Cycle finding algorithm - algorithm

I need do find a cycle beginning and ending at given point. It is not guaranteed that it exists.
I use bool[,] points to indicate which point can be in cycle. Poins can be only on grid. points indicates if given point on grid can be in cycle.
I need to find this cycle using as minimum number of points.
One point can be used only once.
Connection can be only vertical or horizontal.
Let this be our points (red is starting point):
removing dead ImageShack links
I realized that I can do this:
//remove points that are alone in row or column
So i have:
removing dead ImageShack links
Now, I can find the path.
removing dead ImageShack links
But what if there are points that are not deleted by this loop but should not be in path?
I have written code:
class MyPoint
public int X { get; set; }
public int Y { get; set; }
public List<MyPoint> Neighbours = new List<MyPoint>();
public MyPoint parent = null;
public bool marked = false;
private static MyPoint LoopSearch2(bool[,] mask, int supIndexStart, int recIndexStart)
List<MyPoint> points = new List<MyPoint>();
//here begins translation bool[,] to list of points
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = recIndexStart, Y = supIndexStart });
for (int i = 0; i < mask.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mask.GetLength(1); j++)
if (mask[i, j])
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = j, Y = i });
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
if (i != j)
if (points[i].X == points[j].X || points[i].Y == points[j].Y)
//end of translating
List<MyPoint> queue = new List<MyPoint>();
MyPoint start = (points[0]); //beginning point
start.marked = true; //it is marked
MyPoint last=null; //last point. this will be returned
MyPoint current = queue.First(); //taking point from queue
queue.Remove(current); //removing it
foreach(MyPoint neighbour in current.Neighbours) //checking Neighbours
if (!neighbour.marked) //in neighbour isn't marked adding it to queue
neighbour.marked = true;
neighbour.parent = current;
//if neighbour is marked checking if it is startig point and if neighbour's parent is current point. if it is not that means that loop already got here so we start searching parents to got to starting point
else if(!neighbour.Equals(start) && !neighbour.parent.Equals(current))
current = neighbour;
if (current.parent.Equals(start))
last = current;
current = current.parent;
return last;
But it doesn't work. The path it founds contains two points: start and it's first neighbour.
What am I doing wrong?
Forgot to mention... After horizontal connection there has to be vertical, horizontal, vertical and so on...
What is more in each row and column there need to be max two points (two or none) that are in the cycle. But this condition is the same as "The cycle has to be the shortest one".

First of all, you should change your representation to a more efficient one. You should make vertex a structure/class, which keeps the list of the connected vertices.
Having changed the representation, you can easily find the shortest cycle using breadth-first search.
You can speed the search up with the following trick: traverse the graph in the breadth-first order, marking the traversed vertices (and storing the "parent vertex" number on the way to the root at each vertex). AS soon as you find an already marked vertex, the search is finished. You can find the two paths from the found vertex to the root by walking back by the stored "parent" vertices.
Are you sure you code is right? I tried the following:
while (queue.Count > 0)
MyPoint current = queue.First(); //taking point from queue
queue.Remove(current); //removing it
foreach (MyPoint neighbour in current.Neighbours) //checking Neighbours
if (!neighbour.marked) //if neighbour isn't marked adding it to queue
neighbour.marked = true;
neighbour.parent = current;
else if (!neighbour.Equals(current.parent)) // not considering own parent
// found!
List<MyPoint> loop = new List<MyPoint>();
MyPoint p = current;
p = p.parent;
while (p != null);
p = neighbour;
while (!p.Equals(start))
p = p.parent;
return loop;
return null;
instead of the corresponding part in your code (I changed the return type to List<MyPoint>, too). It works and correctly finds a smaller loop, consisting of 3 points: the red point, the point directly above and the point directly below.

That is what I have done. I don't know if it is optimised but it does work correctly. I have not done the sorting of the points as #marcog suggested.
private static bool LoopSearch2(bool[,] mask, int supIndexStart, int recIndexStart, out List<MyPoint> path)
List<MyPoint> points = new List<MyPoint>();
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = recIndexStart, Y = supIndexStart });
for (int i = 0; i < mask.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < mask.GetLength(1); j++)
if (mask[i, j])
points.Add(new MyPoint { X = j, Y = i });
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
if (i != j)
if (points[i].X == points[j].X || points[i].Y == points[j].Y)
List<MyPoint> queue = new List<MyPoint>();
MyPoint start = (points[0]);
start.marked = true;
path = new List<MyPoint>();
bool found = false;
MyPoint current = queue.First();
foreach (MyPoint neighbour in current.Neighbours)
if (!neighbour.marked)
neighbour.marked = true;
neighbour.parent = current;
if (neighbour.parent != null && neighbour.parent.Equals(current))
if (current.parent == null)
bool previousConnectionHorizontal = current.parent.Y == current.Y;
bool currentConnectionHorizontal = current.Y == neighbour.Y;
if (previousConnectionHorizontal != currentConnectionHorizontal)
MyPoint prev = current;
while (true)
if (prev.Equals(start))
prev = prev.parent;
prev = neighbour;
while (true)
if (prev.Equals(start))
prev = prev.parent;
found = true;
if (found) break;
if (found) break;
if (path.Count == 0)
path = null;
return false;
return true;

Your points removal step is worst case O(N^3) if implemented poorly, with the worst case being stripping a single point in each iteration. And since it doesn't always save you that much computation in the cycle detection, I'd avoid doing it as it also adds an extra layer of complexity to the solution.
Begin by creating an adjacency list from the set of points. You can do this efficiently in O(NlogN) if you sort the points by X and Y (separately) and iterate through the points in order of X and Y. Then to find the shortest cycle length (determined by number of points), start a BFS from each point by initially throwing all points on the queue. As you traverse an edge, store the source of the path along with the current point. Then you will know when the BFS returns to the source, in which case we've found a cycle. If you end up with an empty queue before finding a cycle, then none exists. Be careful not to track back immediately to the previous point or you will end up with a defunct cycle formed by two points. You might also want to avoid, for example, a cycle formed by the points (0, 0), (0, 2) and (0, 1) as this forms a straight line.
The BFS potentially has a worst case of being exponential, but I believe such a case can either be proven to not exist or be extremely rare as the denser the graph the quicker you'll find a cycle while the sparser the graph the smaller your queue will be. On average it is more likely to be closer to the same runtime as the adjacency list construction, or in the worst realistic cases O(N^2).

I think that I'd use an adapted variant of Dijkstra's algorithm which stops and returns the cycle whenever it arrives to any node for the second time. If this never happens, you don't have a cycle.
This approach should be much more efficient than a breadth-first or depth-first search, especially if you have many nodes. It is guarateed that you'll only visit each node once, thereby you have a linear runtime.


How BFS find the minimum path in maze solver

I'm stuck at the solution of a problem.
Problem =>
You are given a square grid with some cells open (.) and some blocked (X). Your playing piece can move along any row or column until it reaches the edge of the grid or a blocked cell. Given a grid, a start and a goal, determine the minimum number of moves to get to the goal.
Example =>
The starting position (0,0) so start in the top left corner. The goal is (1,2) The path is (0,0)->(0,2)->(1,2). It takes moves to reach the goal.
Output = 2
BFS using Queue.
But how BFS can get to the minimum path for example if there is more than one path exist between starting and ending point then how BFS can get to the minimum one ?
Here is my solution for the above problem. But it doesn't work.
class Pair{
int x,y;
Pair(int a,int b){x=a;y=b;}
class Result {
public static int minimumMoves(List<String> grid, int startX, int startY, int goalX, int goalY)
int n=grid.get(0).length();
ArrayDeque<Pair> q=new ArrayDeque<Pair>();
Pair location[][]=new Pair[n][n];
char color[][]=new char[n][n];
//default color a mean it is neither in queue nor explore
//till now, b mean it is in queue, c means it already explore
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
q.addLast(new Pair(startX,startY));
int tempx,tempy,tempi,tempj;
//cheking unvisited node around -X axis
if(color[tempi][tempj]!='a' || grid.get(tempi).charAt(tempj)!='.'){
q.addLast(new Pair(tempi,tempj));
location[tempi][tempj]=new Pair(tempx,tempy);
//checking unvisited node around +X axis
if(color[tempi][tempj]!='a' || grid.get(tempi).charAt(tempj)!='.'){
q.addLast(new Pair(tempi,tempj));
location[tempi][tempj]=new Pair(tempx,tempy);
//checking unvisited node around +Y axis
if(color[tempi][tempj]!='a' || grid.get(tempi).charAt(tempj)!='.'){
q.addLast(new Pair(tempi,tempj));
location[tempi][tempj]=new Pair(tempx,tempy);
checking unvisited node around -Y axis
if(color[tempi][tempj]!='a' || grid.get(tempi).charAt(tempj)!='.'){
q.addLast(new Pair(tempi,tempj));
location[tempi][tempj]=new Pair(tempx,tempy);
}//end of main while
//for track the path
Stack<Pair> stack=new Stack<Pair>();
//If path doesn't exist
return -1;
boolean move=true;
stack.push(new Pair(goalX,goalY));
if(tempi==startX && tempj==startY){
return stack.size()-2;
Here My algorithm only find the path. Not the minimum path. Can anyone suggest me how BFS finds the minimum path here and what should I change into my code ?
BFS finds the minimal path by concentric moving outward, so everything in round 1 is 1 away from start, all squares added there are then 2 away from start and so on. This means the basic idea of using BFS to find the path is good, unfortunately the implementation is a bit difficult and slow.
Another way of viewing it is to think about the grid as a graph, with all squares connected to all other squares up, down, left and right until they hit the edge or an obstacle.
A third way of thinking of it is like a flood fill, first round only start is filled, next round all that can be accessed from it is filled and so on.
The major thing is that you break when you see a b.
When processing the capital Cit stops because it is surrounded by bs and cs. And therefore you don't examine the As.
I have hacked the code a bit, note i'm not a java programmer ... my main problem when trying to solve it was timeouts. I believe this can be solved without the location array by recording how many generations of BFS we run, that should save a lot of memory and time.
class Pair{
int x,y;
Pair(int a,int b){x=a;y=b;}
public String toString() {
return "[" + x + "," + y + "]";
class Result {
* Complete the 'minimumMoves' function below.
* The function is expected to return an INTEGER.
* The function accepts following parameters:
* 1. STRING_ARRAY grid
* 2. INTEGER startX
* 3. INTEGER startY
* 4. INTEGER goalX
* 5. INTEGER goalY
public static int minimumMoves(List<String> grid, int startX, int startY, int goalX, int goalY) {
if (startX==goalX&&startY==goalY)
return 0;
startX += 1;
startY += 1;
goalX += 1;
goalY += 1;
int n=grid.get(0).length();
Pair dirs[] = {new Pair(-1,0), new Pair(+1,0), new Pair(0,-1), new Pair(0,+1)};
ArrayDeque<Pair> q=new ArrayDeque<Pair>();
Pair location[][]=new Pair[n+2][n+2];
char color[][]=new char[n+2][n+2];
//default color a mean it is neither in queue nor explore
//till now, b mean it is in queue, c means it already explore
for(int i=0;i<n+2;i++){
for(int j=0;j<n+2;j++){
if (i == 0 || i == n+1 ||j == 0 || j == n+1 || // boarder
q.addLast(new Pair(startX,startY));
int tempx,tempy,tempi,tempj;
System.out.println("Goal reached");
for (Pair dir : dirs ) {
if (color[tempi][tempj]=='x') { // includes boarder
if (color[tempi][tempj]>='b') {
q.addLast(new Pair(tempi,tempj));
location[tempi][tempj]=new Pair(tempx,tempy);
// System.out.println(location[goalX][goalY]);
// for(int i = 1; i < n+1; i++) {
// for(int j = 1; j < n+1; j++) {
// System.out.printf("%c", color[i][j]);
// }
// System.out.println();
// }
}//end of main while
//for track the path
Stack<Pair> stack=new Stack<Pair>();
//If path doesn't exist
System.out.printf("Gaol not reached %d %d", goalX, goalY);
for(int i = 1; i < n+1; i++) {
for(int j = 1; j < n+1; j++) {
System.out.printf("%s", location[i][j]);
return -1;
boolean move=true;
int moves = 0;
tempi = goalX;
tempj = goalY;
System.out.println(String.valueOf(tempi)+" "+ String.valueOf(tempj));
moves = moves +1;
Pair cur = location[tempi][tempj];
if(tempi==startX && tempj==startY){
return moves;

traverse all edges and print nodes in euler circuit

I am trying to solve this question.
I am able to find by seeing the degrees that the given structure can form euler circuit or not but I am unable to figure out how to find trace all path, for the given test case
2 1
2 2
3 4
3 1
2 4
there is one loop in the circuit at node 2, which I don't know how to trace, If I am using adjacency list representation then I'll get following list
1: 2,3
2: 1,2,2,4
3: 1,4
4: 2,3
So how to traverse every edge, I know it is euler circuit problem, but that self loop thing is making tough for me to code and I am not getting any tutorial or blog from where I can understand this thing.
I again thought to delete the nodes from adjacency list once I traverse that path( in order to maintain the property of euler(path should be traversed once)), but I am using vector for storing adjacency list and I don't know how to delete particular element from vector. I googled it and found remove command to delete from vectors but remove deletes all matching element from the vector.
I tried to solve the problem as below now, but getting WA :(
int G[52][52];
int visited[52],n;
void printadj() {
int i,j;
for(i=0;i<51;i++) {
printf("%d ",G[i][j]);
void dfs(int u){
int v;
printf("%d %d\n",u,v);
bool is_euler(){
int i,j,colsum=0,count=0;
for(i=0;i<51;i++) {
for(j=0;j<51;j++) {
if(G[i][j] > 0) {
if(colsum%2!=0) count++;
// printf("\ncount=%d\n",count);
if(count >0 ) return false;
else return true;
void reset(){
int i,j;
int main(){
int u,v,i,t,k;
for(k=0;k<t;k++) {
// printadj();
printf("Case #%d\n",k+1);
if(is_euler()) {
else printf("some beads may be lost\n");
return 0;
Dont know why getting WA :(
New Code:-
#define max 51
int G[max][max],print_u[max],print_v[max],nodes_traversed[max],nodes_found[max];
int n,m;
void printadj() {
int i,j;
for(i=0;i<max;i++) {
printf("%d ",G[i][j]);
void dfs(int u){
int v;
bool is_evendeg(){
int i,j,colsum=0,count=0;
for(i=0;i<50;i++) {
for(j=0;j<50;j++) {
if(G[i][j] > 0) {
if(colsum&1) return false;
return true;
int count_vertices(int nodes[]){
int i,count=0;
for(i=0;i<51;i++) if(nodes[i]==1) count++;
return count;
void reset(){
int i,j;
bool is_connected(int tot_nodes,int trav_nodes) {
if(tot_nodes == trav_nodes) return true;
else return false;
int main(){
int u,v,i,t,k,tot_nodes,trav_nodes;
for(k=0;k<t;k++) {
// printadj();
printf("Case #%d\n",k+1);
if(is_evendeg()) {
if(is_connected(tot_nodes,trav_nodes)) {
printf("%d %d\n",print_u[i],print_v[i]);
else printf("some beads may be lost\n");
else printf("some beads may be lost\n");
return 0;
This code is giving me runtime error there, please look into the code.
What you need to do is form arbitrary cycles and then connect all cycles together. You seem to be doing only one depth first traversal, which might give you a Eulerian circuit, but it also may give you a 'shortcut' of an Eulerian circuit. That is because in every vertex where the Eulerian circuit passes more then once (i.e., where it crosses itself), when the depth first traversal arrives there for the first time, it may pick the edge that leads directly back to the start of the depth first traversal.
Thus, you're algorithm should consist of two parts:
Find all cycles
Connect the cycles together
If done right, you don't even have to check that all vertices have an even degree, instead you can rely on the fact that if step 1 or 2 cannot continue anymore, there exists no Eulerian cycle.
Reference Implementation (Java)
Since there's no language tag in your question, I'm going to assume that it's fine for you that I'll give you a Java reference implementation. Furthermore, I'll use the term 'node' instead of 'vertex', but that's just personal preference (it gives shorter code ;)).
I'll use one constant in this algorithm, which I will refer to from the other classes:
public static final int NUMBER_OF_NODES = 50;
Then, we'll need an Edge class to easily construct our cycles, which are basically linked lists of edges:
public class Edge
int u, v;
Edge prev, next;
public Edge(int u, int v)
this.u = u;
this.v = v;
* Attaches a new edge to this edge, leading to the given node
* and returns the newly created Edge. The node where the
* attached edge starts doesn't need to be given, as it will
* always be the node where this edge ends.
* #param node The node where the attached edge ends.
public Edge attach(int node)
next = new Edge(this.v, node);
next.prev = this;
return next;
Then, we'll need a Cycle class that can easily join two cycles:
public class Cycle
Edge start;
boolean[] used = new boolean[NUMBER_OF_NODES+1];
public Cycle(Edge start)
// Store the cycle itself
this.start = start;
// And memorize which nodes are being used in this cycle
used[start.u] = true;
for (Edge e =; e != start; e =
used[e.u] = true;
* Checks if this cycle can join with the given cycle. That is
* the case if and only if both cycles use a common node.
* #return {#code true} if this and that cycle can be joined,
* {#code false} otherwise.
public boolean canJoin(Cycle that)
// Find a commonly used node
for (int node = 1; node <= NUMBER_OF_NODES; node++)
if (this.used[node] && that.used[node])
return true;
return false;
* Joins the given cycle to this cycle. Both cycles will be broken
* at a common node and the paths will then be connected to each
* other. The given cycle should not be used after this call, as the
* list of used nodes is most probably invalidated, only this cycle
* will be updated and remains valid.
* #param that The cycle to be joined to this cycle.
public void join(Cycle that)
// Find the node where we'll join the two cycles
int junction = 1;
while (!this.used[junction] || !that.used[junction])
// Find the join place in this cycle
Edge joinAfterEdge = this.start;
while (joinAfterEdge.v != junction)
joinAfterEdge =;
// Find the join place in that cycle
Edge joinBeforeEdge = that.start;
while (joinBeforeEdge.u != junction)
joinBeforeEdge =;
// Connect them together = joinBeforeEdge.prev; =; = joinBeforeEdge;
joinBeforeEdge.prev = joinAfterEdge;
// Update the used nodes
for (int node = 1; node <= NUMBER_OF_NODES; node++)
this.used[node] |= that.used[node];
public String toString()
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
s.append(start.u).append(" ").append(start.v);
for (Edge curr =; curr != start; curr =
s.append("\n").append(curr.u).append(" ").append(curr.v);
return s.toString();
Now our utility classes are in place, we can write the actual algorithm (although technically, part of the algorithm is extending a path (Edge.attach(int node)) and joining two cycles (Cycle.join(Cycle that)).
* #param edges A variant of an adjacency matrix: the number in edges[i][j]
* indicates how many links there are between node i and node j. Note
* that this means that every edge contributes two times in this
* matrix: one time from i to j and one time from j to i. This is
* also true in the case of a loop: the link still contributes in two
* ways, from i to j and from j to i, even though i == j.
public static Cycle solve(int[][] edges)
Deque<Cycle> cycles = new LinkedList<Cycle>();
// First, find a place where we can start a new cycle
for (int u = 1; u <= NUMBER_OF_NODES; u++)
for (int v = 1; v <= NUMBER_OF_NODES; v++)
if (edges[u][v] > 0)
// The new cycle starts at the edge from u to v
Edge first, last = first = new Edge(u, v);
int curr = last.v;
// Extend the list of edges until we're back at the start
search: while (curr != u)
// Find any edge that extends the last edge
for (int next = 1; next <= NUMBER_OF_NODES; next++)
if (edges[curr][next] > 0)
// We found an edge, attach it to the last one
last = last.attach(next);
curr = next;
continue search;
// We can't form a cycle anymore, which
// means there is no Eulerian cycle.
return null;
// Connect the end to the start = first;
first.prev = last;
// Save it
cycles.add(new Cycle(last));
// And don't forget about the possibility that there are
// more edges running from u to v, so v should be
// re-examined in the next iteration.
// Now we have put all edges into cycles,
// we join them all together (if possible)
merge: while (cycles.size() > 1)
// Join the last cycle with any of the previous ones
Cycle last = cycles.removeLast();
for (Cycle curr : cycles)
if (curr.canJoin(last))
// Found one! Just join it and continue the merge
continue merge;
// No compatible cycle found, meaning there is no Eulerian cycle
return null;
return cycles.getFirst();

Get border edges of mesh - in winding order

I have a triangulated mesh. Assume it looks like an bumpy surface. I want to be able to find all edges that fall on the surrounding border of the mesh. (forget about inner vertices)
I know I have to find edges that are only connected to one triangle, and collect all these together and that is the answer. But I want to be sure that the vertices of these edges are ordered clockwise around the shape.
I want to do this because I would like to get a polygon line around the outside of mesh.
I hope this is clear enough to understand. In a sense i am trying to "De-Triangulate" the mesh. ha! if there is such a term.
Boundary edges are only referenced by a single triangle in the mesh, so to find them you need to scan through all triangles in the mesh and take the edges with a single reference count. You can do this efficiently (in O(N)) by making use of a hash table.
To convert the edge set to an ordered polygon loop you can use a traversal method:
Pick any unvisited edge segment [v_start,v_next] and add these vertices to the polygon loop.
Find the unvisited edge segment [v_i,v_j] that has either v_i = v_next or v_j = v_next and add the other vertex (the one not equal to v_next) to the polygon loop. Reset v_next as this newly added vertex, mark the edge as visited and continue from 2.
Traversal is done when we get back to v_start.
The traversal will give a polygon loop that could have either clock-wise or counter-clock-wise ordering. A consistent ordering can be established by considering the signed area of the polygon. If the traversal results in the wrong orientation you simply need to reverse the order of the polygon loop vertices.
Well as the saying goes - get it working - then get it working better. I noticed on my above example it assumes all the edges in the edges array do in fact link up in a nice border. This may not be the case in the real world (as I have discovered from my input files i am using!) In fact some of my input files actually have many polygons and all need borders detected. I also wanted to make sure the winding order is correct. So I have fixed that up as well. see below. (Feel I am making headway at last!)
private static List<int> OrganizeEdges(List<int> edges, List<Point> positions)
var visited = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
var edgeList = new List<int>();
var resultList = new List<int>();
var nextIndex = -1;
while (resultList.Count < edges.Count)
if (nextIndex < 0)
for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i += 2)
if (!visited.ContainsKey(i))
nextIndex = edges[i];
for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i += 2)
if (visited.ContainsKey(i))
int j = i + 1;
int k = -1;
if (edges[i] == nextIndex)
k = j;
else if (edges[j] == nextIndex)
k = i;
if (k >= 0)
var edge = edges[k];
visited[i] = true;
nextIndex = edge;
i = 0;
// calculate winding order - then add to final result.
var borderPoints = new List<Point>();
edgeList.ForEach(ei => borderPoints.Add(positions[ei]));
var winding = CalculateWindingOrder(borderPoints);
if (winding > 0)
edgeList = new List<int>();
nextIndex = -1;
return resultList;
/// <summary>
/// returns 1 for CW, -1 for CCW, 0 for unknown.
/// </summary>
public static int CalculateWindingOrder(IList<Point> points)
// the sign of the 'area' of the polygon is all we are interested in.
var area = CalculateSignedArea(points);
if (area < 0.0)
return 1;
else if (area > 0.0)
return - 1;
return 0; // error condition - not even verts to calculate, non-simple poly, etc.
public static double CalculateSignedArea(IList<Point> points)
double area = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
int j = (i + 1) % points.Count;
area += points[i].X * points[j].Y;
area -= points[i].Y * points[j].X;
area /= 2.0f;
return area;
Traversal Code (not efficient - needs to be tidied up, will get to that at some point) Please Note: I store each segment in the chain as 2 indices - rather than 1 as suggested by Darren. This is purely for my own implementation / rendering needs.
// okay now lets sort the segments so that they make a chain.
var sorted = new List<int>();
var visited = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
var startIndex = edges[0];
var nextIndex = edges[1];
visited[0] = true;
visited[1] = true;
while (nextIndex != startIndex)
for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count - 1; i += 2)
var j = i + 1;
if (visited.ContainsKey(i) || visited.ContainsKey(j))
var iIndex = edges[i];
var jIndex = edges[j];
if (iIndex == nextIndex)
nextIndex = jIndex;
visited[j] = true;
else if (jIndex == nextIndex)
nextIndex = iIndex;
visited[i] = true;
return sorted;
The answer to your question depends actually on how triangular mesh is represented in memory. If you use Half-edge data structure, then the algorithm is extremely simple, since everything was already done during Half-edge data structure construction.
Start from any boundary half-edge HE_edge* edge0 (it can be found by linear search over all half-edges as the first edge without valid face). Set the current half-edge HE_edge* edge = edge0.
Output the destination edge->vert of the current edge.
The next edge in clockwise order around the shape (and counter-clockwise order around the surrounding "hole") will be edge->next.
Stop when you reach edge0.
To efficiently enumerate the boundary edges in the opposite (counter-clockwise order) the data structure needs to have prev data field, which many existing implementations of Half-edge data structure do provide in addition to next, e.g. MeshLib

KD TREES (3-D) Nearest Neighbour Search

I am looking at the Wikipedia page for KD trees Nearest Neighbor Search.
The pseudo code given in Wikipedia works when the points are in 2-D(x,y) .
I want to know,what changes should i make,when the points are 3-D(x,y,z).
I googled a lot and even went through similar questions link in stack overflow ,but i did n't find the 3-d implementation any where,all previous question takes 2-D points as input ,not the 3-D points that i am looking for.
The pseudo code in Wiki for building the KD Tree is::
function kdtree (list of points pointList, int depth)
// Select axis based on depth so that axis cycles through all valid values
var int axis := depth mod k;
// Sort point list and choose median as pivot element
select median by axis from pointList;
// Create node and construct subtrees
var tree_node node;
node.location := median;
node.leftChild := kdtree(points in pointList before median, depth+1);
node.rightChild := kdtree(points in pointList after median, depth+1);
return node;
How to find the Nearest neighbor now after building the KD Trees?
You find the nearest neighbour exactly as described on the Wikipedia page under the heading "Nearest neighbour search". The description there applies in any number of dimensions. That is:
Go down the tree recursively from the root as if you're about to insert the point you're looking for the nearest neighbour of.
When you reach a leaf, note it as best-so-far.
On the way up the tree again, for each node as you meet it:
If it's closer than the best-so-far, update the best-so-far.
If the distance from best-so-far to the target point is greater than the distance from the target point to the splitting hyperplane at this node,
process the other child of the node too (using the same recursion).
I've recently coded up a KDTree for nearest neighbor search in 3-D space and ran into the same problems understand the NNS, particularly 3.2 of the wiki. I ended up using this algorithm which seems to work in all my tests:
Here is the initial leaf search:
public Collection<T> nearestNeighbourSearch(int K, T value) {
if (value==null) return null;
//Map used for results
TreeSet<KdNode> results = new TreeSet<KdNode>(new EuclideanComparator(value));
//Find the closest leaf node
KdNode prev = null;
KdNode node = root;
while (node!=null) {
if (KdNode.compareTo(node.depth, node.k,, value)<0) {
prev = node;
node = node.greater;
} else {
prev = node;
node = node.lesser;
KdNode leaf = prev;
if (leaf!=null) {
//Used to not re-examine nodes
Set<KdNode> examined = new HashSet<KdNode>();
//Go up the tree, looking for better solutions
node = leaf;
while (node!=null) {
//Search node
node = node.parent;
//Load up the collection of the results
Collection<T> collection = new ArrayList<T>(K);
for (KdNode kdNode : results) {
return collection;
Here is the recursive search which starts at the closest leaf node:
private static final <T extends KdTree.XYZPoint> void searchNode(T value, KdNode node, int K, TreeSet<KdNode> results, Set<KdNode> examined) {
//Search node
KdNode lastNode = null;
Double lastDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
if (results.size()>0) {
lastNode = results.last();
lastDistance =;
Double nodeDistance =;
if (nodeDistance.compareTo(lastDistance)<0) {
if (results.size()==K && lastNode!=null) results.remove(lastNode);
} else if (nodeDistance.equals(lastDistance)) {
} else if (results.size()<K) {
lastNode = results.last();
lastDistance =;
int axis = node.depth % node.k;
KdNode lesser = node.lesser;
KdNode greater = node.greater;
//Search children branches, if axis aligned distance is less than current distance
if (lesser!=null && !examined.contains(lesser)) {
double nodePoint = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double valuePlusDistance = Double.MIN_VALUE;
if (axis==X_AXIS) {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.x-lastDistance;
} else if (axis==Y_AXIS) {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.y-lastDistance;
} else {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.z-lastDistance;
boolean lineIntersectsCube = ((valuePlusDistance<=nodePoint)?true:false);
//Continue down lesser branch
if (lineIntersectsCube) searchNode(value,lesser,K,results,examined);
if (greater!=null && !examined.contains(greater)) {
double nodePoint = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double valuePlusDistance = Double.MIN_VALUE;
if (axis==X_AXIS) {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.x+lastDistance;
} else if (axis==Y_AXIS) {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.y+lastDistance;
} else {
nodePoint =;
valuePlusDistance = value.z+lastDistance;
boolean lineIntersectsCube = ((valuePlusDistance>=nodePoint)?true:false);
//Continue down greater branch
if (lineIntersectsCube) searchNode(value,greater,K,results,examined);
The full java source can be found here.
I want to know,what changes should i make,when the points are
You get the current axis on this line
var int axis := depth mod k;
Now depending on the axis, you find the median by comparing the corresponding property. Eg. if axis = 0 you compare against the x property. One way to implement this is to pass a comparator function in the routine that does the search.

Non-recursive depth first search algorithm [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am looking for a non-recursive depth first search algorithm for a non-binary tree. Any help is very much appreciated.
list nodes_to_visit = {root};
while( nodes_to_visit isn't empty ) {
currentnode = nodes_to_visit.take_first();
nodes_to_visit.prepend( currentnode.children );
//do something
list nodes_to_visit = {root};
while( nodes_to_visit isn't empty ) {
currentnode = nodes_to_visit.take_first();
nodes_to_visit.append( currentnode.children );
//do something
The symmetry of the two is quite cool.
Update: As pointed out, take_first() removes and returns the first element in the list.
You would use a stack that holds the nodes that were not visited yet:
while !stack.isEmpty() do
node = stack.pop()
for each node.childNodes do
// …
If you have pointers to parent nodes, you can do it without additional memory.
def dfs(root):
node = root
while True:
if node.first_child:
node = node.first_child # walk down
while not node.next_sibling:
if node is root:
node = node.parent # walk up ...
node = node.next_sibling # ... and right
Note that if the child nodes are stored as an array rather than through sibling pointers, the next sibling can be found as:
def next_sibling(node):
i = node.parent.child_nodes.index(node)
return node.parent.child_nodes[i+1]
except (IndexError, AttributeError):
return None
Use a stack to track your nodes
Stack<Node> s;
while(!s.empty) {
Node n = s.poll_front // gets first node
// do something with q?
for each child of n: s.prepend(child)
An ES6 implementation based on biziclops great answer:
root = {
text: "root",
children: [{
text: "c1",
children: [{
text: "c11"
}, {
text: "c12"
}, {
text: "c2",
children: [{
text: "c21"
}, {
text: "c22"
}, ]
DFS(root, node => node.children, node => console.log(node.text));
BFS(root, node => node.children, node => console.log(node.text));
function BFS(root, getChildren, visit) {
let nodesToVisit = [root];
while (nodesToVisit.length > 0) {
const currentNode = nodesToVisit.shift();
nodesToVisit = [
...(getChildren(currentNode) || []),
function DFS(root, getChildren, visit) {
let nodesToVisit = [root];
while (nodesToVisit.length > 0) {
const currentNode = nodesToVisit.shift();
nodesToVisit = [
...(getChildren(currentNode) || []),
While "use a stack" might work as the answer to contrived interview question, in reality, it's just doing explicitly what a recursive program does behind the scenes.
Recursion uses the programs built-in stack. When you call a function, it pushes the arguments to the function onto the stack and when the function returns it does so by popping the program stack.
PreOrderTraversal is same as DFS in binary tree. You can do the same recursion
taking care of Stack as below.
public void IterativePreOrder(Tree root)
if (root == null)
Stack s<Tree> = new Stack<Tree>();
while (s.Count != 0)
Tree b = s.Pop();
Console.Write(b.Data + " ");
if (b.Right != null)
if (b.Left != null)
The general logic is, push a node(starting from root) into the Stack, Pop() it and Print() value. Then if it has children( left and right) push them into the stack - push Right first so that you will visit Left child first(after visiting node itself). When stack is empty() you will have visited all nodes in Pre-Order.
Non-recursive DFS using ES6 generators
class Node {
constructor(name, childNodes) { = name;
this.childNodes = childNodes;
this.visited = false;
function *dfs(s) {
let stack = [];
stackLoop: while (stack.length) {
let u = stack[stack.length - 1]; // peek
if (!u.visited) {
u.visited = true; // grey - visited
yield u;
for (let v of u.childNodes) {
if (!v.visited) {
continue stackLoop;
stack.pop(); // black - all reachable descendants were processed
It deviates from typical non-recursive DFS to easily detect when all reachable descendants of given node were processed and to maintain the current path in the list/stack.
Suppose you want to execute a notification when each node in a graph is visited. The simple recursive implementation is:
void DFSRecursive(Node n, Set<Node> visited) {
for (Node x : neighbors_of(n)) { // iterate over all neighbors
if (!visited.contains(x)) {
DFSRecursive(x, visited);
OnVisit(n); // callback to say node is finally visited, after all its non-visited neighbors
Ok, now you want a stack-based implementation because your example doesn't work. Complex graphs might for instance cause this to blow the stack of your program and you need to implement a non-recursive version. The biggest issue is to know when to issue a notification.
The following pseudo-code works (mix of Java and C++ for readability):
void DFS(Node root) {
Set<Node> visited;
Set<Node> toNotify; // nodes we want to notify
Stack<Node> stack;
toNotify.add(root); // we won't pop nodes from this until DFS is done
while (!stack.empty()) {
Node current = stack.pop();
for (Node x : neighbors_of(current)) {
if (!visited.contains(x)) {
// Now issue notifications. toNotifyStack might contain duplicates (will never
// happen in a tree but easily happens in a graph)
Set<Node> notified;
while (!toNotify.empty()) {
Node n = toNotify.pop();
if (!toNotify.contains(n)) {
OnVisit(n); // issue callback
It looks complicated but the extra logic needed for issuing notifications exists because you need to notify in reverse order of visit - DFS starts at root but notifies it last, unlike BFS which is very simple to implement.
For kicks, try following graph:
nodes are s, t, v and w.
directed edges are:
s->t, s->v, t->w, v->w, and v->t.
Run your own implementation of DFS and the order in which nodes should be visited must be:
w, t, v, s
A clumsy implementation of DFS would maybe notify t first and that indicates a bug. A recursive implementation of DFS would always reach w last.
FULL example WORKING code, without stack:
import java.util.*;
class Graph {
private List<List<Integer>> adj;
Graph(int numOfVertices) {
this.adj = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfVertices; ++i)
adj.add(i, new ArrayList<>());
void addEdge(int v, int w) {
adj.get(v).add(w); // Add w to v's list.
void DFS(int v) {
int nodesToVisitIndex = 0;
List<Integer> nodesToVisit = new ArrayList<>();
while (nodesToVisitIndex < nodesToVisit.size()) {
Integer nextChild= nodesToVisit.get(nodesToVisitIndex++);// get the node and mark it as visited node by inc the index over the element.
for (Integer s : adj.get(nextChild)) {
if (!nodesToVisit.contains(s)) {
nodesToVisit.add(nodesToVisitIndex, s);// add the node to the HEAD of the unvisited nodes list.
void BFS(int v) {
int nodesToVisitIndex = 0;
List<Integer> nodesToVisit = new ArrayList<>();
while (nodesToVisitIndex < nodesToVisit.size()) {
Integer nextChild= nodesToVisit.get(nodesToVisitIndex++);// get the node and mark it as visited node by inc the index over the element.
for (Integer s : adj.get(nextChild)) {
if (!nodesToVisit.contains(s)) {
nodesToVisit.add(s);// add the node to the END of the unvisited node list.
public static void main(String args[]) {
Graph g = new Graph(5);
g.addEdge(0, 1);
g.addEdge(0, 2);
g.addEdge(1, 2);
g.addEdge(2, 0);
g.addEdge(2, 3);
g.addEdge(3, 3);
g.addEdge(3, 1);
g.addEdge(3, 4);
System.out.println("Breadth First Traversal- starting from vertex 2:");
System.out.println("Depth First Traversal- starting from vertex 2:");
Breadth First Traversal- starting from vertex 2:
Depth First Traversal- starting from vertex 2:
Just wanted to add my python implementation to the long list of solutions. This non-recursive algorithm has discovery and finished events.
worklist = [root_node]
visited = set()
while worklist:
node = worklist[-1]
if node in visited:
# Node is finished
# Node is discovered
for child in node.children:
You can use a stack. I implemented graphs with Adjacency Matrix:
void DFS(int current){
for(int i=1; i<N; i++) visit_table[i]=false;
cout << current << " ";
current =;
for(int i=0; i<N; i++){
if(AdjMatrix[current][i] == 1){
if(visit_table[i] == false){
visit_table[i] = true;
cout << i << " ";
else if(!myStack.empty())
DFS iterative in Java:
//DFS: Iterative
private Boolean DFSIterative(Node root, int target) {
if (root == null)
return false;
Stack<Node> _stack = new Stack<Node>();
while (_stack.size() > 0) {
Node temp = _stack.peek();
if ( == target)
return true;
if (temp.left != null)
else if (temp.right != null)
return false;
Just watched this video and came out with implementation. It looks easy for me to understand. Please critique this.
unvisited_node = get_unvisited_adj_nodes(;
If (unvisited_node!=null){
Using Stack, here are the steps to follow: Push the first vertex on the stack then,
If possible, visit an adjacent unvisited vertex, mark it,
and push it on the stack.
If you can’t follow step 1, then, if possible, pop a vertex off the
If you can’t follow step 1 or step 2, you’re done.
Here's the Java program following the above steps:
public void searchDepthFirst() {
// begin at vertex 0
vertexList[0].wasVisited = true;
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
int adjacentVertex = getAdjacentUnvisitedVertex(stack.peek());
// if no such vertex
if (adjacentVertex == -1) {
} else {
vertexList[adjacentVertex].wasVisited = true;
// Do something
// stack is empty, so we're done, reset flags
for (int j = 0; j < nVerts; j++)
vertexList[j].wasVisited = false;
Pseudo-code based on #biziclop's answer:
Using only basic constructs: variables, arrays, if, while and for
Functions getNode(id) and getChildren(id)
Assuming known number of nodes N
NOTE: I use array-indexing from 1, not 0.
S = Array(N)
S[1] = 1; // root id
cur = 1;
last = 1
while cur <= last
id = S[cur]
node = getNode(id)
children = getChildren(id)
n = length(children)
for i = 1..n
S[ last+i ] = children[i]
last = last+n
cur = cur+1
S = Array(N)
S[1] = 1; // root id
cur = 1;
while cur > 0
id = S[cur]
node = getNode(id)
children = getChildren(id)
n = length(children)
for i = 1..n
// assuming children are given left-to-right
S[ cur+i-1 ] = children[ n-i+1 ]
// otherwise
// S[ cur+i-1 ] = children[i]
cur = cur+n-1
Here is a link to a java program showing DFS following both reccursive and non-reccursive methods and also calculating discovery and finish time, but no edge laleling.
public void DFSIterative() {
Stack<Vertex> s = new Stack<>();
for (Vertex v : vertices.values()) {
if (!v.visited) {
v.d = ++time;
v.visited = true;
while (!s.isEmpty()) {
Vertex u = s.peek();
boolean bFinished = true;
for (Vertex w : u.adj) {
if (!w.visited) {
w.visited = true;
w.d = ++time;
w.p = u;
bFinished = false;
if (bFinished) {
u.f = ++time;
if (u.p != null)
Full source here.
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>();
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
Node node = stack.pop();
System.out.print(node.getData() + " ");
Node right = node.getRight();
if (right != null) {
Node left = node.getLeft();
if (left != null) {
