Unable to install Visual Studio for Win7 (Unresponsive) - visual-studio

This might be a stupid question, but I can't solve it for hours and it is killing me.
I'm trying to install visual studio in my lab computer, which runs Win7. The problem is, when I execute visual studio installer, it does not do anything after showing the Visual studio logo and is utterly unresponsive (only a black square pops up). At first, i thought it might be loading for a long time, but after leaving for few hours and still it does nothing.
I've tried to install it using ISO images, or even tried previous versions(2013 and 2012) but failed.
Formatting would be a simple answer, but it is practically impossible since it is used by multiple members in our lab, so I can't occupy it for too long to format and installing all other existing software.
How can I solve this problem?
Thank you for even reading this question. I would appreciate even more if I can get an answer!

You should install all Windows Updates and also update the GPU driver. The setup is based on Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) which uses GPU to accelerate the UI so also up to date drivers are recommend.


Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio is disabled and won't enable

I had Productivity Power Tools (PPT) installed on my Visual Studio 2012 for quite some time and everything was working well. Suddenly, it stopped working and I noticed it got disabled under Extensions.
I cannot enable it (the Enable button is grayed out), only uninstall, but even uninstalling it and re-installing it didn't do the trick!
I also installed VS 2013 Community (the new full free version) and installed PPT on it and the situation is exactly the same.
Check it!
Tools - Options - Environment - Extension Manager - Load per user extensions...
Worked for me.
After researching this issue inside out (and vise versa), I have finally found out the reason for the mess described in the question here (at least for my specific case):
It appeared that I had a few versions of Visual Studio installed on my PC, which is obviously a very unhealthy situation to have. In my case, the only symptom for this kind of "sick" diversity that I have noticed was the problem with the extension. And a good thing that happened...
I just uninstalled ALL the versions I had installed on my PC and re-installed only the version (one of them) I wanted to continue working with (in my case, VS2013 Community).
I re-installed all the desired extensions, including of course the Productivity Power Tools, and everything is working just fine.
Of course, rebooting the system between installs wouldn't hurt...
After all, I am talking about a Windows-based PC. ;-)

Visual Studio 2013 installation doesn't process after displaying logo

I'm trying to install visual studio 2013. I have an iso file and I'm mounting image to drive but the installation doesn't process anything after displaying Visual Studio logo and a black rectangle after that.
Visual Studio logo appears. See Image
Now logo gets disappear and there is a black rectangle box in front of me.
See Image
I can move the box by pressing mouse button and moving it even with 2 inch below the box.
I have Windows7 32 bit with service pack 1 installed in my desktop. Core i3 and Intel HD graphics. I have Titanium Studio, Visual Studio 2010 and other regular softwares installed as well.
The exactly same issue happens when I attempt to install VS2012.
I googled quite a while and found some topics on https://social.msdn.microsoft.com complaining this issue. Basically, the answers ask to check Windows Update and make sure it's up-to-date, especially .NET framework to version 4.5.x. So I do this, and after installing updates and restarting several times, it finally works. Maybe you can try this way too.
I found solution for myself. I was using a software which was protecting my pc's graphic driver and was using another one. I removed that and VS installed as usually.
You should try to install at least once without any driver in your system if you are facing such issue.
In my case it was a missing file machine.config in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG. I copied the file from another PC and installation of VS2013 immediately started, and completed successfully.

Visual Studio 2010 drop down menus don't work

I've looked for an answer to this everywhere. It's not a problem with the applications I'm writing, it's a problem with the IDE itself. Whenever I try to access the dropdown menus in Visual studio like File, Edit, etc... I can't see them. I'd post a picture but new users can't. The menus will come up with some pixelated garbage that is useless.
I'm running VS2010 on a Dell Vostro 1000 running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit, 4GB RAM. I don't know if this is a hardware issue and I've tried re-installing several times. Same result every time.
I'm having exactly this issue and was wondering if you've managed to solve it.
My graphics drivers and display drivers are all fully up to date.
I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit also.
I've also installed VS2012 and get a similar issue using that IDE.
I've just found this: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/653315/ui-gets-messed-up
and the work around seems to fix my problem!

Visual Studio 2010 - Very slow display update on MacPro running Win7/Bootcamp

I'm a .Net developer running Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) on a 2010 MacPro (2.27Ghz/6GB RAM) using Bootcamp. Until about a month ago its been, imo, the ultimate dev workstation. However recently I've noticed that Visual Studio 2010 takes a very long time to redraw its windows. This is most noticeable when switching to it after its been in the foreground.
I don't get this problem with other Windows apps and am baffled because the machine has more than enough grunt to handle a few MDI'd windows yet grinds for up to five minutes sometimes when reactivating the VS environment - the screen update seems to slow everything down. My colleagues are using identical hardware and software but running Windows under Parallels on their Macs does not lead to this behaviour.
I'm getting desperate (and I've asked this same question at apple.stackexchange.com) - does anyone know why this might be happening and whether there's a fix ...?
Improving Performance by Changing the Visual Experience
You might have a problem with Hardware Acceleration in VS2010. I had an issue with rendering applications built using WPF because of this.
Give it a try:
And if that doesn't fix your issue, go to your video card settings (nvidia or amd) and do a "reset settings". Then try again.

Error when installing Visual Studio 2005 on Vista

I am getting the following error when trying to install Visual Studio 2005 on my 64bit, Vista computer:
"1305.Error reading from file
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
Visual Studio 8\Microsoft Visual
Studio 2005 Standard Edition -
I have successfully used the same DVD's to install Visual Studio on my old XP machine, and I can find the file (SITSetup.dll) on the DVD...and copy it off...so I don't think this is a case of having a bad DVD. At the time the error message pops up, I can see the file on my hard-drive, but it has a 0 size.
I've Googled this problem, and found some ideas, but nothing has worked thus far. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I have to confess on this..especially since someone voted for the question.
Everything I said in my original posting about using the disks successfully in the past -was true. However, after innumerable shots at trying to get this install to work, I finally went back and looked at the DVD, and found that either myself, or one of my kids, left traces of food stuck to the underside of the DVD. After cleaning the DVD off, the install worked fine. This is embarrassing.
I assumed the DVD was fine because I had used it before, as well as being able to copy files off it. However, the last time I used it was years ago, and sometime in between then and now...something got on it. I guess the lesson here is never skip the basic checks!
I just installed it yesterday on my Vista box (32-bit, which may be the problem). It seemed to go through fine so I don't know what to tell you other than than when I first launched the app it notified me of "known compatibility issues" and recommended that I install both the SP1 and Vista SP! updates. No further issues past that.
As such, I would suspect either a problem with the 64 bit OS (though Microsoft says it's fine...) or other software on your machine. If you have a virus scanner running, for instance, disable it while installing.
If your Vista machine is a guest running under VMware, try copying the entire DVD to your hard drive and install from there.
I don't know if the same random glitches occur on real machines.
I can confirm that this is a problem for me on Windows 2008 Server while not on XP or Vista (all 32-bit). Not sure why there's any kind of issue here but it seems to be permissions related.
Also tried run as administrator etc but no luck.
