triggered, or whenever it is triggered it loads only the newly written lines. Can anyone tell me how to achieve this?
