My A* pathfinding implementation does not produce the shortest path - algorithm

I am building a flash game that requires correct pathfinding. I used the pseudo code in this tutorial and a diagonal heuristic. I did not closely follow their code. The language is ActionScript 3 and I am also using flashpunk libraries.
My current issue is that the program is producing a path that is clearly not the shortest path possible. Here is a screenshot showing the problem:
The grey blocks are non traversable, the green blocks mark nodes that have been "visited" and the blue blocks show the path generated by the algorithm.
It looks as if the diagonal travel cost is equal to the non-diagonal travel cost, despite my attempt to make the diagonal cost higher (1.414).
This is the overall algorithm implementation.
function solveMaze() {
// intitialize starting node
startingNode.g = 0;
startingNode.h = diagonalHeuristic(startingNode, destinationNode);
startingNode.f = startingNode.g + startingNode.h;
// Loop until destination node has been reached.
while (currentNode != destinationNode) {
if (openNodes.length == 0) {
return null;
// set lowest cost node in openNode list to current node
currentNode = lowestCostInArray(openNodes);
//remove current node from openList
openNodes.splice(openNodes.indexOf(currentNode), 1);
//find 8 nodes adjacent to current node
connectedNodes = findConnectedNodes(currentNode);
//for each adjacent node,
for each (var n:Node in connectedNodes) {
// if node is not in open list AND its not in closed list AND its traversable
if ((openNodes.indexOf(n) == -1) && (closedNodes.indexOf(n) == -1) && n.traversable) {
// Calculate g and h values for the adjacent node and add the adjacent node to the open list
// also set the current node as the parent of the adjacent node
if ((n.mapX != currentNode.mapX) && (n.mapY != currentNode.mapY)) {
cost = 1.414;
} else {
cost = 1;
if(n.g> currentNode.g + cost){
n.g = currentNode.g + cost;
n.parentNode =currentNode;
// turn current node into grass to indicate its been traversed
//var temp2:TextEntity = new TextEntity(n.h.toFixed(1).toString(), 32 * currentNode.mapX, 32 * currentNode.mapY);
// add current node to closed list
// create a path from the destination node back to the starting node by following each parent node
var tempNode:Node = destinationNode.parentNode;
tempNode.setType("path2"); // blue blocks
while(tempNode != startingNode){
tempNode = tempNode.parentNode;
These were the helper functions used:
function findConnectedNodes(inputNode:Node):Array {
var outputArray:Array=[];
// obtain all nodes that are either 1 unit away or 1.4 units away.
for each (var n:Node in listOfNodes){
if ((diagonalHeuristic(inputNode, n) == 1)||(diagonalHeuristic(inputNode, n) == 1.4) {
return outputArray;
public static function diagonalHeuristic(node:Node, destinationNode:Node, cost:Number = 1.0, diagonalCost:Number = 1.4):Number {
var dx:Number = Math.abs(node.mapX - destinationNode.mapX);
var dy:Number = Math.abs(node.mapY - destinationNode.mapY);
if (dx > dy) {
return diagonalCost * dy + (dx - dy);
}else {
return diagonalCost * dx + (dy - dx);
function lowestCostInArray(inputArray:Array):Node {
var tempNode:Node = inputArray[0];
for each (var n:Node in inputArray) {
if (n.f < tempNode.f) {
tempNode = n;
return tempNode;
I can provide the project source code if it would help.

I see a few potential things wrong.
You are potentially overwriting values here:
n.g = currentNode.g + cost;
n.parentNode =currentNode;
It should be:
if n.g > currentNode.g + cost:
n.g = currentNode.g + cost;
n.parentNode =currentNode;
if n not already in openNodes:
With n.g initiated to a very large value, or you can do the check like if n not in the open set or n.g > currentNode.g + cost.
You should remove the check if ((openNodes.indexOf(n) == -1) from where you have it now and put it where I said. If the new g cost is better, you should update it, even if it's in the open list. You only update each node once. If it so happens that you check diagonals first, you will completely ignore side steps.
This is likely the problem: by ignoring neighbors that are in the open list, you will only update their cost once. It is OK to update their cost as long as they are not in the closed list.
I don't know for sure if this is a valid concern, but I think you're playing with fire a little by using 1.414 in the heuristic function. The heuristic function has to be admissible, which means it should never overestimate the cost. If you run into some floating point issues, you might overestimate. I'd play it safe and use 1.4 for the heuristic and 1.414 for the actual cost between diagonally adjacent nodes.


How can I change my DFS maze algorithm to generate more than one path/be not perfect?

So far I got an DFS maze algorithm that gets me and perfect maze with one path exactly. I was wondering how I could get more than one path to my end with little change. Should I just randomly remove walls? But the thing is that I do not want just empty squares with no walls at all...
Here's my algorithm so far:
private void computeMaze(){
Random random = new Random();
Stack<Block> stack = new Stack<Block>(); //Stack
Block current = blocks[0][0]; //First cell is the current cell
current.setVisited(true); //Mark as accessed
//Create a count; first cell has been accessed, if no unvisited cells left == 0
int unVisitedCount=ROWS*COLS-1;
//Create a list of neighbors
List<Block> neighbors;
Block next;
while(unVisitedCount > 0) {
//Find neighbor collection (unreachable)
neighbors = current.findNeighbors();
//If the current cell has unvisited neighbors then:
if(neighbors.size() > 0) {
//Randomly select a neighbor from this list
int index = random.nextInt(neighbors.size());
next = neighbors.get(index);
//Stack the current cell
//Remove the walls between the current maze cell and the randomly selected neighbor cell
//Mark the neighbor cell as visited and use it as the current cell
current = next;
//If an access is marked, the counter is decreased by 1
else if(stack.isEmpty() == false) {//If the current maze cell does not have an unreachable adjacent maze cell, and the stack is not empty
1.The maze unit at the top of the stack comes out of the stack
2.Make it the current maze unit
Block cell = stack.pop();
current = cell;
//Find neighbors as well as the getneighbors methods:
//Find out whether the current cell has an unreachable neighbor cell
public List<Block> findNeighbors() {
//The neighbors are divided into upper, lower, left and right
List<Block> res = new ArrayList<Block>();
Block top = this.getNeighbor(0,false);
Block right = this.getNeighbor(1,false);
Block bottom = this.getNeighbor(2,false);
Block left = this.getNeighbor(3,false);
if(top != null){
if(right != null){
if(bottom != null){
if(left != null){
return res;//Return neighbor array
//Get neighbors according to direction
public Block getNeighbor(int type,boolean lose_visited) {
Block neighbor;
int neighbor_i = 0, neighbor_j = 0;
switch(type) {
case 0:
neighbor_i = this.i-1;
neighbor_j = this.j;
case 1:
neighbor_i = this.i;
neighbor_j = this.j+1;
case 2:
neighbor_i = this.i+1;
neighbor_j = this.j;
case 3:
neighbor_i = this.i;
neighbor_j = this.j-1;
Block[][] blocks = panel.blocks;
//It's beyond the boundary, therefore no neighbor
if(neighbor_i < 0 || neighbor_j < 0 || neighbor_i >= panel.ROWS || neighbor_j >= panel.COLS) {
neighbor = null;
//The dimensions are permitted, neighbor is found
else {
//Find the neighbor, either top/bottom/left/right
neighbor = blocks[neighbor_i][neighbor_j];
//Judge whether it is accessed. If it is accessed, null is returned
if(neighbor.visited && !lose_visited) {//lose_visited equals true to ignore access
neighbor = null;
return neighbor;
To make a maze with multiple solutions, you would want to remove walls that would connect the solution path to a non-solution path. That would then add that non-solution path to the alternate solutions.
You might also want to remove some walls between multiple non-solution paths just to make it interesting.
The question of leaving an empty area is more interesting. You can remove all 4 walls from a cell, if it is a 4-way junction, so you need to check that the neighbouring cells have walls connecting to the corners.
And then the question of is the removal trivial - is the connection close to the point where the 2 paths already junctioned?
Identify all the wall sections that have that joining property,
and don't lead to trivial solutions
check that removing that wall section does not break the corners rule.
Randomly select one
Repeat until you have enough alternate solutions.

Bus Routes Algorithm

I'm trying to solve the following question:
We have a list of bus routes. Each routes[i] is a bus route that the ith bus repeats forever. For example if routes[0] = [1, 5, 7], this means that the first bus (0th indexed) travels in the sequence 1→5→7→1→5→7→1→... forever.
We start at bus stop S (initially not on a bus), and we want to go to bus stop T. Travelling by buses only, what is the least number of buses we must take to reach our destination? Return -1 if it is not possible.
routes = [[1, 2, 7], [3, 6, 7]]
S = 1
T = 6
The best strategy is take the first bus to the bus stop 7, then take the second bus to the bus stop 6.
1 <= routes.length <= 500.
1 <= routes[i].length <= 500.
0 <= routes[i][j] < 10 ^ 6.
My idea is to treat each stop as a Node. Each node has a color (the bus number), and has a value (the stop number).
This problem would then be converted to a 0-1 BFS shortest path problem.
Here's my code :
class Node {
int val;
int color;
boolean visited;
int distance;
public Node(int val, int color) {
this.val = val;
this.color = color;
this.visited = false;
this.distance = 0;
public String toString() {
return "{ val = " + this.val + ", color = " + this.color + " ,distance = " + this.distance + "}";
class Solution {
public int numBusesToDestination(int[][] routes, int S, int T) {
if(S == T) return 0;
// create nodes
// map each values node(s)
// distance between nodes of the same bus, have 0 distance
// if you're switching buses, the distance is 1
Map<Integer, List<Node>> adjacency = new HashMap<Integer, List<Node>>();
int color = 0;
Set<Integer> colorsToStartWith = new HashSet<Integer>();
for(int[] route : routes) {
for(int i = 0; i < route.length - 1; i++) {
int source = route[i];
int dest = route[i + 1];
adjacency.putIfAbsent(source, new ArrayList<Node>());
adjacency.putIfAbsent(dest, new ArrayList<Node>());
if(source == S) colorsToStartWith.add(color);
adjacency.get(source).add(new Node(dest, color));
adjacency.get(source).add(new Node(source, color));
if(route[route.length - 1] == S) colorsToStartWith.add(color);
adjacency.putIfAbsent(route[route.length - 1], new ArrayList<Node>());
adjacency.get(route[route.length - 1]).add(new Node(route[0], color));
adjacency.get(route[route.length - 1]).add(new Node(route[route.length - 1], color));
// run bfs
int minDistance = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
Deque<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();
Node start = new Node(S, 0);
start.distance = 1;
boolean first = true;
boolean found = false;
while(!q.isEmpty()) {
Node current = q.remove();
current.visited = true;
for(Node neighbor : adjacency.get(current.val)) {
if(!neighbor.visited) {
neighbor.visited = true;
if(neighbor.color == current.color || current.val == neighbor.val || first) {
neighbor.distance = current.distance;
} else {
neighbor.distance = current.distance + 1;
if(neighbor.val == T) {
minDistance = Math.min(minDistance, neighbor.distance);
first = false;
return minDistance == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : minDistance;
I'm not sure why this is wrong.
The following test case fails :
Routes = [
S = 6
T = 30
What is the error in my code that makes this test fail?
The example input you give should return 1, since the one-but-last route contains both the source and target bus stop (6 and 30):
I ran your code with that input, and it returns 1, so your solution is rejected for another reason, which then must be a time out.
I see several causes for why your code is not optimal:
While ideally a BFS should stop when it has found the target node, your version must continue to visit all unvisited nodes that are reachable, before it can decide what the solution is. So even if it finds the target on the same route as the source, it will continue to switch routes and so do a lot of unnecessary work, as there is no hope to find a shorter path.
This is not how it is supposed to be. You should take care to perform your search in a way that gives priority to the edges that do not increase the distance, and only when there are no more of those, pick an edge that adds 1 to the distance. If you do it like that you can stop the search as soon as you have found the target.
A Node object is created repeatedly for the same combination of bus stop and "color" (i.e. route). As a consequence, when you later set visited to true, the duplicate Node objects will still have visited equal to false and so that bus stop will be visited several times with no gain.
You should make sure to only create new Node objects when there is no existing object with such combination yet.
Edges exist between two consecutive bus stops on the same route, meaning you may need to traverse several edges on the same route before finding the one that is either the target or the right place to switch to another route.
It would be more efficient to consider a whole route a Node: routes would be considered connected (with an edge) when they share at least one bus stop. Converting routes to Sets of bus stops would make it fast and easy to identify these edges.
The reflexive edges, from and to the same bus stop, but specifying a color (route), also do not add to efficiency. The main issue you tried to solve with this set up, is to make sure that the first choice of a route is free of charge (is not considered a switch). But that concern is no longer an issue if you apply the previous bullet point.
I chose JavaScript as implementation, but I guess it wont be hard to rewrite this in Java:
function numBusesToDestination (routes, S, T) {
if (S === T) return 0;
// Create nodes of the graph
const nodes = routes;
// Map bus stops to routes: a map keyed by stops, with each an empty Set as value
const nodesAtBusStop = new Map([].concat( => => [stop, new Set]))));
// ... and populate those empty Sets:
for (let node of nodes) {
for (let stop of node) {
// Build adjacency list of the graph
const adjList = new Map( => [node, new Set]));
for (let [stop, nodes] of nodesAtBusStop.entries()) {
for (let a of nodes) {
for (let b of nodes) {
if (a !== b) adjList.get(a).add(b);
const startNodes = nodesAtBusStop.get(S);
const targetNodes = nodesAtBusStop.get(T);
if (!startNodes || !targetNodes) return -1;
// BFS
let queue = [...startNodes];
let distance = 1;
let visited = new Set;
while (queue.length) {
// Create a new queue for each distance increment
let nextLevel = [];
for (let node of queue) {
if (visited.has(node)) continue;
if (targetNodes.has(node)) return distance;
queue = nextLevel;
return -1;
// I/O handling
(document.oninput = function () {
let result = "invalid JSON";
try {
let routes = JSON.parse(document.querySelector("#inputRoutes").value);
let S = +document.querySelector("#inputStart").value;
let T = +document.querySelector("#inputTarget").value;
result = numBusesToDestination(routes, S, T);
catch (e) {}
document.querySelector("#output").textContent = result;
#inputRoutes { width: 100% }
Routes in JSON format:
<textarea id="inputRoutes">[[1,2,7],[3,6,7]]</textarea><br>
Start: <input id="inputStart" value="1"><br>
Target: <input id="inputTarget" value="6"><br>
Distance: <span id="output"></span>

Get border edges of mesh - in winding order

I have a triangulated mesh. Assume it looks like an bumpy surface. I want to be able to find all edges that fall on the surrounding border of the mesh. (forget about inner vertices)
I know I have to find edges that are only connected to one triangle, and collect all these together and that is the answer. But I want to be sure that the vertices of these edges are ordered clockwise around the shape.
I want to do this because I would like to get a polygon line around the outside of mesh.
I hope this is clear enough to understand. In a sense i am trying to "De-Triangulate" the mesh. ha! if there is such a term.
Boundary edges are only referenced by a single triangle in the mesh, so to find them you need to scan through all triangles in the mesh and take the edges with a single reference count. You can do this efficiently (in O(N)) by making use of a hash table.
To convert the edge set to an ordered polygon loop you can use a traversal method:
Pick any unvisited edge segment [v_start,v_next] and add these vertices to the polygon loop.
Find the unvisited edge segment [v_i,v_j] that has either v_i = v_next or v_j = v_next and add the other vertex (the one not equal to v_next) to the polygon loop. Reset v_next as this newly added vertex, mark the edge as visited and continue from 2.
Traversal is done when we get back to v_start.
The traversal will give a polygon loop that could have either clock-wise or counter-clock-wise ordering. A consistent ordering can be established by considering the signed area of the polygon. If the traversal results in the wrong orientation you simply need to reverse the order of the polygon loop vertices.
Well as the saying goes - get it working - then get it working better. I noticed on my above example it assumes all the edges in the edges array do in fact link up in a nice border. This may not be the case in the real world (as I have discovered from my input files i am using!) In fact some of my input files actually have many polygons and all need borders detected. I also wanted to make sure the winding order is correct. So I have fixed that up as well. see below. (Feel I am making headway at last!)
private static List<int> OrganizeEdges(List<int> edges, List<Point> positions)
var visited = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
var edgeList = new List<int>();
var resultList = new List<int>();
var nextIndex = -1;
while (resultList.Count < edges.Count)
if (nextIndex < 0)
for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i += 2)
if (!visited.ContainsKey(i))
nextIndex = edges[i];
for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i += 2)
if (visited.ContainsKey(i))
int j = i + 1;
int k = -1;
if (edges[i] == nextIndex)
k = j;
else if (edges[j] == nextIndex)
k = i;
if (k >= 0)
var edge = edges[k];
visited[i] = true;
nextIndex = edge;
i = 0;
// calculate winding order - then add to final result.
var borderPoints = new List<Point>();
edgeList.ForEach(ei => borderPoints.Add(positions[ei]));
var winding = CalculateWindingOrder(borderPoints);
if (winding > 0)
edgeList = new List<int>();
nextIndex = -1;
return resultList;
/// <summary>
/// returns 1 for CW, -1 for CCW, 0 for unknown.
/// </summary>
public static int CalculateWindingOrder(IList<Point> points)
// the sign of the 'area' of the polygon is all we are interested in.
var area = CalculateSignedArea(points);
if (area < 0.0)
return 1;
else if (area > 0.0)
return - 1;
return 0; // error condition - not even verts to calculate, non-simple poly, etc.
public static double CalculateSignedArea(IList<Point> points)
double area = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
int j = (i + 1) % points.Count;
area += points[i].X * points[j].Y;
area -= points[i].Y * points[j].X;
area /= 2.0f;
return area;
Traversal Code (not efficient - needs to be tidied up, will get to that at some point) Please Note: I store each segment in the chain as 2 indices - rather than 1 as suggested by Darren. This is purely for my own implementation / rendering needs.
// okay now lets sort the segments so that they make a chain.
var sorted = new List<int>();
var visited = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
var startIndex = edges[0];
var nextIndex = edges[1];
visited[0] = true;
visited[1] = true;
while (nextIndex != startIndex)
for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count - 1; i += 2)
var j = i + 1;
if (visited.ContainsKey(i) || visited.ContainsKey(j))
var iIndex = edges[i];
var jIndex = edges[j];
if (iIndex == nextIndex)
nextIndex = jIndex;
visited[j] = true;
else if (jIndex == nextIndex)
nextIndex = iIndex;
visited[i] = true;
return sorted;
The answer to your question depends actually on how triangular mesh is represented in memory. If you use Half-edge data structure, then the algorithm is extremely simple, since everything was already done during Half-edge data structure construction.
Start from any boundary half-edge HE_edge* edge0 (it can be found by linear search over all half-edges as the first edge without valid face). Set the current half-edge HE_edge* edge = edge0.
Output the destination edge->vert of the current edge.
The next edge in clockwise order around the shape (and counter-clockwise order around the surrounding "hole") will be edge->next.
Stop when you reach edge0.
To efficiently enumerate the boundary edges in the opposite (counter-clockwise order) the data structure needs to have prev data field, which many existing implementations of Half-edge data structure do provide in addition to next, e.g. MeshLib

KD TREES (3-D) Nearest Neighbour Search

I am looking at the Wikipedia page for KD trees Nearest Neighbor Search.
The pseudo code given in Wikipedia works when the points are in 2-D(x,y) .
I want to know,what changes should i make,when the points are 3-D(x,y,z).
I googled a lot and even went through similar questions link in stack overflow ,but i did n't find the 3-d implementation any where,all previous question takes 2-D points as input ,not the 3-D points that i am looking for.
The pseudo code in Wiki for building the KD Tree is::
function kdtree (list of points pointList, int depth)
// Select axis based on depth so that axis cycles through all valid values
var int axis := depth mod k;
// Sort point list and choose median as pivot element
select median by axis from pointList;
// Create node and construct subtrees
var tree_node node;
node.location := median;
node.leftChild := kdtree(points in pointList before median, depth+1);
node.rightChild := kdtree(points in pointList after median, depth+1);
return node;
How to find the Nearest neighbor now after building the KD Trees?
You find the nearest neighbour exactly as described on the Wikipedia page under the heading "Nearest neighbour search". The description there applies in any number of dimensions. That is:
Go down the tree recursively from the root as if you're about to insert the point you're looking for the nearest neighbour of.
When you reach a leaf, note it as best-so-far.
On the way up the tree again, for each node as you meet it:
If it's closer than the best-so-far, update the best-so-far.
If the distance from best-so-far to the target point is greater than the distance from the target point to the splitting hyperplane at this node,
process the other child of the node too (using the same recursion).
I've recently coded up a KDTree for nearest neighbor search in 3-D space and ran into the same problems understand the NNS, particularly 3.2 of the wiki. I ended up using this algorithm which seems to work in all my tests:
Here is the initial leaf search:
public Collection<T> nearestNeighbourSearch(int K, T value) {
if (value==null) return null;
//Map used for results
TreeSet<KdNode> results = new TreeSet<KdNode>(new EuclideanComparator(value));
//Find the closest leaf node
KdNode prev = null;
KdNode node = root;
while (node!=null) {
if (KdNode.compareTo(node.depth, node.k,, value)<0) {
prev = node;
node = node.greater;
} else {
prev = node;
node = node.lesser;
KdNode leaf = prev;
if (leaf!=null) {
//Used to not re-examine nodes
Set<KdNode> examined = new HashSet<KdNode>();
//Go up the tree, looking for better solutions
node = leaf;
while (node!=null) {
//Search node
node = node.parent;
//Load up the collection of the results
Collection<T> collection = new ArrayList<T>(K);
for (KdNode kdNode : results) {
return collection;
Here is the recursive search which starts at the closest leaf node:
private static final <T extends KdTree.XYZPoint> void searchNode(T value, KdNode node, int K, TreeSet<KdNode> results, Set<KdNode> examined) {
//Search node
KdNode lastNode = null;
Double lastDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
if (results.size()>0) {
lastNode = results.last();
lastDistance =;
Double nodeDistance =;
if (nodeDistance.compareTo(lastDistance)<0) {
if (results.size()==K && lastNode!=null) results.remove(lastNode);
} else if (nodeDistance.equals(lastDistance)) {
} else if (results.size()<K) {
lastNode = results.last();
lastDistance =;
int axis = node.depth % node.k;
KdNode lesser = node.lesser;
KdNode greater = node.greater;
//Search children branches, if axis aligned distance is less than current distance
if (lesser!=null && !examined.contains(lesser)) {
double nodePoint = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double valuePlusDistance = Double.MIN_VALUE;
if (axis==X_AXIS) {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.x-lastDistance;
} else if (axis==Y_AXIS) {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.y-lastDistance;
} else {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.z-lastDistance;
boolean lineIntersectsCube = ((valuePlusDistance<=nodePoint)?true:false);
//Continue down lesser branch
if (lineIntersectsCube) searchNode(value,lesser,K,results,examined);
if (greater!=null && !examined.contains(greater)) {
double nodePoint = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double valuePlusDistance = Double.MIN_VALUE;
if (axis==X_AXIS) {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.x+lastDistance;
} else if (axis==Y_AXIS) {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.y+lastDistance;
} else {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.z+lastDistance;
boolean lineIntersectsCube = ((valuePlusDistance>=nodePoint)?true:false);
//Continue down greater branch
if (lineIntersectsCube) searchNode(value,greater,K,results,examined);
The full java source can be found here.
I want to know,what changes should i make,when the points are
You get the current axis on this line
var int axis := depth mod k;
Now depending on the axis, you find the median by comparing the corresponding property. Eg. if axis = 0 you compare against the x property. One way to implement this is to pass a comparator function in the routine that does the search.

Cycle finding algorithm

I need do find a cycle beginning and ending at given point. It is not guaranteed that it exists.
I use bool[,] points to indicate which point can be in cycle. Poins can be only on grid. points indicates if given point on grid can be in cycle.
I need to find this cycle using as minimum number of points.
One point can be used only once.
Connection can be only vertical or horizontal.
Let this be our points (red is starting point):
removing dead ImageShack links
I realized that I can do this:
//remove points that are alone in row or column
So i have:
removing dead ImageShack links
Now, I can find the path.
removing dead ImageShack links
But what if there are points that are not deleted by this loop but should not be in path?
I have written code:
class MyPoint
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public List<MyPoint> Neighbours = new List<MyPoint>();
public MyPoint parent = null;
public bool marked = false;
private static MyPoint LoopSearch2(bool[,] mask, int supIndexStart, int recIndexStart)
List<MyPoint> points = new List<MyPoint>();
//here begins translation bool[,] to list of points
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = recIndexStart, Y = supIndexStart });
for (int i = 0; i < mask.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mask.GetLength(1); j++)
if (mask[i, j])
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = j, Y = i });
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
if (i != j)
if (points[i].X == points[j].X || points[i].Y == points[j].Y)
//end of translating
List<MyPoint> queue = new List<MyPoint>();
MyPoint start = (points[0]); //beginning point
start.marked = true; //it is marked
MyPoint last=null; //last point. this will be returned
MyPoint current = queue.First(); //taking point from queue
queue.Remove(current); //removing it
foreach(MyPoint neighbour in current.Neighbours) //checking Neighbours
if (!neighbour.marked) //in neighbour isn't marked adding it to queue
neighbour.marked = true;
neighbour.parent = current;
//if neighbour is marked checking if it is startig point and if neighbour's parent is current point. if it is not that means that loop already got here so we start searching parents to got to starting point
else if(!neighbour.Equals(start) && !neighbour.parent.Equals(current))
current = neighbour;
if (current.parent.Equals(start))
last = current;
current = current.parent;
return last;
But it doesn't work. The path it founds contains two points: start and it's first neighbour.
What am I doing wrong?
Forgot to mention... After horizontal connection there has to be vertical, horizontal, vertical and so on...
What is more in each row and column there need to be max two points (two or none) that are in the cycle. But this condition is the same as "The cycle has to be the shortest one".
First of all, you should change your representation to a more efficient one. You should make vertex a structure/class, which keeps the list of the connected vertices.
Having changed the representation, you can easily find the shortest cycle using breadth-first search.
You can speed the search up with the following trick: traverse the graph in the breadth-first order, marking the traversed vertices (and storing the "parent vertex" number on the way to the root at each vertex). AS soon as you find an already marked vertex, the search is finished. You can find the two paths from the found vertex to the root by walking back by the stored "parent" vertices.
Are you sure you code is right? I tried the following:
while (queue.Count > 0)
MyPoint current = queue.First(); //taking point from queue
queue.Remove(current); //removing it
foreach (MyPoint neighbour in current.Neighbours) //checking Neighbours
if (!neighbour.marked) //if neighbour isn't marked adding it to queue
neighbour.marked = true;
neighbour.parent = current;
else if (!neighbour.Equals(current.parent)) // not considering own parent
// found!
List<MyPoint> loop = new List<MyPoint>();
MyPoint p = current;
p = p.parent;
while (p != null);
p = neighbour;
while (!p.Equals(start))
p = p.parent;
return loop;
return null;
instead of the corresponding part in your code (I changed the return type to List<MyPoint>, too). It works and correctly finds a smaller loop, consisting of 3 points: the red point, the point directly above and the point directly below.
That is what I have done. I don't know if it is optimised but it does work correctly. I have not done the sorting of the points as #marcog suggested.
private static bool LoopSearch2(bool[,] mask, int supIndexStart, int recIndexStart, out List<MyPoint> path)
List<MyPoint> points = new List<MyPoint>();
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = recIndexStart, Y = supIndexStart });
for (int i = 0; i < mask.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mask.GetLength(1); j++)
if (mask[i, j])
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = j, Y = i });
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
if (i != j)
if (points[i].X == points[j].X || points[i].Y == points[j].Y)
List<MyPoint> queue = new List<MyPoint>();
MyPoint start = (points[0]);
start.marked = true;
path = new List<MyPoint>();
bool found = false;
MyPoint current = queue.First();
foreach (MyPoint neighbour in current.Neighbours)
if (!neighbour.marked)
neighbour.marked = true;
neighbour.parent = current;
if (neighbour.parent != null && neighbour.parent.Equals(current))
if (current.parent == null)
bool previousConnectionHorizontal = current.parent.Y == current.Y;
bool currentConnectionHorizontal = current.Y == neighbour.Y;
if (previousConnectionHorizontal != currentConnectionHorizontal)
MyPoint prev = current;
while (true)
if (prev.Equals(start))
prev = prev.parent;
prev = neighbour;
while (true)
if (prev.Equals(start))
prev = prev.parent;
found = true;
if (found) break;
if (found) break;
if (path.Count == 0)
path = null;
return false;
return true;
Your points removal step is worst case O(N^3) if implemented poorly, with the worst case being stripping a single point in each iteration. And since it doesn't always save you that much computation in the cycle detection, I'd avoid doing it as it also adds an extra layer of complexity to the solution.
Begin by creating an adjacency list from the set of points. You can do this efficiently in O(NlogN) if you sort the points by X and Y (separately) and iterate through the points in order of X and Y. Then to find the shortest cycle length (determined by number of points), start a BFS from each point by initially throwing all points on the queue. As you traverse an edge, store the source of the path along with the current point. Then you will know when the BFS returns to the source, in which case we've found a cycle. If you end up with an empty queue before finding a cycle, then none exists. Be careful not to track back immediately to the previous point or you will end up with a defunct cycle formed by two points. You might also want to avoid, for example, a cycle formed by the points (0, 0), (0, 2) and (0, 1) as this forms a straight line.
The BFS potentially has a worst case of being exponential, but I believe such a case can either be proven to not exist or be extremely rare as the denser the graph the quicker you'll find a cycle while the sparser the graph the smaller your queue will be. On average it is more likely to be closer to the same runtime as the adjacency list construction, or in the worst realistic cases O(N^2).
I think that I'd use an adapted variant of Dijkstra's algorithm which stops and returns the cycle whenever it arrives to any node for the second time. If this never happens, you don't have a cycle.
This approach should be much more efficient than a breadth-first or depth-first search, especially if you have many nodes. It is guarateed that you'll only visit each node once, thereby you have a linear runtime.
