I want, set "error provider" icon left the text box or combo box ?!
I tried this code. But the feature that wrong!
errorProvider1.SetError(textBox1 , "Can't Empty");
Without that code was set.
In the "error Provider" properties, Using the " Right To Left " property.
The reason that that Hadi's original code did not work is because the first parameter to the errorProvider1.SetIconAlignment method was incorrect. The first parameter should be the control to which the error applies, not the error provider itself. Thus, the following works:
errorProvider1.SetIconAlignment(textBox1, ErrorIconAlignment.MiddleLeft);
errorProvider1.SetError(textBox1, "Can't Empty");
This might be a better solution than using the ErrorProvider RightToLeft property because it permits setting the icon position on a per control basis.
I am trying to make a call to JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (Or really any static function in JOptionPane to display a GUI for the matter), and I'm getting a blank yellow GUI with no buttons whatsoever. Can't display the image unfortunately due to me being new to SO :(.
The following is the code. Where when referencing off the showOptionDialog, you can see that the resulting image should have Prompt as the title, and "Choose Option as a message with the options shown in the String array being presented. Does anyone have a solution other than turning the depth to 16? All help is greatly appreciated :).
String[] options = new String[] {"Option1","Option2","Option3"};
JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,"Choose Option", "Prompt", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,null,options,null);
I tried to use the showOptionDialog and showMessageDialog to no avail, even attempted other overriding methods. As stated, I suspected the prompt to show "Choose Option" followed by the array of strings created in "options". Result was a blank GUI :(.
I'm getting an error as such:
E 0:00:00.744 _animation_update_transforms: Failed setting key at
time 0 in Animation 'Running' at Node '/path/to/AnimationPlayer',
Track 'path/to/custom node:rotation_degrees'.
Check if property exists or the type of key is right for the property
<C++ Source> scene/animation/animation_player.cpp:871 #
I'm trying to rotate a custom node (made by extending position2D) in animation but for some reason this error shows up.
According to the error:
Check if property exists
since I've extended position2D the rotation property exists
and the other part:
type of key is right for the property
I believe the values for the key are accurate, as when I hover over the keys
all the values seem to be accurate:
How do I fix this error?
or anyway to further isolate the error to pinpoint exactly where it's occurring within my custom node script?
if you are editing animation with godot script. You should update points that are set by auto.
Try something like this:
$AnimationPlayer.get_animation("rotate").value_track_set_update_mode(0, Animation.UPDATE_CAPTURE)
Try to uncheck "Reset on Save" option on the AnimationPlayer Node and delete "RESET" animation.
I have a form onto which I have placed an unbound text box. This box is designed to calculate the total of 4 other bound text boxes which have simple numerical values in. I have used the expression builder in the unbound text box to set its control source property i.e. =([box1]+[box2]+[box3]+[box4])
When I first put this in it works fine. However after I close and then reopen the data base the box sits on the form saying #NAME? as if it has lost its control source. I have checked the data source after and nothing seems to be wrong. Any ideas why its happening. Its a pain as I have a button which when pressed opens a report based on the value in the unbound text box.
Try using Nz:
Not entirely sure why it now works but I have re added the text box and the calculations into the source code and it seems to be fine. Perhaps just a glitch in my previous attempt... I used the =sum solution rather than the =Nz solution. Maybe my version of access or my data base is just fickle... thanks anyway
I am working on a GUI using qtruby. I have a ListWidget that I am filling with ListWidgetItems. So far these have just contained the text that I wanted to display and everything worked fine. I wanted these items to also hold some hidden data to use when they are clicked on. I used ListWidgetItem.setData() to set the data and I can get the data from it when it is clicked just fine. However once I add the data the text being displayed is now shifted over to the right about 4 spaces. When I click on it a little dotted box appears around the text but not the space that was added. It looks like it is a space for an icon but I have not set any icon and I don't want one. How do I get rid of this extra space so that items containing data are lined up with everything?
The code is very straight forward:
item = Qt::ListWidgetItem.new( #grain_strings[index] )
item.setFont( #font )
# TODO this is causing the text to be indented, removing it removes the indent
item.setData( 1, Qt::Variant.from_value( grain.type ) )
#item_list.insertItem( #end_of_grains+1, item )
The first argument to setData is the role number and for some reason you chose to set it to 1. The documentation says: "The data to be rendered as a decoration in the form of an icon. (QColor, QIcon or QPixmap)". So you are telling Qt to display an icon but you are not giving it a valid icon object.
Try setting the role to Qt::UserRole, which is "The first role that can be used for application-specific purposes." I am not sure how to access that constant from Ruby. If it is not provided by the qtruby gem, you could use 0x100 I suppose.
in a List view I want a particular control (textbox) to have a red background color if it has a certain value. I have tried the following:
Click on the textbox then click the Data icon in the context sensitive controls that appear. I can then see that the name of the control is First_NameTextBox. I then click anywhere on the List view and click the Actions icon in the context controls that appear to the right of the view. I select "On Current". I then create two steps that should be executed whenever a new record is activated:
If [First_NameTextBox] = "somevalue" Then
Control Name [First_NameTextBox]
Property BackColor
Value #FF0000
End If
However, this turns the textbox red no matter what the value in First_NameTextBox is. How do I reference the CURRENT value of the textbox?
Conditional formatting based on a field value is not available for the List View in a Web App.
If you've built web pages (with or without a templating engine), the design limitations of Access can be frustrating.
Another kind of frustration comes from moving a form in Access from the native Access environment to a browser-based display.
I've felt the first kind of frustration, but so far I've avoided the second kind. I keep MS Access and HTML-rendered forms far away from each other.
Conditional Formatting in the List View of Access Web Apps is Available its just way harder than it should be.
Input "If Statement" under the "Current Macro" by clicking outside any text box or label then traveling to the top right of the view and you will see the Lightning bolt which allows two options, "On Load" and "On Current".
Don't forget You will need to set the control back to the original color by using the else. (also, for some reason I have to flip the Colors so where you would think red would go, Put White.
IF = "" True Then
Summary: your Code is Sound, Just input it under the Views Current Macro Location
This is my first post, i spent DAYS looking for this information and found in the deep google somewhere so i hope this helps you.