Matlab Multivariable Minimization - algorithm

I'm trying to develop the adaptive unsharp algorithm described by Polesel et al. in the article "Image Enhancement via Adaptive Unsharp Masking" (link to the article). The core of the algorithm is the minimization of a cost function defined as:
J(m,n) = E[e(m,n)^2] = E[(gd(m,n)-gy(m,n))^2]
where E[] is the statistical expectation and gy(m,n) is:
gy(m,n) = gx(m,n) + lambda1(m,n)*gzx(m,n) + lambda2(m,n)*gzy(m,n);
I want to find lambda1 and lambda2 for each pixel in order to minimize the cost function in each pixel.
Here the code that I wrote so far:
function [ o_sharpened_image ] = AdaptativeUnsharpMask( i_image , t1, t2)
%ADAPTATIVEUNSHARPMASK Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
if isa(i_image,'dip_image')
i_image = dip_array(i_image);
if ~isfloat(i_image)
i_image = im2double(i_image);
adh = 4;
adl = 3;
g = [-1 -1 -1; -1 8 -1; -1 -1 -1];
dim = size(i_image);
lambda_x = 0.5*ones(dim);
lambda_y = 0.5*ones(dim);
z_x = conv2(i_image,[-1 2 -1],'same');
z_y = conv2(i_image,[-1; 2; -1],'same');
g_x = conv2(i_image,g,'same');
g_zx = conv2(z_x,g,'same');
g_zy = conv2(z_y,g,'same');
a = ones(dim);
variance_map = colfilt(i_image,[3 3],'sliding',#var);
a(variance_map >= t1 & variance_map < t2) = adh;
a(variance_map >= t2) = adl;
g_d = a.*g_x;
lambda = [lambda_x lambda_y];
lambda0 = lambda;
lambda_min = lsqnonlin(#(lambda) UnsharpCostFunction(lambda,g_d,g_zx,g_zy),lambda0);
o_sharpened_image = i_image + lambda_min(:,1:size(i_image,2)).*z_x + lambda_min(:,size(i_image,2)+1:end).*z_y;
Here the code of the cost function:
function [ J ] = UnsharpCostFunction( i_lambda, i_gd, i_gzx, i_gzy )
%UNSHARPCOSTFUNCTION Summary of this function goes herek
gy = i_gd + i_lambda(:,1:size(i_gd,2)).*i_gzx + i_lambda(:,size(i_gd,2)+1:end).*i_gzy;
J = mean((i_gd(:) - gy(:)).^2);
For each iteration I print on the command window the value of the J function and it is always the same. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.


Can anyone explain how different is this hybrid PSOGA from normal GA?

Does this code have mutation, selection, and crossover, just like the original genetic algorithm.
Since this, a hybrid algorithm (i.e PSO with GA) does it use all steps of original GA or skips some
of them.Please do tell me.
I am just new to this and still trying to understand. Thank you.
%%% Hybrid GA and PSO code
function [gbest, gBestScore, all_scores] = QAP_PSO_GA(CreatePopFcn, FitnessFcn, UpdatePosition, ...
nCity, nPlant, nPopSize, nIters)
% Set algorithm parameters
constant = 0.95;
c1 = 1.5; %1.4944; %2;
c2 = 1.5; %1.4944; %2;
w = 0.792 * constant;
% Allocate memory and initialize
gBestScore = inf;
all_scores = inf * ones(nPopSize, nIters);
x = CreatePopFcn(nPopSize, nCity);
v = zeros(nPopSize, nCity);
pbest = x;
% update lbest
cost_p = inf * ones(1, nPopSize); %feval(FUN, pbest');
for i=1:nPopSize
cost_p(i) = FitnessFcn(pbest(i, 1:nPlant));
lbest = update_lbest(cost_p, pbest, nPopSize);
for iter = 1 : nIters
if mod(iter,1000) == 0
parents = randperm(nPopSize);
for i = 1:nPopSize
x(i,:) = (pbest(i,:) + pbest(parents(i),:))/2;
% v(i,:) = pbest(parents(i),:) - x(i,:);
% v(i,:) = (v(i,:) + v(parents(i),:))/2;
% Update velocity
v = w*v + c1*rand(nPopSize,nCity).*(pbest-x) + c2*rand(nPopSize,nCity).*(lbest-x);
% Update position
x = x + v;
x = UpdatePosition(x);
% Update pbest
cost_x = inf * ones(1, nPopSize);
for i=1:nPopSize
cost_x(i) = FitnessFcn(x(i, 1:nPlant));
s = cost_x<cost_p;
cost_p = (1-s).*cost_p + s.*cost_x;
s = repmat(s',1,nCity);
pbest = (1-s).*pbest + s.*x;
% update lbest
lbest = update_lbest(cost_p, pbest, nPopSize);
% update global best
all_scores(:, iter) = cost_x;
[cost,index] = min(cost_p);
if (cost < gBestScore)
gbest = pbest(index, :);
gBestScore = cost;
% draw current fitness
hold on
str=strcat('Best fitness: ', num2str(min(cost_x)));
% Function to update lbest
function lbest = update_lbest(cost_p, x, nPopSize)
sm(1, 1)= cost_p(1, nPopSize);
sm(1, 2:3)= cost_p(1, 1:2);
[cost, index] = min(sm);
if index==1
lbest(1, :) = x(nPopSize, :);
lbest(1, :) = x(index-1, :);
for i = 2:nPopSize-1
sm(1, 1:3)= cost_p(1, i-1:i+1);
[cost, index] = min(sm);
lbest(i, :) = x(i+index-2, :);
sm(1, 1:2)= cost_p(1, nPopSize-1:nPopSize);
sm(1, 3)= cost_p(1, 1);
[cost, index] = min(sm);
if index==3
lbest(nPopSize, :) = x(1, :);
lbest(nPopSize, :) = x(nPopSize-2+index, :);
If you are new to Optimization, I recommend you first to study each algorithm separately, then you may study how GA and PSO maybe combined, Although you must have basic mathematical skills in order to understand the operators of the two algorithms and in order to test the efficiency of these algorithm (this is what really matter).
This code chunk is responsible for parent selection and crossover:
parents = randperm(nPopSize);
for i = 1:nPopSize
x(i,:) = (pbest(i,:) + pbest(parents(i),:))/2;
% v(i,:) = pbest(parents(i),:) - x(i,:);
% v(i,:) = (v(i,:) + v(parents(i),:))/2;
Is not really obvious how selection randperm is done (I have no experience about Matlab).
And this is the code that is responsible for updating the velocity and position of each particle:
% Update velocity
v = w*v + c1*rand(nPopSize,nCity).*(pbest-x) + c2*rand(nPopSize,nCity).*(lbest-x);
% Update position
x = x + v;
x = UpdatePosition(x);
This version of velocity updating strategy is utilizing what is called Interia-Weight W, which basically mean we are preserving the velocity history of each particle (not completely recomputing it).
It worth mentioning that velocity updating is done more often than crossover (each 1000 iteration).

Reduce the calculation time for the matlab code

To calculate an enhancement function for an input image I have written the following piece of code:
Ig = rgb2gray(imread('test.png'));
N = numel(Ig);
meanTotal = mean2(Ig);
[row,cal] = size(Ig);
IgTransformed = Ig;
n = 3;
a = 1;
b = 1;
c = 1;
k = 1;
for ii=2:row-1
for jj=2:cal-1
window = Ig(ii-1:ii+1,jj-1:jj+1);
IgTransformed(ii,jj) = ((k*meanTotal)/(std2(window) + b))*abs(Ig(ii,jj)-c*mean2(window)) + mean2(window).^a;
How can I reduce the calculation time?
Obviously, one of the factors is the small window (3x3) that should be made in the loop each time.
Here you go -
Igd = double(Ig);
std2v = colfilt(Igd, [3 3], 'sliding', #std);
mean2v = conv2(Igd,ones(3),'same')/9;
Ig_out = uint8((k*meanTotal)./(std2v + b).*abs(Igd-cal*mean2v) + mean2v.^a);
This will change the boundary elements too, which if not desired could be set back to the original ones with few additional steps, like so -
Ig_out(:,[1 end]) = Ig(:,[1 end])
Ig_out([1 end],:) = Ig([1 end],:)

Implement convolution in matlab

I have a equation that used to compute sigma, in which i is index from 1 to N,* denotes convolution operation, Omega is image domain.
I want to implement it by matlab code. Currently, I have three options to implement the above equation. Could you look at my equation and said to me which one is correct? I spend so much time to see what is differnent amongs methods but I could not find. Thanks in advance
The different between Method 1 and Method 2 that is method 1 compute the sigma after loop but Method 2 computes it in loop.
sigma(1:row,1:col,1:dim) = nu/d;
Does it give same result?
===========Matlab code==============
Method 1
nu = 0;
d = 0;
I2 = I.^2;
[row,col] = size(I);
for i = 1:N
KuI2 = conv2(u(:,:,i).*I2,k,'same');
bc = b.*(c(:,:,i));
bcKuI = -2*bc.*conv2(u(:,:,i).*I,k,'same');
bc2Ku = bc.^2.*conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
nu = nu + sum(sum(KuI2+bcKuI+bc2Ku));
ku = conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
d = d + sum(sum(ku));
d = d + (d==0)*eps;
sigma(1:row,1:col,1:dim) = nu/d;
Method 2:
I2 = I.^2;
[row,col] = size(I);
for i = 1:dim
KuI2 = conv2(u(:,:,i).*I2,k,'same');
bc = b.*(c(:,:,i));
bcKuI = -2*bc.*conv2(u(:,:,i).*I,k,'same');
bc2Ku = bc.^2.*conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
nu = sum(sum(KuI2+bcKuI+bc2Ku));
ku = conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
d = sum(sum(ku));
d = d + (d==0)*eps;
sigma(1:row,1:col,i) = nu/d;
Method 3:
I2 = I.^2;
[row,col] = size(I);
for i = 1:dim
KuI2 = conv2(u(:,:,i).*I2,k,'same');
bc = b.*(c(:,:,i));
bcKuI = -2*bc.*conv2(u(:,:,i).*I,k,'same');
bc2Ku = bc.^2.*conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
ku = conv2(u(:,:,i),k,'same');
d = ku + (ku==0)*eps;
sigma(:,:,i) = (KuI2+bcKuI+bc2Ku)./d;
sigma = sigma + (sigma==0).*eps;
I think that Method 1 is assume that sigma1=sigma2=...sigman because you were computed out of loop function
sigma(1:row,1:col,1:dim) = nu/d;
where nu and d are cumulative sum for each iteration.
While, the Method 2 shown that sigma1 !=sigma 2 !=..sigman because each sigma is calculated in loop function
Hope it help

value in range for big datasets

I have a problem that I can't seem to solve. I want a query to determine whether a given value lies within a predefined range, but my loop is very slow for big datasets. Is there a more efficient way?
clear all
close all
Regression(1,1) = 1.001415645694801;
Regression(1,2) = 0.043822386790753;
FF_Value(:,1) = [24.24 30.77 31.37 29.05 29.20 29.53 29.67 27.78];
FF_Value(:,2) = [24.16 30.54 31.15 29.53 29.39 29.34 29.53 28.17];
FF_Distance = FF_Value(:,2)-(Regression(1,2)+Regression(1,1)*FF_Value(:,1));
FF_Distance_Positiv = sort(FF_Distance(FF_Distance > 0));
FF_Distance_Positiv(FF_Distance_Positiv == 0) = [];
FF_Distance_Negativ = sort(FF_Distance(FF_Distance < 0),'descend');
FF_Distance_Negativ(FF_Distance_Negativ == 0) = [];
A = repmat(FF_Distance_Positiv,length(FF_Distance_Negativ),1);
B = repmat(FF_Distance_Negativ',length(FF_Distance_Positiv),1);
C = reshape(B,[length(FF_Distance_Positiv)*length(FF_Distance_Negativ),1]);
Recognition(:,1) = A;
Recognition(:,2) = C;
FF_Recognition = zeros(length(FF_Value),1);
for i = 1:length(Recognition)
for j = 1:length(FF_Value)
if (Regression(1,2)+Recognition(i,1))+Regression(1,1)*FF_Value(j,1) >= FF_Value(j,2) &&...
(Regression(1,2)+Recognition(i,2))+Regression(1,1)*FF_Value(j,1) <= FF_Value(j,2)
FF_Recognition(j,1) = 1;
Welcome to the world of bsxfun's replacing your world of repmats -
%------------ Original code -----------------------------------------
FF_Distance = FF_Value(:,2)-(Regression(1,2)+Regression(1,1)*FF_Value(:,1));
FF_Distance_Positiv = sort(FF_Distance(FF_Distance > 0));
FF_Distance_Positiv(FF_Distance_Positiv == 0) = [];
%// Note for Performance: If number of elements satisfying `FF_Distance_Positiv == 0`
%// is a lot, consider doing this instead -
%// `FF_Distance_Positiv = FF_Distance_Positiv(FF_Distance_Positiv~=0)`.
%// Follow this strategy for `FF_Distance_Negativ` too.
FF_Distance_Negativ = sort(FF_Distance(FF_Distance < 0),'descend');
FF_Distance_Negativ(FF_Distance_Negativ == 0) = [];
%------- Added vectorization replacing `repmats` and nested loops ------------
mult = Regression(1,1)*FF_Value(:,1);
y1 = bsxfun(#plus,Regression(1,2),FF_Distance_Positiv);
y2 = bsxfun(#plus,y1.',mult); %//'
mc1 = bsxfun(#ge,y2,FF_Value(:,2));
z1 = bsxfun(#plus,Regression(1,2),FF_Distance_Negativ);
z2 = bsxfun(#plus,z1.',mult); %//'
mc2 = bsxfun(#le,z2,FF_Value(:,2));
FF_Recognition = all([any(mc1,2) any(mc2,2)],2);

Can someone help me vectorize / speed up this Matlab Loop?

correlation = zeros(length(s1), 1);
sizeNum = 0;
for i = 1 : length(s1) - windowSize - delta
s1Dat = s1(i : i + windowSize);
s2Dat = s2(i + delta : i + delta + windowSize);
if length(find(isnan(s1Dat))) == 0 && length(find(isnan(s2Dat))) == 0
if(var(s1Dat) ~= 0 || var(s2Dat) ~= 0)
sizeNum = sizeNum + 1;
correlation(i) = abs(corr(s1Dat, s2Dat)) ^ 2;
What's happening here:
Run through every values in s1. For every value, get a slice for s1
till s1 + windowSize.
Do the same for s2, only get the slice after an intermediate delta.
If there are no NaN's in any of the two slices and they aren't flat,
then get the correlaton between them and add that to the
correlation matrix.
This is not an answer, I am trying to understand what is being asked.
Take some data:
N = 1e4;
s1 = cumsum(randn(N, 1)); s2 = cumsum(randn(N, 1));
s1(randi(N, 50, 1)) = NaN; s2(randi(N, 50, 1)) = NaN;
windowSize = 200; delta = 100;
Compute correlations:
corr_s = zeros(N - windowSize - delta, 1);
for i = 1:(N - windowSize - delta)
s1Dat = s1(i:(i + windowSize));
s2Dat = s2((i + delta):(i + delta + windowSize));
corr_s(i) = corr(s1Dat, s2Dat);
inds = isnan(corr_s);
corr_s(inds) = 0;
corr_s = corr_s .^ 2; % square of correlation coefficient??? Why?
sizeNum = sum(~inds);
This is what you want to do, right? A moving window correlation function? This is a very interesting question indeed …
