UNbound Text Box wont save - ms-access-2013

I have a form onto which I have placed an unbound text box. This box is designed to calculate the total of 4 other bound text boxes which have simple numerical values in. I have used the expression builder in the unbound text box to set its control source property i.e. =([box1]+[box2]+[box3]+[box4])
When I first put this in it works fine. However after I close and then reopen the data base the box sits on the form saying #NAME? as if it has lost its control source. I have checked the data source after and nothing seems to be wrong. Any ideas why its happening. Its a pain as I have a button which when pressed opens a report based on the value in the unbound text box.

Try using Nz:

Not entirely sure why it now works but I have re added the text box and the calculations into the source code and it seems to be fine. Perhaps just a glitch in my previous attempt... I used the =sum solution rather than the =Nz solution. Maybe my version of access or my data base is just fickle... thanks anyway


using IUP - Is there any way to clear all the content out of a IupText object?

using IUP - Is there any way to clear all the content out of a IupText object? I'm implementing a very simple 4 line display that is supposed to emulate a hardware device. Unfortunately, through days of experimentation, I found that using IupInsert eventually reaches a limit, so you need to delete the contents. The only way I was able to simulate this was to destroy the IupText object and the IupDialog object containing it. This is very inefficient and ugly, but the documentation is misleading. I also attempted to detach and destroy the text box, without destroying the dialog, but I was unable to insert/append a new text box that would actually show up on the screen. The return value from the append was valid, but even after refresh, IupShow, etc., the dlg would never display the text again. Thank you for any insights
Just set the VALUE attribute to "".

Matlab GUI Attempt to reference field of non-structure array

I have a GUI menu on Matlab with 4 buttons (menu.fig). Then I have 4 .fig file that I want to open when I click on the buttons. Here it's all ok, when I open a .fig from menu and insert value to do a plot I get this error:
???? Attempt to reference field of non-structure array.
If I try to open 1.fig directly, everything works perfectly.
I read that the problem is with eval(), but I can't solve it.
I changed the variable names on each .fig file
One 1.fig:
function pbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
f1=get(handles.edtSFreq, 'String');
fi1=get(handles.edtSFase, 'String');
t1=get(handles.popTipo, 'Value');
I got the error on the that 1st line.
I guess this is something MATLAB GUI not handled well. I know it used to work, but when you tweaking your UI or UI related code a bit and accidentally you modified some area MATLAB told you not to touch, this kind of issue begin to happen.
The workaournd is to start the GUI from M editor by clicking run
I know it works, but originally, when I directly lauch it , it works too. so, this is not the end of it, people are just not getting to the end of it.
The problem is with probably with handles1. It's not a structure array like you expect it to be. In GUI's created with GUIDE, this variable is usually called handles, if you have both handles and handles1 make sure handles1 contains handles to the objects in the figure. If you're using handles1 only, make sure you're initializing it properly.

How to retrieve a mean number into matlab GUI from cell string?

I am building a matlab GUI to retrieve an average PnL number from a 1047*1 double cell string called pnl_P1 into edit text window called (function Average_PnL_Pair_1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)). What is the simplest or very simple way to do this?
Do you want mean(cellfun(#str2double, pnl_P1))?
If I understand your problem correctly I'd do the following.
Do not store numbers in cell string array, but if you must, use mean(cell2mat(pnl_P1)) to get the mean value. Create a value under handles so you can reach your pnl_P1 vector from anywhere.
handles.pnl_P1 = pnl_P1;
Make sure you always update your handles after each function in your GUI. It is strongly recommended.
% Update handles structure
guidata(hObject, handles);
Insert value into edit box:
handles.edit1 is the tag handle for the edit box you want to update.
What is the tag for your edit box?
Simple: in guide right-click on your edit box, select properties inspector, scroll down to Tag. If it says edit1 then use handles.edit1 and so on.
If you are new to Matlab GUIs I recommend this. They have stopped updating it but it's a great learning source.
I hope this helps.

NSStepper ignores current NSTextField value

I have the same initial problem as described in Integrate NSStepper with NSTextField:
I need to have a NSTextField working with a NSStepper as being one control so that I can edit an integer value either by changing it directly on the text field or using the stepper up/down arrows.
Using bindings as commented on by carlosb results in a usable UI. However, in the initial question carlosb describes the following:
Problem is that if I edit the text field then click the stepper again it will forget about the value I manually edited and use the stepper's internal value.
This is why I am posting a variation on this question again. carlosb's use of bindings doesn't solve this problem. This happens in both the current project I am working on and a test project I have created. The test project can be found at GitHub. You can download it there (even without git) via the "Download Source" button in the top right.
Is there a clean way to solve this issue?
Text fields and sliders are both in the view layer of the MVC pattern. You'll have much better results by binding both of those views to a property of your controller.
Your problem is that that the editing isn't ended until you press return or the field loses focus (so the number is never actually changed). If you press return or leave the field after editing, you'll see it works as expected.
One solution is to check the "Continuously Updates Value" option in the text field's value binding and check the "Continuous" option in the text field's attributes.
This will make sure the value is being updated as it's typed, so an immediate click on the stepper will reflect these changes.

Janus GridEX Problem

It's a longshot that anyone can help with this, but here goes. I inherited a VB6 app with a Janus GridEX control. It iterates through records, and is editable. Problem is, if I edit a cell and hit the button to go to the next record, the change is applied to the next record, not the one I was editing. It's like, I need it to finish up the edit before going to the next record. I've had this sort of problem before in VC++, and sometimes you have to "KillFocus" on the control you're on or something. I just don't know what to do here. I tried sending a carriage return, since if you return out of the edit cell, it works, but sending a carriage return manually doesn't work. What's the secret?
Is your grid bound or unbound?
It's hard to tell from your description, but I imagine that if your are having this problem then it's probably bound.
As the other answer asked, is the button the RecordNavigator that is built into the control or is it a separate button? The reason I bring this up again, is that I have seen issues in the VB6 applications I support where a toolbar will often intercept and interfere with how the JanusGrid should work.
To get around this limitation, I have added the following code in the click handler of any toolbars where there is also a JanusGrid control on the form.
If jsgxYourGridName.EditMode = jgexEditModeOn Then jsgxYourGridName.Update
This way any changes are immediately applied to the current row.
If this does not help, then I have also seen problems where the recordset that is bound to the grid gets out of sync with the internal recordset in the grid. You can check this by comparing the bookmark of the grid to the bookmark of the recordset.
Ie. mrsYourRecordset.Bookmark = jsgxYourGrid.ADORecordset.Bookmark
At one point I may have also used something like this.
jsgxYourGrid.ADORecordset.Bookmark = jsgxYourGrid.RowBookmark(jsgxYourGrid.RowIndex(jsgxYourGrid.Row))
Finally you can try setting a breakpoint in the BeforeUpdate, RowColChange and/or AfterColUpdate events of the grid, to see what record the grid is really on when clicking on the button.
It depends whether the button is internal to Janus GridEX or not. If it internal then just about the only thing you can do is look at the events the control exposes to see if there a sequence that can let you know that this problem occurs. Then you can try to take corrective action by restoring the row you moved to and put the edit in the row you left.
If the button is external to Janus then you can use the debug mode to trace sequence of statement that control the transfer of focus to the next row. It could be something out of order or a side effect of the particular sequence of commands. I have run into both with different controls.
Remember that you can edit while in debug mode so you can try different approaches and test until you find one that works.
