What is the best way to avoid SpamCop trigger a ASP.NET web page? - hosting

Good Days,
I have recently developed a web application in ASP.NET for a marketer that he has been sending emails to his potential customers to fill out a web form existing in this ASP.NET application.
Recently, he received an email from his hosting company saying that they will suspend his account because his emails were triggered by SpamCop. He basically put a link to that web form in the email messages.
What would be the best way to handle this situation? Is there a way to avoid this?

The best way to avoid being labeled as a spammer is to not send spam emails. Emailing random people and asking them to visit your website and fill out a form is spam, plain and simple.
I would suggest finding a less evil way of getting hits on a website like a Google Adwords campaign.
Also, for your convenience, I have included the first link in my google search of "How to drive traffic to your website."
Please pay attention to #3

Don't send spam?
Incidentally, how does your web app fit into this? Is your app sending the emails? If so, read up on the CAN-SPAM act.
Getting yourself removed from SpamCops blacklist will probably be hard given that it sounds like you were actually sending spam.


Mailchimp Dynamic Content: add customized link in subscribe email

We want to start a service with Mailchimp where every subscriber will get a customized link in the email she receives. The Subscription Form will be on a wordpress website (not my decision).
There is a pool of thousand of links with a unique parameter, which we have stored on our webserver, like these examples
Every code parameter should only be used once and should be kept as secret as possible. So I don't think it is a good idea to send the code from the form to mailchimp in a hidden field.
I don't know, if this is possible. Is Mailchimp even the right tool to do this?
I'm not sure, where to start the journey.
I don't think webhooks will help me here, as those are only one-way communication without a backwards channel, as far as I understand.
I checked the Mailchimp API documentation, but I might be too foolish to understand, which of the multiple options I need to use.
I found this answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/53096852/476951, but I don't know, if this will suit my needs. As I understand it, this will chhange the mail template in Mailchimp UI with an API request and store it. The successive emails will all use this changed template until I change the template again. This seems not to be the correct way.
So, here are the two workflows that might be possible, but I don't know if they are.
Have a form created in Wordpress (not the embedded Mailchimp form), and create a custom form handler with admin-post.php like described here. Then use the API to send the email through the Mailchimp service with my dynamic link in it. But how. Every tuorial I found sends campaigns via the API, not individual mails to single recepients
Somehow manage Mailchimp to get the dynamic content via some sort of webhooks or the likes.
Is any of these workflows suitable to do this?
If yes, who should I set these up?
Is there anything else I might have missed?
Or do I need to use Mailchimp Transactional Email service (former called Mandrill)?

Instagram user's contact e-mail?

Ruby on rails dev here.
This question has been asked before. Here, here and here.
The problem is that they did not make the right question or the solution given was somewhat shallow.
I ´ll be as specific as I can.
The Goal
I want get the user´s contact e-mail and not the account e-mail. Two different things. :)
Some users leave their email on the contact button. It´s public.
My goal is to make a software that can extract e-mails, but for now, only extracting one e-mail from one single account will be more than enough to have my MVP going.
here is an example below on how instagram let users share their e-mail.
The Problem
It only shows in app :( If it were to be shown on the browser as well, it would be a walk in the park. The contact button that has the e-mail and phone number does not show in the browser.
**The Good Part*
There is some solutions to it.
This guy has a figured it out using the API, but I don´t quite understand how he did it. The downside is that all solution wants to sell you a product.
The focus of this company lies on extracting instagram e-mails and it seems legit.
Last but not least, this dude is using appium to extract those juicy e-mails. The third won´t really work for me because it seems too messy. Having to use a android emulator will be my last resort.
Thanks for helping and happy new year.
Set up mitmproxy on your machine.
Set up the certificates on your phone and use your machine as the gateway.
Analyze the traffic.
Reverse engineer the API (to log in and get info about user profiles) and then use it in your Ruby/Python/whatever code.

joomla 3 email to web interface solution - logging in, sending and receiving emails only through my joomla! 3 website

I'm developing a website and I was wondering if its fairly easy to set up an email interface with in my joomla! 3 website. An email system with inbox, outbox, possibly junk mail.. etc. I need basic tasks of an email system like Gmail or Yahoo, where the already logged in user at my website can send and receive emails with attachments only through my joomla website. Meaning the user can not use outlook or any kind of email application to send or receive emails. If the user needs to email someone with the email that we gave him after we registered him/her at our website, he needs to log in first to our website in order to have access to the email service.
I'm wondering if this kind of idea is easily achievable in joomla 3 as I'm kind of new to Joomla developing- only started a month ago. Or if it's too complicated and it costs a lot of over head. If it is possible how can I achieve it because I have researched the internet for 3 days with out any luck for a specific joomla 3 extension.
However I found other ideas like roundcube and squirrelmail but for sure I need something way simpler than that since the email service is already provided by my host. I just need an interface, thats all. Also I found this link that talks about something called DMail but also its too advanced and possibly a very old post too.
So please if any one could help. Thanks!

Improving WebMail performance MVC3

I'm using the MVC helper WebMail to send emails. However the speed of it seems to be of concern. Especially when I have to send more than 1 email at the same time. I tried using a thread, but that didn't work since the Webmail object was null. How do I speed this up? Any ideas appreciated.
Forgot to mention, this is during testing and I'm using localhost and gmail! Not sure if that is causing the issue.
Thank you
If you want performance, don't use the WebMail helper. Use the classes in the System.Net namespace.
This allows you to open a new thread and send the email out-of-band from the web request.
We use Google Apps mail (gmail) in the cloud, opening a new thread, and sending the email from there, using the System.Net types (not WebMail). It works pretty well, as we can respond to the user without having to wait for the email to be sent.
Be careful about using Google Apps / gmail though, especially in development. We had one of our accounts disabled by google because of this. During development, you should use your local ISP, or better yet, use SpecifiedPickupDirectory, as it works better when unit testing email receipt.

How do you create an sms survey application?

I am a newbie sms application developer. I am looking for pointer on how i could develop an interactive survey based sms application. I want to push questions having check boxes, input boxes, radio buttons etc and receive the inputs back at the server.
Any pointers on how this can be achieved and what app services/technologies can be used for achieving the same would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
SMS protocol does not support any kind of interactive elements.
You probably want to push in a SMS message containing a link to a mobile site hosting the survey and the interaction happens in the mobile web browser.
Alternatively you can only send 140 character free form questions. However if you send in several questions the users won't answer as typing in many SMS messages is cumbersome.
So your idea of doing it purely on SMS is not feasible. Just create a mobile web site using some CMS with good mobile support and form creation wizards.
E.g http://webandmobile.mfabrik.com/
Disclaimer: I am one of authors
I've been using www.txtlocal.co.uk for quite a while and i'm very satisfied being able to send sms texts through their api. This is commercial service but really worth it's price.
You can use it with all languanges including PHP, ASP, C#.NET, VB.NET, VBA, JAVA, Bulk XML and others.
Simply have a look at code examples: http://www.txtlocal.co.uk/developers/code/
Moreover you can build your own software to process text responses from your clients and even buy your own telephone number.
