Count Length and then Count those records. - oracle

I am trying to create a view that displays size (char) of LastName and the total number of records whose last name has that size. So far I have:
SELECT LENGTH(LastName) AS Name_Size
FROM Table
ORDER BY Name_Size;
I need to add something like
COUNT(LENGTH(LastName)) AS Students
This is giving me an error. Do I need to add a GROUP BY command? I need the view:
Name_Size Students
3 11
4 24
5 42

SELECT LENGTH(LastName) as Name_Size, COUNT(*) as Students
FROM Table
GROUP BY Name_Size
ORDER BY Name_Size;
You may have to change the group by and order by to LENGTH(LastName) as not all SQL engines let you reference an alias from the select statement in a clause on that same statement.


Type wise summation and subtracting in oracle

I have two table of my store and working on Oracle. Image First table describe about my transaction in store, there are two types of transaction (MR & SR), MR means adding products in Store and SR means removing products from my storage. What I wanted to do get the final closing of my storage. After transaction final Quantity every products as shown in Image. I have tried many solution but can't finish it. so I could not show now. Please help me to sort this problem. Thanks
You can use case as below to decrease and increase the quantity based on type and then group by Name and find the sum of quantity derived from the case statement to get your desired result.
select row_number() over (order by a.Name) as Sl,a.Name, sum(a.qntity) as qntity
(select t2.Name,case when t1.type='MR' then t2.qntity else -(t2.qntity) end as qntity
from table1 t1,table2 t2 where t1.oid=t2.table01_oid) a
group by a.Name;
This query will provide result as below:
1 Balls 0
2 Books 6
3 Pencil 13

How to add running ID in a single UPDATE statement (Oracle)

let's assume I have a table tab1 in my Oracle DB 12.1, which has a column record_id (type NUMBER) and many other columns, among them a column named exchg_id.
This record_id is always empty when a batch of new rows gets inserted into the table. What I need to do is to populate the record_id with values 1..N for all rows that satisfy a condition ...WHERE EXCHG_ID = 'something' and number of such rows is N. Of course I know how to do this procedurally (in a for-loop), but I'd like to know if there's an faster way using a single UPDATE statement. I imagine something like this:
UPDATE tab1 SET record_id = {1..N} WHERE exchg_id = 'something';
Many thanks for your help!
UPDATE: the order of the rows is not important, I need no specific ordering. I just need unique record_id's 1..N for any given exchg_id.
You could use rownum to set record_id to 1 to N :
UPDATE tab1 SET record_id = rownum WHERE exchg_id = 'something';
If you have some offset, say 10, then use rownum + 10

Oracle query to fetch the previous value of a related row in same table

I have a table Student which has name and ratings year wise.
Name Year Rating
Ram 2016 10
Sam 2016 9
Ram 2014 8
Sam 2012 7
I need to find the previous rating of the employee which could be last year or some years before.
The query should return below results
Name Cur_rating_year_2016 Prev_rating
Ram 10 8
Sam 9 7
Below is the script for insert and create
Create table Student (name varchar2(10), year number, rating number );
insert into student values('Ram' ,2016 ,10);
insert into student values('Sam' ,2016 ,9);
insert into student values('Sam' ,2012 ,7);
insert into student values('Ram' ,2014 ,8);
Is there a way to achieve this using select query?
Use LAG analytical function
LAG is an analytic function. It provides access to more than one row
of a table at the same time without a self join. Given a series of
rows returned from a query and a position of the cursor, LAG provides
access to a row at a given physical offset prior to that position.
For the optional offset argument, specify an integer that is greater
than zero. If you do not specify offset, then its default is 1. The
optional default value is returned if the offset goes beyond the scope
of the window. If you do not specify default, then its default is
SELECT stud_name AS name,
r_year AS year,
r_value AS rating,
lag(r_value, 1, NULL) OVER(PARTITION BY stud_name ORDER BY r_year) AS prev_rating
FROM stud_r
ORDER BY stud_name;
Try as:
WHERE A.YEAR='2016' AND B.YEAR<>'2016'

Removing duplicate columns in one row while merging corresponding column values

Apologies if this seems simple to some, I am still in the (very) early stages of learning!
Basically I've got a table database that has multiple users (Users_ID), each with a corresponding access name(NAME). The problem is, some Users have multiple access names, meaning when the data is pulled, there is duplicates in the User_ID column.
I need to remove the duplicates in the User column and join their corresponding access names in the NAME column, so it only takes up 1 row and no data is lost.
The current SQL query I'm using is :
select Table1_user_id,,
from Table1
inner join Table2
on Table1.role_id = Table2.role_id
An example of what this would return:
------- --------------
Tim Level_1 Access
John Level 2 Access
Tim Level 2 Access
Mark Level 3 Access
Tim Level 3 Access
Ideally, I would remove the duplicates for Tim and display as following:
------- ----------------------------------------------
Tim Level_1 Access, Level 2 Access, Level 3 Access
John Level 2 Access
Mark Level 3 Access
Thanks in advance for any help regarding this and sorry if something similar has been asked before!
SELECT Table1.user_id, GROUP_CONCAT( SEPARATOR ',') AS Ename
FROM Table1
INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.role_id = Table2.role_id
GROUP BY Table1.user_id
select Table1_user_id, LISTAGG(,', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY as Name
from Table1
inner join Table2
on Table1.role_id = Table2.role_id

Oracle aggregate function to return a random value for a group?

The standard SQL aggregate function max() will return the highest value in a group; min() will return the lowest.
Is there an aggregate function in Oracle to return a random value from a group? Or some technique to achieve this?
E.g., given the table foo:
group_id value
1 1
1 5
1 9
2 2
2 4
2 8
The SQL query
select group_id, max(value), min(value), some_aggregate_random_func(value)
from foo
group by group_id;
might produce:
group_id max(value), min(value), some_aggregate_random_func(value)
1 9 1 1
2 8 2 4
with, obviously, the last column being any random value in that group.
You can try something like the following
select deptno,max(sal),min(sal),max(rand_sal)
select deptno,sal,first_value(sal)
over(partition by deptno order by dbms_random.value) rand_sal
from emp)
group by deptno
The idea is to sort the values within group in random order and pick the first.I can think of other ways but none so efficient.
You might prepend a random string to the column you want to extract the random element from, and then select the min() element of the column and take out the prepended string.
select group_id, max(value), min(value), substr(min(random_value),11)
from (select dbms_random.string('A', 10)||value random_value,foo.* from foo)
In this way you cand avoid using the aggregate function and specifying twice the group by, which might be useful in a scenario where your query is very complicated / or you are just exploring the data and are entering manually queries with a lengthy and changing list of group by columns.
