PDU SMS message not receiving - sms

I am using wavecom gsm modem and implemented the logic to send sms in pdu mode.
But for some operators I am getting : +CMGS response but not receiving the message. And with few more operators like idea, airtel, vodafone etc, with few SIMs I am getting +CMS ERROR : 38, i.e., Network out of order and few with proper response but not receiving SMS.
Has anyone faced these kind of problem? And Can anyone help am I missing something?
Is it the network operator issue?
And I also tested with Quectel modem, but the same result.

Have you tried sending the message using a terminal. Use the AT Commands to configure in PDU mode and send a text message through terminal. Most probably, you might have missed some endline characters or something. However, if you are getting CMS error than there must be something wrong with your network registration.
Please feel free to ask more about the issue. Thanks


Air200 GSM module have problem with AT commands, Why?

I bought an air200 gsm module and this module won't work properly. in one hand i use the standard at command for sending Unicode SMS, but cant sends Unicode. from the other hand when I send text SMS, for every SMS I send the network less my credit double cost. anybody can please help to solve the problem?
I send the following command for sending SMS:
AT+CMGS="number come here"
SMS body
// Ctrl+Z to send SMS
in this case, I can send SMS message but however, I send just one SMS it decreases my credit double time.
I use the following command to send Unicode SMS but it gets the error:
AT+CMGS="number come here"
// Ctrl+Z to send SMS
everything goes OK until I send AT+CMGS="number" and it response ERROR.
anybody please can get an idea? whats happen exactly?
I send at command under raspbian Linux on the raspberry pi.
AT+CMGS="number come here"
I suspect that you have not UCS2 encoded the phone number. Notice that after you run AT+CSCS="UCS2" every single string must be encoded that way, so for instance to switch from UCS2 to UTF-8 would be AT+CSCS="005500540046002D0038".

user receiving same message twice from Skype bot

I was trying to send skype-bot message to skype-user using REST API in nodeJs, but user receives bot-message two times of that single message. I am sending the message with HTTP POST request only single time using a single activityId. Is there any way to control duplicate messages? what can be the reason behind this?
I have gone through this Receiving the same message twice
Can anyone please like to help finding the issue?
[No sdk or other library is used ]
I have found the issue. I was subscribing redis to read message and deliver to user. I found that it was happening twice[one in my app uploaded to server and another in my local machine]. Now resolves. Thanks !

Why do I my outbound SMS from Plivo not work when they work with Twilio?

I've been using Twilio to send SMS and things work great. The only issue is that Twilio charges for both outbound and inbound messages. As such, we've been looking for other solutions.
We thought we found it with Plivo as their pricing was more favorable for SMS.
However, with Plivo, very quickly our outbound messages are being marked as spam or something and they're not being delivered.
We are sending the exact same message every day to about 5k users at a given time in the day. The message has a url in it, but it is something our users signed up for.
Two questions:
1. Why does everything work on Twilio and not on Plivo?
2. Is there a code change I can make to ensure our outbound messages sent with Plivo are not marked as spam by carriers and then stopped?
You need to contact Plivo about this. I experience this problem too. Their carrier mark our number as spammer since we are sending almost the same messages (verification). They called their carrier and our number was white-listed.
Plivo Sales engineer here. This is indeed an issue with the carrier marking your messages as spam. We can definitely help you overcome this. Could you please drop an email to ramya(at)plivo.com and we can sort this out?
You need to contact with Plivo support , there may be problem for number prefix for country like if you are using twilio you have to add +(with country prefix) but not in Plivo. It will be better to contact with Plivo support.
Thank You
I dont know how Pilvo work but usually with SMSC there is Message Queue associated sometimes with each SMPP Client and also with Mobile Station. You can't always send messages until your certain number of request are still pending. there is a specific error code that SMSC sent to its client about message queue overflow.
BADABING BADABOM! After having a look in the Plivo administration I noticed a new option under other-settings "Automatic Encoding Of Unicode Characters". As Norway uses inernational characters this is definately a setting for me, and after enabling it all SMS are delivered as expected. So remember to enable this setting.
Path: Plivo admin / Messages / Settings / Other settings
Feature: Automatic Encoding Of Unicode Characters -> Enable

Unable to read an SMS from Sim900a

I have interface PIC16f877A with sim900a directly. I can send SMS but in case of Receving/Reading an SMS from sim900a I am failing.
I am unable to find the error, has anyone had a similar experience?
Are the indicators for receiving an SMS message set correctly in the modem?

In gsm modems, how to inform when a new message has been received (Interruptly) using at commands like CNMA or CNMI?

I'm developing a winform program in which, I need send and receiving SMS messages, I have no problem in sending SMS, but i don't know how to inform when a new message has been received in a gsm modem? I wanna have an acknowledgement like an interrupt or event, when a new message has been received. As far as I know i should work to at+CNMI or at+CNMA, but unfortunately i cant find an example for those.Furthermore I wanna know how to get delivery message or how to handle that? Thanks in advance.
Depends on device type you are using. Use AT+CNMI=? to see all possible options your device supports.
