How to remove package filter? - filter

How do I disable a package filter? I keep getting this message....
Ignoring unknown package filter 'build-tools-23.0.0_rc2'
Warning: The package filter removed all packages. There is nothing to install.
Please consider trying to update again without a package filter.

First of all make sure you have installed build-tools-23.0.0 using the sdk manager.
Then open the build.gradle file at app level and remove the 'rc2' part from the line buildToolsVersion "23.0.0 rc2"
This is how I have solved the same issue. Hope it helps.

I was facing the same issue and after searching for quite a long time, I found this way around:
open your cmd
go to sdk dir
if ./tools/android list sdk -e prints id: 1 or "tools" there is an update for the sdk tools available
./tools/android update sdk -u -a -t tools installs/updates the sdk tools (it reinstalls if already installed)
It will ask y/n. Choose yes, it starts installing.
Finally what solved my problem is to download this rar file (containing the 23.0.0_rc2 sdk files), and extract it inside sdk->build-tools.

I had this same issue it was resolved after fixing my syntax in my build.gradle.
One of my closing brackets was in the wrong place.
Hope this helps


VSCode - Maven.archetype.generate fails

I get the below error message when I try to run the command in VSCode.
Command "maven.archetype.generate" fails. Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
As far as I can see, I have all plugins/extensions but cannot work out why it won't work. I found this but still cannot get it to work, however I can run apps for files created before I updated VSCode to version 1.32.1. I just cannot create new ones.
It's look like a bug.
Are you running the commands without any workspace or folder open?
Open a folder first, see if the issue still exists. If it's gone, I
suppose it's because of a potential NPE which is fixed by PR #276 but
not released yet. Please let me know the result.
It worked for me!
See more:
From command line, type in:
mvn --version
to see if Maven is installed properly.
You need maven and jdk installed for maven to work.
Check out the “Before you begin” here:
What is probably happening is that you do not have Maven or JDK installed, or you have not set the system variables properly. These installations are not the same as the plugins/extensions found in Visual Studio Code. These are in addition to that.

mingw-w64 installer "the file has been downloaded incorrectly"

I am trying to install mingw-w64 onto Windows. However I receive an error, "the file has been downloaded incorrectly". Redownloading the setup file again from sourceforge does not fix the problem. Is there an alternative way to install it or am I doing something wrong?
Old post but same problem, the installer doesn't seem to work.
I give the solution which works for me
You can directly download the archive of MinGW64 with your chosen configuration :
Once the compressed file downloaded, you have just to extract and copy/paste the MinGW64 folder( with the pre-compiled librairies) to your chosen folder ( in my case : C:\mingw64)
I got same error and solved it, after struggling a few hours. You should download MinGW64 via
After downloading, You should unzip mingw64 file to a folder(in my case I unzipped it to c disk; C:\mingw64)
And then you have to set up path. for that follow below steps;
open settings.
Search for Edit environment variables for your
choose path variable and then select edit.
Select New and add the Mingw-w64 folder path(bin folder). In my case, I added (C:\mingw64\bin).
Select OK to save the updated path.
And reopen your cmd, then check if everything is good by typing; gcc --version
Long story short, the official installer is broken and not been fixed for years, so we have to install it manually.
The official download link above would bring you to sourceforge: targetting Win32/Personal Builds/mingw-builds/installer/mingw-w64-install.exe
And in the same folder that contains the installer, there's a repository.txt. (about this file)
Take a look at it, the installer basically just download and unzip the build from one of these urls within repository.txt. Choose the url you want and download/upzip it manually. (In my case, I use 8.1.0|x86_64|posix|seh|rev0 setup)
Last, setup the Path environment variable pointing to your unzipped bin folder, let say C:\mingw64\bin, and this should do the trick.
Finally, I solved this problem by downloading this:
GCC 10.1.0 + LLVM/Clang/LLD/LLDB 10.0.0 + MinGW-w64 7.0.0 - release 3 (LATEST)
Win32: 7-Zip archive* | Zip archive
Win64: 7-Zip archive* | Zip archive
and set the %path%
After that, I still can't execute gcc correctly, but then I solved the problem by adding this environment variable:
I encountered the problem when using this golang package:
I received the same error. When I re-ran the installer as an adminstrator it was installed successfully.
I also made sure not to add any spaces to the installation path.
Following this tutorial helped me manually install MinGW for windows : youtube
So the problem for me was that when I tried to use the .exe installer, it either showed me that,
"the file has been downloaded incorrectly" , or , the /.../bin folder did not have any files in it.
In the link above, the MinGW files (including the /bin files) were manually downloaded and identified properly by the Environment Variables.
The problem is with your internet connection and/or ISP. I'm not great at networking so I'll let others be more specific. I tried installing/downloading it using my mobile's data as wifi hotspot and it worked. Hope it helps

How can I use react-native-fbsdk with build platform?

I am using buddybuild to build our app & I'm not sure how I'm supposed to use the react-native-fbsdk? The docs tell us to put the Library in ~/Documents/FacebookSDK. But for build tools such as Buddybuild (travis, circle, etc...), I'm not sure what we're supposed todo here?
Our app does not use cocoapods, it uses carthage.
Any ideas?
So far the only option would be to install cocoapods & install the dependency from there?
I found that Carthage supports the swift SDK:
However I don't think the react-native-fbsdk package works with the swift implementation
For those who are not using CocoaPods for any reason, here´s how replicate main idea into AppCenter:
First of all, you need to copy the Facebook Sdk files somewhere into your project. In my case I´d put them at {PROJECT}/ios/Facebook
Then you need to create a file at the root of your react-native project (as described here: making sure to add:
ln -s $APPCENTER_SOURCE_DIRECTORY/ios/Facebook $HOME/Documents/FacebookSDK
Note that the Documents folder already exists there, so need to create it.
Yes, this is an issue which is currently waiting for the patch here bug report, meanwhile, a solution for buddybuild could by creating a symbolic link for the hard-coded path.
For more information regarding post-clone see postclone docs
# File:
# Creating virtual symbolic link for FB SDK for buddybuild
mkdir ~/Documents
ln -s $BUDDYBUILD_WORKSPACE/ios/libs/FacebookSDK ~/Documents/FacebookSDK

XCode 4.3 Command Line Tools Package with Invalid Checksum

The package Apple provides to install the command line tools with Xcode 4.3 is corrupted, and I seem to need it because I'm developing some command line tools.
Has anybody found an alternative Command Line package for Xcode 4.3 from Apple that works or an workaround for the subject?
Xcode includes a new "Downloads" preference pane to install optional components such as command line tools, and previous iOS Simulators.
So, I found a way to do this correctly.
The problem is really in one of the European mirrors from Apple.
The workaround is to:
- Install Tor:
- Choose a Tor node in the USA
- Logging into your Apple Developer account and download the package
It now opens correctly without any checksum warning.
I solved my own problem of downloading/installing Xcode 4.3.1 "Command Line Tools" by getting them directly from the developer's webpage. The March version yielded a checksum error just like
the download from within Xcode 4.3.1, i.e. Xcode/Preferences/Downloads . But I did have success with the February version of CLT. I don't know why things were out-of-sync.
I had the same problem when trying to install the Command Line Tools from the Downloads tab in the XCode preferences (also downloading from Europe). I fixed it by clearing the dns cache on my system.
This is the Terminal command to clear the dns cache (OSX Lion):
dscacheutil -flushcache
Restart XCode after running this command, it may not fix the problem with the checksum until you do.
defaults write skip-verify -bool true
Just add another mirror for the download site:
Use the following to determine a valid ip:
and add this to /etc/hosts:
Example (ip might already have changed)
You can simply click skip while the disk image is verifying. I have installed from a dmg of CLT-4.3 with this problem and built an extensive amount of software with if successfully on my te

Nuget Clean Package Remove/Install

I'd like to remove an entire nuget package, and cleanly install it in my project again.
Sadly, for some reason it skips removing files that have been "modified", and then skips putting them in the project on reinstall, because they already exist.
Is there any flag i can set to unconditionally remove every single trace of a nuget package, alternatively overwrite all existing files?
Unfortunately at the moment, NuGet does not do what you want. During the uninstall process, NuGet will only delete content files if they have not been modified. And as you've noticed, the update process will not update files that were modified either.
The Uninstall-Package command does have a -Force option, but that is to "force" uninstall even if there are other packages that depend on this one.
We can certainly file this as an issue and perhaps incorporate it into a future version.
Another option would be to create a PowerShell script that will enumerate a package's contents, then allow you to delete all the content files. I'll see if there is a simple way to do this.
BTW: Perhaps you can figure out a better way to extend the existing content file other than modifying it directly. Especially since you're losing your changes when the package is updated.
You can now do what you want! (finally)
You need to first update to the latest NuGet (I think this feature was added around April 2013). Do this by going to Tools > Extensions and Updates and click on Updates to update nuget.
Then the -FileConflictAction parameter will allow you to overwrite files.
Install-Package Microsoft.jQuery.Unobtrusive.Validation -Version 2.0.30506.0 -FileConflictAction Overwrite
(PowerShell Command Reference for Install-Package)
The NuGet Version 1.6 HAS a remove package function!
if the update of the extension fails (signatur missmatch), just uninstall and reinstall. this is a known problem.
I think this happened to me a few times. Go to the packages.config file that should be the root directory of your project and remove the insurgent (in your case the line with the package: SignalR). This will tell NuGet that the package was never installed.
Now you will be able to reinstall it through the repository, then uninstall it so everything is back to the way it was before you got into this mess. I am unsure how it is occurring.
