Implement convolution in matlab - algorithm

I have a equation that used to compute sigma, in which i is index from 1 to N,* denotes convolution operation, Omega is image domain.
I want to implement it by matlab code. Currently, I have three options to implement the above equation. Could you look at my equation and said to me which one is correct? I spend so much time to see what is differnent amongs methods but I could not find. Thanks in advance
The different between Method 1 and Method 2 that is method 1 compute the sigma after loop but Method 2 computes it in loop.
sigma(1:row,1:col,1:dim) = nu/d;
Does it give same result?
===========Matlab code==============
Method 1
nu = 0;
d = 0;
I2 = I.^2;
[row,col] = size(I);
for i = 1:N
KuI2 = conv2(u(:,:,i).*I2,k,'same');
bc = b.*(c(:,:,i));
bcKuI = -2*bc.*conv2(u(:,:,i).*I,k,'same');
bc2Ku = bc.^2.*conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
nu = nu + sum(sum(KuI2+bcKuI+bc2Ku));
ku = conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
d = d + sum(sum(ku));
d = d + (d==0)*eps;
sigma(1:row,1:col,1:dim) = nu/d;
Method 2:
I2 = I.^2;
[row,col] = size(I);
for i = 1:dim
KuI2 = conv2(u(:,:,i).*I2,k,'same');
bc = b.*(c(:,:,i));
bcKuI = -2*bc.*conv2(u(:,:,i).*I,k,'same');
bc2Ku = bc.^2.*conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
nu = sum(sum(KuI2+bcKuI+bc2Ku));
ku = conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
d = sum(sum(ku));
d = d + (d==0)*eps;
sigma(1:row,1:col,i) = nu/d;
Method 3:
I2 = I.^2;
[row,col] = size(I);
for i = 1:dim
KuI2 = conv2(u(:,:,i).*I2,k,'same');
bc = b.*(c(:,:,i));
bcKuI = -2*bc.*conv2(u(:,:,i).*I,k,'same');
bc2Ku = bc.^2.*conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
ku = conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
d = ku + (ku==0)*eps;
sigma(:,:,i) = (KuI2+bcKuI+bc2Ku)./d;
sigma = sigma + (sigma==0).*eps;

I think that Method 1 is assume that sigma1=sigma2=...sigman because you were computed out of loop function
sigma(1:row,1:col,1:dim) = nu/d;
where nu and d are cumulative sum for each iteration.
While, the Method 2 shown that sigma1 !=sigma 2 !=..sigman because each sigma is calculated in loop function
Hope it help


Low-Rank Approximation using Frobenious Norm Tolerance

I would love some help with an algorithm I've working on. My specific problem is in the while loop of the algorithm.
What I want the algorithm to do is to sequentially add a singular value in Sk(until the desired TOL is achieved) in the diagonal while making the rest of the matrix 0. The desired goal is to do this to greyscale images.
I can only get 2x2 cycles.
here is the code:
A = rand(5)*30;
[M N] = size(A);
[U S V] = svds(A);
% r = rank(A);
Sn = S(1,1);
Sk = blkdiag(Sn,zeros(N-1));
Ak = U*Sk*V;
X = A - Ak;
F = norm(X,'fro');
tol = 10;
i = 2;
while F > tol
Snk = S(i,i);
Snew = diag([Sn;Snk]);
Sk = blkdiag(Snew,zeros(N-2));
Ak = U*Sk*V';
F = norm(A-Ak,'fro');
i = i + 1;

Implement a fast optimization algorithm using fixed point method in matlab

I am implementing a fast optimization algorithm using fixed point method in matlab. The goal of that method is that find optimal value of u. Denote u={u_i,i=1..2}. The optimal value of u can be obtained as following steps:
Sorry about my image because I cannot type mathematics equation in here.
To do that task, I tried to find u follows above steps. However, I don't know how to implement the term \sum_{j!=i} (u_j-1) in equation 25. This is my code. Please see it and could you give me some comment or suggestion about my implementation to correct them. Currently, I tried to run that code but it give an incorrect answer.
function u = compute_u_TV(Im0, N_class)
% Initialization
N_class=2; % only have u1 and u2
% Iterative segmentation process
for i=1:N_class
v(:,:,i) = Im0/max(Im0(:)); % u between 0 and 1.
qxv(:,:,i) = zeros(size(Im0));
qyv(:,:,i) = zeros(size(Im0));
u(:,:,i) = v(:,:,i);
for iteration=1:10000
% Update v
Divqi = ( BackwardX(qxv(:,:,i)) + BackwardY(qyv(:,:,i)) );
Term = Divqi - u(:,:,i)/ (theta*gamma);
TermX = ForwardX(Term);
TermY = ForwardY(Term);
Norm = sqrt(TermX.^2 + TermY.^2);
Denom = 1 + tau*Norm;
%Equation 24
qxv(:,:,i) = (qxv(:,:,i) + tau*TermX)./Denom;
qyv(:,:,i) = (qyv(:,:,i) + tau*TermY)./Denom;
v(:,:,i) = u(:,:,i) - theta*gamma* Divqi; %Equation 23
% Update u
u(:,:,i) = (v(:,:,i) - theta* gamma* Divqi -theta*gamma*sigma*(sum(u(:))-u(:,:,i)-1))./(1+theta* gamma*sigma);
u(:,:,i) = max(u(:,:,i),0);
u(:,:,i) = min(u(:,:,i),1);
% Sub-functions- X.Berson
function [dx]=BackwardX(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dx = u;
dx(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1)=( u(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1) - u(2:Ny-1,1:Nx-2) );
dx(:,Nx) = -u(:,Nx-1);
function [dy]=BackwardY(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dy = u;
dy(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1)=( u(2:Ny-1,2:Nx-1) - u(1:Ny-2,2:Nx-1) );
dy(Ny,:) = -u(Ny-1,:);
function [dx]=ForwardX(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dx = zeros(Ny,Nx);
dx(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1)=( u(1:Ny-1,2:Nx) - u(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1) );
function [dy]=ForwardY(u);
[Ny,Nx] = size(u);
dy = zeros(Ny,Nx);
dy(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1)=( u(2:Ny,1:Nx-1) - u(1:Ny-1,1:Nx-1) );
% End of sub-function
You should do
u(:,:,i) = (v(:,:,i) - theta* gamma* Divqi -theta*gamma*sigma* ...
(sum(u(:,:,1:size(u,3) ~= i),3) -1))./(1+theta* gamma*sigma);
The part you were searching for is
sum(u(:,:,1:size(u,3) ~= i),3)
Let's decompose this :
1:size(u,3) ~= i
is a vector containing all values from 1 to the max size of u on the third dimension except i.
u(:,:,1:size(u,3) ~= i)
is all the matrix of the third dimension of u except for j = i
is the sum of all the matrix by the thrid dimension.
Let me know if it does help!

Matlab Multivariable Minimization

I'm trying to develop the adaptive unsharp algorithm described by Polesel et al. in the article "Image Enhancement via Adaptive Unsharp Masking" (link to the article). The core of the algorithm is the minimization of a cost function defined as:
J(m,n) = E[e(m,n)^2] = E[(gd(m,n)-gy(m,n))^2]
where E[] is the statistical expectation and gy(m,n) is:
gy(m,n) = gx(m,n) + lambda1(m,n)*gzx(m,n) + lambda2(m,n)*gzy(m,n);
I want to find lambda1 and lambda2 for each pixel in order to minimize the cost function in each pixel.
Here the code that I wrote so far:
function [ o_sharpened_image ] = AdaptativeUnsharpMask( i_image , t1, t2)
%ADAPTATIVEUNSHARPMASK Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
if isa(i_image,'dip_image')
i_image = dip_array(i_image);
if ~isfloat(i_image)
i_image = im2double(i_image);
adh = 4;
adl = 3;
g = [-1 -1 -1; -1 8 -1; -1 -1 -1];
dim = size(i_image);
lambda_x = 0.5*ones(dim);
lambda_y = 0.5*ones(dim);
z_x = conv2(i_image,[-1 2 -1],'same');
z_y = conv2(i_image,[-1; 2; -1],'same');
g_x = conv2(i_image,g,'same');
g_zx = conv2(z_x,g,'same');
g_zy = conv2(z_y,g,'same');
a = ones(dim);
variance_map = colfilt(i_image,[3 3],'sliding',#var);
a(variance_map >= t1 & variance_map < t2) = adh;
a(variance_map >= t2) = adl;
g_d = a.*g_x;
lambda = [lambda_x lambda_y];
lambda0 = lambda;
lambda_min = lsqnonlin(#(lambda) UnsharpCostFunction(lambda,g_d,g_zx,g_zy),lambda0);
o_sharpened_image = i_image + lambda_min(:,1:size(i_image,2)).*z_x + lambda_min(:,size(i_image,2)+1:end).*z_y;
Here the code of the cost function:
function [ J ] = UnsharpCostFunction( i_lambda, i_gd, i_gzx, i_gzy )
%UNSHARPCOSTFUNCTION Summary of this function goes herek
gy = i_gd + i_lambda(:,1:size(i_gd,2)).*i_gzx + i_lambda(:,size(i_gd,2)+1:end).*i_gzy;
J = mean((i_gd(:) - gy(:)).^2);
For each iteration I print on the command window the value of the J function and it is always the same. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.

Why I got this Error The variable in a parfor cannot be classified

I'm trying to use parfor to estimate the time it takes over 96 sec and I've more than one image to treat but I got this error:
The variable B in a parfor cannot be classified
this the code I've written:
Io=im2double(imread('C:My path\0.1s.tif'));
sigma=[1.8 20];
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-3:3,-3:3);
G = exp(-(X.^2+Y.^2)/(2*1.8^2));
dim = size(In);
B = zeros(dim);
c = parcluster
parfor i = 1:dim(1)
for j = 1:dim(2)
% Extract local region.
iMin = max(i-3,1);
iMax = min(i+3,dim(1));
jMin = max(j-3,1);
jMax = min(j+3,dim(2));
I = In(iMin:iMax,jMin:jMax);
% Compute Gaussian intensity weights.
H = exp(-(I-In(i,j)).^2/(2*20^2));
% Calculate bilateral filter response.
F = H.*G((iMin:iMax)-i+3+1,(jMin:jMax)-j+3+1);
B(i,j) = sum(F(:).*I(:))/sum(F(:));
matlabpool close
any Idea?
Unfortunately, it's actually dim that is confusing MATLAB in this case. You can fix it by doing
[n, m] = size(In);
parfor i = 1:n
for j = 1:m
B(i, j) = ...

Using matrix structure to speed up matlab

Suppose that I have an N-by-K matrix A, N-by-P matrix B. I want to do the following calculations to get my final N-by-P matrix X.
X(n,p) = B(n,p) - dot(gamma(p,:),A(n,:))
gamma(p,k) = dot(A(:,k),B(:,p))/sum( A(:,k).^2 )
In MATLAB, I have my code like
for p = 1:P
for n = 1:N
for k = 1:K
gamma(p,k) = dot(A(:,k),B(:,p))/sum(A(:,k).^2);
x(n,p) = B(n,p) - dot(gamma(p,:),A(n,:));
which are highly inefficient since it uses three for loops! Is there a good way to speed up this code?
Use bsxfun for the division and matrix multiplication for the loops:
gamma = bsxfun(#rdivide, B.'*A, sum(A.^2));
x = B - A*gamma.';
And here is a test script
N = 3;
K = 4;
P = 5;
A = rand(N, K);
B = rand(N, P);
for p = 1:P
for n = 1:N
for k = 1:K
gamma(p,k) = dot(A(:,k),B(:,p))/sum(A(:,k).^2);
x(n,p) = B(n,p) - dot(gamma(p,:),A(n,:));
gamma2 = bsxfun(#rdivide, B.'*A, sum(A.^2));
X2 = B - A*gamma2.';
isequal(x, X2)
isequal(gamma, gamma2)
which returns
ans =
ans =
It looks to me like you can hoist the gamma calculations out of the loop; at least, I don't see any dependencies on N in the gamma calculations.
So something like this:
for p = 1:P
for k = 1:K
gamma(p,k) = dot(A(:,k),B(:,p))/sum(A(:,k).^2);
for p = 1:P
for n = 1:N
x(n,p) = B(n,p) - dot(gamma(p,:),A(n,:));
I'm not familiar enough with your code (or matlab) to really know if you can merge the two loops, but if you can:
for p = 1:P
for k = 1:K
gamma(p,k) = dot(A(:,k),B(:,p))/sum(A(:,k).^2);
for n = 1:N
x(n,p) = B(n,p) - dot(gamma(p,:),A(n,:));
bxfun is slow...
How about something like the following (I might have a transpose wrong)
modA = A * (1./sum(A.^2,2)) * ones(1,k);
gamma = B' * modA;
x = B - A * gamma';
