Empty Property Dialog with Visual Studio 2013 - visual-studio-2010

I migrate my system from Visual Studio 2010 (VS2010) to Visual Studio 2013 (VS2013) by installing VS2013 side by side to VS2010.
Then I opened a VS2010 project where I didn't convert it to VS2013 file format.
When I open the property dialog it is empty. And deleting the .suo files didn't fix the problem (See Visual Studio 2013 shows empty project properties when VS2008 is used as toolset).
I'm glad for hints,

I found a solution for this. The problem was VS 2010 German. I uninstalled VS 2010 and VS2013. And then I installed VS 2010 English with SP 1 and VS2013 with SP 4.
And now and forever the property dialog is no more empty :)
Thomas L.


I upgraded my project from visual studio 2010 to visual studio 2015 but i is there any need to upgrade the msbuild

I am upgrading my project from visual studio 2010 to visual studio 2015
please tell me is there any need to upgraded the ms-build project.
Follow these steps to upgrade project created in earlier versions of VS this may help you:
In VS, on the File menu, click Open and then click Project/Solution,
Web Site, or File, depending on the kind of project you are
In the Open Project dialog box, select a project file, and then click
Open. If VS detects that the project or file was created in an earlier version of Visual Studio, the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard opens.
Complete the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard.
is there any need to upgraded the ms-build project?
The answer is No. That because since start with Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio team made a number of exciting changes to MSBuild for Visual Studio 2013. Now the 2013 version of MSBuild will ship as a part of Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. See this blog MSBuild is now part of Visual Studio! for more detail info.
You can find the MSBuild.exe from the directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin
Since it ships as a part of Visual Studio 2013, just as Michael said, MSBuild upgrade should happen with the VS installation. So you do not need to upgrade the MSBuild separately.
Hope this helps.

Visual studio 2015 property page can not open Visual studio 2010 property

I'm trying to make Visual studio 2010 project work on Visual studio 2015(without upgrading it).
But the problem is it does not open proper property page.
It works very well in Visual studio 2010 IDE. Or if it is upgraded for Visual studio 2015 toolset(v140).
If I change the 'Platform Toolset' option to Visual studio 2010(v100), it does not work again.
Does anybody know what the problem is?
Thank you.
I faced a similar issue. See here:
Missing Properties when opening VS2010 C++ projects with VS2015
In my case, it was related to language settings:
VS2010 german version
VS2015 english version
-> project properties where not there
Switching the language of VS2015 to german solved it for me.

Visual Studio 2013 Round-Tripping

I want to migrate a Visual Studio 2010 Solution so that I can work with Visual Studio 2013.
If I understand it right, due to the round-tripping feature of Visual Studio 2013,
there is no reason to convert the solution!? I can just open my old solution with
Visual Studio 2013 and can just work with it.
Is that right? Or is there a good reason or need to do a conversion to a
Visual Studio 2013 solution.
Or better: Is there any good reason to not stick with the old Visual Studio 2010 solution?
Visual Studio 2013 can open a sln file created by Visual Studio 2010. However, Visual Studio 2010 can not open a sln file created by Visual Studio 2013.
The easiest way to see this is to open the sln file in a text editor and look at the first 2 lines:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio has a version setting in the header (this example is from VS 2012). An older version of the tool wont open the file.
Beyond that there aren't really any big differences in the file. There are certain project types (ie Project("{guid}") that aren't supported in older version of Visual Studio. For example a Visual Studio 2013 SDK project can only be opened with Visual Studio 2013.
To wrap up, if you have an existing Visual Studio 2010 sln file, there isn't really any need to change it. If you plan on opening it again in VS2010 then make sure you don't change it. Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it and just let VS do whatever makes VS happy.

Visual Studio 2012 Website Does Work Properly in Visual Studio 2012

I originally created an ASP.NET site in Visual Studio 2010 a few years ago and it went through the VS 2010 SP1 update as well. This meant that Visual Studio 2012 opened the solution without performing a one time upgrade.
The issue I am having is that the built-in browser selector in Visual Studio 2012 is not available for this project and the settings only let you use the default browser.
When I looked in the .SLN file, the version line indicates Visual Studio 2012 (i.e. # Visual Studio 2012) and no other setting in there appears to have anything to do with this limitation.
Has anybody had this issue and, if so, can you please let me know how your overcame it?
You're going to have to upgrade your project to allow it to make use of Visual Studio 2012 only features. Note, if you do this you will no longer be able to open your project in earlier versions of VS.
For VS 2010 , you can install WoVS Default Browser Switcher extension
Also a related question Change default browser in Visual Studio 2010 RC

How can i update my Project Template from Visual Studio 2010 to support Visual Studio 2012?

Me and my team were using Visual Studio 2010 as C#/.NET IDE, but we decided to upgrade it to 2012, and thats what we did.
We have a bunch of Project Templates previously created, on Visual Studio 2010.
How can we create/convert those for the 2012 version of the IDE ?
I've tried this link from msdn but got no luck because my Visual Studio does not shows the VSIX Project option in this step :
On the File menu, click New and then click Project. Select either Visual Basic or Visual C#, select Extensibility, and then select VSIX Project.
Any tip / How to ?
Thanks in advance
