joomla 3 email to web interface solution - logging in, sending and receiving emails only through my joomla! 3 website - joomla

I'm developing a website and I was wondering if its fairly easy to set up an email interface with in my joomla! 3 website. An email system with inbox, outbox, possibly junk mail.. etc. I need basic tasks of an email system like Gmail or Yahoo, where the already logged in user at my website can send and receive emails with attachments only through my joomla website. Meaning the user can not use outlook or any kind of email application to send or receive emails. If the user needs to email someone with the email that we gave him after we registered him/her at our website, he needs to log in first to our website in order to have access to the email service.
I'm wondering if this kind of idea is easily achievable in joomla 3 as I'm kind of new to Joomla developing- only started a month ago. Or if it's too complicated and it costs a lot of over head. If it is possible how can I achieve it because I have researched the internet for 3 days with out any luck for a specific joomla 3 extension.
However I found other ideas like roundcube and squirrelmail but for sure I need something way simpler than that since the email service is already provided by my host. I just need an interface, thats all. Also I found this link that talks about something called DMail but also its too advanced and possibly a very old post too.
So please if any one could help. Thanks!


Stop account sign up spam from using real email addresses?

I run a website where you must create an account and verify via email to access many site features. Lately a bunch of the sent account confirmation emails are being marked as spam because someone or something is using real email addresses to sign up for fake accounts on my site. I know they are fake because almost all of the time the IPs are coming from Russia or have garbled usernames like 'VDLWYvAkZniTQS' and have no site activity. It's always a different IP though so just banning one at a time wouldn't help. They also sign up about 3 accounts/hr so rate limiting wouldn't really work. I'm starting to run out of ideas and my email service provider might deactivate my account because of the uptick in spam complaints. Any ideas on how to combat this?
I've tried installing both a honeypot and reCAPTCHA v2 into the sign up form but they haven't helped too much. If anything they started to use more convincing usernames now but the IPs are clearly still coming from Russia.

reCaptcha - "send alerts to owners" - who?

I'm trying to get reCaptcha working on my website.
I found out I have to register my domain for this first, since I already have a google account this is quite easy, but the very last checkbox made me think:
How does google determine who the owners are?
And what kind of alerts will those be? E-Mails?
I'm a bit worried that some random person will get an E-Mail one day not knowing what to do with it since I'm not the only one working on that domain. And if they just mean my google account I'm registering this with...that doesn't make sense because they should've written "you" instead of owners then. - although your site is making this even more confusing. :D
I'm aware this is not directly a programming question.
I'm open for suggestions for a better Stack-exchange platform to ask this question at, there are too many - I couldn't find any other that seem to fit.
In the reCAPTCHA admin settings, there is a textbox where you can enter a list of email addresses for owners. This will grant them access to manage the reCAPTCHA settings and send them alerts, if enabled.

What is the best way to avoid SpamCop trigger a ASP.NET web page?

Good Days,
I have recently developed a web application in ASP.NET for a marketer that he has been sending emails to his potential customers to fill out a web form existing in this ASP.NET application.
Recently, he received an email from his hosting company saying that they will suspend his account because his emails were triggered by SpamCop. He basically put a link to that web form in the email messages.
What would be the best way to handle this situation? Is there a way to avoid this?
The best way to avoid being labeled as a spammer is to not send spam emails. Emailing random people and asking them to visit your website and fill out a form is spam, plain and simple.
I would suggest finding a less evil way of getting hits on a website like a Google Adwords campaign.
Also, for your convenience, I have included the first link in my google search of "How to drive traffic to your website."
Please pay attention to #3
Don't send spam?
Incidentally, how does your web app fit into this? Is your app sending the emails? If so, read up on the CAN-SPAM act.
Getting yourself removed from SpamCops blacklist will probably be hard given that it sounds like you were actually sending spam.

Getting visitors email ids in Joomla

How to let visitors of the website provide their email ids, optionally, for further future communication with them. Its not specifically a newsletter subscription or anything (but could as well be) but just a polite pop-up on visiting a page, asking them to provide their email address, if they wish to be contacted sometime in future.
this is to run on a Joomla based website.
just a simple form (can be a pop-up) that asks for user email ids and then stores it in the database.
Not a Mailing List subscription or anything like it (so no auto-responder subscription needed)
This should be very easy for the people that know !
I don't think there is a ready-made extension available for this, but there are some extensions that you can use as examples to put together something yourself. You could look at newsletter subscription components and modules to see how they make a form for receiving a name and email address, and how they save it to the database. You could also look into extensions that use Squeezebox, the built-in Lightbox look-alike, or you could check one of the login modules that popup.
However, I think you would be ready most quickly if you would just install a newsletter component, change the text of the subscription module (and possibly corresponding changes to front-end component output), and then you simply don't send newsletters. In this way you would start building a database table with names and email adresses as you seem to want.
I beleive sm2email can do it:

Simple Mailing-List (not Newsletter) for Joomla?

Is there a way I can make joomla do the following:
I have several mail accounts that should act as a discussion mailing-list. The administrator (and only the adminstrator) maintains a list of customer email adresses that belong a particular discussion group mail adress. Whenever a Mail is sent to e.g. specialinterestdiscussion(at), the mail will automatically be forwarded to all customers that belong to that list. If the sender is part of that mailling-list it will not be forwarded to him again. The sender does not necessarily have to be part of the maintained list.
So basically it is a simle mailing list.
Actually there is a way - by integrating a Plugin that runs on site refreshes in the background and checks for mails.
I can recommend Mailster which is a free and Open Source mailing list component for Joomla. It does exactly the job you need it to do, from the feature list:
Usable with any POP3/IMAP email account
Recipients are managed by the admin in the backend
Users can (un)subscribe with frontend plugin (optional)
All Joomla users can be chosen as recipients, additional users can be
Users can be organized in groups Single users or whole groups can be
added as recipients of a mailing list
Replies to mailing list posts can be forwarded to all recipients
Backend mail archive for browsing the mails
Full attachment support
[... more...]
I am using Mailster on my own webpage with a GMail account and it works like a charm.
I have not found a good fully integrated solution for this myself, but there is a basic MailMan integration that you could search for.
Since Joomla is a php based engine it is simply not not possible. Joomla itself can not run a service in the background which would be required for a mailing list.
I agree, Joomla itself can not run a service in the background.
But the way plugins like Mailster or LazyBackup2 work enables a service-like behavior. If your site has not enough visits you have to take care of that. E.g. by using a cron job that simply opens the webpage via wget every X minutes.
I just started to use Mailster and contacted the developer regarding the same question and he responded with the cron job advice and also said that he plans to add a specific PHP file for cronjobs. When this will be ready you don't even need to have the plugin anymore while still being able to manage everything inside Joomla.
