Visual Studio 2013 Round-Tripping - visual-studio-2010

I want to migrate a Visual Studio 2010 Solution so that I can work with Visual Studio 2013.
If I understand it right, due to the round-tripping feature of Visual Studio 2013,
there is no reason to convert the solution!? I can just open my old solution with
Visual Studio 2013 and can just work with it.
Is that right? Or is there a good reason or need to do a conversion to a
Visual Studio 2013 solution.
Or better: Is there any good reason to not stick with the old Visual Studio 2010 solution?

Visual Studio 2013 can open a sln file created by Visual Studio 2010. However, Visual Studio 2010 can not open a sln file created by Visual Studio 2013.
The easiest way to see this is to open the sln file in a text editor and look at the first 2 lines:
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2012
Visual Studio has a version setting in the header (this example is from VS 2012). An older version of the tool wont open the file.
Beyond that there aren't really any big differences in the file. There are certain project types (ie Project("{guid}") that aren't supported in older version of Visual Studio. For example a Visual Studio 2013 SDK project can only be opened with Visual Studio 2013.
To wrap up, if you have an existing Visual Studio 2010 sln file, there isn't really any need to change it. If you plan on opening it again in VS2010 then make sure you don't change it. Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it and just let VS do whatever makes VS happy.


Is there a Visual Studio Installer Project type for Visual Studio 2019?

I am trying to build a VS 2017 solution which includes a Visual Studio Installer Project with the just released Visual Studio Pro 2019. Of course, when I tried to open the solution I got an error because there was not Visual Studio Installer project type in VS 2019. And, I cant find a place to load it from.
How do I add a Visual Studio Installer Project type in the released version of VS 2019?
Install the addin in Visual Studio 2019:
This extension provides the same functionality that currently exists
in Visual Studio 2015 for Visual Studio Installer projects. To use
this extension, you can either open the Extensions and Updates dialog,
select the online node, and search for "Visual Studio Installer
Projects Extension," or you can download directly from this page.
This extension is designed to work with Visual Studio 2017 and
Visual Studio 2019.

How can I complete the build of fltk 1.1.10 in Visual Studio 2013?

I am trying to build fltk 1.1.10 in Visual Studio 2013 but I get the warning
"fltk.sln: Visual Studio needs to make non-functional changes to this project in order to enable the project to open in Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without impacting project behavior."
After searching, I found out how to do this for a C# project but how can I do it for fltk.sln?
Many thanks for the help.
There are 3 solutions in the FLTK1.1.10 distribution
visualc - for Visual Studio 6
vcnet - for Visual Studio 2003
vc2005 - for Visual Studio 2005
None of these will load directly into VS2013. They have to be converted to VS2013 format. Easiest way is to make a copy of vc2005 and call it vc2013. Then start fltk.sln. It will tell you that it needs to make a one way upgrade with the message you described. Just click OK.
What this does is migrate the 2005 sln to 2013 sln and migrate the vcproj files to vcxproj files. Basically you don't lose the vcproj files - you just get completely new versions of vcxproj files. Once that is done, just do a build.

About saving on visual studio 2013

Hi guys im using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013, but in my college, all of the computers using microsoft visual Studio 2012. Is there is possible if i save my project (from visual studio 2013) then i open it on visual studio 2012?
Visual Studio 2013 has a feature called "Solution Round Tripping", which means that a solution created in Visual Studio 2012, under certain circumstances, can be edited by both Visual Studio 2012 and 2013.
There are limitations though, as you can't open a solution in 2012 that uses new features or frameworks that are not available in 2012. Makes sense right? Generally, when you create the solution in 2012 and then open it in 2013, your chances are high.

How to open DGML file in Visual Studio 2010 Professional

How do I open a .dgml file using Visual Studio 2010 Professional so that I see the DGML graph visually? I have read here that VS 2010 supports DGML viewing, but whenever I drag my file into Visual Studio I am presented only with the XML editor.
Correct, DGML is available only for Premium and Ultimate.
From all that I've read (e.g. there, or there), I suspect that DGML is not available at all in the Professional edition of Visual Studio 2010.
You'd most likely need Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. It seems DGML is one part of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate's "Architecture" features.
It also seems as if DGML was available in a Beta version of Visual Studio 2010. (IIRC, the Beta version was an Ultimate edition.)

opening visual studio 2010 solution files in visual studio 2008

How would you open a Visual Studio 2010 .sln file in Visual Studio 2008?
Is it possible? Are there any workarounds?
Have a look at these questions for information about how to convert the solution file between VS2008 and VS2010:
VS2010 possible to convert projects back to VS2008?
VS2010 and VS2008 project compatibility
But keep in mind, that once you have used some of the .NET 4 features (while in VS 2010), you will not be able to continue working with that solution in VS2008, since it does not support .NET 4. On the other hand, when using VS2010, you can still target .NET 3.5 or 2.0.
I think I need more information... but I will try it.
One option is to create a new project in VS 2008 and simply add the files to the project.
Other option is to edit the .sln file and replace* Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00.* with Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00.
The open the .csproj file and replace
Open the solution file (.sln) with notepad and change
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
Visual Studio 2010
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00
Visual Studio 2008
Then open the solution file from visual studio 2008
