KD TREES (3-D) Nearest Neighbour Search - algorithm

I am looking at the Wikipedia page for KD trees Nearest Neighbor Search.
The pseudo code given in Wikipedia works when the points are in 2-D(x,y) .
I want to know,what changes should i make,when the points are 3-D(x,y,z).
I googled a lot and even went through similar questions link in stack overflow ,but i did n't find the 3-d implementation any where,all previous question takes 2-D points as input ,not the 3-D points that i am looking for.
The pseudo code in Wiki for building the KD Tree is::
function kdtree (list of points pointList, int depth)
// Select axis based on depth so that axis cycles through all valid values
var int axis := depth mod k;
// Sort point list and choose median as pivot element
select median by axis from pointList;
// Create node and construct subtrees
var tree_node node;
node.location := median;
node.leftChild := kdtree(points in pointList before median, depth+1);
node.rightChild := kdtree(points in pointList after median, depth+1);
return node;
How to find the Nearest neighbor now after building the KD Trees?

You find the nearest neighbour exactly as described on the Wikipedia page under the heading "Nearest neighbour search". The description there applies in any number of dimensions. That is:
Go down the tree recursively from the root as if you're about to insert the point you're looking for the nearest neighbour of.
When you reach a leaf, note it as best-so-far.
On the way up the tree again, for each node as you meet it:
If it's closer than the best-so-far, update the best-so-far.
If the distance from best-so-far to the target point is greater than the distance from the target point to the splitting hyperplane at this node,
process the other child of the node too (using the same recursion).

I've recently coded up a KDTree for nearest neighbor search in 3-D space and ran into the same problems understand the NNS, particularly 3.2 of the wiki. I ended up using this algorithm which seems to work in all my tests:
Here is the initial leaf search:
public Collection<T> nearestNeighbourSearch(int K, T value) {
if (value==null) return null;
//Map used for results
TreeSet<KdNode> results = new TreeSet<KdNode>(new EuclideanComparator(value));
//Find the closest leaf node
KdNode prev = null;
KdNode node = root;
while (node!=null) {
if (KdNode.compareTo(node.depth, node.k, node.id, value)<0) {
prev = node;
node = node.greater;
} else {
prev = node;
node = node.lesser;
KdNode leaf = prev;
if (leaf!=null) {
//Used to not re-examine nodes
Set<KdNode> examined = new HashSet<KdNode>();
//Go up the tree, looking for better solutions
node = leaf;
while (node!=null) {
//Search node
node = node.parent;
//Load up the collection of the results
Collection<T> collection = new ArrayList<T>(K);
for (KdNode kdNode : results) {
return collection;
Here is the recursive search which starts at the closest leaf node:
private static final <T extends KdTree.XYZPoint> void searchNode(T value, KdNode node, int K, TreeSet<KdNode> results, Set<KdNode> examined) {
//Search node
KdNode lastNode = null;
Double lastDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
if (results.size()>0) {
lastNode = results.last();
lastDistance = lastNode.id.euclideanDistance(value);
Double nodeDistance = node.id.euclideanDistance(value);
if (nodeDistance.compareTo(lastDistance)<0) {
if (results.size()==K && lastNode!=null) results.remove(lastNode);
} else if (nodeDistance.equals(lastDistance)) {
} else if (results.size()<K) {
lastNode = results.last();
lastDistance = lastNode.id.euclideanDistance(value);
int axis = node.depth % node.k;
KdNode lesser = node.lesser;
KdNode greater = node.greater;
//Search children branches, if axis aligned distance is less than current distance
if (lesser!=null && !examined.contains(lesser)) {
double nodePoint = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double valuePlusDistance = Double.MIN_VALUE;
if (axis==X_AXIS) {
nodePoint = node.id.x;
valuePlusDistance = value.x-lastDistance;
} else if (axis==Y_AXIS) {
nodePoint = node.id.y;
valuePlusDistance = value.y-lastDistance;
} else {
nodePoint = node.id.z;
valuePlusDistance = value.z-lastDistance;
boolean lineIntersectsCube = ((valuePlusDistance<=nodePoint)?true:false);
//Continue down lesser branch
if (lineIntersectsCube) searchNode(value,lesser,K,results,examined);
if (greater!=null && !examined.contains(greater)) {
double nodePoint = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double valuePlusDistance = Double.MIN_VALUE;
if (axis==X_AXIS) {
nodePoint = node.id.x;
valuePlusDistance = value.x+lastDistance;
} else if (axis==Y_AXIS) {
nodePoint = node.id.y;
valuePlusDistance = value.y+lastDistance;
} else {
nodePoint = node.id.z;
valuePlusDistance = value.z+lastDistance;
boolean lineIntersectsCube = ((valuePlusDistance>=nodePoint)?true:false);
//Continue down greater branch
if (lineIntersectsCube) searchNode(value,greater,K,results,examined);
The full java source can be found here.

I want to know,what changes should i make,when the points are
You get the current axis on this line
var int axis := depth mod k;
Now depending on the axis, you find the median by comparing the corresponding property. Eg. if axis = 0 you compare against the x property. One way to implement this is to pass a comparator function in the routine that does the search.


Reordering a binary search tree within the tree itself

If I am given a binary tree that is unordered, what would be the best method of ordering it without just creating a new tree? When I say ordered, I mean such that all nodes in a left subtree is less than the root node and all nodes in a right subtree is greater than the root node.
I appreciate that the most optimal way to make an undordered binary tree into a binary seach tree is to extract all the nodes then insert them into a new tree, but is there another approach involving switching the placement of nodes in the original tree that could be done algorithmically?
The method of creating a new tree is certainly the way to go, but just as an excercise, it is possible to sort a binary tree in-place.
You could for instance implement bubble sort, such that all nodes remain in place, but their values are swapped in the process.
For this to work you need to implement an inorder traversal. Then keep repeating a full inorder traversal, where you compare the values of two successively visited nodes, and swap their values if they are not in the right order. When an inorder traversal does not result in at least one swap, the tree is sorted and the process can stop.
Here is an implementation in JavaScript:
It first generates a tree with 10 nodes having randomly unsigned integers below 100. The shape of the tree is random too (based on a random "path" that is provided with each insertion)
Then it sorts the tree as described above. As JavaScript has support for generators and iterators, I have used that syntax, but it could also be done with a callback system.
It displays the tree in a very rudimentary way (90° rotated, i.e. with the root at the left side), as it is before and after the sort operation.
class Node {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value;
this.left = this.right = null;
class Tree {
constructor() {
this.root = null;
// Method to add a value as a new leaf node, using the
// binary bits in the given path to determine
// the leaf's location:
addAtPath(value, path) {
function recur(node, path) {
if (!node) return new Node(value);
if (path % 2) {
node.right = recur(node.right, path >> 1);
} else {
node.left = recur(node.left, path >> 1);
return node;
this.root = recur(this.root, path);
*inorder() {
function* recur(node) {
if (!node) return;
yield* recur(node.left);
yield node;
yield* recur(node.right);
yield* recur(this.root);
toString() {
function recur(node, indent) {
if (!node) return "";
return recur(node.right, indent + " ")
+ indent + node.value + "\n"
+ recur(node.left, indent + " ");
return recur(this.root, "");
bubbleSort() {
let dirty = true;
while (dirty) {
dirty = false;
let iterator = this.inorder();
// Get first node from inorder traversal
let prevNode = iterator.next().value;
for (let currNode of iterator) { // Get all other nodes
if (prevNode.value > currNode.value) {
// Swap
const temp = prevNode.value;
prevNode.value = currNode.value;
currNode.value = temp;
dirty = true;
prevNode = currNode;
// Helper
const randInt = max => Math.floor(Math.random() * max);
// Demo:
const tree = new Tree();
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
tree.addAtPath(randInt(100), randInt(0x80000000));
console.log("Tree before sorting (root is at left, leaves at the right):");
console.log("Tree after sorting:");
The time complexity is O(n²) -- typical for bubble sort.
This sorting does not change the shape of the tree -- all nodes stay where they are. Only the values are moved around.

How to implement range search in KD-Tree

I have built a d dimensional KD-Tree. I want to do range search on this tree. Wikipedia mentions range search in KD-Trees, but doesn't talk about implementation/algorithm in any way. Can someone please help me with this? If not for any arbitrary d, any help for at least for d = 2 and d = 3 would be great. Thanks!
There are multiple variants of kd-tree. The one I used had the following specs:
Each internal node has max two nodes.
Each leaf node can have max maxCapacity points.
No internal node stores any points.
Side note: there are also versions where each node (irrespective of whether its internal or leaf) stores exactly one point. The algorithm below can be tweaked for those too. Its mainly the buildTree where the key difference lies.
I wrote an algorithm for this some 2 years back, thanks to the resource pointed to by #9mat .
Suppose the task is to find the number of points which lie in a given hyper-rectangle ("d" dimensions). This task can also be to list all points OR all points which lie in given range and satisfy some other criteria etc, but that can be a straightforward change to my code.
Define a base node class as:
template <typename T> class kdNode{
public: kdNode(){}
virtual long rangeQuery(const T* q_min, const T* q_max) const{ return 0; }
Then, an internal node (non-leaf node) can look like this:
class internalNode:public kdNode<T>{
const kdNode<T> *left = nullptr, *right = nullptr; // left and right sub trees
int axis; // the axis on which split of points is being done
T value; // the value based on which points are being split
public: internalNode(){}
void buildTree(...){
// builds the tree recursively
// returns the number of points in this sub tree that lie inside the hyper rectangle formed by q_min and q_max
int rangeQuery(const T* q_min, const T* q_max) const{
// num of points that satisfy range query conditions
int rangeCount = 0;
// check for left node
if(q_min[axis] <= value) {
rangeCount += left->rangeQuery(q_min, q_max);
// check for right node
if(q_max[axis] >= value) {
rangeCount += right->rangeQuery(q_min, q_max);
return rangeCount;
Finally, the leaf node would look like:
class leaf:public kdNode<T>{
// maxCapacity is a hyper - param, the max num of points you allow a node to hold
array<T, d> points[maxCapacity];
int keyCount = 0; // this is the actual num of points in this leaf (keyCount <= maxCapacity)
public: leaf(){}
public: void addPoint(const T* p){
// add a point p to the leaf node
// check if points[index] lies inside the hyper rectangle formed by q_min and q_max
inline bool containsPoint(const int index, const T* q_min, const T* q_max) const{
for (int i=0; i<d; i++) {
if (points[index][i] > q_max[i] || points[index][i] < q_min[i]) {
return false;
return true;
// returns number of points in this leaf node that lie inside the hyper rectangle formed by q_min and q_max
int rangeQuery(const T* q_min, const T* q_max) const{
// num of points that satisfy range query conditions
int rangeCount = 0;
for(int i=0; i < this->keyCount; i++) {
if(containsPoint(i, q_min, q_max)) {
return rangeCount;
In the code for range query inside the leaf node, it is also possible to do a "binary search" inside of "linear search". Since the points will be sorted along on the axis axis, you can do a binary search do find l and r values using q_min and q_max, and then do a linear search from l to r instead of 0 to keyCount-1 (of course in the worst case it wont help, but practically, and especially if you have a capacity of pretty high values, this may help).
This is my solution for a KD-tree, where each node stores points (so not just the leafs). (Note that adapting for where points are stored only in the leafs is really easy).
I leaf some of the optimizations out and will explain them at the end, this to reduce the complexity of the solution.
The get_range function has varargs at the end, and can be called like,
x1, y1, x2, y2 or
x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 etc. Where first the low values of the range are given and then the high values.
(You can use as many dimensions as you like).
static public <T> void get_range(K_D_Tree<T> tree, List<T> result, float... range) {
if (tree.root == null) return;
float[] node_region = new float[tree.DIMENSIONS * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < tree.DIMENSIONS; i++) {
node_region[i] = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
node_region[i+tree.DIMENSIONS] = Float.MAX_VALUE;
_get_range(tree, result, tree.root, node_region, 0, range);
The node_region represents the region of the node, we start as large as possible. Cause for all we know this could be the region we are dealing with.
Here the recursive _get_range implementation:
static public <T> void _get_range(K_D_Tree<T> tree, List<T> result, K_D_Tree_Node<T> node, float[] node_region, int dimension, float[] target_region) {
if (dimension == tree.DIMENSIONS) dimension = 0;
if (_contains_region(tree, node_region, target_region)) {
_add_whole_branch(node, result);
else {
float value = _value(tree, dimension, node);
if (node.left != null) {
float[] node_region_left = new float[tree.DIMENSIONS*2];
System.arraycopy(node_region, 0, node_region_left, 0, node_region.length);
node_region_left[dimension + tree.DIMENSIONS] = value;
if (_intersects_region(tree, node_region_left, target_region)){
_get_range(tree, result, node.left, node_region_left, dimension+1, target_region);
if (node.right != null) {
float[] node_region_right = new float[tree.DIMENSIONS*2];
System.arraycopy(node_region, 0, node_region_right, 0, node_region.length);
node_region_right[dimension] = value;
if (_intersects_region(tree, node_region_right, target_region)){
_get_range(tree, result, node.right, node_region_right, dimension+1, target_region);
if (_region_contains_node(tree, target_region, node)) {
One important thing that the other answer does not provide is this part:
if (_contains_region(tree, node_region, target_region)) {
_add_whole_branch(node, result);
With a range search for a KD-Tree you have 3 options for a node's region, it's:
fully outside
it intersects
it's fully contained
Once you know a region is fully contained, then you can add the whole branch without doing any dimension checks.
To make it more clear, here is the _add_whole_branch:
static public <T> void _add_whole_branch(K_D_Tree_Node<T> node, List<T> result) {
if (node.left != null) _add_whole_branch(node.left, result);
if (node.right != null) _add_whole_branch(node.right, result);
In this image, all the big white dots where added using _add_whole_branch and only for the red dots a check for all dimensions had to be done.
Instead of starting with the root node for the _get_range function, instead you can find the split node. This is the first node that has it's point within the query range. To find the split node you will still need to start at the root node, but the calculations are a bit cheaper (cause you go either left or right till).
Now I create the float[] node_region_left and float[] node_region_right, and since this happens in a recursive function it can lead to quite some arrays. However, you can reuse the one for the left for the right. I didn't do it in this example for clarity reasons.
I can also imagine storing the region size in the node, but this takes quite some more memory and might lead to a lot of cache misses.

How to calculate a height of a tree

I am trying to learn DSA and got stuck on one problem.
How to calculate height of a tree. I mean normal tree, not any specific implementation of tree like BT or BST.
I have tried google but seems everyone is talking about Binary tree and nothing is available for normal tree.
Can anyone help me to redirect to some page or articles to calculate height of a tree.
Lets say a typical node in your tree is represented as Java class.
class Node{
Entry entry;
ArrayList<Node> children;
Node(Entry entry, ArrayList<Node> children){
this.entry = entry;
this.children = children;
ArrayList<Node> getChildren(){
return children;
Then a simple Height Function can be -
int getHeight(Node node){
if(node == null){
return 0;
}else if(node.getChildren() == null){
return 1;
} else{
int childrenMaxHeight = 0;
for(Node n : node.getChildren()){
childrenMaxHeight = Math.max(childrenMaxHeight, getHeight(n));
return 1 + childrenMaxHeight;
Then you just need to call this function passing the root of tree as argument. Since it traverse all the node exactly once, the run time is O(n).
1. If height of leaf node is considered as 0 / Or height is measured depending on number of edges in longest path from root to leaf :
int maxHeight(treeNode<int>* root){
if(root == NULL)
return -1; // -1 beacuse since a leaf node is 0 then NULL node should be -1
int h=0;
for(int i=0;i<root->childNodes.size();i++){
return h+1;
2. If height of root node is considered 1:
int maxHeight(treeNode<int>* root){
if(root == NULL)
return 0;
int h=0;
for(int i=0;i<root->childNodes.size();i++){
return h+1;
Above Code is based upon following class :
template <typename T>
class treeNode{
T data;
vector<treeNode<T>*> childNodes; // vector for storing pointer to child treenode
creating Tree node
treeNode(T data){
this->data = data;
In case of 'normal tree' you can recursively calculate the height of tree in similar fashion to a binary tree but here you will have to consider all children at a node instead of just two.
To find a tree height a BFS iteration will work fine.
Edited form Wikipedia:
Breadth-First-Search(Graph, root):
create empty set S
create empty queues Q1, Q2
root.parent = NIL
height = -1
while Q1 is not empty:
height = height + 1
switch Q1 and Q2
while Q2 is not empty:
for each node n that is adjacent to current:
if n is not in S:
add n to S
n.parent = current
You can see that adding another queue allows me to know what level of the tree.
It iterates for each level, and for each mode in that level.
This is a discursion way to do it (opposite of recursive). So you don't have to worry about that too.
Run time is O(|V|+ |E|).

Dijkstra algorithm optimization regarding priority queueu

I use the code below in a simulation. Because I am calling the dijkstra method over and over, performance is very crucial for me. , I use PriorityQueue to keep the nodes of the graph in an ascending order relative to their distance to the source. PriorityQueue provides me to access the node with smallest distance with O(log n) complexity. However,
to keep the nodes in order after recalculating a nodes distance, I need to first remove the node, than add it again. I suppose there may be a better way. I appreciate for ANY feedback. Thanks in advance for all community.
public HashMap<INode, Double> getSingleSourceShortestDistance(INode sourceNode) {
HashMap<INode, Double> distance = new HashMap<>();
PriorityQueue<INode> pq;
// The nodes are stored in a priority queue in which all nodes are sorted
according to their estimated distances.
INode u = null;
INode v = null;
double alt;
Set<INode> nodeset = nodes.keySet();
Iterator<INode> iter = nodeset.iterator();
//Mark all nodes with infinity
while (iter.hasNext()) {
INode node = iter.next();
distance.put(node, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
previous.put(node, null);
iter = null;
// Mark the distance[source] as 0
distance.put(sourceNode, 0d);
pq = new PriorityQueue<>(this.network.getNodeCount(), new NodeComparator(distance));
// Loop while q is empty
while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
// Fetch the node with the smallest estimated distance.
u = pq.peek();
* break the loop if the distance is greater than the max net size.
* That shows that the nodes in the queue can not be reached from
* the source node.
if ((Double.isInfinite(distance.get(u).doubleValue()))) {
// Remove the node with the smallest estimated distance.
// Iterate over all nodes (v) which are neighbors of node u
iter = nodes.get(u).keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
v = (INode) iter.next();
alt = distance.get(u) + nodes.get(u).get(v).getDistance();
if (alt < distance.get(v)) {
distance.put(v, alt);
//To reorder the queue node v is first removed and then inserted.
return distance;
protected static class NodeComparator<INode> implements Comparator<INode> {
private Map<INode, Number> distances;
protected NodeComparator(Map<INode, Number> distances) {
this.distances = distances;
public int compare(INode node1, INode node2) {
return ((Double) distances.get(node1)).compareTo((Double) distances.get(node2));
You could use a Heap with increase_key and decrease_key implemented, so you could update the node distance without removing and adding it again.

Cycle finding algorithm

I need do find a cycle beginning and ending at given point. It is not guaranteed that it exists.
I use bool[,] points to indicate which point can be in cycle. Poins can be only on grid. points indicates if given point on grid can be in cycle.
I need to find this cycle using as minimum number of points.
One point can be used only once.
Connection can be only vertical or horizontal.
Let this be our points (red is starting point):
removing dead ImageShack links
I realized that I can do this:
//remove points that are alone in row or column
So i have:
removing dead ImageShack links
Now, I can find the path.
removing dead ImageShack links
But what if there are points that are not deleted by this loop but should not be in path?
I have written code:
class MyPoint
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public List<MyPoint> Neighbours = new List<MyPoint>();
public MyPoint parent = null;
public bool marked = false;
private static MyPoint LoopSearch2(bool[,] mask, int supIndexStart, int recIndexStart)
List<MyPoint> points = new List<MyPoint>();
//here begins translation bool[,] to list of points
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = recIndexStart, Y = supIndexStart });
for (int i = 0; i < mask.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mask.GetLength(1); j++)
if (mask[i, j])
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = j, Y = i });
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
if (i != j)
if (points[i].X == points[j].X || points[i].Y == points[j].Y)
//end of translating
List<MyPoint> queue = new List<MyPoint>();
MyPoint start = (points[0]); //beginning point
start.marked = true; //it is marked
MyPoint last=null; //last point. this will be returned
MyPoint current = queue.First(); //taking point from queue
queue.Remove(current); //removing it
foreach(MyPoint neighbour in current.Neighbours) //checking Neighbours
if (!neighbour.marked) //in neighbour isn't marked adding it to queue
neighbour.marked = true;
neighbour.parent = current;
//if neighbour is marked checking if it is startig point and if neighbour's parent is current point. if it is not that means that loop already got here so we start searching parents to got to starting point
else if(!neighbour.Equals(start) && !neighbour.parent.Equals(current))
current = neighbour;
if (current.parent.Equals(start))
last = current;
current = current.parent;
return last;
But it doesn't work. The path it founds contains two points: start and it's first neighbour.
What am I doing wrong?
Forgot to mention... After horizontal connection there has to be vertical, horizontal, vertical and so on...
What is more in each row and column there need to be max two points (two or none) that are in the cycle. But this condition is the same as "The cycle has to be the shortest one".
First of all, you should change your representation to a more efficient one. You should make vertex a structure/class, which keeps the list of the connected vertices.
Having changed the representation, you can easily find the shortest cycle using breadth-first search.
You can speed the search up with the following trick: traverse the graph in the breadth-first order, marking the traversed vertices (and storing the "parent vertex" number on the way to the root at each vertex). AS soon as you find an already marked vertex, the search is finished. You can find the two paths from the found vertex to the root by walking back by the stored "parent" vertices.
Are you sure you code is right? I tried the following:
while (queue.Count > 0)
MyPoint current = queue.First(); //taking point from queue
queue.Remove(current); //removing it
foreach (MyPoint neighbour in current.Neighbours) //checking Neighbours
if (!neighbour.marked) //if neighbour isn't marked adding it to queue
neighbour.marked = true;
neighbour.parent = current;
else if (!neighbour.Equals(current.parent)) // not considering own parent
// found!
List<MyPoint> loop = new List<MyPoint>();
MyPoint p = current;
p = p.parent;
while (p != null);
p = neighbour;
while (!p.Equals(start))
p = p.parent;
return loop;
return null;
instead of the corresponding part in your code (I changed the return type to List<MyPoint>, too). It works and correctly finds a smaller loop, consisting of 3 points: the red point, the point directly above and the point directly below.
That is what I have done. I don't know if it is optimised but it does work correctly. I have not done the sorting of the points as #marcog suggested.
private static bool LoopSearch2(bool[,] mask, int supIndexStart, int recIndexStart, out List<MyPoint> path)
List<MyPoint> points = new List<MyPoint>();
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = recIndexStart, Y = supIndexStart });
for (int i = 0; i < mask.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mask.GetLength(1); j++)
if (mask[i, j])
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = j, Y = i });
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
if (i != j)
if (points[i].X == points[j].X || points[i].Y == points[j].Y)
List<MyPoint> queue = new List<MyPoint>();
MyPoint start = (points[0]);
start.marked = true;
path = new List<MyPoint>();
bool found = false;
MyPoint current = queue.First();
foreach (MyPoint neighbour in current.Neighbours)
if (!neighbour.marked)
neighbour.marked = true;
neighbour.parent = current;
if (neighbour.parent != null && neighbour.parent.Equals(current))
if (current.parent == null)
bool previousConnectionHorizontal = current.parent.Y == current.Y;
bool currentConnectionHorizontal = current.Y == neighbour.Y;
if (previousConnectionHorizontal != currentConnectionHorizontal)
MyPoint prev = current;
while (true)
if (prev.Equals(start))
prev = prev.parent;
prev = neighbour;
while (true)
if (prev.Equals(start))
prev = prev.parent;
found = true;
if (found) break;
if (found) break;
if (path.Count == 0)
path = null;
return false;
return true;
Your points removal step is worst case O(N^3) if implemented poorly, with the worst case being stripping a single point in each iteration. And since it doesn't always save you that much computation in the cycle detection, I'd avoid doing it as it also adds an extra layer of complexity to the solution.
Begin by creating an adjacency list from the set of points. You can do this efficiently in O(NlogN) if you sort the points by X and Y (separately) and iterate through the points in order of X and Y. Then to find the shortest cycle length (determined by number of points), start a BFS from each point by initially throwing all points on the queue. As you traverse an edge, store the source of the path along with the current point. Then you will know when the BFS returns to the source, in which case we've found a cycle. If you end up with an empty queue before finding a cycle, then none exists. Be careful not to track back immediately to the previous point or you will end up with a defunct cycle formed by two points. You might also want to avoid, for example, a cycle formed by the points (0, 0), (0, 2) and (0, 1) as this forms a straight line.
The BFS potentially has a worst case of being exponential, but I believe such a case can either be proven to not exist or be extremely rare as the denser the graph the quicker you'll find a cycle while the sparser the graph the smaller your queue will be. On average it is more likely to be closer to the same runtime as the adjacency list construction, or in the worst realistic cases O(N^2).
I think that I'd use an adapted variant of Dijkstra's algorithm which stops and returns the cycle whenever it arrives to any node for the second time. If this never happens, you don't have a cycle.
This approach should be much more efficient than a breadth-first or depth-first search, especially if you have many nodes. It is guarateed that you'll only visit each node once, thereby you have a linear runtime.
