Oracle query to fetch the previous value of a related row in same table - oracle

I have a table Student which has name and ratings year wise.
Name Year Rating
Ram 2016 10
Sam 2016 9
Ram 2014 8
Sam 2012 7
I need to find the previous rating of the employee which could be last year or some years before.
The query should return below results
Name Cur_rating_year_2016 Prev_rating
Ram 10 8
Sam 9 7
Below is the script for insert and create
Create table Student (name varchar2(10), year number, rating number );
insert into student values('Ram' ,2016 ,10);
insert into student values('Sam' ,2016 ,9);
insert into student values('Sam' ,2012 ,7);
insert into student values('Ram' ,2014 ,8);
Is there a way to achieve this using select query?

Use LAG analytical function
LAG is an analytic function. It provides access to more than one row
of a table at the same time without a self join. Given a series of
rows returned from a query and a position of the cursor, LAG provides
access to a row at a given physical offset prior to that position.
For the optional offset argument, specify an integer that is greater
than zero. If you do not specify offset, then its default is 1. The
optional default value is returned if the offset goes beyond the scope
of the window. If you do not specify default, then its default is
SELECT stud_name AS name,
r_year AS year,
r_value AS rating,
lag(r_value, 1, NULL) OVER(PARTITION BY stud_name ORDER BY r_year) AS prev_rating
FROM stud_r
ORDER BY stud_name;

Try as:
WHERE A.YEAR='2016' AND B.YEAR<>'2016'


Generate order number based on a column value with reference to other columns

This is question in Oracle views.I have a table with Emp_id,Start_Period and Key. Sample data is given in Descending order of start period with 201909 on top. Need to generate a column named Key_order. (Finally I am planning to create a view with all 4 columns.)
With the sample data as shown. In the sorted list with Start_period what ever comes in first position with number 1 and then on, when the Key changes order has to increment by one.
That is in row 1 and 2 key is same and order is 1. In row 3 SCD changed to ABC so order has to increment by 1 so order value is 2. 4th position key changes and order becomes 3.
See in 7th and 8th position value is same so order remains 6 for both. I am trying to do this inside a view. Tried RANK() but it is sorting column Key and giving order based on that.
Please help.Sample Data
Set a one in each line that has a different key than the line before. Use LAG for this. Then build a running total of these ones with SUM OVER.
emp_id, start_period, key,
sum(chg) over (partition by emp_id order by start_period desc) as key_order
emp_id, start_period, key,
case when key = lag(key) over (partition by emp_id order by start_period desc)
then 0 else 1 end as chg
from mytable
order by emp_id, start_period desc;

How to iterate over a hive table row by row and calculate metric when a specific condition is met?

I have a requirement as below:
I am trying to convert a MS Access table macro loop to work for a hive table. The table called trip_details contains details about a specific trip taken by a truck. The truck can stop at multiple locations and the type of stop is indicated by a flag called type_of_trip. This column contains values like arrival, departure, loading etc.
The ultimate aim is to calculate the dwell time of each truck (how much time does the truck take before beginning for another trip). To calculate this we have to iterate the table row by row and check for trip type.
A typical example look like this:
Do while end of file:
Store the first row in a variable.
Move to the second row.
If the type_of_trip = Arrival:
Move to the third row
If the type_of_trip = End Trip:
Store the third row
Take the difference of timestamps to calculate dwell time
Append the row into the output table
What is the best approach to tackle this problem in hive?
I tried checking if hive contains a keyword for loop but could not find one. I was thinking of doing this using a shell script but need guidance on how to approach this.
I cannot disclose the entire data but feel free to shoot any questions in the comments section.
Trip ID type_of_trip timestamp location
1 Departure 28/5/2019 15:00 Warehouse
1 Arrival 28/5/2019 16:00 Store
1 Live Unload 28/5/2019 16:30 Store
1 End Trip 28/5/2019 17:00 Store
Expected Output
Trip ID Origin_location Destination_location Dwell_time
1 Warehouse Store 2 hours
You do not need loop for this, use the power of SQL query.
Convert your timestamps to seconds (using your format specified 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm'), calculate min and max per trip_id, taking into account type, subtract seconds, convert seconds difference to 'HH:mm' format or any other format you prefer:
with trip_details as (--use your table instead of this subquery
select stack (4,
1,'Departure' ,'28/5/2019 15:00','Warehouse',
1,'Arrival' ,'28/5/2019 16:00','Store',
1,'Live Unload' ,'28/5/2019 16:30','Store',
1,'End Trip' ,'28/5/2019 17:00','Store'
) as (trip_id, type_of_trip, `timestamp`, location)
select trip_id, origin_location, destination_location,
from_unixtime(destination_time-origin_time,'HH:mm') dwell_time
select trip_id,
min(case when type_of_trip='Departure' then unix_timestamp(`timestamp`,'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm') end) origin_time,
max(case when type_of_trip='End Trip' then unix_timestamp(`timestamp`,'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm') end) destination_time,
max(case when type_of_trip='Departure' then location end) origin_location,
max(case when type_of_trip='End Trip' then location end) destination_location
from trip_details
group by trip_id
trip_id origin_location destination_location dwell_time
1 Warehouse Store 02:00

Type wise summation and subtracting in oracle

I have two table of my store and working on Oracle. Image First table describe about my transaction in store, there are two types of transaction (MR & SR), MR means adding products in Store and SR means removing products from my storage. What I wanted to do get the final closing of my storage. After transaction final Quantity every products as shown in Image. I have tried many solution but can't finish it. so I could not show now. Please help me to sort this problem. Thanks
You can use case as below to decrease and increase the quantity based on type and then group by Name and find the sum of quantity derived from the case statement to get your desired result.
select row_number() over (order by a.Name) as Sl,a.Name, sum(a.qntity) as qntity
(select t2.Name,case when t1.type='MR' then t2.qntity else -(t2.qntity) end as qntity
from table1 t1,table2 t2 where t1.oid=t2.table01_oid) a
group by a.Name;
This query will provide result as below:
1 Balls 0
2 Books 6
3 Pencil 13

using alias for cast in HIVE

I have a table called loan with loan amount,annual income, year (MMM-YY format) and member id. I am trying to find the highest loan amount in a year along wit annual income and member id details.
I tried to group the highest loan amount by year using the code
select max(cast(loan_amt as int)),issue_d from loan group by issue_d;
then I wanted also to fetch the member id and annual income information so I wrote the following code
but it is giving me error message for using alias for a column which is cast.
select a.loan_amt,a.member_id,a.annual_inc,a.issue_d
(select loan_amt,member_id,annual_inc,issue_d from loan) a
(select max(cast(loan_amt as int)) as ml,issue_d from loan group by issue_d) c
where ((a.issue_d=c.issue_d) and (;
What you want to do is rank the records based on the Amount, per Period, then keep only the top 1 record for each Period.
Use one of the analytic functions that are designed exactly for that purpose -- Hive has a pretty good support of the SQL standard on that topic.
Since you don't say what to do about ties (i.e. what if several loans have the same Amount???) I assume you want just one record chosen randomly...
select X, Y, Z, Period, Amount as TopAmount
(select X, Y, Z, Period, cast(StrAmt as double) as Amount,
row_number() over (partition by Period order by cast(StrAmt as double) desc) as TmpRank
from WTF
where TmpRank =1
If you want all the records with top Amount then replace row_number with rank or dense_rank (the "dense" stuff would make a difference for the top 2, but not for the top 1)

Count Length and then Count those records.

I am trying to create a view that displays size (char) of LastName and the total number of records whose last name has that size. So far I have:
SELECT LENGTH(LastName) AS Name_Size
FROM Table
ORDER BY Name_Size;
I need to add something like
COUNT(LENGTH(LastName)) AS Students
This is giving me an error. Do I need to add a GROUP BY command? I need the view:
Name_Size Students
3 11
4 24
5 42
SELECT LENGTH(LastName) as Name_Size, COUNT(*) as Students
FROM Table
GROUP BY Name_Size
ORDER BY Name_Size;
You may have to change the group by and order by to LENGTH(LastName) as not all SQL engines let you reference an alias from the select statement in a clause on that same statement.
