Clarifications of use of Session in Parse Dashboard - parse-platform

I recently noticed the addition of a "Session" object in Parse dashboard. Now, from what I understand, a session uniquely identifies a user to the server. So why would we need such a Session? For the session token? We already have a currentInstallation... so I don't really see the point. Can someone explain and provide a scenario where I would use the "Session" object. Right now they just annoy me by their presence because they take up potential space on the Parse server and I would like to go delete them all but want to make sure that isn't stupid.

The sessions are used by parse to deal with the users (is the user logged?, on which devices?, etc.), and are available as a class as you may want to manipulate them. By deleting the sessions you would automatically logout all your users, so it's a pretty bad idea.
You don't have to use or touch anything about this class, but here are few examples of why it can be useful:
[...] If a user contacts you about his or her account being compromised in your app, you can use the Data Browser, REST API, or Cloud Code to forcefully revoke user sessions using the Master Key. These new APIs also allow you build a “session manager” UI screen where your app’s users can see a list of all devices they’ve logged in with, and optionally log out of other devices. [...]
You can read more about the Sessions on their blog post.


Does token auth make sessions unnecessary?

My question may be answered here, Are sessions needed for python-social-auth, but I feel as if I'd be making assumptions and would like to be positive regarding my understanding (NOTE: I'm not using django, I'm using mongo express react node, I'm guessing django might come with sessions built in or something). I followed this guide to add token authentication and user login to my CRUD web app, works great, users are authenticated properly, routes are protected. However, everywhere I read about the fundamentals of session and session management states that "every web application in the world that maintains user data has to deal with sessions" (source: Currently, my react client uses setInterval to regularly check if the access token will expire soon enough to receive a new one via the refresh token. Is implementing sessions required for my app? If so, what is it that they add that I am missing?
It depends on the type of application.
If the resources being accessed using a token are not user specific, then sessions are not useful.
However, in a scenario where the resources are unique for different users (e.g. one has to sign in, etc), then it's wise to implement both sessions and access tokens.
Remember that tokens can also be saved within a session. Checkout 'express-session' to implement sessions in expressjs.

How does Google One-Tap manage my refresh tokens? How does it differ from GAPI?

In the documents of Google One-Tap sign in, it says:
Returning users are signed in automatically, even when they switch devices or platforms, or after their session expires.
Question 1:
But it doesn't say anywhere how it does this? Is the user refresh token saved in the browser's cache? How can it then auto log in a user cross devices?
Question 2: The reason I ask is because I have a setup where I initialize the Google API client for JavaScript ("GAPI"). The GAPI library also automatically logs in a user whenever the client is "initialised" through gapi.client.init().
Now the problem is that after I have added the Google One-Tap code (Or should I say "YOLO code"? : ) my user gets logged in through One-Tap and also through GAPI. I can prevent this by not initializing the GAPI client, but I don't think that's wise, because I thought this whole library is built to manage my refresh tokens etc. Is my understanding correct that One-Tap does exactly the same and in case I only want to Authenticate users I do not need the GAPI client anymore?
Really, which library does a better job at managing my refresh tokens? And how do they differ? I'm clueless...
The way I implemented my login is the following:
Try to login in the user first using gapi.auth2. Maybe the user was previously signed into the site.
If can't login user automatically, then use googleyolo to try to find existing user accounts.
If no existing accounts, then present a signin button for user to signin.
I can give you some code snippet if you need.
To answer your questions.
#1, the credential is stored within the browser/device. If the user has never signed into google in a device, then yolo won't be able to sign in the user.
#2. googleyolo will also login the user, the difference is that it will give the account selector even if there's only one user to select (it will automatically login the user if there's only one). gapi simply sign in the user without showing anything.

access shared Google Calendar without entering userid/password

I have a google calendar that I have marked as shared. it stores all appointments for the day.
I have a webpage. from the webpage, the user enters a date and I use the google api (javascript) to pull back all info from my shared calendar for that date and present it to the user.
I also want the user to be able to make appointments during free times on any given day.
problem is, I must be signed in to my google account. if I am NOT signed in, I get a little popup asking for my userid/password.
how do I get rid of that? I had hoped that making the calendar shared and specifying the client ID and api key (assigned via Google's API Console) would have been enough.
I've run across this: which explains doing this via Oath and refresh tokens in PHP.
unfortunately, I'm doing this in javascript and MUST do it from the client side. is that possible?
I think you should look into using a service acccount for this.
By using a service account you wont have to worry about people loging in. They will have access to the calender for the service account.
Update: I have searched for examples of how to do this in Javascript and have been unable to find any. After considering this issue for a while now i have come to the conculsiton that even if you could use a service account via javascript for security reasons its probably not a good idea.
Unfortuantly this leaves me to beleave that the anwser to your question is No. You cant do this client sided. If you use normal OAuth2 its still going to prompt you for the autentication. You need to try and reconsider a server sidded option. PHP for example

Reconciling browser-side and server-side authentication

apologies if this has been asked but I'm trying to figure out this kind of stuff for the first time -
I'm developing an app where I want to divide the authenticated content from the web-facing side, completely; therefore I am not using a simple backbone.js-style "keep all views in one file" (unless I'm wrong about this, please illuminate!) but actually divided server files (using PHP).
Current flow: the user logs in client-side (using the Todo app as an example) and, if successful, I store cookie (via POST/AJAX) with user email and the returned sessionToken on client side. I then thought that when user next visits site, the server can read cookie and shuffle the user to the private/locked portion of site, which, again, is a different set of PHP files.
Here I get lost -- how do I then tell that the user is logged in, if I don't have her username/password (only email), and start grabbing data from the classes? Is there a way to do this that I'm not recognizing? I guess I can load different .JS files, read if a session exists, and JS-redirect to a different url, but that seems to me to be a weird way of going about it.
Is there a general philosophy/methodology to my questions that I should read up on, along concrete advice dealing with questions?
I believe the Parse User session management functions should be good for you.
Check out
There is an example at the bottom of their announcement blog post here:
It gives you user session management with minimal effort.

WP7: Store data in users live account

For storing WP7-app-data it would be great if it was possible to use the current users live account. Is this possible somehow? I guess not. The alternative is for me to setup my own server to store the data, which means I also will have to implement account-management and require the user to create a new login and password for my particular app/site. This is not very practical as the user already has a live account on the phone. A compromise would be if I could use the logged in live-account on the phone as some kind of token to validate that the logged in user is who he/she pretends to be, and then store the data on my website. Comments?
This is not possible for security reasons and I wouldn't expect it to change in the foreseeable future.
Allowing applications access to a users live account and be able to interact with content there would raise all sorts of possible issues, particularly around security.
On the phone the users data is sacrosanct and you (your app) cannot interact with it without the user knowing.
