I upgraded my project from visual studio 2010 to visual studio 2015 but i is there any need to upgrade the msbuild - visual-studio

I am upgrading my project from visual studio 2010 to visual studio 2015
please tell me is there any need to upgraded the ms-build project.

Follow these steps to upgrade project created in earlier versions of VS this may help you:
In VS, on the File menu, click Open and then click Project/Solution,
Web Site, or File, depending on the kind of project you are
In the Open Project dialog box, select a project file, and then click
Open. If VS detects that the project or file was created in an earlier version of Visual Studio, the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard opens.
Complete the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard.

is there any need to upgraded the ms-build project?
The answer is No. That because since start with Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio team made a number of exciting changes to MSBuild for Visual Studio 2013. Now the 2013 version of MSBuild will ship as a part of Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. See this blog MSBuild is now part of Visual Studio! for more detail info.
You can find the MSBuild.exe from the directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin
Since it ships as a part of Visual Studio 2013, just as Michael said, MSBuild upgrade should happen with the VS installation. So you do not need to upgrade the MSBuild separately.
Hope this helps.


Setup projects on Visual Studio 2022

In Visual studio 2019 and earlier versions Setup projects were part of the project templates I could add to any solution.
Now I've tried to open an old solution in VS 2022 and it says there is no compatibility for this kind of project.
Is that so, or am I missing something? Is there anything I can do about it?
I know there are some new solutions for installers integrated with VS, but Setup project just works for me and I never felt the need to change.
For Visual Studio 2022 support for Visual Studio Installer Projects must now be installed as an official Microsoft extension from here:
I found this by googling "Visual Studio 2022 Installer Project".

If i opened a visual studio project with newer visual studio version , can I open it again with the older visual studio version?

I have a visual studio 2008 project if I open it with 2015 visual studio can I open it again with visual studio 2008?
No, the project file will be upgraded and cannot be opened with the previous version of Visual Studio.
However Visual Studio will create a backup of the old project file and other files in your project that will be modified on upgrade.
Using this backup is your only chance to open the project with an earlier version of Visual Studio again.

How can I complete the build of fltk 1.1.10 in Visual Studio 2013?

I am trying to build fltk 1.1.10 in Visual Studio 2013 but I get the warning
"fltk.sln: Visual Studio needs to make non-functional changes to this project in order to enable the project to open in Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1 without impacting project behavior."
After searching, I found out how to do this for a C# project but how can I do it for fltk.sln?
Many thanks for the help.
There are 3 solutions in the FLTK1.1.10 distribution
visualc - for Visual Studio 6
vcnet - for Visual Studio 2003
vc2005 - for Visual Studio 2005
None of these will load directly into VS2013. They have to be converted to VS2013 format. Easiest way is to make a copy of vc2005 and call it vc2013. Then start fltk.sln. It will tell you that it needs to make a one way upgrade with the message you described. Just click OK.
What this does is migrate the 2005 sln to 2013 sln and migrate the vcproj files to vcxproj files. Basically you don't lose the vcproj files - you just get completely new versions of vcxproj files. Once that is done, just do a build.

Visual Studio - vdproj is incompatible

I have a project in a solution I am working on in Visual Studio 2012, and I get this message for one of the projects: "This version of Visual Studio does not have the following project types installed, or does not support them." It is a vdproj. What does this mean and how do I resolve this problem
The correct procedure to resolve "Incompatible" issue with VDPROJ Projects coming from Visual Studio 2010 and 2015 in 2017 or 2019 is:
Enter Visual Studio .NET 2017 or 2019
2017: Click on "Tools" -> Extension and Updates -> Online
2019: Click on "Extensions" -> Manage Extensions -> Online
Type "Installer Project" on the search box
Click on "Install" in Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Project
Restart Visual Studio .NET and follow the instructions to install the extension
With this extension the old project (2010, 2015) is capable to work in (2017, 2019). VDPROJ are not deprecated, simply they are improved with a new extension, for more information about this please visit the oficial MarketPlace.
There is also the official:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Installer Projects
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Installer Projects
Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects (2017 & 2019)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Installer Projects
if you can jump to VS 2013, 2015, 2017+2019, or 2022
But BozoJoe is right, its time to drop vdproj and move on to WiX.
vdproj is a MSI creation project for Visual Studio. Its been deprecated and most people have moved on to either WIX or NSIS or a professional grade installer creation tools such as Install Shield.
If you do not require an installer for your product just exclude the vdproj project from the solution and continue with your life
for fun if you want to try to transition right away to wix, try this powershell script https://github.com/chrisoldwood/vdproj2wix
Visual Studio 2017 can use the Visual Studio Installer. It is NOT a default. You have to run InstallerProjects.vsix. You can get it at Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Installer Projects. I have used it and worked great, at least for a windows GUI project. It's worth a shot before you get into the Install Shield intricacies.
if You use Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Project (Vs2017).
Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Project may be disabled after an update.
Tools -> Extensions and Updates..
Click Installed
Find and Select -> Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Project
do Enable
Restart Visual Studio

How can i update my Project Template from Visual Studio 2010 to support Visual Studio 2012?

Me and my team were using Visual Studio 2010 as C#/.NET IDE, but we decided to upgrade it to 2012, and thats what we did.
We have a bunch of Project Templates previously created, on Visual Studio 2010.
How can we create/convert those for the 2012 version of the IDE ?
I've tried this link from msdn but got no luck because my Visual Studio does not shows the VSIX Project option in this step :
On the File menu, click New and then click Project. Select either Visual Basic or Visual C#, select Extensibility, and then select VSIX Project.
Any tip / How to ?
Thanks in advance
