Visual Studio 2015 hangs after some seconds - visual-studio

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2015.
When I start the IDE, it hangs after a short while, and I need to kill the process in Task Manager. Sometimes, I can open a project before it freezes, but then it usually freezes some time after that.
My OS: Windows 7
VS version: 14.0.24720.00 Update 1
Screen shot from ProcessExplorer:
(red marks numbers that keep climbing, the rest are not increasing)
I have created a dump file, but can't debug it...
Can someone please help me?
EDIT: Feb 2017 :
New PC (Windows 10) and newer version (14.0.25431.01 Update 3) do NOT give the same problem.

I had the same issue a while ago.
First, I'd recommend you to disable all extensions you're not interested in using of.
Second, many of VS issues is because of Node.js Tools. Though latest version of which fixes many of them, I highly recommend you to uninstall it if you're not planning to develop node-based apps.
Finally, there's still a lot of performance issues with VS, so we can only hope that Microsoft will fix them in the future.

New PC (Windows 10) and newer version (14.0.25431.01 Update 3) do NOT give the same problem.


Visual Studio 2022 Community Unable to Run after uninstalling VS2022 Community Preview

Afternoon all,
I had been using the Visual Studio 2022 Preview. Recently I decided to switch to the Release version. I uninstalled VS2022 Preview and installed the 2022 Community Release.
The install runs fine and completes with no issues. However when trying to run VS2022 It comes up with the error attached below.
From my talks with MS found at It appears VS2022 Community should be running version 17.0 of the .Threading DLL. However no matter what I have tried it refuses to load.
I have run the uninstaller with -F. Re-installed several times.
Attempted to install 17.0 to the GAC but this does not change the outcome
As per the post on the developer community pretty much everything short of re-installing windows (Which I am 100% trying to avoid)
I ran the FusionLog viewer (Attached) and it looks like there is something re-binding this to the 17.1 .threading version however I know very little about how this works and where I might find a solution, Hence, I am here :). Although my post on the DeveloperCommunity is still active I'm hoping a resolution here maybe faster!
Thank you!
I have this error too, and its becouse you dont have defined startup project.
Right click on your startup project and choose "set as startup project".
Actually the above is incorrect, you can't even get to the startup screen.
The correct answer is you need to remove the V15 version of the dll from the GAC. Instructions from MS can be found here.

The C# project is targeting ".NeETFramework, Version=v4.0", which is not installed on this machine

Trying to run an old project in Visual Studio 2015. It was created in 2012 or 2013, I cannot remember which. I have uninstalled both programs as I was running out of space, and i think that is what caused this. I get the following options:
And I do not want to change the target, so clicking on the second option brings me to which I can't seem to find anything there that remedies the situation. Is there a way around this without reinstalling the old version of Visual Studio again? Will that even fix my problem? Thank you.
Just Reinstall Visual Studio. When you uninstalled previous version it caused this problem.
You could try doing a repair reinstall of Visual Studio 2015.
Another point to consider is that Windows 7 (the oldest version of Windows still supported by Microsoft) includes a Windows Update for the .NET Framework v4.6.1 categorized as an "Important" update. I have not confirmed with Windows 8, but I suspect it, too, includes a similar update. Windows 10 comes with .NET 4.6 to start with. That means that any up-to-date supported machine today will be able to run apps targeting any .NET version up to and including 4.6. I recognize that there may be other reasons to continue targeting an older .NET version, but I bring this up just in case the concern is support on client workstations.

Visual Studio 2013 Professional Update 5 - Installation Stuck

I am trying to install VS 2013 Professional in Windows 10 and the installation is stuck at one step or the other every single time (Eg: At one time, it was stuck forever saying "Applying Visual Studio Core Features", at other times it gets stuck at "Build x86 Runtime").
Bottom line is, I tried killing the installation several times (may be atleast 20 times already) in the past 4 days and reinstall. Every single time, the installation is stuck at one or the other step. Acquiring section is showing 100 %. Applying section gets stuck in the middle.
I had VS 2013 Ultimate in Windows 8.1 (prior to that VS 2012 Express for Web and Windows).
This is driving me crazy, I even reimaged my Windows 10 and cleaned the registry using ccCleaner and stuff. Nothing, literally nothing works when it comes to installing VS2013 (or 2012 or 2015 - I tried different versions and different editions).
Please help.
Had the same issue when installing on a virtual machine WS2008R2.
When looking at resource monitor i noticed my physical memory was all used up. Hardly any available / free.
I first started by killing all processes that i knew weren't necessary for the install which ended up not being enough, so i disabled my anti-virus. It took a while for my AV to unload it's memory but it eventually was able to move onto the next step(s) of the installation.
This is obviously on a different OS but i'm curious if you're having the same issues and your machine just simply doesn't have enough available resources to perform the tasks at hand.
Give it a shot and let me know if it helps!

The version of clr.dll does not match the one mscordacwks.dll was built for

I have a C# console app in Visual Studio 2010 that I can run just fine. When I attempt to run the process in debug mode, I am presented with the following error:
I have tried searching for any information, but I haven't been able to find anything. Can anyone provide clues as to why I can't run this with the debugger?
EDIT: I should clarify that I have been able to successfully debug a console app previously, this is a new situation.
From what I can tell when I'm able to reproduce this error, it is caused by being in the middle of installing Windows updates. So, running updates, then postponing a reboot, then attempting to debug code is what was putting me in this broken state.
I had this issue once and it was caused by an pending Windows Update on the Server where the process was running, which I wanted to attach.
I encountered the same issue. It happened to me when I attempted to attach to a process for debugging purposes. At the time I had postponed a pending windows update.
Everything started working fine after I restarted my computer and allowed the update to take place.
Additional notes: I had recently updated to Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and installed its Service Pack 1.
I had this when I installed .NET 4.6 for Visual Studio 2013.
In this particular case, restarting Visual Studio 2013 solved the problem.
I have finally solved this!
It seemed to have happened after I updated my Windows 7. One of my files must have been out of date.
The fix: Install VS 2010 Service Pack 1
Worked correctly right after I installed. Hitting breakpoints and everything!
Hope this works for you too!
I also updated to Service Pack 1, and made sure Windows updates were up to date, but I was still having the same issue:
"The Version of CLR.dll in the target does not match the one mscordacwks.dll was built for."
Microsoft closed this issue on as not reproducible... Unforgivable, irresponsible support system!!
But on I was directed to upgrade through this link, and this has resolved the problem in my machine ( Win7,VS2010,target 4.0)
Hope it helps.
Simply. Restarting Visual Studio solved the problem in my case.
I had VS 2010 SP1 for ages and had rebooted many times. There wasn't any windows update in progress either. I closed all my VS 2010 IDEs and then opened them, and the problem was gone.
This happens, when you do a WINDOWS UPDATE and haven't rebooted your system and the update isn't compatible with VISUAL STUDIO. So in order to solve this, just do an update on VISUAL STUDIO to latest. That should FIX it
I had this weird issue after installing .net framework 4.5, when using .net 4 for my project.
updating VS 2010 service pack didn't solve this, only removal of .net 4.5 and 4, and then reinstalling .net 4 only.
I have VS2013 on Win7 and restarting VS worked for me. Seems it is a VS/CLR bug.

What's the stability of VS2010 like?

I'm talking about VS 2010 Professional/Ultimate RTM (not express versions).
Google doesn't show much other than stuff about the beta 2 and RC versions.
Will it run OK on a Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33GHz with 3GB RAM and NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS?
How does it go with R# 5.0?
I've been using the Premium RTM daily since release and experienced no problems whatsoever developing with C#/ASP.NET MVC2.
My machine is also similar specs to yours and has been running just fine.
Regarding your edit, I've also been doing all of this with Resharper 5.0 - again, no problems whatsoever.
I haved runed it for since release now, and i must say i have had no problem at all, but hey diden't have any with VS 2008 ether. But evythings works great fast and all this while looking nice :D Eclipse go home .D
I installed VS 2010 Ultimate RTM, in my laptop and its specs is exactly like yours except the Nvidia, and it is working perfectly with no problems.
I've been very impressed with 2010.
Even the Beta and RC releases were stable. I find VS2008 SP1 hanging on average twice a day for me.
So far the only thing to crash 2010 was a third party plugin.
Stability: Good
SVN Support (using ankh): Good
2008 to 2010 project upgrade: Good.
No reason not to upgrade.
The only thing is that it requires 3 restarts on XP and 1 on 7...
I was running the RC for a few months before the RTM version was released, and even the RC version was rock solid as far as I was using it.
I didn't use a stopwatch but I got the impression that it is a bit slower at startup than its predecessor.
