How can I create dependent category and subcategory drop down menus? - drop-down-menu

How can I create dependent drop-down menus for category and subcategory, where the subcategory's options are dependent upon what is selected in the category menu? I am creating an e-commerce store. On the admin side I would like to have the user enter products. I am using a form that includes select options for "category" and "subcategory", but I can't find any tutorials or forums that address this specifically.


Magento Products are not visible in category after switching to multisite

I have recently switched to multisite functionality in magento which is working fine except one thing that I cant view product list in respective category ie. categories are displaying empty. however I can see the products individually but not in category. please let me know what is going wrong?
You need to check is, select products from product grid, click on Update Attributes, on the left hand side 'Websites' tab, check the website on which you want to upload products in. Then reindex the category products.

Magento drop down to be selected by buyer

I am new to Magento. The website I am working on sells contact lenses and some custom attributes need to be added on the product page. Now requirement states that user has to select some prescription values from drop-down fields before adding the product to cart. I am totally lost on how to do it. This question asks the same thing:
Fields to be filled by the buyer in magento product page
But the answer points to dead link. How to retrieve some custom information from user on product page and store it along with order?
This is possible with custom option. Magento provide custom option facility. when you create custom option then it displayed on product page and you will get information from customer and that information stored in order automatically.
reference link :
You can create Dynamic custom option. I have answered thw whole process here:
dynamically add product custom options magento
As the Custom option applicaple to particular category. so you need to add required conditionon on precription form on product detail page.
You can manage this using custom option and there is a great module available in magento connect to achieve your goal.

Magento: Assign all products to New store View after creating substore

I have main site and created multiple stores for different langues from magento admin.
Requirement - All categories and products need to be automatically displayed for new store.
Problem - All categories are displaying ok but all products are not displaying as these are displaying in main site. How can I achieve this?
What I have already done:
Magento version: 1.9
All categories and products need display on all stores
Multiple stores are created successfully
What else can I do?
Go to your manage products page, click select all, change the action dropdown to say "Change Attributes" and click submit. Then, on the websites tab, make sure your new site is checked in the "Add Product to Websites" area, and click save.

Magento: Disable products being added to multiple categories

Is it possible to disable users from adding products to multiple categories in the catalog? When a user tries to add a product, it shows all the available categories and sub categories
in the catalog and if the user selects all of them, the same product will be added all over the place in the store. I was wondering if there's a way to restrict that.
There's no way to do what you describe natively in Magento, you would have to write a local module.

how to add custom category to display area with blog in joomla?

In joomla 3.2 I have created a new category with name struts2. But when I create articles under this category it's not getting displayed in the default page. Only if I select the category as blog then only it is displaying the content area. How to add mu category struts2 to the default category (blog) which is displaying by default?
In the categories menu, struts2, in the options tab under 'Alternative Layout'
select 'Blog'. Then in the Home page menu item, in the Layout tab under Categories add struts2. It should work.
