Low-Rank Approximation using Frobenious Norm Tolerance - algorithm

I would love some help with an algorithm I've working on. My specific problem is in the while loop of the algorithm.
What I want the algorithm to do is to sequentially add a singular value in Sk(until the desired TOL is achieved) in the diagonal while making the rest of the matrix 0. The desired goal is to do this to greyscale images.
I can only get 2x2 cycles.
here is the code:
A = rand(5)*30;
[M N] = size(A);
[U S V] = svds(A);
% r = rank(A);
Sn = S(1,1);
Sk = blkdiag(Sn,zeros(N-1));
Ak = U*Sk*V;
X = A - Ak;
F = norm(X,'fro');
tol = 10;
i = 2;
while F > tol
Snk = S(i,i);
Snew = diag([Sn;Snk]);
Sk = blkdiag(Snew,zeros(N-2));
Ak = U*Sk*V';
F = norm(A-Ak,'fro');
i = i + 1;


Implement convolution in matlab

I have a equation that used to compute sigma, in which i is index from 1 to N,* denotes convolution operation, Omega is image domain.
I want to implement it by matlab code. Currently, I have three options to implement the above equation. Could you look at my equation and said to me which one is correct? I spend so much time to see what is differnent amongs methods but I could not find. Thanks in advance
The different between Method 1 and Method 2 that is method 1 compute the sigma after loop but Method 2 computes it in loop.
sigma(1:row,1:col,1:dim) = nu/d;
Does it give same result?
===========Matlab code==============
Method 1
nu = 0;
d = 0;
I2 = I.^2;
[row,col] = size(I);
for i = 1:N
KuI2 = conv2(u(:,:,i).*I2,k,'same');
bc = b.*(c(:,:,i));
bcKuI = -2*bc.*conv2(u(:,:,i).*I,k,'same');
bc2Ku = bc.^2.*conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
nu = nu + sum(sum(KuI2+bcKuI+bc2Ku));
ku = conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
d = d + sum(sum(ku));
d = d + (d==0)*eps;
sigma(1:row,1:col,1:dim) = nu/d;
Method 2:
I2 = I.^2;
[row,col] = size(I);
for i = 1:dim
KuI2 = conv2(u(:,:,i).*I2,k,'same');
bc = b.*(c(:,:,i));
bcKuI = -2*bc.*conv2(u(:,:,i).*I,k,'same');
bc2Ku = bc.^2.*conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
nu = sum(sum(KuI2+bcKuI+bc2Ku));
ku = conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
d = sum(sum(ku));
d = d + (d==0)*eps;
sigma(1:row,1:col,i) = nu/d;
Method 3:
I2 = I.^2;
[row,col] = size(I);
for i = 1:dim
KuI2 = conv2(u(:,:,i).*I2,k,'same');
bc = b.*(c(:,:,i));
bcKuI = -2*bc.*conv2(u(:,:,i).*I,k,'same');
bc2Ku = bc.^2.*conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
ku = conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
d = ku + (ku==0)*eps;
sigma(:,:,i) = (KuI2+bcKuI+bc2Ku)./d;
sigma = sigma + (sigma==0).*eps;
I think that Method 1 is assume that sigma1=sigma2=...sigman because you were computed out of loop function
sigma(1:row,1:col,1:dim) = nu/d;
where nu and d are cumulative sum for each iteration.
While, the Method 2 shown that sigma1 !=sigma 2 !=..sigman because each sigma is calculated in loop function
Hope it help

Sum of outer products multiplied by a scalar in MATLAB

I would like to vectorize the sum of products hereafter in order to speed up my Matlab code. Would it be possible?
for i=1:N
where hazard is a vector (N x 1) and Z is a matrix (N x p).
With matrix multiplication only:
A = A + Z'*diag(hazard)*Z;
Note, however, that this requires more operations than Divakar's bsxfun approach, because diag(hazard) is an NxN matrix consisting mostly of zeros.
To save some time, you could define the inner matrix as sparse using spdiags, so that multiplication can be optimized:
A = A + full(Z'*spdiags(hazard, 0, zeros(N))*Z);
Timing code:
Z = rand(N,p);
hazard = rand(N,1);
timeit(#() Z'*diag(hazard)*Z)
timeit(#() full(Z'*spdiags(hazard, 0, zeros(N))*Z))
timeit(#() bsxfun(#times,Z,hazard)'*Z)
With N = 1000; p = 300;
ans =
ans =
ans =
With N = 2000; p = 1000;
ans =
ans =
ans =
With N = 1000; p = 2000;
ans =
ans =
ans =
It is seen that the bsxfun-based approach is consistently faster.
You can use bsxfun and matrix-multiplication -
A = bsxfun(#times,Z,hazard).'*Z + A

Why I got this Error The variable in a parfor cannot be classified

I'm trying to use parfor to estimate the time it takes over 96 sec and I've more than one image to treat but I got this error:
The variable B in a parfor cannot be classified
this the code I've written:
Io=im2double(imread('C:My path\0.1s.tif'));
sigma=[1.8 20];
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-3:3,-3:3);
G = exp(-(X.^2+Y.^2)/(2*1.8^2));
dim = size(In);
B = zeros(dim);
c = parcluster
parfor i = 1:dim(1)
for j = 1:dim(2)
% Extract local region.
iMin = max(i-3,1);
iMax = min(i+3,dim(1));
jMin = max(j-3,1);
jMax = min(j+3,dim(2));
I = In(iMin:iMax,jMin:jMax);
% Compute Gaussian intensity weights.
H = exp(-(I-In(i,j)).^2/(2*20^2));
% Calculate bilateral filter response.
F = H.*G((iMin:iMax)-i+3+1,(jMin:jMax)-j+3+1);
B(i,j) = sum(F(:).*I(:))/sum(F(:));
matlabpool close
any Idea?
Unfortunately, it's actually dim that is confusing MATLAB in this case. You can fix it by doing
[n, m] = size(In);
parfor i = 1:n
for j = 1:m
B(i, j) = ...

Fast computation of warp matrices

For a fixed and given tform, the imwarp command in the Image Processing Toolbox
B = imwarp(A,tform)
is linear with respect to A, meaning there exists some sparse matrix W, depending on tform but independent of A, such that the above can be equivalently implemented
for all A of fixed known dimensions [n,n]. My question is whether there are fast/efficient options for computing W. The matrix form is necessary when I need the transpose operation W.'*B(:), or if I need to do W\B(:) or similar linear algebraic things which I can't do directly through imwarp alone.
I know that it is possible to compute W column-by-column by doing
for i=1:n^2
but this is brute force and slow.
The routine FUNC2MAT is somewhat more optimal in that it uses the loop to compute/gather the sparse entry data I,J,S of each column W(:,i). Then, after the loop, it uses this to construct the overall sparse matrix. It also offers the option of using a PARFOR loop. However, this is still slower than I would like.
Can anyone suggest more speed-optimal alternatives?
For those uncomfortable with my claim that imwarp(A,tform) is linear w.r.t. A, I include the demo script below, which tests that the superposition property is satisfied for random input images and tform data. It can be run repeatedly to see that the nonlinearityError is always small, and easily attributable to floating point noise.
fun=#(A) imwarp(A,tform,'cubic');
I1=rand(100); I2=rand(100);
c1=rand; c2=rand;
LHS=fun(c1*I1+c2*I2); %left hand side
RHS=c1*fun(I1)+c2*fun(I2); %right hand side
linearityError = norm(LHS(:)-RHS(:),'inf')
That's actually pretty simple:
W = sparse(B(:)/A(:));
Note that W is not unique, but this operation probably produces the most sparse result. Another way to calculate it would be
W = sparse( B(:) * pinv(A(:)) );
but that results in a much less sparse (yet still valid) result.
I constructed the warping matrix using the optical flow fields [u,v] and it is working well for my application
% this function computes the warping matrix
% M x N is the size of the image
function [ Fw ] = generateFwi( u,v,M,N )
Fw = zeros(M*N, M*N);
k =1;
for i=1:M
for j= 1:N
newcoord(1) = i+u(i,j);
newcoord(2) = j+v(i,j);
newi = newcoord(1);
newj = newcoord(2);
if newi >0 && newj >0
newi1x = floor(newi);
newi1y = floor(newj);
newi2x = floor(newi);
newi2y = ceil(newj);
newi3x = ceil(newi); % four nearest points to the given point
newi3y = floor(newj);
newi4x = ceil(newi);
newi4y = ceil(newj);
x1 = [newi,newj;newi1x,newi1y];
x2 = [newi,newj;newi2x,newi2y];
x3 = [newi,newj;newi3x,newi3y];
x4 = [newi,newj;newi4x,newi4y];
w1 = pdist(x1,'euclidean');
w2 = pdist(x2,'euclidean');
w3 = pdist(x3,'euclidean');
w4 = pdist(x4,'euclidean');
if ceil(newi) == floor(newi) && ceil(newj)==floor(newj) % both the new coordinates are integers
Fw(k,(newi1x-1)*N+newi1y) = 1;
else if ceil(newi) == floor(newi) % one of the new coordinates is an integer
w = w1+w2;
w1new = w1/w;
w2new = w2/w;
W = w1new*w2new;
y1coord = (newi1x-1)*N+newi1y;
y2coord = (newi2x-1)*N+newi2y;
if y1coord <= M*N && y2coord <=M*N
Fw(k,y1coord) = W/w2new;
Fw(k,y2coord) = W/w1new;
else if ceil(newj) == floor(newj) % one of the new coordinates is an integer
w = w1+w3;
w1 = w1/w;
w3 = w3/w;
W = w1*w3;
y1coord = (newi1x-1)*N+newi1y;
y2coord = (newi3x-1)*N+newi3y;
if y1coord <= M*N && y2coord <=M*N
Fw(k,y1coord) = W/w3;
Fw(k,y2coord) = W/w1;
else % both the new coordinates are not integers
w = w1+w2+w3+w4;
w1 = w1/w;
w2 = w2/w;
w3 = w3/w;
w4 = w4/w;
W = w1*w2*w3 + w2*w3*w4 + w3*w4*w1 + w4*w1*w2;
y1coord = (newi1x-1)*N+newi1y;
y2coord = (newi2x-1)*N+newi2y;
y3coord = (newi3x-1)*N+newi3y;
y4coord = (newi4x-1)*N+newi4y;
if y1coord <= M*N && y2coord <= M*N && y3coord <= M*N && y4coord <= M*N
Fw(k,y1coord) = w2*w3*w4/W;
Fw(k,y2coord) = w3*w4*w1/W;
Fw(k,y3coord) = w4*w1*w2/W;
Fw(k,y4coord) = w1*w2*w3/W;
Fw(k,k) = 1;

Using matrix structure to speed up matlab

Suppose that I have an N-by-K matrix A, N-by-P matrix B. I want to do the following calculations to get my final N-by-P matrix X.
X(n,p) = B(n,p) - dot(gamma(p,:),A(n,:))
gamma(p,k) = dot(A(:,k),B(:,p))/sum( A(:,k).^2 )
In MATLAB, I have my code like
for p = 1:P
for n = 1:N
for k = 1:K
gamma(p,k) = dot(A(:,k),B(:,p))/sum(A(:,k).^2);
x(n,p) = B(n,p) - dot(gamma(p,:),A(n,:));
which are highly inefficient since it uses three for loops! Is there a good way to speed up this code?
Use bsxfun for the division and matrix multiplication for the loops:
gamma = bsxfun(#rdivide, B.'*A, sum(A.^2));
x = B - A*gamma.';
And here is a test script
N = 3;
K = 4;
P = 5;
A = rand(N, K);
B = rand(N, P);
for p = 1:P
for n = 1:N
for k = 1:K
gamma(p,k) = dot(A(:,k),B(:,p))/sum(A(:,k).^2);
x(n,p) = B(n,p) - dot(gamma(p,:),A(n,:));
gamma2 = bsxfun(#rdivide, B.'*A, sum(A.^2));
X2 = B - A*gamma2.';
isequal(x, X2)
isequal(gamma, gamma2)
which returns
ans =
ans =
It looks to me like you can hoist the gamma calculations out of the loop; at least, I don't see any dependencies on N in the gamma calculations.
So something like this:
for p = 1:P
for k = 1:K
gamma(p,k) = dot(A(:,k),B(:,p))/sum(A(:,k).^2);
for p = 1:P
for n = 1:N
x(n,p) = B(n,p) - dot(gamma(p,:),A(n,:));
I'm not familiar enough with your code (or matlab) to really know if you can merge the two loops, but if you can:
for p = 1:P
for k = 1:K
gamma(p,k) = dot(A(:,k),B(:,p))/sum(A(:,k).^2);
for n = 1:N
x(n,p) = B(n,p) - dot(gamma(p,:),A(n,:));
bxfun is slow...
How about something like the following (I might have a transpose wrong)
modA = A * (1./sum(A.^2,2)) * ones(1,k);
gamma = B' * modA;
x = B - A * gamma';
