Visual Studio 2013 Professional Update 5 - Installation Stuck - visual-studio-2013

I am trying to install VS 2013 Professional in Windows 10 and the installation is stuck at one step or the other every single time (Eg: At one time, it was stuck forever saying "Applying Visual Studio Core Features", at other times it gets stuck at "Build x86 Runtime").
Bottom line is, I tried killing the installation several times (may be atleast 20 times already) in the past 4 days and reinstall. Every single time, the installation is stuck at one or the other step. Acquiring section is showing 100 %. Applying section gets stuck in the middle.
I had VS 2013 Ultimate in Windows 8.1 (prior to that VS 2012 Express for Web and Windows).
This is driving me crazy, I even reimaged my Windows 10 and cleaned the registry using ccCleaner and stuff. Nothing, literally nothing works when it comes to installing VS2013 (or 2012 or 2015 - I tried different versions and different editions).
Please help.

Had the same issue when installing on a virtual machine WS2008R2.
When looking at resource monitor i noticed my physical memory was all used up. Hardly any available / free.
I first started by killing all processes that i knew weren't necessary for the install which ended up not being enough, so i disabled my anti-virus. It took a while for my AV to unload it's memory but it eventually was able to move onto the next step(s) of the installation.
This is obviously on a different OS but i'm curious if you're having the same issues and your machine just simply doesn't have enough available resources to perform the tasks at hand.
Give it a shot and let me know if it helps!


Unable to install Visual Studio for Win7 (Unresponsive)

This might be a stupid question, but I can't solve it for hours and it is killing me.
I'm trying to install visual studio in my lab computer, which runs Win7. The problem is, when I execute visual studio installer, it does not do anything after showing the Visual studio logo and is utterly unresponsive (only a black square pops up). At first, i thought it might be loading for a long time, but after leaving for few hours and still it does nothing.
I've tried to install it using ISO images, or even tried previous versions(2013 and 2012) but failed.
Formatting would be a simple answer, but it is practically impossible since it is used by multiple members in our lab, so I can't occupy it for too long to format and installing all other existing software.
How can I solve this problem?
Thank you for even reading this question. I would appreciate even more if I can get an answer!
You should install all Windows Updates and also update the GPU driver. The setup is based on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) which uses GPU to accelerate the UI so also up to date drivers are recommend.

Visual Studio 2015 hangs after some seconds

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2015.
When I start the IDE, it hangs after a short while, and I need to kill the process in Task Manager. Sometimes, I can open a project before it freezes, but then it usually freezes some time after that.
My OS: Windows 7
VS version: 14.0.24720.00 Update 1
Screen shot from ProcessExplorer:
(red marks numbers that keep climbing, the rest are not increasing)
I have created a dump file, but can't debug it...
Can someone please help me?
EDIT: Feb 2017 :
New PC (Windows 10) and newer version (14.0.25431.01 Update 3) do NOT give the same problem.
I had the same issue a while ago.
First, I'd recommend you to disable all extensions you're not interested in using of.
Second, many of VS issues is because of Node.js Tools. Though latest version of which fixes many of them, I highly recommend you to uninstall it if you're not planning to develop node-based apps.
Finally, there's still a lot of performance issues with VS, so we can only hope that Microsoft will fix them in the future.
New PC (Windows 10) and newer version (14.0.25431.01 Update 3) do NOT give the same problem.

Visual Studio 2010 - Very slow display update on MacPro running Win7/Bootcamp

I'm a .Net developer running Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) on a 2010 MacPro (2.27Ghz/6GB RAM) using Bootcamp. Until about a month ago its been, imo, the ultimate dev workstation. However recently I've noticed that Visual Studio 2010 takes a very long time to redraw its windows. This is most noticeable when switching to it after its been in the foreground.
I don't get this problem with other Windows apps and am baffled because the machine has more than enough grunt to handle a few MDI'd windows yet grinds for up to five minutes sometimes when reactivating the VS environment - the screen update seems to slow everything down. My colleagues are using identical hardware and software but running Windows under Parallels on their Macs does not lead to this behaviour.
I'm getting desperate (and I've asked this same question at - does anyone know why this might be happening and whether there's a fix ...?
Improving Performance by Changing the Visual Experience
You might have a problem with Hardware Acceleration in VS2010. I had an issue with rendering applications built using WPF because of this.
Give it a try:
And if that doesn't fix your issue, go to your video card settings (nvidia or amd) and do a "reset settings". Then try again.

From Windows 7 Professional Visual Studio 2010 takes over a 2 minutes to load the document in the editor window

I reformatted my laptop and reinstalled vs2010, now every time I open a asp classic solution the following occurs:
solution explorer loads
tabs for the pages left open from last time appear
wheels spin for about 2-3 minutes before I can begin work
It was fast and responsive on Windows XP pro...
Laptop specs
Intel i7 M620 2.67GHZ
32 Bit
Try disabling your virus scanner. I had a lot of trouble with vs2010 having VERY long load times until I added exceptions to my build paths in Microsoft Security Essentials.
I had to run svn cleanup on the directory. Not sure how that was affecting VS2010, but it was. Now the app loads up in about 5 seconds.

Anyone Experiencing Slow Builds With VS2010?

We've recently upgraded to the final release of VS2010 and are experiencing very slow build times compared to the same code under 2008. I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same so I can work out whether it's just our environment or not? A few details:
Using VS2010 Ultimate on Windows 7 with fairly beefy machines, talking to TFS 2010.
The solution has been upgraded from VS2008 but still builds against .NET 3.5 and ASP.NET MVC 1.0.
It doesn't seem to be the compilation itself taking long but something else in the build process. This is because even projects that are up to date and don't need compiling are taking a few seconds or so to process.
It's not due to an Visual Studio addin because a couple guys in the team haven't installed any.
The first build after loading VS2010 is pretty quick, then they seem to slow down over time. For example on of the projects in my solution just took 00:00:00.08 to process after a restart. (The project was up to date and didn't need compiling) I then immediately hit rebuild and it jumps to 00:00:01.33.
We're also experiencing the problem with another solution that uses .NET 4.0 that was building perfectly fine under VS2010 RC.
There are no build events or anything like that I can blame, just straightforward assembly builds.
The IDE is not very responsive during the slow builds.
Anyone else has similar problems?
Update: It looks like the resolving assembly references is taking a long time. Looking at the MSBuild diagnostic output or the example above the first build has 30ms for ResolveAssemblyReferences, the second build has 800ms. Subsequent builds seem to be taking longer copying stuff around, e.g. CopyFilesToOutputDirectory jumps from 1ms to 27ms.
Found the problem; turns out it was a rogue build task causing the problem. In my MVC website project I was using the YUI Compressor task from to compress my script files and copy them over to my JavaScript unit test project. Everything was fine until this ran, but as soon as it ran it slowed down builds of all other projects! Even rebuilding single projects in the solution and going nowhere near the MVC website were slow. Must be a leak in the task or something like that...
I'm also experiencing extremely slow responses generally from VS2010. I can type in a phrase, sit back and watch it typed out onto the screen a couple of seconds later. Using it's internal web server is extremely slow even when not debugging. It's unusable.
Running it on Win7 Professional x32, with a web project built on .NET 4.0, converted from .NET 3.5 on VS2008 which ran fine but was when I was using W2k3 as my development machine to keep the speed up.
All these are run as virtual machines using the latest version of VirtualBox (currently V3.2.8 r64453) on Linux Ubuntu 10.4 x64 on a massive machine. 2 x Intel i7 2.8GHz (8 virtual cores), 12GB RAM, NVidia 9600 GPU with 512MB RAM.
VM is set up to give 2 cores to Win7 and 4GB RAM and 96MB Video RAM. VT-x, 2D & 3D Acceleration and Nested Pages are enabled.
VS2010 has been tried with and without Hardware Acceleration (as it uses WPF to display it's text editor! [why???]). With, you lose the text editor and menu bars; without, you get a barely usable system. I also have Reflection and Visual SVN installed. The machine is used for nothing else. Anti-Virus is run manually to keep the load down!
[Rant Warning:]
VS2010 runs like a dog and if it wasn't for the fact I've spent 11 months on this project for a client I've been working for for 7 years, I'd be redeveloping in PHP on responsive tools. I left M$ OS's for my business OS 2 years ago precisely because of freezes, slow downs and inexplicable changes taking weeks out of my productivity. Cost wasn't the issue, it was service.
[Rant Over]
I'm aware there are 3 items to this, VirtualBox, Win7 & VS2010. It may be best for me to set up a Win2008 server VM and install VS2010 on that, I don't know at this point.
If anyone has any clues how to get VS2010 to respond in a timely fashion I'd love to hear them.
I had some extremely slow build times on a solution that included an MSUnit project (with only about 5 tests in it). The tests were not set to run on each build or anything like that. When I unloaded the project, the build became much quicker.
Just for anyone's sake. I had slow compilation times because of an extension, disabled extensions and 10 x more speedier (probably a bug in one :s)
I had the same problem one week ago. Reinstalling .NET 4 framework helped me.
Had the same issue, solved it by changing my default browser from IE to Chrome.
